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Read the Paragraph below on Tsunamis. Then answer questions 29-32
Tsunami – from website accessed 12/6/07
Tsunamis (pronounced soo-ná-mees), also known as seismic sea waves (mistakenly called
“tidal waves”), are a series of enormous waves created by an underwater disturbance such
as an earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, or meteorite. A tsunami can move hundreds
of miles per hour in the open ocean and smash into land with waves as high as 100 feet or
From the area where the tsunami originates, waves travel outward in all directions. Once
the wave approaches the shore, it builds in height. The topography of the coastline and the
ocean floor will influence the size of the wave. There may be more than one wave and the
succeeding one may be larger than the one before. That is why a small tsunami at one
beach can be a giant wave a few miles away.
All tsunamis are potentially dangerous, even though they may not damage every coastline
they strike. A tsunami can strike anywhere along most of the U.S. coastline. The most
destructive tsunamis have occurred along the coasts of California, Oregon, Washington,
Alaska, and Hawaii.
Earthquake-induced movement of the ocean floor most often generates tsunamis. If a
major earthquake or landslide occurs close to shore, the first wave in a series could reach
the beach in a few minutes, even before a warning is issued. Areas are at greater risk if
they are less than 25 feet above sea level and within a mile of the shoreline. Drowning is
the most common cause of death associated with a tsunami. Tsunami waves and the
receding water are very destructive to structures in the run-up zone. Other hazards include
flooding, contamination of drinking water, and fires from gas lines or ruptured tanks.
29. Tsunamis are enormous waves
created by underwater disturbances, yet
30. Areas of the earth are at greater risk
from the effects of a tsunami then others.
they are often mistakenly called______.
a. Seismic Sea Waves
b. Tidal Waves
c. Surface waves
d. Primary waves
These areas are usually near sea level and
within _____ of the shoreline.
a. a mile
b. a kilometer
c. a foot
d. meter
31. According to what you now know
about Tsunamis, which state would least
likely be affected by these waves?
a. Oregon
b. Florida
c. Oklahoma
d. Hawaii
32. Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes,
landslides, volcanic eruptions, or_____.
a. wind
b. hurricanes
c. meteorites
d. the moon
33. What can you conclude if you came
upon a V-Shaped valley?
a. A glacier had once been here.
b. A mountain river had once
flowed here
c. A landslide had once occurred
d. Sea waves had once pounded
on the land here.
34. How do scientists classify rock?
a. According to their color
b According to how they form
c. According to where they are
d. According to their age
35. Since the Earth’s crust lies on the
a. The crust should be more
dense then the mantle
b. The crust should be less
dense then the mantle
c. The density of the crust
should be the same as the
d. The crust should be the
same as the outer core.
36. Two scientists perform a test to find the
age of the same layered sedimentary rock.
Although they follow the same basic
procedure, they get very different results.
Which is the MOST LIKELY explanation for
these results?
37. What would reduce automobile air
pollution the MOST ?
a. putting filters on car exhaust
b. driving fewer miles
c. switching to cars that run on
38. How is farming MOST LIKELY to
produce water pollution?
a. fertilizers may enter bodies of
b. Foods may enter bodies of water.
c. Soil may enter bodies of water.
a. They studied samples with
different masses.
b. They tested two different layers of
the rock.
c. They did not work together to
conduct the tests.
d. They conducted their tests at
different times of the day.
d. driving cars that use less fuel
39. “The use of fertilizers only increases
air pollution.”
What is wrong with this statement ?
a. The use of fertilizers actually may
decrease air pollution.
b. The use of fertilizers actually may
decrease water pollution.
c. The use of fertilizers may actually
increase air pollution.
d. The use of fertilizers may actually
increase water pollution.
d. Gases may enter bodies of water.
40. Water vapor is a
a. liquid
b. solid
c. gas
d. form of energy
Use Picture 4 below to help answer questions 41 - 42
41. Picture 4 shows the habitat for
Mesosaurus, a land creature, in dark.
