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Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
Final Exam
Name: ________________________
Practical Section. On your Scantron use the terms below to answer the questions at each station. Fill
in the letter (s) of the correct answer. You may use each term more than once, but not all terms have to
be used. If the answer you want has 2 letters (i.e. BC) then shade in both on your Scantron.
Table 1 – for rocks 1 & 2
A. Igneous
B. Sedimentary
C. Metamorphic
E. Phaneritic
AB. Aphanitic
AC. Porphyritic
AE. Glassy
BC. Shield
BD. Composite
CD. Detrital
DE. Not from a volcano
Rock 1. Use the word bank above for questions 1 - 3.
1. What type of rock is this?
2. What is its texture?
3. What kind of volcano did it come from?
4. This rock is an example of _________________.
a. Basalt
ab. Shale
b. Gabbro
ac. Slate
c. Rhyolite
ad. Granite
d. Obsidian
ae. Hornblende
e. Sandstone
bc. Schist
Rock 2. Use the word bank above for questions 5 – 8.
5. What type of rock is this?
6. What is its texture?
7. What kind of volcano did it come from?
8. This rock is an example of _________________.
a. Basalt
ab. Shale
b. Gabbro
ac. Slate
c. Rhyolite
ad. Granite
d. Obsidian
ae. Pumice
e. Sandstone
bc. Schist
D. Foliated
AD. Non Foliated
BE. Cinder Cone
Table 2 – for rocks 3 & 4
A. Igneous
E. Medium
AE. Delta
B. Sedimentary
AB. Fine
BC. Deep marine
C. Metamorphic
AC. Non Detrital
BD. Shallow marine
D. Coarse
AD. Detrital
BE. Desert lake
CD. Landslide
DE. Swamp
Rock 3. Use the word bank above for questions 9 – 11.
9. What type of rock is this?
10. What is its texture?
11. What was its MOST LIKELY depositional environment? (note: you may use each depositional
environment only once)
12. This rock is an example of _________________.
a. Basalt
ab. Tuff
b. Conglomerate
ac. Slate
c. Siltstone
ad. Breccia
d. Limestone
ae. Oolitic Limestone
e. Sandstone
bc. Fossiliferous limestone
Rock 4. Use the word bank above for questions 13 – 15.
Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
Final Exam
Name: ________________________
13. What type of rock is this?
14. What is its texture?
15. What was its MOST LIKELY depositional environment? (note: you may use each depositional
environment only once)
16. This rock is an example of _________________.
a. Basalt
ab. Tuff
b. Conglomerate
ac. Slate
c. Siltstone
ad. Breccia
d. Limestone
ae. chalk
e. Sandstone
bc. coal
Table 3 – for rocks 5 & 6
A. Igneous
E. Phaneritic
AE. Medium grade
CD. Cinder Cone
B. Sedimentary
AB. Aphanitic
BC. High grade
DE. Non Foliated
C. Metamorphic
AC. Non Detrital
BD. Shield
D. Foliated
AD. Low grade
BE. Composite
Rock 5. Use the word bank above for questions 17 – 19.
17. What type of rock is this?
18. What is its metamorphic grade OR (if you think this is an igneous rock) What type of volcano
did it come from?
19. What is its metamorphic texture? OR (if you think this is an igneous rock) What is its igneous
20. This rock is an example of _________________.
a. Basalt
ab. Tourmaline Schist
b. Gneiss
ac. Slate
c. Garnet Schist
ad. Breccia
d. Limestone
ae. Phylite
e. Slate
bc. Mica Schist
Rock 6. Use the word bank above for questions 21 – 23.
21. What type of rock is this?
22. What is its metamorphic grade OR (if you think this is an igneous rock) What type of volcano
did it come from?
23. What is its metamorphic texture? OR (if you think this is an igneous rock) What is its igneous
24. This rock is an example of _________________.
a. Basalt
ab. Tourmaline Schist
b. Gneiss
ac. Slate
c. Garnet Schist
ad. Breccia
d. Limestone
ae. Phylite
e. Slate
bc. Mica Schist
Match the minerals in Table 4 below with the samples at station 7.
Table 4 – for minerals 7, 8, & 9
Final Exam
Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
A. Plagioclase
E. Quartz
AE. Orthoclase
CD. Halite
B. Hornblende
AB. Calcite
BC. Plagioclase
DE. Fluorite
Mineral 7.
25. This mineral is:
a. Metallic
b. Nonmetallic
c. Found in many detrital rocks
d. Found in many ignous rocks
e. Both b & c
ab. Both b & d
26. Use Table 4 to name this mineral
Mineral 8.
27. This mineral is:
a. Metallic
b. Nonmetallic
c. Found in many detrital rocks
d. Found in many ignous rocks
e. Both b & c
ab. Both b & d
28. Use Table 4 to name this mineral
Mineral 9.
