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Chapter 14 Bentley
Describe the terrain of most of the Arabian Peninsula.
Who were the original people of Arabia? In other words, how did they live and survive?
How were the Bedouin organized?
On a map which includes the Middle East, label Saudi Arabia, the Red Sea, the Caspian Sea, the
Arabian Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and Mecca.
(5) Why was Mecca such an important city?
(6) Describe Muhammad’s early life. At the time of Muhammad, what were most Arabs’ religious beliefs?
(7) Describe Muhammad’s spiritual transformation.
(8) What is the name of the religious text of Muhammad’s revelations? Describe it.
(9) What is the hadith?
(10) Why did tension exist between Muhammad and Mecca’s ruling elites?
(11) What is the Ka’ba? Why is it significant?
(11) Why did Muhammad and his followers flee to Yathrib, which became known as Medina?
(12) What were Muhammad’s followers called?
(13) What did Muhammad think about Judaism and Christianity?
(14) As Allah’s “final prophet,” how did Muhammad view his role?
(15) In 630 CE, the followers of Islam attacked and successfully conquered _________. The forced the
inhabitants to adopt Islam and destroyed all shrines except the ___________. The built ____________ on
the sites of the former shrines and devised a government based on Muslim principles. In 632 CE,
Muhammad led the first __________________ to Mecca and the sacred Ka’ba. The annual ________
became the fifth of the Five Pillars of Islam.
(16) What were the Five Pillars of Islam?
(17) What does the word “jihad” mean? How has the definition been expanded?
(18) What is the sharia? When was it developed?
(19) What problems were presented with the death of Muhammad?
(20) Since there could be no more prophets, Muhammad’s advisors appointed ________________, a close
friend and disciple, to serve as the caliph. He became ______________ as well as ___________
leader, chief juror and commander of the __________________.
(21) Describe the extent of expansion under Abu Bakr’s leadership.
(22) Describe the events that led to the establishment of the Shia sect? What did the Shia sect believe about
who should serve as caliph? What was this dynasty called? ________________ What faith is
observed by a majority of Muslims today?
(23) The Umayyad caliphate was primarily interested in __________________, so they made a policy on
how to deal with the religions of conquered peoples. Like the Persian and Roman governments, the
caliphate was tolerant of people of other faiths, but unlike the other empires, they required the payment
of a tax called _____________in order to continue their religious practices. How was this viewed by
other people?
(24) Who helped the Abbasids take control of the caliphate?
(25) What is dar al-Islam?
(26) Where was the Abbasid capital? Label it on your map. Also, label Iraq on your map. What was
unique about Baghdad? Describe the capital city.
(27) What were ulama? What did they do?
(28) The high point of the Abbasid dynasty came during the reign of the caliph _______________.
Describe some of the developments under his rule.
(29) The Abbasids kept a stand ______________ and established a bureaucracy for finances, taxation,
coinage, and __________________. Like the Romans and the Persians, they appointed regional
___________________ and maintained and excellent __________ system.
(30) By the ninth century, the Abbasid dynasty was a center for commerce and ___________________ as
well as industry. Its caliph, Harun al-Rashid, had such wealthy that he tossed coins to indigents and
sent an ____________ to the court of Charlemagne in western Europe.
(31) What was the first major architectural monument in the Islamic world? Where was it located? Look at
the picture on page 364. Describe the structure.
(32) What led to the weakening of the Abbasid dynasty? Who ultimately led to the fall of the Abbasid
(33) Look at the map on page 362. Using purple, color in the regions into which Islam expanded through
733 CE.
(34) What were some of the crops grown in the region?
(35) What developments in agriculture increased production? What was the result?
(36) One of the newest industries was the manufacture of _____________, an innovation borrowed from
the Chinese. What was this used invention used for?
(37) Muhammad said that honest ______________ stood alongside martyrs to the faith on the judgment
(38) Muslim merchants took advantage of the old roads of the _____________ and ______________
empires as well as the new roads maintained by the caliphate. The same highways provided
opportunities for _____________ and ____________ as well. The development of an adequate
_________________ allowed many more goods to travel the deserts and high plains. ________
developed along those routes that catered to both human and camel.
(39) What innovations in maritime travel increased sea trade? Where did these inventions originate? What
was the function of each invention? There are three of them.
(40) Arab and Persian ships sailed throughout the _________________ and beyond to ______________
ports. ____________ developed with a system of loans and sakks (checks) that enabled merchants to
work in distant regions. Different types of ____________________ developed to spread the risks and
profits of long distance trade. Thus, Islamic trade was extraordinarily far-reaching and profitable with
products such as silks and ceramics from __________________; gold, salt, and slaves from
_________________; and amber, furs, and trade from __________________ and ____________
flowing into the Abbasid empire.
(41) How did Spain show the far-reaching effects of long distance trade during the Abbasid era? What
brought this about? What architectural structure in Cordoba illustrates the impact of Islam?
(42) During what period did Arab women have many rights? What were some of the rights women had
during this time?
(43) In what way did the Quran and the sharia reinforce male dominance?
(44) How did the practice of veiling of women and household seclusion originate in Muslim society?
(45) The _______________ language holds a privileged position as the only true language of the Quran.
Nevertheless, as Muslim ___________________ spread the word of Islam through the teachings of the
Quran, they allowed many pre-Islamic traditions to be retained by the affected cultures.
(46) What is the sharia?
(47) Who were the Sufi mystics? What were their beliefs and practices?
(48) As the Islamic world expanded into other regions, it brought its faith and traditions to those societies
but it also adopted traditions that it encountered. ________________ adaptations were made in the
areas of administrative techniques and kingship responsibilities. ___________ alos became the
language of poetry, literature, and history. ______________ lent the Muslims easier symbols for
mathematics with its Hindi numerals that later became known in Europe as Arabic numerals.
(49) Discuss some of the Muslim developments in mathematics and science.
(50) The Muslims truly admired the philosophical writing of the _______________. Some writers were
able to synthesize ______________ philosophy with Islamic theology. In the 12th century, rational
thought based on Aristotle was admired and reinterpreted by __________________ in Spain which
shaped Islamic philosophy and later influenced ______________universities.
(51) Aspects of _______________ mathematics, science, and medicines were also picked up by the
Muslims. ___________________ mathematics augmented the Indian advances while _____________
and ___________________ were incorporated into Islamic medical knowledge.
(52) What was the impact of the many cultural developments in the Islamic world?