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Ancient Mesopotamia
Created by Keri Steitz and Holly Quaratella
Introduction / The Quest / Process
Archaeological Explorations #1 / #2 / #3 / #4 / #5 / #6
Evaluation / Conclusion
The first great civilization, located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, was developed
in 5000 B.C. Archaeologists and historians discovered this "cradle of civilization" buried
under sandy mounds of the vast plain which were the remains of Ancient Mesopotamia.
Mesopotamia is derived from the Greek words, mesos meaning "middle," and potamos
meaning "river," which became known as the "land between two rivers." Mesopotamia
no longer exists today. It is now known as all the land in northern Syria, southern Turkey,
and most of Iraq. Researchers believe the peoples of Mesopotamia influenced the
development of the human race in many ways.
The Quest:
Recently, you have been hired by the Archaeologist Association to create an article for
their publication to inform the public about the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia.
Prepare yourself for this adventure by researching the contributions the peoples of
Mesopotamia have given to the existence of modern day society.
As a journalist for the Archaeologist Association you must research various online resources to
collect background information regarding the great civilization of Mesopotamia. Through your
experiences you will gain vital data about the major contributions this civilization gave to the
Archaeological Exploration #1: Mesopotamia Web Hunt
To develop your understanding of Mesopotamia you will visit the following web site to
collect informational facts:
When the web site is downloaded follow the steps below.
Ancient Mesopotamia Web Hunt
Scroll down to STUDENT AREA
Click on Important Vocabulary.
Write the definitions of the following vocabulary words.
Tigris and Euphrates
b. Mesopotamia
c. Sumer
d. City-State
4. Click on the Back Button.
5. In the STUDENT AREA click on Geography.
6. Read the passage and answer the following questions:
a. What does "Mesopotamia" mean?
b. Where was Mesopotamia located?
c. What present day country would Mesopotamia
be located in?
7. Click on the Back Button.
8. In the STUDENT AREA click on The Sumerian City-State.
9. Read the passage and answer the following questions:
a. What people established the first civilization?
b. What was at the center of each city-state?
c. Describe the people that lived in the city-state.
10. Click on the Back Button.
11. In the STUDENT AREA click on The Ziggurat.
12. Read the passage and answer the following questions:
a. The ____________________ was the first major
building structure of the Sumerians.
b. Who was housed in the ziggurat?
13. Click on the Back Button.
14. In the STUDENT AREA click on Cuneiform.
15. Read the passage and answer the following questions:
a. What is the name of the world's first writing
b. What did the Sumerians write on?
c. Did the Sumerians have the same writing we have
16. Click on the Back Button.
17. In the STUDENT AREA click on Contributions.
18. Read the passage and answer the following question:
a. Describe four contributions that the Sumerians
19. Close web page when completed.
Archaeological Exploration #2: Cuneiform
Write the answers to the following questions in your journalist notebook to further your
knowledge on Mesopotamia's writing system known as Cuneiform. Visit the site below to gather
the facts.
Mesopotamia's Writing System
1. Why did the Sumerians need to create a writing system?
2. What were the objects used to represent trade?
3. When did the earliest forms of writing begin?
How was it created?
4. Who used cuneiform? How were they chosen?
After collecting your data discover your name in cuneiform. Go to the following
site, complete the steps, and print the product.
Archaeological Exploration #3: Government - City-State
Write the answers to the following questions in your journalist notebook to further your
knowledge on Mesopotamia's government system. Read the article provided by you teacher
in class.
Mesopotamia Government
1. Define the following words:
a. Ziggurat:
b. priests:
c. lugal:
2. Fill in the following chart in your Journalist Notebook:
Major Responsibilities
Archaeological Exploration #4: Math
Mesopotamia was a civilization full of many creations. The people of Mesopotamia
developed a mathematical system based on the number 60. Other accomplishments
included the creation of the first calendar and the worlds first clock: the sundial. Evidence
of their mathematical systems can still be found today such as the Arabic decimal system,
60 minute hour, and 360 degrees that make up a circle.
After reading the passage above click on the following web site to help in the completion of
these ancient mathematical word problems. RECORD all work in your Journalist
Ancient Mathematical Word Problems
1. Mesopotamia's king sent his slaves to buy 19 apples and 30 oranges but the slaves
became very hungry. They ate 5 apples and 10 oranges. How much fruit did the slaves
bring back to the king? Using cuneiform symbols SHOW ALL WORK. Explain how you
found your answer.
2. The scribes made 12 clay tablets a day. How many clay tablets will they have in 5
days? HINT: Use another method than addition. Using cuneiform symbols SHOW ALL
WORK. Explain how you found your answer.
3. The priest decided they wanted to have a feast in honor of the lugal or "king".
They invited 50 guests. They set up 10 tables. How many guests could sit at each table?
Using cuneiform symbols SHOW ALL WORK. Explain how you found your answer.
Archaeology Exploration #5: The Wheel
Sumerians were creative individuals who wanted to improve their civilization. Many
inventions have led to great improvements in our society today. One important invention
that was developed was the wheel. The wheel was used in transportation, farming needs,
and in war. Think about how the Sumerians invented the wheel. Recreate this process in a
three framed cartoon drawing in AppleWorks painting.
Frame #1 The process of making the wheel
Frame #2 The process of making the wheel
Frame #3 Show how the wheel was used
Close out of Netscape and open AppleWorks Once you are in AppleWorks click on the painting
option. Go to file and open Mesopotamia - Wheel.
Archaeology Exploration #6: Mesopotamia's Achievements - Written Report
The first civilization, Mesopotamia, made many discoveries and achieved many "firsts" in
history, such as city-states and law, mathematical number system based on 60, the first
written language, Cuneiform, and the invention of the wheel. TELL and EXPLAIN the
achievements Mesopotamia has given our world today.
1. Construct a web of Mesopotamia's achievements with the research you have gathered in
your Journalist Notebook or in handouts you have received to fill in your web telling about
these amazing achievements using Kidspiration.
2. Use the link below to access the rubric for your written report.
3. Your 6 paragraph report on Mesopotamia's Achievements should resemble the format
Paragraph #1 Introduction of Report
Paragraph #2 First Achievement
Paragraph # 3 Second Achievement
Paragraph # 4 Third Achievement
Paragraph # 5 Fourth Achievement
Paragraph # 6 Concluding Paragraph
4. Using your web from Kidspiration write your rough draft on the template provided in
5. After completing your rough draft SCOPE your paper using your writing checklist.
6. Complete your final draft on the Alpha Smart. Re-read and double check your work.
7. Use the following link to help you assess your written report.
A rubric is provided to guide the students in their writing about Mesopotamia's
Mesopotamia, the first civilization, was were it all began. While researching Mesopotamia
the students have discovered many achievements and contributions that they have given to
the world today. Students will further develop their knowledge about Ancient civilizations
such as Egypt and Greece.