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Unit 3 Review Questions
Chapter 7-How Cells Harvest Energy
1. Describe the ways in which ATP can be used to perform cell work.
2. Explain the difference between oxidation and reduction reactions. Be sure to mention the
changes in energy that accompany these reactions.
3. What is the role played by NAD+ in cellular respiration?
4. Where does glycolysis take place?
5. Name the starting molecule and end product of glycolysis.
6. What molecule supplies activation energy for glycolysis? Why is glucose activated?
7. What is the net ATP yield of glycolysis?
8. At what product is glycolysis finished?
9. What is meant by substrate level phosphorylation? Give an example.
10. What must be done to pyruvate before the Krebs cycle? For what reasons is this done?
11. Basically, what is happening to the molecules in the Krebs cycle?
12. What are the final products and the waste product?
13. What is the basic purpose of the Krebs cycle?
14. How is FADH2 similar to the NADH produced during glycolysis?
15. How is the structure of the mitochondrion suited to its function?
16. As electrons are passed along the ETC they lose energy. Where does this energy go?
17. Where is the electron transport chain gear located?
18. Explain chemiosmosis and the proton-motive force.
19. How many ATP does one completely oxidized glucose molecule produce in a typical
eukaryotic cell?
20. What is the final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration? What is formed?
21. Describe the control of cellular respiration and state why that control is beneficial.
22.What is the overall equation for cell respiration?
23. What is Fermentation? What are the two types of fermentation? List the overall equations
for both.
24. Explain how your cell respiration lab worked. What were your results and why?
Chapter 8- Photosynthesis
1. Distinguish between autotrophs, heterotrophs, photoautotrophs, and chemoautotrophs.
2. Describe the structure of the chloroplast.
3. For the reactants and products in photosynthesis, identify the steps in which is each is
used or produced.
4. Briefly describe the two stages of photosynthesis.
5. Describe Englemann's discovery concerning which wavelengths of light produce the most
O2 during photosynthesis. Relate his discovery to the absorption spectra of chloroplast
6. Prepare a simplified drawing which models photosystems I and II and includes their
positions on the thylakoids and their relation to the electron transporting molecules.
7. Summarize the mechanism in Photosystem II whereby light energy is converted to
chemical energy.
8. Describe the path which an electron takes from PS II to NADP+
9. Explain how ATP is generated in the thylakoid.
10. What is the actual carbohydrate produced by the Calvin Cycle? Where have you seen this
molecule before?
11. Where do the Calvin cycle reactions take place?
12. Name the enzyme that fixes CO2 in the Calvin cycle.
13. How does the use of ATP and NADPH by the Calvin cycle demonstrate the reverse of
cellular respiration?
14. Describe cyclic electron flow and explain its purpose.
15. What is meant by photorespiration?
16. How is the leaf structure of a C4 plant adapted to cope with the problem of
17. How do C4 plants fix CO2? CAM plants?
18.Write the overall equation for photosynthesis?