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Name _______________________________
Biology I – Unit 8 Evolution of Life Outline
6. Demonstrate an understanding of principles that explain the diversity of life and biological evolution.
a. Draw conclusions about how organisms are classified into a hierarchy of groups and subgroups based on
similarities that reflect their evolutionary relationships. (DOK 2)
• Characteristics of the six kingdoms
• Body plans (symmetry)
• Major levels in the hierarchy of taxa (e.g., kingdom, phylum/division, class, order, family, genus, & species)
• Methods of sexual reproduction (e.g., conjugation, fertilization, pollination)
• Methods of asexual reproduction (e.g., budding, binary fission, regeneration, spore formation)
b. Critique data (e.g., comparative anatomy, Biogeography, molecular biology, fossil record, etc.) used by
scientists (e.g., Redi, Needham, Spallanzani, Pasteur) to develop an understanding of evolutionary
processes and patterns. (DOK 3)
c. Research and summarize the contributions of scientists, (including Darwin, Malthus, Wallace, Lamarck, and
Lyell) whose work led to the development of the theory of evolution. (DOK 2)
d. Analyze and explain the roles of natural selection, including the mechanisms of speciation (e.g., mutations,
adaptations, geographic isolation) and applications of speciation (e.g., pesticide and antibiotic resistance). (3)
e. Differentiate among chemical evolution, organic evolution, and the evolutionary steps along the way to aerobic
heterotrophs and photosynthetic autotrophs. (DOK 2)
Obj 6a (DOK 2) _______________
1. Which of the following biological classification groups has the LEAST number of organisms? (DOK 2)
A. phylum
B. order
C. kingdom
D. class
2. Binomial nomenclature is a 2 name naming system in which all organisms can be identified by the Genus and
species and it is written in Latin. What is the rational for requiring the species be named in Latin? (DOK 2)
3. Arrange the levels of taxonomy listed here in alphabetical order in the correct order according to their hierarchy
system of classification. (Class, Domain, Family, Genus, Kingdom, Order, Phylum, species) (DOK 1)
4. Which of the following is NOT one of the 3 domains of taxonomy? (DOK 1)
A. Anamilia
B. Archaea
C. Bacteria
D. Eukarea
5. Complete the following table, which is used for classifying organisms…(DOK 2)
Sexual or
Autotrophic or
single cellular, or
Cell Walls
Compare and Contrast Aristotle’s system and Linnaeus’s system of classifying organisms. (DOK 3)
Aristotle’s system
Linnaeus’s system
Obj 6b (DOK 3) _______________
7. A horse's hind leg is homologous to which of the following (DOK 2)
A. a human's tailbone
B. a fish's fins
C. a frog's back legs
D. a deer's front legs
8. A horse's hind leg is homologous to which of the following (DOK 2)
A. a human's tailbone
B. a fish's fins
C. a frog's back legs
D. a deer's front legs
9. Which statement is NOT a weakness of the fossil record? (DOK 2)
a. sense only animals fossilize, the evolutionary history of plants cannot be studied using fossils.
b. large number of species may have died under conditions where their bodies were not fossilized.
c. the fossil record is biased because most preserved organisms contain hard body structures.
d. the fossil record is biased because it favors organisms who were wide spread and abundant.
10. The body of an animal is more likely to become fossilized if it… (DOK 2)
A. remains on the surface after death
B. does not contain hard body parts
C. dies in a moist environment
D. is buried before it decomposes
11. Several fossils were uncovered in different layers of rock in a desert area. The following diagram indicates the age of
the layers of rock and the fossils found in each. Based on the fossils found this area was most likely once a…
a. lake that was replaced by a forest
b. forest that was replaced by a sea
c. a rain forest that was replaced by a forest
d. a forest that was replaced by a grassland
12. Why are fossils of hard - bodied organisms more
common than soft-bodied organisms? (DOK 2)
a. The fossils of soft-bodied organisms preserve better than hard structures.
b. The fossils of hard-bodied organisms preserve better than soft structures.
c. There are more organisms with hard structures in aquatic environments.
d. There are more organisms with soft structures in land environments.
Obj 6c (DOK 2) _______________
13. Charles Darwin's observation that finches of different species on the Galapagos Islands have many similar
physical characteristics supports the hypothesis that these finches… (DOK 2)
A. have the ability to interbreed
B. acquire traits through use and disuse
C. all eat the same type of food
D. originated from a common ancestor
14. According to Charles Darwin, the process of natural selection is not only responsible for adaptation, but also
speciation. How does this concept relate to Darwin’s proposed theory of Evolution? (DOK 3)
15. Darwin and Wallace's theory of evolution by natural selection failed to explain how…(DOK 2)
A. nature operates to reduce variation in a population every generation
B. new genetic varieties can appear in a population every generation
C. neither of the above
16. Why is adaptation accepted as a proven fact, while evolution still only remains only a theory? (DOK 3)
17. Compare and contrast adaptation and evolution (DOK 3)
Adaptation Differences
Evolution Differences
Obj 6d (DOK 3) _______________
18. What role does geographic isolation play in evolution and what are some events that could cause geographic
isolation? (DOK 2)
19. A group of birds lived in the jungle. Food is getting scarce due to a drought. Those that survive are ones that
can fit certain niches. Over a long period of time, this one bird population split into several, each group fitting a
certain niche (one eats berries, one eats nuts, one eats bananas). This is an example of what ecological process?
A. convergent evolution
B. divergent evolution
C. adaptive radiation
D. genetic drift
20. Justify how competition and the process of natural selection could explain the development of predators? (DOK 3)
21. How do genetic mutations play a role in the process of natural selection? (cause/effect) (DOK 3)
22. Justify how competition and “limiting factors” play a key role in the process of natural selection? (DOK 3)
23. Sequence the steps of Natural Selection in the following flow Map…(DOK 2)
24. When describing the process of natural selection, why is the phrase “survival of the fittest” used so often?
OBJ 6E (DOK 2) ___________________
25. Essay
Differentiate among chemical evolution, organic evolution, and the evolutionary steps along the way to aerobic
heterotrophs and photosynthetic autotrophs. (DOK 2)