29. This mineral is:
a. Metallic
b. Nonmetallic
c. Has a low SG
d. Has a high SG
e. Shows cleavage
ab. a, c, & e
ac. a & c only
30. Use Table 4 to name this mineral
C. Gypsum
AC. Halite
BD. Magnetite
Name: ________________________
D. Muscovite
AD. Orthoclase
BE. Hematite
Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
Final Exam
Name: ________________________
Use Table 5 to answer these structural geology multiple choice questions. You may use each term
more than once, but not all terms have to be used.
Table 5: For questions 27 – 35
A. anticline
B. syncline
E. plunging anticline
AB. recumbent fold
AE. right-lateral strike slip BC. tension
CD. left-lateral strike slip DE. basin
The diagram below pertains to questions 43 – 45
C. monocline
AC. reverse fault
BD. compression
ABC. Plastic/Ductile
D. dome
AD. normal fault
BE. shear
ABD. Brittle
31. Use Table 5 to name this structure
32. What type of deformation did the rocks undergo?
33. What type of stress created this structure?
The diagram below pertains to questions 46 – 48
34. Use Table 5 to name this structure
35. What type of deformation did the rocks undergo?
36. What type of stress created this structure?
The diagram below pertains to questions 49 – 51
37. Use Table 5 to name this structure
38. What type of deformation did the rocks undergo?
39. What type of stress created this structure?
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the
36) Which one of the following is NOT true of glaciers?
A) originate on land
B) form from the recrystallization of snow
C) show evidence of past or present flow
D) exist only in the Northern Hemisphere
37) A ________ shaped valley is typical of canyons and valleys eroded and deepened by alpine or
valley glaciers.
A)Y B) V C) U D) S
38)________ are erosional features produced by valley/alpine glaciers.
A) Eskers
B) Drumlins C) Cirques
D) Moraines
39) Desert and steppe lands cover about what percentage of Earth's land area?
Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
Final Exam
Name: ________________________
A) 66% B) 30% C) 3% D) 10%
40) What mature, desert landscape feature consists of coalesced alluvial fans?
A) playa
B) delta
C) mesa
D) bajada
41) Which one of the following is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
A) oxygen
B) argon
C) nitrogen D) carbon dioxide
42) The lowest layer of the atmosphere is the ________.
A) ionosphere B) mesosphere C) stratosphere D) troposphere
43) Practically all clouds and storms occur in this layer of the atmosphere.
A) troposphere B) mesosphere C) stratosphere D) ionosphere
44) The 90∘ angle solar rays are striking the Tropic of Cancer on ________.
A) June 21
B) March 21
C) September 21
D) December 21
45) The 90∘ angle solar rays are striking the Tropic of Capricorn on ________.
A) June 21
B) March 21
C) September 21
D) December 21
46) New York City has its greatest length of daylight on ________.
A) June 21
B) March 21
C) September 21
D) December 21
47) "A" climates are near the ________.
A) Prime Meridian
B) Arctic Circle
C) equator
D) Tropic of Capricorn
E) Tropic of Cancer
48)Which climate group has lack of precipitation as its primary criterion?
A) E group
B) D group C) B group
D) A group E) C group
49) California has a ________ climate.
A) dry
B) humid tropical
C) highland
D) mild middle-latitude
E) polar
Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
Final Exam
Name: ________________________
50) The ________ forms the relatively cool, brittle plates of plate tectonics.
A) eosphere
B) asthenosphere
C) astrosphere
D) lithosphere
51) Obsidian exhibits a ________ texture.
A) fine-grained
B) porphyritic
C) coarse-grained
D) glassy
52) Rhyolite is the fine-grained equivalent of this igneous rock.
A) andesite B) diorite
C) basalt
D) granite
53) Igneous rock is formed
A) at great depth within Earth.
B) by changes in mineral composition.
C) by crystallization of molten rock.
D) by the weathering of preexisting rocks.
54) The texture of an igneous rock ________.
A) is caused by leaching
B) determines the color of the rock
C) is controlled by the composition of magma
D) records the rock's cooling history
55) Which one of the following is NOT related to chemical weathering?
A) oxidation B) decomposition
C)hydrolysis D) frost wedging
56) Which rock type is associated with a high-energy environment (such as a very turbulent stream)?
A) chert
B) shale
C) conglomerate
D) schist
57) Which of the following lists the rocks in the order of increasing grain size and increasing grade of
A) schist, slate, phyllite
B) phyllite, slate, schist
C) slate, phyllite, schist
D) slate, schist, phyllite
58) Pull-apart rift zones and the mid-ocean ridge are generally associated with a ________ plate
A) divergent
B) transform
C) all plate boundaries
D) convergent
59) Which one of the following most accurately describes the volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands?
A) stratovolcanoes associated with a mid-Pacific transform fault
B) shield volcanoes associated with a mid-Pacific ridge and spreading center
Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
Final Exam
Name: ________________________
C) stratovolcanoes associated with subduction and a convergent plate boundary
D) shield volcanoes fed by a long-lived hot spot below the Pacific lithospheric plate
60) Deep ocean trenches is where ________ occurs.
