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AP European History Syllabus
T.L. Hanna High School
Course description : AP European History is a class for students wishing to learn about
European history in a challenging environment while at the same time hoping to achieve
college credit for European history by taking the College Board AP exam. The course
will survey the main cultural, intellectual, societal, political and economic themes of
European history from the 1450 to 2001. Starting with the Renaissance, we will discuss,
analyze and evaluate major intellectual, cultural, political, diplomatic, social and
economic events and movements up to the 21st century. Likewise, students will be asked
to do daily and nightly assignments which would include reading, analyzing historical
documents, writing thematic essays and evaluating historiography of various events. One
outside reading will be assigned each semester as well, with students being expected to
write a response and analysis of the book. Class attendance and participation are a must
since the course will be based on group discussion and working collaboratively on
assignments and projects.
Course objectives: Students who complete the course should have a mastery of
knowledge on European history from 1450 to the present and an ability to do the
o write and communicate succinctly
o evaluate primary and secondary historical sources
o analyze documents and draw a conclusion from them
o draw cause and effect conclusions
o make and evaluate historical interpretations
Course purpose: Students who take the class should have two goals to remember. One is
preparing for the three hour exam given by the College Board that could give the student
college credit in European history. The course will prepare students in evaluating,
analyzing, comparing and contrasting data and documents in a historical context.
Students will practice answering document based questions often. Summarizing,
analyzing and describing history will also be stressed when it comes to writing about
historical events and themes. Students will practice writing essays in the historical
context. Finally a mastery of the history of Europe from 1450 forward is an objective.
This knowledge will also help with the multiple choice portion of the AP exam.
Text and Resources : McKay, John, Hill, Bennett, Buckler, John, Crowston, Clare,
Wiesner-Hanks, Merry and Perry, Joe. A History of Western Society Since 1300. 11th ed.
New York : Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011
Accompanying website for the text :
McKay, John, Hill, Bennett, Buckler, John, Crowston, Clare, Wiesner-Hanks, Merry.
Sources of History of Western Society Since 1300. 9th ed. New York : Bedford/St.
Martin’s, 2010
Williams, William, Editor. DBQ Practice : AP-Style Document-Based Questions
Designed to Help Students Prepare for the European History Examination. Culver City :
Social Studies School Service, 2011
Course Format
The course will incorporate class discussions and group assignments and projects.
Therefore class participation is extremely important. Students are responsible for the
outside reading of the text as well as primary and secondary sources that are assigned.
Students will do one book review each semester. For the fall of 2014 the book is Robert
Darnton’s The Great Cat Massacre And Other Episodes in French Cultural History. The
book for the spring of 2015 will be Keith Lowe’s Savage Continent. The book reviews
need to be approximately four pages in 12 point font and double spaced. Book reviews
count as a major test grades.
Tests will follow each unit and will consist of multiple choice questions and a free
response essay. Tests count 50% of the nine weeks grade while projects and homework
grades will be 50% of the nine weeks grade.
