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e-Course [1332] - General Writing - Sentences
e-Course [1332] - General Writing - Sentences: Learn to write clear,
concise and logical sentences applying capitalization and punctuation rules, and
using accurate connectives and effective modification.
e-Unit [13321] - General Writing - Capitalization & End
Punctuation: Learn and apply punctuation and capitalization rules to write
questions, exclamations, sentences with direct quotations, and sentences with
proper words.
e-Lesson [133211] - General Writing - Capitalization: Learn and
apply capitalization rules to correctly capitalize and identify correct
capitalization of words in sentences.
e-Lesson [133212] - General Writing - Question Marks &
Exclamation Points: Learn to identify the various kinds of
punctuation marks; and learn to correctly punctuate interrogative and
exclamatory sentences.
e-Lesson [133213] - General Writing - Quotation Marks: Learn
to differentiate between direct and indirect quotations; and learn to
correctly punctuate sentences with direct quotations.
e-Unit [13322] - General Writing - Punctuating Within Sentences:
Learn to correctly use commas, semicolons, and colons in series and in
simple, compound and complex sentences.
e-Lesson [133221] - General Writing - Punctuating Series:
Learn to use commas and semicolons correctly to punctuate simple and
complex series of nouns and adjectives.
e-Lesson [133222] - General Writing - Punctuating Phrases &
Clauses: Learn to use commas correctly to punctuate sentences with
appositives, restrictive and nonrestrictive adjective clauses, and
introductory phrasal and clausal modifiers.
e-Lesson [133223] - General Writing - Joining Sentences:
Learn to use commas and semicolons correctly to join simple sentences
into compound and complex sentences.
e-Unit [13323] - General Writing - Sentence Mastery: Learn to write
clear and accurate sentences with consistent verb tense; learn correct use of
connectives; and learn logical order and effective structure.
e-Lesson [133231] - General Writing - Matching Sentence
Parts: Learn to identify and match subjects, verbs and other sentence
parts to insure subject-verb agreement, verb tense, voice consistency and
proper modification of introductory phrases.
e-Lesson [133232] - General Writing - Using The Right
Sentence Connectives: Learn to use sentence connectives to indicate
contrast, cause-effect, exemplification and addition.
e-Lesson [133233] - General Writing - Writing Effective
Sentences: Learn to identify and write clear, accurate and interesting
sentences which follow time sequence, make logical relationships
between ideas, and avoid misplacing modifiers.
e-Lesson [133234] - General Writing - Editing Sentences: Learn
to identify and correct sentence fragments, run-on sentences,
coordination and subordination problems, vagueness, misplaced and
dangling modifiers, and lack of parallelism.