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By 1941 the AXIS (Germany & Italy) controlled most of Europe and
North Africa. But by 1945 they had been defeated in a series of counterattacks
by the nations allied against them.
Fill out your map using the directions below and create a key for the map.
1. The following European nations stayed out of the fighting.
They remained neutral during the war. SHADE each
of the countries brown on the map and fill out the key correctly.
2. The two main AXIS Powers were Germany and Italy. Finland and
Prussia were also AXIS powers. SHADE these countries red and fill out
your key correctly.
3. The two main ALLIED Powers in Europe were the United Kingdom
and Russia. SHADE these countries blue and fill out the map key.
4. Many European/African countries were invaded by the AXIS Powers. SHADE
the following yellow and fill out the map key.
Czech Republic
5. In 1941 Hitler broke his treaty with Stalin and invaded what was then the
Soviet Union (Russia). The German invasion drove deep into Soviet
territory. Follow the directions below to show roughly how far the
Germans advanced.
**Use a black pencil/pen for the following.
a. First write SOVIET UNION below Russia’s label. Mark an
X just west of St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg was then called
b. Mark another X just west of Moscow.
c. Find Volgograd and mark an X just to its west.
d. Mark a last X just west of Grozny.
e. Show roughly how far the Germans had advanced by drawing a
wavy line through your X’s. Label it GERMAN FRONT.
6. The Allies made their first major drive against the AXIS in North Africa.
a. A large Allied force gathered in the United Kingdom and left
for Africa in ships. Show this with an arrow that goes south
through the Atlantic from the U.K. to Morocco.
b. Write 1942 in Morocco to show when the Allied landings began.
c. The Allied forces pushed east. Show this by extending the arrow
from Morocco through Algeria to Tunisia.
7. In 1943 the Allied invasion of Italy began.
a. Start in Tunisia and draw an arrow northeast to the island of Sicily.
Write 1943 along the arrow.
b. From there draw an arrow that goes through Italy’s “toe” and then
curves northwest to Rome.
8. The main Allied drive against Germany began on D-Day, June 6, 1944.
Allied forces crossed the English Channel and landed on France’s
Normandy coast. The Allies gradually pushed the Germans out of France,
then advanced into Germany.
a. Mark an X on the northern French coast between Cherbourg and
Le Harve. Write 1944 nearby.
b. Draw an arrow from the United Kingdom through the X to Paris,
the capital of France.
c. From Paris draw a second arrow to Berlin, Germany.
9. Another Allied invasion force landed on France’s southern coast.
a. Draw an arrow from Tunisia to the island of Sardinia. (Sar.)
b. From there draw an arrow to the southern coast of France and
write 1944 along the arrow.
c. Continue with an arrow that curves north of Switzerland and
east to Austria.
10. As the United States, United Kingdom and other Allies were advancing
from the west, Soviet armies were advancing from the east.
a. Draw an arrow from Volgograd to Austria. Write 1943 along
the arrow.
b. Draw another arrow from Moscow to Berlin. Write 1944.
NAME: ____________________________ PERIOD: ___________________
1. What did you show in the key on the map?
2. List the ALLIED powers on the map.
3. List the AXIS powers on the map.
4. How many territories were invaded by the AXIS powers?
5. Did the AXIS powers capture Moscow, Volgograd or St. Petersburg?
6. Which countries remained neutral during the war? Why do
you think they were able to stay neutral?
7. Did the Soviet armies advance across Eastern or Western Europe?
8. The most famous Allied attack was across the English Channel. Where
did the Allied troops land?
9. List the other Allied advances that brought the war in Europe to an end.
10. In what year did the war in Europe end?
During World War II, the Allies fought the Germans and Italians in North
Africa and Europe. At the same time, they fought the Japanese in Asia and the
Fill out the map using the directions below and create a key for the map.
1. The United States entered the war after Japan attacked the U.S. fleet at
Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor is at Honolulu, Hawaii. SHADE Hawaii green
and color the * red. Write Dec. 7, 1941 next to the *. Start your key box
by indicating that a red* = battle.
2. By 1942 Japan controlled much of Southeast Asia and a huge part of
the Pacific. Show the farthest advance of the Japanese forces by going over
the dashed line in red. Fill out the key box correctly.
3. SHADE all countries inside the dashed line yellow. These countries
and territories were taken over by the AXIS powers. Fill out the key box.
4. SHADE all countries outside the dashed line blue. These countries
represent the ALLIED powers. Fill out the key box.
5. Show some of the major movements of the Allies with a series of arrows as
directed below. **Use black pencil/pen for the following.
a. In May 1942 American and Japanese planes and aircraft carriers clashed in
the Battle of the Coral Sea. There was no clear victory. SHADE
the * red and label May 1942.
b. In June of 1942, a large Japanese naval force headed for the
Midway Islands. A U.S. naval force intercepted the Japanese fleet.
The Americans sank four Japanese aircraft carriers and lost only one of
their own. The Battle of Midway marked the turning point of the war in
the Pacific. The U.S. and its allies now went on the offensive. SHADE
the * red and label 1942.
c. In August 1942 American Marines invaded Guadalcanal. Intense
fighting raged for six months. Americans finally took control of the
island in Feb. 1943. SHADE the * red and label 1943. Draw an arrow from
the right hand side of the paper to the Battle of the Coral Sea and then
to Guadalcanal.
d. In 1943 the U.S. took back the Aleutian Islands that the Japanese
had invaded. Show this with an arrow from Hawaii to the Aleutian Islands.
e. In October 1944, General MacArthur led a mission to retake the Philippines.
The Japanese navy confronted the Allies at the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
(The largest U.S. naval battle in history). The Allies crushed the
Japanese fleet. SHADE the * red and label 1944. Draw an arrow
from Guadalcanal to Leyte Gulf. Fill out the map key for the arrows.
6. With key islands secured Allied planes began bombing targets in Japan in
November of 1944. American bombers led bombing raids on more than
60 cities.
7. In February of 1945 U.S. Marines stormed the beaches of Iwo Jima. After the
marines raised the flag on Iwo Jima a month of bloody fighting followed.
a. SHADE the * red and label Feb. 1945. Draw a small U.S. flag by
Iwo Jima.
b. Draw an arrow from Leyte Gulf to Iwo Jima.
8. Beginning in April of 1945 an even deadlier battle was fought on the island of
Okinawa. The fighting lasted three months.
a. SHADE the * red and label April 1945.
b. Draw an arrow from Iwo Jima to Okinawa.
9. By May of 1945, the United States was launching air attacks on Japan from air
bases on nearby islands. The war ended in August, after the U.S. dropped
atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
a. Mark a Red X on each city and fill out the key.
NAME: _________________________PERIOD: _____ DATE: ___________
1. Describe the area that Japan had taken control of in Asia and the Pacific
Ocean prior to the U.S. becoming involved in the war.
2. On what date did the United States enter World War II?
3. Did Japan control any part of Australia?
4. Was Japan ever actually invaded by the Allies?
5. Explain why the war in the Pacific was often called an “island-hopping”
6. Why were aircraft carriers so important in the Pacific war?
7. List the order in which the Allies took back the Pacific Theater from
the Japanese.
8. How did the war in the Pacific end?
9. When did the war in the Pacific end?
10. Which U.S. General was in charge in the Pacific Theater?