Students will study the following:
1st quarter
Ch. 13 European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
(Aug. 18th – 22nd; test on Tuesday, Aug. 19th)
Ch. 14 Reformation and Religious Wars
(Aug. 25th – Sept. 8th; test on Monday, Sept. 8th)
Ch. 15 European Exploration and Conquest
(Sept. 9th – Sept. 22nd; test on Monday, Sept. 22nd)
Ch.16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism
(Sept. 23rd – Oct. 7; test on Tuesday, Oct. 7th)
Ch. 17 Toward a New World View
(Oct. 8th – Oct. 21st; test on Tuesday, Oct. 21st)
2nd quarter
Ch. 18 and 19 The Expansion of Europe and The Changing Life of People
(Oct. 22nd – Oct. 30th)
Ch. 20 The Revolution in Politics
(Nov. 5th – Nov. 18th; test on Tuesday, Nov. 18th)
Ch. 22 Ideologies and Upheavals
(Nov. 19th – Dec. 4th; test on Thursday, Dec. 4th)
Ch. 24 The Age of Nationalism
(Dec. 5th – Dec. 17th; test on Wednesday, Dec. 17th)
Ch. 21 The Revolution in Energy and Industry
(Jan. 5th – Jan. 14th; test on Wednesday, Jan. 14th)
3rd quarter
Ch. 23 Life in Emerging Urban Society
(Jan. 15th – Jan. 22nd; test on Thursday, Jan. 22nd)
Ch. 25 The West and the World
(Jan. 23rd – Feb. 5th; test on Thursday, Feb. 5th)
Ch. 26 War and Revolution
(Feb. 6th – Feb. 23rd; test on Monday, Feb. 23rd)
Ch. 27 The Age of Anxiety
(Feb. 24th – March 3rd; test on Tuesday, March 3rd)
Ch. 28 Dictatorships and the Second World War
(March 4th – March 19th; test on Thursday, March 19th)
4th quarter
Ch. 29 Cold War Conflict and Consensus
(March 23rd – April 8th; test on Wednesday, April 8th)
Ch. 30 Challenging the Postwar Order
(April 9th – April 20th; test on Monday, April 20th)
Ch. 31 Europe in an Age of Globalization
(April 21st – April 29th; test on Wednesday, April 29th)
Exam Review (April 30th – May 13th) ; AP European Exam May 14th
Unit 1 (3 weeks) The Middle Ages and the Renaissance (1300 – 1550) Chapters 12 &
Discussion of The Pope Who Quit by Jon Sweeney to analyze the social and political
importance of the church on Europe.
Disaster and the Black Plague (causes as well as economic, religious, cultural and social
The Hundred Years War – changes in politics, society and military strategy
Problems of the Church – the Babylonian Captivity and the Great Schism
Medieval Society (unrest and tension)
Changes in Literature – an introduction to the vernacular
Italian trade and city states : The Italian Renaissance and its origins
Humanism – a change on outlook, education and political thought
The printing press and its effects
Art in the Renaissance – style and influence
The spread of the Renaissance to the North
Changing social roles in Europe – men and women
Politics and the state in Western Europe (Spain, England and France)
Supplemental materials :
German engraving of a doctor
The Plague Hits Florence, from the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio
A firsthand account of the plague in Siena by Agnola di Tura
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Excerpts from The Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione
Power Politics During the Italian Renaissance, from The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
School of Athens by Rafael Sanzio
David by Michelangelo
Peasant Wedding by Pieter Brueghel
Giovanni Arnolfini and Bride by Jan van Eyck
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 2 (1 ½ weeks) The Reformation (1500 – 1600) Chapter 14
Problems of the Roman Catholic Church and responses from early reformers
The Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther
Peasant and Religious Wars of Germany
Protestantism grows – Religious leaders and the development of social and political
The Role of Women in the Reformation
The English Reformation
The Catholic Reformation
French Religious Wars
Supplemental materials :
Video of the play A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt
On the Power of Efficacy of Indulgences from the Ninety Five Theses by Martin Luther
German woodcut of Martin Luther
Decree Concerning Indulgences from the Council of Trent
On Popular Religious Practice from The Praise of Folly by Desidrius Erasmus
Queen Elizabeth I speaking to troops against the Spanish Armada
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women by John Knox
Map of Religious Divisions of Europe
Peace of Westphalia
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 3 (3 weeks) The Era of Exploration and Absolutism (1450 – 1725) Chapters 15
and 16
World trade before Columbus (Economies of Africa and the East)
Causes of Discovery and Expansion
The Role of Technology
Portuguese, Spanish, English and French Exploration
