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Evolution Online Review
Directions: The following lessons (or segments of lessons) were generated by students like you!
Chapter 10
Donated by Chris T.
On, go to Assessments, Section Quizzes, Chapter 10. Use the section quiz and the online
textbook to complete the following:
1. Did scientists in the 1700’s believe that fossils were traces of organisms that lived in the past?
Why or why not?
2. What is catastrophism?
3. Two individuals from the same species must be able to __________ and have __________
4. What is Linneaus known for?
5. What is the big idea of evolution that is commonly supported by today’s scientists?
1. Tortoises of the Galapagos Islands had adaptations for the ___________________ and
2. An adaptation is a(n):
3. Galapagos finches had adaptations to :
4. What is some evidence that demonstrates that earth is older then 6000 years?
5. An adaptation seen in Finches for eating bark insects was:
1. A population is:
2. (True/False) Animals with better fitness levels are able to survive and produce more offspring.
3. Natural selection (can/cannot) cause variations in populations.
4. What is fitness?
1. Homologous structures are feature that are similar in ______________
but different in ___________.
2. Fossils, anatomy, and embryology are evidence of:
3. A bird wing and an insect wing are ____________ structures because:
Go to chapter 10 Animated Biology, click on Natural selection.
1. What is natural selection?
2. The four factors that must work together for natural selection to occur are ________________,
heritability, __________________, and ______________ _____________.
3. If there is no _________________ within a population, there will be no new trait on which
natural selection can act.
4. (True/False) An adaptation does not allow an individual better survival over another in a
5. Define selective pressure. Give an example.
6. Complete the activity. Where you able to produce more fish with notched tail fins. If so, How?
Go to
1. What did birds originally evolve from?
Donated by Amelia D.
2. There were _______ species of feathered dinosaurs found in china recently that
evolved between: _________________ and ________________.
3. What evolutionary advantage was given to birds? Why do penguins not have the adaptation?
What adaptations take its place?
4. List 4 extraordinary bird adaptations?
5. List three effects humans have on bird evolution.
6. Why do some birds go extinct while others do not? Give examples of how birds live with man.
Go to : Watch the video called “A Variety of Hummingbirds.”
1. Explain how the hummingbird can hover in midair?
2. When hummingbirds feed on nectar, it _________________ the plant.
3. What type of hummingbird has a beak longer than its body?
4. An average sized hummingbird must beat it’s wings ______times/second to get the lift it needs.
Go to:
1. Though the crocodile’s ___________ dates back __________________, the crocodile, as we
know it today first evolved about _________________ years ago.
2. With few natural predators, a permanent armor of________________ covering most of its body
and strong ______________ muscles capable of crushing anything from bones to cast iron, the
croc is extremely _______________ and robust creature.
3. What is one of the keys to survival for the crocodile?
4. Crocodiles have developed behaviors to control their body ______________: they bask in the
sun when cool and seek shade or water when hot?
5. A croc’s __________________ is so evolved that its body uses and stores nearly the entirety of
the food it consumes.
6. Larger crocodiles will eat larger ____________ and ______________, but they will also eat fish
and mollusks like ______________.
Chapter 11
Go to:
Donated by Taylor Q.
1. Animals, such as the platypus, classified as _______________, are mammals that lay eggs.
2. Some characteristics of a platypus body include ____________,___________ and a horizontally
3. Both ___________________ and ____________________ platypuses are born with a spur.
4. Why do males have spurs?
5. The surface of a platypus’s bill is packed with ______electroreceptor and
6. Scientist compared the genome of a platypus with the genomes of which animals? (LIST 3)
7. Characteristics such as egg-laying and venomous spurs were found to have origins in
______________ ancestors.
8. Characteristics such as fur, milk production and a strong sense of smell were found to be
consistent with ____________________ ancestors.
Go to, select Assessment, Section Quizzes, Unit 4: Evolution. Complete the chapter
11 Section assessments (Skip 11.4) and answer the following questions.
Donated by Bennet M.
1. Does a mutation in a body cell change the genetic variation in the gene pool? Why or why not?
2. What is the frequency of a recessive allele for flower color in a population of 100 plants? (Twenty
plants are homozygous dominant, 60 plants are heterozygous, and 20 are homozygous recessive.)
3. Where does genetic variation come from?
a. mutation only b. both mutation and recombination
c. recombination only d. mitosis only
1. Where is the most common phenotype found in a normal distribution?
2. Which type of selection is antibiotic resistance in bacteria?
2. (True/False) Microevolution occurs in a single population.
1. Is the following statement an example of gene flow? (Yes/No)
“A squirrel builds a new nest on another branch of the same tree as the old nest.”
2. How is the bottleneck and founder effect similar?
3. How might gene flow benefit a small population?
1. The formation of two species from one existing species is _________________.
2. Why are chemical scents behavioral barriers?
3. Is this statement an example of temporal isolation? (Yes/No)
“Two populations of meadowlarks do not mate because they have different songs.”
1. Over many generations of lizards, the ___________for green skin color has increased in
frequency. What will eventually happen to the lizard population if all the grass dies and bare soil
____________in the future?
2. How does convergent and divergent evolution differ?
Click on Biozine. Find “Drug-resistant Bacteria – A Global Health Issue” in the left sidebar and
click it. Read the article and answer the following.
Donated my Marika T-R
1. What is Staphylococcus aureus?
2. What makes athletes more vulnerable to staphs?
3. Doctors would prescribe antibiotics like _______________, which killed the staph bacteria.
Ordinary staph infections (can/cannot) still be treated this way.
4. What is “drug-resistant bacteria”?
5. Antibiotics kill the ___________ _____________ bacteria, leaving behind the more resistant
bacteria to survive and _____________.
a. When resistant bacteria reproduce, resistant genes are passed on to their
b. In six hours, one cell can produce as many as
i. 500,000 offspring ii. 100 offspring iii. 67 offspring
iv. no offspring.
6. In your opinion and based on your knowledge from the article, how do antibacterial soaps and
household cleaners contribute to the evolution of drug-resistant bacteria?
Go to Animated Biology, Chapter 11, click on “Mechanisms for Evolution”. Follow along with the
simulation and answer the following questions:
Donated by Christie S.
1. What are the five processes that can lead to evolution within a population?
2. After a bottleneck event, only ____________and ___________alleles remain in the small
3. Green alleles (increase/decrease) in frequency due to (emigration/immigration). Orange
alleles (increase/decrease) in frequency due to (emigration/immigration).
4. In mutation, why does red body color give the individual an advantage?
5. What color allows individuals to blend in with their environment?
a. Red
b. orange
c. green d. blue
e. purple f. white
6. Why do the blue alleles increase in frequency?