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NAME ___________________________________
What did Gregor Mendel use pea plants to study?
What types of organisms does Gregor Mendel’s principles of genetics apply to?
What does the law of independent assortment state?
Describe what the principle of dominance states.
What is the definition of an allele?
6. If a true-breeding tall (TT) plant is crossed with a true-breeding short (tt) plant, what type of allele do the offspring
receive from each parent?
7. Will a heterozygous tall (Tt) pea plant always give its offspring the recessive (t) allele? Explain your answer.
8. If organisms have two identical alleles for a particular trait what vocab word do we use to describe that?
9. Circle all of the following genotypes that are heterozygous. Place an X on the ones that are homozygous.
10. What is the definition of genotype and phenotype? Give an example of each.
11. Do a Punnett square between two heterozygous tall plant. Tall is dominant to short.
Write the genotype rate for the F1 generation. ____________________________________
Write the phenotype rate for the F1 generation. ___________________________________
12. What is the definition of codominance and give an example?
13. Describe incomplete dominance.
14. Would skin color be considered a single gene trait or a polygenic trait?
Figure 2
15. What is the name of the process shown in Figure 2?
16. Describe the type of cells produced during meiosis. (haploid/diploid; identical/different, etc.)
17. If an organism’s haploid number is 24, what is the diploid number?
18. What process produces body cells? ____________________ What process produces gametes?____________
Figure 3
19. What type of chromosomal change is shown in Figure 3 & what phase does it occur in?
20. Is this statement true or false? If an organism has 20 chromosomes in each of its gamete cells, the organism’s diploid
number is 40.
21. How many chromosomes are in a karyotype of a normal human cell?
22. List the types of things that a karyotype will show us?
23. What is nondisjunction?
24. In humans, what types of chromosomes does a male have? _________ What type does a female have?_______
25. What is the approximate probability that a human offspring will be female?________ Male? __________
26. In humans, who determines the sex of the offspring?___________________________________________
Figure 4
27. What is the sex of the individual shown in Figure 4?
28. What disorder does the individual in Figure 4 have?
29. Look at the following combinations of sex chromosomes, circle the ones that represent a female. Place an X on the
ones that indicate a male.
30. Can two parents with O blood type have a child with AB blood type? Explain your answer.
31. Do a Punnett Square to determine what the possible blood types the offspring can have with the following cross.
If a man heterozygous for type A blood and a woman heterozygous for type B blood produce an offspring, what
Possible blood types could the offspring have?
Possible blood types of children: _____________________________________________________________
32.Write all of the different combinations for:
A: O blood_____________________________________________________________________
B: A blood______________________________________________________________________
C: B blood ______________________________________________________________________
D: AB blood_____________________________________________________________________
33. For the problem below:
Colorblindness is an X-linked recessive disorder where:
XC = Normal color vision
Xc = Colorblindness
A man who is not colorblind and a woman who is a carrier of the disorder have a child.
What is the probability that a child of theirs will be colorblind? _________________________
34. Who won the Nobel Prize for determining the structure of DNA?
Figure 5
35. Figure 5 shows the structure of what?
36. What is the name of the structure marked X in Figure 5 called?
37. Describe the appearance of the double helix.
38. Describe the 3 things that make up a nucleotide for DNA & be specific?
39. In eukaryotes, where would the DNA be located?
40. Describe replication.
41. DNA strand has the following bases:
Write the complimentary strand.___________________________________________________________
42. What is produced during transcription?
43. Where does transcription occur?
44. Name the nitrogen bases used in RNA.
45. What sugar does RNA contain?
46. Where does translation occur?
47. Explain the process of translation?
Figure 6
48. According to the genetic code (Figure 6), what amino acid does GAU code for?
49. How many bases are in each codon?
50. Describe a point mutation.
Figure 7
51. In Figure 7, the chromosome labeled A has undergone what type of mutation?
52. In Figure 7, the chromosome labeled B has undergone what type of mutation.
53. During his voyage on the Beagle, where did Charles Darwin make most of his observations?
54. What is the name of the work that Charles Darwin published on his theory of evolution?
55. Describe Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
56. Describe fitness.
57. TRUE/FALSE: According to Charles Darwin, individuals best suited to their environment
survive and reproduce most successfully.
58. On the Galápagos Islands, what did Charles Darwin conclude on why the same species of birds looked different?
59. What adaptation did Darwin observe among the species of finches on the Galápagos Islands?
60. James Hutton’s and Charles Lyell’s work suggests that what about the age of Earth?
61. Lamarck’s theory of evolution states what?
62. In an organism’s population, new offspring must compete for a limited number of resources. This is an example of
Figure 8
63. In humans, the pelvis and femur, or thigh bone, are involved in walking. In whales, the pelvis and femur shown in
Figure 8 are called what?
64. What evidence did Charles Darwin use to support his theory on evolution?
65. Describe Darwin’s theory of evolution.
66. When did Darwin began to formulate his concept of evolution by natural selection?
67. An adaptation can be what 2 types of inherited characteristic? Choose from the following: physical, behavioral,
acquired by use, acquired by disuse, mutation.
68. Darwin’s concept of evolution was NOT influenced by what? (Hint: what didn’t he know about then that we know
about now)
69. Because a bird’s wing and a human’s arm developed from the same embryonic pattern, they are called what type
70. Describe all the details of what makes a population.
71. Describe a gene pool.
72. If a gene pool has 100 alleles for a trait and 70 of them are dominant alleles, what is relative frequency for the
dominant allele?
73. The two main sources of genetic variation are what?
74. A single-gene trait with only two alleles that show a simple dominant-recessive pattern (like plant height in pea
plants) will result in how many different phenotypes?
75. What does natural selection acts directly on?
Figure 9
76. What type of selection is represented in Figure 9?
77. Describe disruptive selection.
78. Describe behavioral isolation.
79. Describe genetic drift.
80. Describe founder effect.
81. Describe genetic equilibrium?
82. The separation of populations by barriers such as rivers, mountains, or bodies of water is called what?
83. If two bird species live in the same habitat but breed at different times in the spring, they are experiencing what type
of isolation?
84. What is the name given to scientists who studies fossils?
85. List some examples of fossils.
86. What percentage of all species that have ever lived has become extinct?
87. What are the basic divisions of the geologic time scale, from larger to smaller?
88. Earth’s most recent era is called what?
89. The first living organisms on Earth were most like what organisms alive today?
90. Describe common descent and some things that are used as evidence.
91. How many genes control a polygenic trait?
92. Does the distribution of phenotypes for a polygenic trait form a bell-shaped curve?
93. Describe relative & radioactive dating.
Relative dating ____________________________________________________________
Radioactive dating_________________________________________________________
94. Looking at the fossil record, has life on Earth remained unchanged throughout its history? Explain your answer.
95. Explain the endosymbiotic theory.
96. When is a species considered extinct?
97. What type of organisms developed first, prokaryotic or multicellular organisms?
98. What type of cells are gametes?