A) sinking of oceanic lithosphere into the mantle at a subduction zone
B) transform faulting between an oceanic plate and a continental plate
C) rifting beneath a continental plate and the beginning of continental drift
D) rising of hot asthenosphere from deep in the mantle
61) When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source. The source is also
referred to as the ________.
A) inertial point
B) focus
C) epicenter D) seismic zone
62) The shaking we feel during an earthquake is caused by the ________ of rock.
A) stress fracture
B) seismic rebound
C) elastic rebound
D) fault displacement
63) Overall, this type of seismic wave is the most destructive.
A) S wave
B) tsunami
C) surface wave
D) P wave
64) P waves ________.
A) propagate only in solids
B) produce the strongest ground shaking
C) have higher amplitudes than do S waves
D) are faster than S waves and surface waves
65) Which of the following features characterizes mature streams within valleys?
A) V-shaped valley cross sections B) natural levees; broad floodplains
C) rapids; channel bed potholes
D) waterfalls; entrenched meanders
Essay Section. Answer each question as concisely as possible using words and/or labeled diagrams.
Please come up if you need clarification about what is being asked.
1. List the 4 Terrestrial planets and 4 Jovian planets. Then give two primary differences between the
Jovian planets and the Terrestrial planets. (2 points)
2. List the 3 types of plate boundaries and the relative motion that occurs between the two plates at
each (6 pts). At which plate boundary(s) do volcanoes form (1 pt)? Why (2 pts)? At which plate
boundary can mountains form (1 pt)? What type of stress and deformation creates mountains at this
plate boundary (2 pts)? (12 points)
Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
Final Exam
Name: ________________________
Choose 3 OR 4
3. Describe, from start to finish, how an igneous rock OR a sedimentary rock OR a metamorphic rock
can form. Only describe one process. (5 points)
4. List the 4 elements of weather and climate then describe how they each could be influenced by one
of the 7 controls of weather and climate. (5 points)
Maps and Lab Questions.
Use the word bank below to help you correctly identify the referenced features on each map. Note that some words may be
used more than once, some words may not be needed at all, and some answers are not listed here.
Word bank
Meandering stream channel
Braided stream channel
natural levee
sand dune
disappearing stream
pater noster lake
V-shaped valley
oxbow lake
playa lake
karst topography
flood plain
U-shaped valley
end moraine
point bar
alluvial fan
sinkhole lake
lateral moraine
stream terrace
channel bar
yazoo tributary
perennial stream
kettle lake
Map #1 (5 points)
What type of stream channel contains “Cowlitz River”? _____________________________________
What flat, stream related landform is indicated by “A”? _____________________________________
Why are so many of the contour lines around Mt. Rainer blue in color? _________________________
Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
Final Exam
Name: ________________________
Calculate the approximate stream gradient of Cowlitz River between the town of Packwood and Cora
School. Show all work below, include the correct units, and circle final answer.
Map 2 (1 point)
What kind of volcano is Fairfield Peal? ________________________________________________
Map 3 (1 point)
What type of stream channel contains Katerskill Creek (look for the check mark)? _______________
Map 4 (2 points)
What type of glacier related depositional feature is shown at “A”? ____________________________
Based on the shape of this feature, the glacier was traveling from _____________ to ______________
Map 5 (2 points)
What is the name of the glaciated features within “A” _______________________________________
and “B”? __________________________________________________________________________
Map 6 (1 point)
What type of stream pattern is shown by Madison River just south of Ennis Lake? ________________
8 sec
Where Y = distance to the epicenter
6. Use the formula above to determine the distance between each of the four stations and the epicenter
of the earthquake. To determine the lag time come up and get a ruler. Show all work below. (10
St. Louis: ________ Bloomington: ________ Minneapolis: ________ Bowling Green: _______
For the St. Louis seismograph label the arrival of the P wave and the arrival of the S wave.
At which seismographic station would ground shaking be the most intense? _____________________
Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
Final Exam
Name: ________________________
7. For the cross section below, put the geologic events in their proper sequence and write the
appropriate number of sedimentary principle for each event. Erosion counts as an event, as does
folding or tilting. ALL events must be in their proper sequence. (10 points)
Types of Events: Folding, Faulting, Deposition, Erosion, Intrusion, Eruption, Metamorphism
Lacy, F07; ESCI 110
Final Exam
Name: ________________________
2. (8 points total) The diagram below shows Earth with respect to the sun at various times of the year.
Fill in the blanks with the number of the circle which corresponds to each of the following. (1 point
each – all are in respect to the northern hemisphere)
Summer Solstice _______
Autumnal Equinox _________
Spring Equinox _________
Winter Solstice __________
Longest Day in northern hemisphere ________
At what number does the northern hemisphere have its summer? Why does it occur at this time? (3
Extra Credit
1. It has been said that California may one day sink into the ocean. Based on what you know about the
structure of Earth and plate tectonics, is this likely to happen? Explain. (5 points)
2. Using the data below construct a climograph on the chart provided. (10 points)
7. Compare the climograph for Los Angeles with that for Buenos Aires. Which one is from the
southern hemisphere, and how can you tell from the climograph? ______________________________