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Lacy Anderson
MSET 593 Media Literacy
Propaganda Analysis Assignment
1. Analyze one image or other propaganda message using the Library of Congress
Propaganda Analysis Worksheet (file in webct).
1. Describe the format of the propaganda:
__X__ poster ____ song
____ brochure ____ story
____ advertisement ____ other (describe):____________________
____ movie
2. What is the intended audience?
3. What propaganda techniques are used?
____ name calling ____ testimonial
____ glittering generalities ____ plain-folks
____ euphemisms __X__ bandwagon
_X___ transfer ____ fear
4. What visual images, if any, appear in the propaganda? People, Nazi party
symbol, and number one. What do these images symbolize? People are coming
together with the Nazi party to create a country that is number one. What
emotions do they seek to arouse? The red arouses anger in me. If I were the
target audiences I might feel that the mass of people are powerful under
Image Symbol Emotions
5. What are the key words used? Das Volk (the folk) wahlt liste (select list)
nationalsozialisten (national socialists) What emotions do those words seek to
arouse? The seek to arouse superiority, pride, nationalism, etc.
6. What is the purpose of this propaganda? This propaganda is trying to unit
Germans under the national socialist party. What is it trying to get people to do or
feel? It is trying to get people to feel pride in their race, country and party.
7. On a scale of 1 (very ineffective) to 5 (very effective), rate the effectiveness of
this propaganda?
Why did you give the propaganda that rating? I rate this 3 as effective because it
evokes emotion and shows the people how coming together can help them to
create a country that is number one. After WWI the Germans were experiencing
a severe depression and life was very tough. This image gives people the hope
of having more.
2. Analyze one image or other type of media message that is a recent example (in the last
two years) of modern-day uses of propaganda in the United States. Identify and describe
which of the different types of propaganda (see Types of Propaganda Handout on
webct) are being used. For example, a poster may be designed to include the
“Bandwagon” technique and also the “Glittering Generalities” technique. Give specific
examples from the message to support your answer.
This poster uses the “Glittering Generalities” technique. The quote “peace is born of
wisdom” and McCain’s picture suggests that because McCain is older he is wiser and
thus can create peace. It is also uses transfer technique because McCain is on the
poster he must be wise and thus able to create peace. The poster is done in a patriotic
way: USA colors, romantic background and the USA flag.
3. Analyze a form of propaganda that is in any language other than English. You may use
the Library of Congress Propaganda Analysis Worksheet, or the Types of
Propaganda Handout, or you can use van Leeuwen’s theory of saliency and Burke’s
Pentad. For example, you might find a cartoon or a poster that is in a foreign language,
but despite that, the meaning is clear to audiences who do not speak that language.
Explain how you deciphered the meaning/intent of the propaganda message despite it
being created using a language other than English (in other words, what was salient?).
Propaganda from the Soviet Union and Cold War era, and/or the Nazi era might be
interesting places to start.
1. Describe the format of the propaganda:
__X__ poster ____ song
____ brochure ____ story
____ advertisement ____ other (describe):____________________
____ movie
2. What is the intended audience?
3. What propaganda techniques are used?
____ name calling ____ testimonial
____ glittering generalities ____ plain-folks
____ euphemisms __X__ bandwagon
_X___ transfer ____ fear
4. What visual images, if any, appear in the propaganda? Baby, newborn tag,
the word homosexual, foreign statement that sexuality is not a choice. What do
these images symbolize? These images together symbolize that babies are born
homosexual. What emotions do they seek to arouse? The image of the baby and
the word homosexual together should arouse the feelings of empathy or the
thought that babies do not get to decide their sexual orientation.
Image Symbol Emotions
5. What are the key words used? L'orientamento sessuale non e una scelta
(Sexual orientation is not a choice) What emotions do those words seek to arouse?
The seek to arouse the idea that homosexuals have no choice.
6. What is the purpose of this propaganda? The purpose of this propaganda is to
help people understand that homosexuality is not a choice. What is it trying to get
people to do or feel? It’s trying to evoke understanding or empathy. Maybe even
just push people to question the norm that people choose to be gay.
7. On a scale of 1 (very ineffective) to 5 (very effective), rate the effectiveness of
this propaganda?
Why did you give the propaganda that rating? I rate this a 4 because I feel like it
does cause the viewer to question the notion that sexuality is a lifestyle choice.
The images together evoke this sense of helplessness and how could you blame
a baby for something they have no control over.