Social, economic, political and cultural consequences of the Colombian Exchange
The African Slave Trade
Peasant Life in the Midst of Economic Crisis
The Thirty Years War
Foundations of State Building and Warfare
Absolutism’s effects on society, politics, culture and economics in the following
Ottoman Empire
Charles I and the Glorious Revolution
Oliver Cromwell’s Puritanical Absolutism
Governmental change in England : the introduction of Constitutional Monarchy
Revolution in the Dutch Republic
Supplemental Materials :
The Treaty of Tordesillas
1493 by Charles Mann
Exploration of Cape Verde by Alvise da Cadamosto
An Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico
Columbus’ Letter to the King and Queen of Spain 1494
On Cannibals by Michel de Montaigne
The Advantages of Colonial Trade by Jean-Baptiste Colbert
An Eyewitness Describes the Slave Trade in Guinea by Captain Willem Bosman
“The Geographer” and “The Astronomer” paintings by Jan Vermeer
“Portrait of Louis XIV” by Hyacinthe Riguad
Memoires for the Instruction of the Dauphin by Louis XIV
English Bill of Rights
A Decree on a New Calendar and Decrees on Compulsory Education of the Russian
Nobility from Peter the Great
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 4 (1 ½ weeks) Ch. 17 – The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment
Scientific thought before the Revolution
Origins of the Scientific Revolution
Discoveries and Theories of Scientists
The Scientific Method
Science’s Effect on Society
The Enlightenment
Effects of the Enlightenment on Society and Politics
Enlightened despots
Supplementary materials :
Starry Messenger by Galileo Galilei
On Popular Sovereignty and the General Will from The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques
Two Treatises on Government by John Locke
A Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft
On Superstition and the Virtue of Science by Francis Bacon
The Recantation of Galileo Galilei by Eric Bentley
Grand Instruction to the Legislative Commission from Catherine the Great
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 5 (3 weeks) The Expansion of Europe and the Changing Life of the People
Chapters 18 and 19
The Agricultural Revolution
The Population Explosion
The Growth of Rural Industry
Urban guilds
Local and Global Economic Changes
The Atlantic Slave Trade
Trading Empires
The European Family, Marriage and Changing Beliefs
Children and Changes in Education
Popular Culture and Consumerism
Religious Authority and Beliefs
Supplementary materials :
Abolishment of the French Guilds by Anne-Robert Jacques Turgot
The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano
A Natural Law of Economy from The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
“The Damn’d South Sea : Britian’s Greatiest Financial Speculation and its Unhappy
Ending” Harvard Magazine
Tableau de Paris by Louis-Sebastien Mercier
Some Thoughts Concerning Education by John Locke
Births and Deaths in an English gentry Family, 1709 – 1720 by Edmond Williamson
The Ground Rules for Methodism from A Plain Account of the People Called Methodists
by John Wesley
An essay on the History of Civil Society by Adam Ferguson
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 6 (1 ½ weeks) Revolution and the Napoleonic Era (1775 – 1815) Chapter 20
The American Revolution and Its Impact
Political, Social and Economic Causes of the French Revolution
The Bastille and the Peasants Revolt
Political ideas of the Declaration of the Rights of Man
Women and their role in the Revolution
The Constitutional Monarchy (Changes in Government)
Formation of the National Assembly and the Republic
The Republic at War
The Second Revolution and the Rise of the Jacobins
The Reign of Terror and the Thermidorian Reaction
Revolution in Saint Domingue
The Rise, Rule and Fall of Napoleon
Supplementary materials :
On the Taking of the Bastille and Its Aftermath by Edward Rigby
“Imaging the French Revolution” - Essays debating the use of prints from the French
A Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
La Marseillaise
The Execution of Louis XVI by Henry Essex Edgeworth de Firmont
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
“The Coronation of Napoleon” painting by Jacque - Louis David
Sketches of the Disasters of the Peninsular War by Francisco de Goya
Napoleon’s Proclamation at Austerlitz
Letter by Baron von Stein describing victory over Napoleon at the Battle of Leipzig
A Black Revolutionary Leader in Haiti from Toussaint L’Ouverture
To the Column poem by Victor Hugo
