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Kaydale Plants and Bulbs
Rare Bulb List 2008~09
Alstromeria Dwarf Pink
Four inches high, fern like foliage and beautiful
pink flowers.
Anemone Blanda Alba
Huge white flowers in spring.
Anemone Nemrosa ‘Blue’ (below)
Mass of blue single flowers in spring.
Anemone Nemrosa 'Bractata'
Mass of green to white double flowers in spring.
Anemone Nemrosa 'Vestal'
Pure white double, bigger outer petals and tight
double middle petals.
Colchicum ‘Lilac Major’
Pink flowers in autumn, six inches high. Big
strappy leaves in spring. (below)
Colchicum Autumnale Album
Pure white flowers in Autumn, six inches high.
Big strappy leaves in Spring.
Colchicum Autumnale Album Floro Pleno
Pure white double flowers in Autumn, six
inches high. Big strappy leaves in Spring.
Colchicum Byzantium Album
Bigger flowers than Autumnale a tinge of pink
on the tips of the flowers when they first come
out. Big strappy leaves in spring.
Dicentra Cuccularaia
Only bulbous form of Dicentra, beautiful ferny
foliage with cream flowers. (below)
Erythronium 'Cream Beauty'
Mottling on the leaves and a delicate cream
flower in spring. (below)
Erythronium Pink
Mottling on the leaves and a delicate pink
flower in spring..
Erythronium 'Pagoda'
Mottled leaves and a yellow flower in spring.
Kaydale Plants and Bulbs
Rare Bulb List 2008~09
Erythronium 'Condo'
This hybrid is a lot like Pagoda with a little less
mottling on the leaves and a brighter yellow
flower in spring.
Erythronium Dens Canis
Heavily mottled leaves, with pink flowers
standing no more than 4 inches tall in spring.
Fritillaraia Sibthorpiana
Bright yellow flowers, 6 inches tall, petals slight
recurved. Few Only.
Fritillaria Affinis
Green flowers heavily mottled with black,
grown from seed all came true to form and is
very pretty.
Fritillaria Conica
Yellow flowers standing 4 inches tall slightly
open flowers. Few Only.
Fritillaria Davisii
Seedlings standing 4-6 inches tall. Flowers
should be brown but could get a mixture of
Fritillaria Grayana
Brown flowers with a ring of white around lip, 6
inches tall.
Fritillaria Liliacea
White waxy flowers, 6-8 inches tall. Few Only.
Fritillaria Meleagris (mixed colours)
Nodding chequered purple and white flowers, a
wonderful show in the Spring.
3 for $10 7 for $20 (below)
Gladiolus Flanaganii (rare and beautiful)
Bright red flowers standing about 10 inches tall,
grown from seed this is a rare and wonderful
Lilium Macklinae
Pink flowers standing 12 – 18 inches tall.
Lilium Martagon (mixed colours)
Mixture of seedlings, could get any colour from
white to pink. (below)
Merendera Montana
Beautiful little rare colchicum related plant,
bright pink flowers and rare.
Narcissus Cyclamineaus
Beautiful recurved back petals, I don’t think I
have to say anymore!!!
Kaydale Plants and Bulbs
Rare Bulb List 2008~09
Nerine Dwarf Pink
Strappy fine leaves with miniature pink nerine
flowers standing 6 inches. Few only.
Podophyllum Hexandrum
Grown from seed the flowers are pink, don’t last
all that long but most of the leaves have
beautiful mottling on them. Related to the
Polyxena Odorata
Grown from seed the flowers vary on this one, a
beautiful little flower during late autumn!
Pushkina Scillioides
Scilla like flowers, white with a stripe of blue.
About 5 inches high. (below)
Sanguinaria Canadensis
Nicknamed the Blood Lily because of the colour
of the bulb when cut this is a beautiful single
white form, greyish foliage.
Scilla Botroyides Alba
Pure white flowers in spring.
Scilla Double Blue
Fully double blue scilla, impressive when
flowering, grows 6 inches high.
Techopilea Cynocrocus
Electric blue flowers, common name the Chilian
Crocus it is one of the best blues in any bulbs
I’ve seen.
Tulipa Little Princess
Pink flowers that open almost flat when fully
out in the sun, 1-2 inches high.