What can you conclude from the
information in Picture 4?
a. South America and Africa were
once further apart then they are
b. South America and Africa were
once part of the same land mass
c. Mesosaurus lived recently
42. The evidence depicted in Picture 4 is
about fossils of an animal. Along with the
evidence of animal fossils, Alfred
Wegener used all of the following to
prove his theory except.
a. Widespread plant fossils
b. Climate evidence
c. Rock evidence
d. Formation of coal.
d. Fossils can not provide evidence
of moving continents
43. When conditions permit, many
minerals form crystals with elaborate
geometric patterns. The crystalline
structure of quartz is due to
a. the types of chemical elements
contained within the crystal
b. the internal arrangement of atoms
within the crystal
c. how long ago the crystal formed
d. the shape of the surrounding
rocks where the crystal formed
44. All of the following are nonrenewable
energy sources except______________.
a. Coal
b. Solar energy
c. Natural gas
d. Petroleum oil
Use Picture 5 to answer questions 45 and 46
45. What type of energy production is
occurring in Picture 5?
a. Hydroelectric energy
b. Solar energy
c. Geothermal Energy
d. Biomass energy
Renewable energy sources have
disadvantages to them. Which one of the
following is a disadvantage for the energy
production above.
a. Water is hard to find.
b. Dams destroy the habitats and
environment where the reservoir is
c. the sun is not always out
d. the wind does not always blow
47.Conservationists are hoping to replace
oil with energy to heat downtown
Millersville’s office buildings . Which of
the following will determine whether
solar energy can be used for that
a. the amount of oil that is
b. the kind of offices there are
in downtown Millersville
c. the number of cloudy days
in Millersville
d. the amount of oil reserves.
49. Information about oil and coal
being used to heat homes would
most likely be found under which
heading in a table of
a. Nuclear Energy
b. Renewable Resources
c. Inexhaustible Resources
d. Fossil Fuels
51. Why are most fossils found in
Sedimentary rock?
a. Sedimentary rocks are Earth’s
most common rock
b. Organisms normally live in
areas with sedimentary rock.
c. Organisms can be trapped and
preserved in sedimentary rock
d. Sedimentary rocks are found
closest to the surface of the
52. Earthquake vibrations are detected,
measured and recorded by instruments
a. Sonargraphs
b. Seismographs
c. Richter Scale
d. Magnometer
53. Gravity is a force that pulls on all
things on Earth. An example of this is
a. An apple falling from a tree to
the ground
b. A hot air balloon rising in the sky
c. Dirt getting sucked up by a
d. A car acceleration on the street
54. Chris was looking at pictures of the
different mountain ranges in the United
States. He was surprised to see that the
Appalachian Mountain were smaller and
more rounded then the Rocky Mountains.
The Appalachian Mountains looked old
and worn compared to the Rocky
Mountains. What is the Best explanation?
a. Two many people and animals
traveled across the mountains
causing them to wear away
b. All of the snowfall was so
heavy that it weighted down the
mountains and caused them to
c. The water that used to cover the
Earth ware away parts of the
d. The effects of the wind and
water caused weathering,
wearing away the mountains
55. The formula to find the Density of an
object is D = M / V. If the Mass of an
object is 10 g and the Volume of the
same object is 2 mL. The density of the
object is________.
a. 5 g/mL
b. 20 g/mL
c. 10 g
d. 2 mL
56. Which Land form is most like to be
formed by a river?
a. Valley
b. Glacier
c. Volcano
d. Mountain
57. When scientist use energy from hot
magma it is called _________
a. magnetic
b. geothermal
c. solar
d. nuclear
58. All of the following cause mechanical
weathering EXCEPT ______
a. ice
b. tree roots
c. burrowing animals
d. carbonic acid
59. The difference between mechanical
and chemical weathering is _______
a. the length of time each takes to
break up rock
b. that only chemical weathering
involves water
c. the way they affect the make up of
a rock
d. all of the above
60.Mechanical weathering _________
a. breaks apart rock by physical
b. occurs when chemical reactions
dissolve or change the minerals in
c. occurs when iron is exposed to
oxygen and water
d. none of the above
61. At a construction site workers often
reduce erosion by
a. covering exposed ground
62. Mr. Curry removed all of the weeds
on a hill behind his house. How did he
affect the speed of runoff and erosion
b. spraying water on bare ground
c. planting trees
d. none of the above
63. Dissolved minerals and sediments are
most likely carried to the ocean by
a. Animals
b. Wind
c. Gravity
d. Rivers
65. A classmate shows you a smooth and
rounded rock. The worn down rock was
weathered into smaller pieces and mixed
with decaying plants and insects to form
a. ash
b. soil
c. lava
d. bedrock
behind his house.
a. slow down
b. speed up
c. decrease
d. did not affect runoff and erosion
64. A deposit of sediments contains soil,
plants, and trees, and rocks of many sizes.
The rocks are rough and many have sharp
edges. These materials were MOST
LIKELY deposited by
a. wind
b. a river
c. a landslide
d. ocean waves