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 7 (1 ½ weeks) Ideology and Upheavals (1815 – 1850) Chapter 22
The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars : The Congress of Vienna and Conservatism
The Spread of New Ideas : Liberalism, Socialism, and Nationalism
Romanticism, its art and literature
Reform and Revolutions through 1848
Supplementary materials :
“The Vienna Congress” from the memoirs of Klemens von Metternich
The Carlsbad Decrees
“The Divine Origins of Constitutions” by Joseph DeMaistre
Theory of Social Organization from Charles Fourier
The Principles of Communism from Friedrich Engels
Excerpts from the Treaty of London for Greece’s Independence
“Duties Towards Your Country” from Giuseppe Mazzini
“The Mask of Anarchy” by Percy Blythe Shelley
A lecture commemorating the centennial of the European Revolutions of 1848 from
historian Lewis Namier (1948)
“Grounds for Restricting Import of Corn” by Thomas Malthus
Accounts of the “Potato Revolution”
The Grim’ Brothers’ Children’s and Household Tales
“Tintern Abbey” by William Wadsworth
“The Hay Wain” painting by John Constable
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 8 (3 weeks) The Industrial Revolution and Emerging Urban Society (1780 –
1900) Chapters 21 and 23
Origins of the Industrial Revolution
Developments in Britain (Factories, railroads and energy)
The Spread of Industrialization
Changes in Economic Policy and Banking
New Labor and Factories (Changes in the class system; women and work)
Labor Laws
Economic Thinkers and Their Views
City Growth and Industry
Social Classes and the Distribution of Income
The Changing Family
Science and Thought
Supplementary materials :
An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell
“Life in a New England Factory” from Voice of Industry
Elizabeth Bentley’s Testimony on Child Labor in Britain
Crystal Palace Expedition
Mrs. Beeton’s Every Day Cookery and Housekeeping Book by Isabella Beeton
On the Origin of Species by the Means of Natural Selection by Charles Darwin
Moulin Rouge Poster by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Le Pere Goriot by Honore de Balzac
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 9 (1 ½ weeks) Nationalism (1850 – 1914) Chapter 24
Napoleon III and France’s Second Republic
Unification of Italy and Germany
The Modernization of Russia and the Ottoman Empire
The Responsive National State
Marxism and Socialism
Supplementary materials :
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
The French Revolution in 1848 : an eyewitness account by Percy B St. John
Louis Kossuth’s speech to the US Congress
General Instructions for the Members of Young Italy by Giuseppi Mazzini
Victor Emmanuel II’s speech to the Italian parliament
Letter on the Capture of Napoleon III written by Otto von Bismark
The National Song of Hungary by Alexander Petofi
J’Accuse by Emile Zola
Five Years of My Life by Alfred Dreyfus
“What is Communism?” from the Irish World, June 1st, 1878
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 10 (1 ½ weeks) Imperialism (1815 – 1914) Chapter 25
Industrialization and the World Economy (Globalization)
The Opening of China and Japan
European and Asian Migration
Old and New Imperialism
Responses to Imperialism
Revolution in China
Supplementary materials :
Advertisements and illustrations from British Books and Periodicals from The Human
European Imperialism in Africa from the Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley
King Leopold’s Soliloquy by Mark Twain
“Of Colonies” from The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
“The Burial” by Rudyard Kipling
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
The Black Man's Burden: The White Man in Africa from the Fifteen Century to World
War I (1920) by E.D. Morel
Letter from Menelik II to the caliph of the Sudan
The Boxers Declare Death to “Foreign Devils”
India Regulating Act of 1773
The Three People’s Principles and the Future of the Chinese People by Sun Yat - sen
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 11 (3 weeks) War, Revolution and Age of Anxiety (1914 – 1940) Chapters 26
and 27
Causes and the Outbreak of the Great War
Fighting the Great War (Stalemate and Slaughter)
The Home Front – Supporting the War Effort
The Russian Revolution (From the fall of the czars to the Russian Civil War)
The Versailles Treaty and the Great War’s Aftermath
Uncertainty in Modern Thought
Modernism in Art and Culture
The Emerging Consumer Society
Trying for Political Stability in Europe
The Great Depression
Supplementary materials :
