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Meteorology and Space Science
Semester I 2016
Study Guide KEY
NOTE: Please note that this study guide is not all-inclusive.
Please study all notes, labs, Web quests and worksheets.
1. Explain a heliocentric model of the solar system.
Sun centered solar system
2. Explain a geocentric model of the solar system.
Earth centered solar system
3. Who discovered that the planets moved in an ellipse?
4. What did each of the following astronomers discover/observe?
a. Kepler: Three Laws of Planetary Motion
b. Newton: Three Laws of Motion and Law of Universal
c. Ptolemy: Supported a geocentric model of our solar system.
d. Aristotle: Earth was a sphere; geocentric model.
e. Aristarchus: First to support a heliocentric solar system.
f. Eratosthenes: First to accurately calculate Earth’s size
g. Hans Lippershey: Invented the telescope
h. Galileo Galilei: First astronomer to use the telescope
Look at the diagrams and the table above. Answer questions 5-8.
5. Which diagram is the most eccentric orbit? D. The least eccentric orbit? A
6. Which planet has the most eccentric orbit? Mercury
7. Which planet orbits the Sun the fastest? Mercury
8. Which planet has the slowest rotation? Venus
9. Fill in the chart:
Stellar Parallax
The measure of how a planet’s orbit deviates
from a perfect circle.
Apparent shift in movement due to orbital
motion of Earth.
Base your answers to the following questions on the diagrams below and your
knowledge of planetary orbits. The diagram represents a planet, P, in an
elliptical orbit around a star located at F1. The foci of the elliptical orbit are
F1 and F2. Orbital locations are represented by P1 and P6.
10. Where is gravity is strongest? P2
11. If the shaded portions of the orbital place are equal in area, which of
Kepler’s Laws does this diagram best represent? Law 2
12. What is the best unit to measure distances to planets? AU (astronomical
13. What is an AU? Distance from Earth to the Sun
14. What is the best unit to measure distances to stars? Light-years.
15. What is the difference between revolution and rotation?
Revolution: Earth orbiting around the Sun.
Rotation: Earth spinning on its axis creating one day
16. Draw the phases of the Moon as seen from Earth. P.604
17. Explain why we see different phases from Earth.
The moon is half lit but we see different amounts of the lit half as the
moon revolves around the Earth.
18. Draw a solar and lunar eclipse. Pp. 605-606
19. Explain why eclipses don’t occur every month.
Moon, Sun, and Earth are not perfectly aligned because the Moon’s
orbit is tilted 5 degrees with respect to Earth’s orbital path around
the Sun.
20. Draw a diagram of Spring and Neap tides. Be sure to include the
following: Sun, Earth, and Moon. P 428.
21. What latitudes on Earth receive the most direct sunlight? How long does
it take for sunlight to reach Earth?
Near the Equator; approximately 0° Latitude. 8 minutes, 20 seconds
22. Give the reason for the seasons.
The 23.5° tilt of the Earth’s axis as it rotates and revolves around
the Sun
23. List the planets in order, starting with the Sun, which is at the center.
Sun Mercury  Venus  Earth  Mars  Asteroid Belt  Jupiter 
Saturn  Uranus  Neptune  Pluto
24. List characteristics of terrestrial planets.
Small in size, high density, and little to no atmosphere
25. List characteristics of Jovian planets.
Large size, low density, and thick atmosphere
26. What is accepted theory of the formation of the solar system? Explain
how the solar system formed.
Migrating Planets
Gravity pulls interstellar gas and dust together and spins it into
a disc.
The largest clump becomes the Sun
Smaller clumps become planets.
27. Which planet has the fastest winds? Neptune
28. Which planet had a great dark spot that faded? Neptune
29. Which planet is largest? Jupiter
30. Which planet other than Earth has a thick atmosphere from the
Greenhouse Effect? Venus
31. What is the Great Red Spot on Jupiter? A storm
32. Fill in the chart below.
Balls of ice and dust that orbit the
Sun in the Kuiper Belt and Oort
Solid, mostly rocky, some icy,
irregularly shaped, revolve around
the Sun. Most are in the Asteroid
Belt between Mars and Jupiter
Rock traveling through space
Rock burning from friction in
Earth’s atmosphere
Rock that crashes onto Earth’s
33. Is there a pattern to planetary distances within our solar system (inner vs
outer planets)? Explain.
No, there is no mathematical pattern to distances between
34. The Asteroid belt is located between what two planets?
Mars and Jupiter
35. List the main gases in stars: Hydrogen and Helium
36. Stars produce energy through what process? Fusion
37. What is an AU? What does 1 AU equal? How is it used?
a. Astronomical Unit.
b. 1 AU = 93 million miles, the distance from Earth to the Sun.
c. Measures distances between planets in the Solar System.
38. List the spectral type and the temperature of stars (Which stars are hot?
Which stars are cool?)
HOT: Blue/white stars
Cool: Red stars
39. Explain the relationship between the mass of a star and its life cycle
The larger the star, the shorter the life span
40. List the stages our Sun will take, starting with birth and ending with
Nebula  Protostar  Main sequence  Red giant 
Planetary nebula  White dwarf Brown Dwarf Black Dwarf
41. What does the color of a star tell you? Temperature of the star
42. List the stages a massive star will take from birth to death.
Nebula  Protostar  Main sequence  Red super giant 
Supernova  Neutron Star OR black hole
43. Draw the following galaxies:
a. Irregular
b. Elliptical
c. Spiral
d. Barred Spiral
44. The Milky Way is what type of galaxy?
Barred Spiral
Use the HR diagram below to answer questions.
45. What type of star is our Sun? Main Sequence
46. Supergiants are the brightest stars.
47. White dwarfs are the hottest stars.
Directions: Observe the diagram below.
48. Circle where nuclear fusion occurs: Sun’s Core, Corona, Convection
(convective) Zone, Photosphere, Radiation (radiative) Zone, and
49. Draw in sunspots on the Photosphere and label them.
50. Which model shows how the Sun’s energy is released to reach the Earth
from its core?
51. What is the highest atomic numbered element that the Sun can produce
by fusion? Iron (Fe)
52. Explain the Doppler effect.
Change in wavelength of light emitted by an object due to its motion.
53. What is the difference between red shift and blue shift?
Red Shift  Moving AWAY
Blue Shift  Moving TOWARDS
54. What does NASA stand for? National Aeronautics and Space
55. What is the name of the North Star? Polaris
56. Name Newton’s First Law of Motion and give an example. Inertia Object in motion stays in motion or object at rest stays at rest unless
acted on by an outside force. Example: Couch Potato or satellite falling
around the Earth.
57. Name Newton’s Second Law of Motion and give an example.
Acceleration is directly proportional to mass and inversely proportional
to force. F = ma. School bus: Add mass, decrease acceleration; remove
mass, increase acceleration.
58. Name Newton’s Third Law of Motion and give an example. Actionreaction. Bat hits ball; ball hits bat.
The final exam for this class is: __________________________________
***On the final exam you may use both sides of a handwritten 4x6 note card. It
may not be split in the middle nor may a pop-up sheet be inserted inside.
Good Luck!***