Download Spelling menu Quarter 2

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On this page are several different choices for your weekly spelling. Label your papers with each activity you choose. You must total 20 points per week.
You may re-use an activity, but you should try to do different activities throughout the quarter.
2 Points Each
A. Pen Spelling –
Write each spelling word
NEATLY in pen.
B. Back Rub Spelling
- Have a parent call out
the spelling words to you,
and spell them on their
back. (Parents should
sign on your paper that
this was completed)
 C. Cheer your words
- Pretend you are a
cheerleader and call out
your words (word, spell it
word)! (Need a parent
D. Practice Test Take a practice test at
home. Write any missed
3X each.
E. Spelling Center –
Check out the spelling
center game from Mrs.
G’s guest desk. Complete
& return the next day
4 Point Activities
1. ABC order- Write your
words in cursive or print in
alphabetical order. (A to Z)
2. Reversed words - Write
your words in cursive or print
in ABC order-backwards! (Z to
3. Rainbow Words – Write
your words with vowels in one
color and consonants in
another color.
4. Technology Words -
6 Point Activities:
9. Part of Speech - Write your words in
cursive or print, and the part of speech beside
each. You may use a dictionary.
10. Word Sandwiches – Write your word, then
look up in a dictionary and write the guide words
from the page.
11. Word Scramble – write
each word. Now , scramble the letters and write
again. 12. Ambidextrous Words – Write your
words with your right hand then again with your
left hand. 13. Caption Words – Cut out a
picture in a newspaper or magazine (or use a
snapshot you took) and write a caption using at
Type your word list. Each word
least 10 of your spelling words. 14. Silly
must be in a different font.
sentences- Write cursive or print sentences
5. SCREAMING WORDS – using words beginning with the letters from your
Write your words in all CAPS
words. Example for spelling word trains: Tommy
6. Practice makes perfect – really ate insects naturally slowly. 15. Ransom
write all of your spelling
words - Spell your words by cutting out letters
words NEATLY 3 times each
in a newspaper or magazine and gluing them into
7. Backwards Words- Write your paper beside your word written in cursive
your words forwards in
or print. 16. Magazine words - Use an old
cursive or print, then
magazine or newspaper, find your word. Cut it
backwards. Ex.: mild – dlim  out, and glue it on your paper beside your word
8. What’s the THEME?
written or typed 17. Rhyming words – Write
Figure out what your words
each of your words, next to the word write a
have in common. Draw a
rhyming word that is not another spelling word.
picture to represent the
It can be a nonsense word, but it would need to
theme (like a Giant bubble A
follow the same spelling pattern (ex: green—
for long a) and write your
words along the edges of the
8 Point Activities:
17. Secret Agent Words –
Write a code for each letter of
the alphabet. Write each word
in cursive or print, then in code.
Include the code.
18. Poetic Spelling – Write a
poem with your spelling words.
Remember not all poems rhyme.
19. WORD SORT – sort
words by the skill of the week or
by # of syllables
20. Simile or Metaphor –
Write similes or metaphors using
your words: Ex “cannon” The
class was as loud as a cannon
21. Syllable Spelling
- Write your words in cursive or
print, then separate according to
the syllables. You may use a
Ex.: Con-tract
22. Crossword - Make and
complete a crossword puzzle on
your own or using (Print at
home.) {NOT a word find} 23.
Friendly letter – Write a letter
to a friend using ALL of your
spelling words. 24. Synonyms
& Antonyms – Write a synonym
or an antonym for each.