“The Great War and the Shaping of the 1920’s” from PBS
“Gassed” painting by John Singer Sargent
“Mud and Khaki, Memoirs of an Incomplete Soldier” by Henry S Clapham
“Dulce Et Decorum Est” and “Disabled” poems by Wilfred Owen
“Grass” poem by Walt Whitman
“In Flanders Fields” poem by John McCrae
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
The War in Its Effect Upon Women by Helena Swanwick
Propaganda posters from World War I
The Zimmerman Note
The Fourteen Points by Woodrow Wilson
Signing the Treaty of Versailles from Peacemaking by Harold Nicolson
What is to Be Done? By Vladimir Lenin
Animal Farm by George Orwell
“God is Dead, the Victim of Science” by Friedrich Nietzsche
The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
The Economic Consequences of the Peace : An Analysis of the Versailles Treaty by John
Maynard Keynes
First and Second Reports of the Commissioner for the Special Areas : Parliament
Addresses the Great Depression in Britain from Sir Percy Malcolm Stewart
With the Unemployed in Germany from Heinrich Hauser
Metamorphosis of Narcissus painting by Salvador Dali
Inside and Outside painting by George Grosz
Excerpts from the films Nosferatu and Metropolis
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 12 (2 ½ weeks) The Second World War (1919 – 1945) Chapter 28
The Rise of Communism, Fascism and the Authoritarian State
Stalinist Russia
Mussolini and Fascist Italy
Adolf Hitler and Nazism in Germany
Fascist Aggression and Appeasement
Fighting the Second World War
The Holocaust
The Rise of Japan and the War in the Pacific
An Allied Victory
Supplementary materials :
Italian Fascism by Stanley G Payne
I Speak for the Silent : Stalinist Interrogation Techniques Revealed by Vladimir
Soviet Propaganda Posters
“The Relationship Between Friedrich Nietzsche and the Nazis” from The Rise and the
Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
Guernica painting by Pablo Picasso
The Nuremberg Laws
Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent by William Shirer
Winston Churchill’s speech before the House of Commons, 1940
British Songs of World War II
Excerpts from the video Series Band of Brothers
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
The Potsdam Declaration
Audio account of a radio correspondent’s narration of the invasion of Iwo Jima
Hiroshima by John Hersey
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 13 (2 weeks) The Cold War and the Postwar Order (1945 – 1991) Chapters 29
and 30
Postwar Europe and the Origins of the Cold War
Big Science and New Technologies
The Western Renaissance
Soviet Eastern Europe
Decolonization and the End if Empires
Social Change after the Second World War
Reform and Protest in the 60’s
The Conservative Backlash
Changing Consensus in Western Europe
“Thawing the Cold War” – the Decline of Socialism
Communism’s Fall in the USSR and East Germany
Supplementary materials :
An American Plan to Rebuild a Shattered Europe from George C Marshall
Witness to the Birth of the Atomic Age from Generals Leslie Groves and Thomas Farrell
Joseph Stalin’s Response to Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
The Truman Doctrine
The Warsaw Pact
Cuban Missile Crisis Debate in the United Nations
The Nixon - Khrushchev “Kitchen Debate”
Excerpt from One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Excerpts from 1984 by George Orwell
The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon
The Second Sex : Existential Feminism by Simone de Beauvoir
Movie clips from Gandhi
First Servant of the Indian People, a speech by Jawaharlal Nehru
“Fixin to Die Rag” song by Country Joe and the Fish
Twenty One Demands : A Call for Worker’s Rights and Freedom in A Socialist State by
Lawrence Weschler
Perestroika : New Thinking for Our Country from Mikhail Gorbachev
Tank Man, Tiananmen Square from Jeff Widener
“Give My Compliments to the Chef” by Alex Harvey
Speeches and Writings from Deng Xiaoping
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
Unit 14 (1 week) Europe in the Age of Globalization (1990 – Present) Chapter 31
Rebuilding Eastern Europe
The New Global System
A Multicultural Continent
21st Century Challenges
Supplementary materials :
The Fall of Srebrenica : An Assessment from Kofi Annan
A World Not Neatly Divided by Amartya Sen
Free Trade and the Decline of Democracy from Ralph Nader
The End of History and the Last Man by Francis Fukuyama
Globaphobia, Confronting Fears About Open Trade by Gary Burtless and Robert
Appropriate maps, graphs, charts and statistical material
AP Exam review (2 weeks)
AP European History exam May 14th