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Name _______________________________
Chapter 11 Review Guide
Part I: Textbook: pg. 283 (1-9; 14-17; 19-20). Your work must be in complete sentences for full credit!!!!
Part II: Please answer the following questions below.
(Know how to do all types of crosses studied in class…… notes and handouts)
1. Summarize Mendel’s four principles.
 Principle of Inheritance: ______________________________________________________________
Principle of dominance: _______________________________________________________________
Law of Segregation: _________________________________________________________________
Law of Independent Assortment:________________________________________________________
2. In meiosis:
a) Identify the end result:____________________________________________________________
b) When does crossing over occur? _____________________________________________________
c) Describe what happens during crossing over: ____________________________________________
d) What is the end result of meiosis I? _________________________________________________
e) When do the sister chromatids separate in meiosis? _____________________________________
f) If a cell with a diploid number of 30 chromosomes undergoes meiosis, how many chromosomes will be
in each gamete? ______
g) What is the SYMBOL used to show a diploid organism? ________ Haploid? ________
3. Define:
multiple alleles ___________________________________________________________________________
polygenic traits __________________________________________________________________________
codominance _____________________________________________________________________________
incomplete dominance ______________________________________________________________________
4. Differentiate between a gene and an allele.
5. Explain why horse breeders will pay a lot of money to breed one of their horses with a horse that has won the
Kentucky Derby.
6. In guinea pigs, R= rough coat, and r= smooth coat. A heterozygous parent is crossed with a homozygous recessive
parent. All offspring have smooth coats. Show how this is possible using a punnett square.
a) Give the chromosome number of a normal diploid human cell? _________
b) Haploid number? __________
c) Number of chromosomes a normal sperm should carry? _____________
a) Synonym of homozygous: _____________________________________
b) Synonym of heterozygous: ____________________________________
9. What are linked genes? (pg. 279)
10. How does crossing over relate to genetic variety? (pg. 279)
11. What is a gene map? (pg. 280)
Do the following crosses and SHOW YOUR WORK!
12. A cross between a brown guinea pig and a white guinea pig produces offspring that are all light brown in color.
a) What pattern of heredity is being exhibited? _____________________________________
b) Cross a light brown guinea pig with a brown guinea pig. List all possible genotypes and phenotypes of the
13. If yellow seeds are dominant and green seeds are recessive, cross two parents heterozygous for this trait. Give
the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring.
14. In rabbits, R=rough coats and r=smooth coats; B=brown coat color and b= white coat color. Cross two parents
that are heterozygous for both traits. Give the phenotypes of the offspring (you do not need to list the genotypes).
15. A cross between a blue bird and a yellow bird produces what appears to be all green offspring. Upon closer
inspection, the green offspring actually have individual blue and yellow feathers.
a) What pattern of heredity is being exhibited? _______________________________
b) Cross a green bird with a yellow bird. Give all possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring.
16. In peas, the allele for tall plants is dominant over the allele for short plants. Also, purple flowers are dominant
over white flowers. Cross a plant that is heterozygous tall, with white flowers, with a plant that is short, with
heterozygous purple flowers. Give all phenotypes of the offspring (you do not need to list the genotypes).
17. A cross between a true breeding red flower and a true breeding white flower produces offspring that have a
phenotype which is totally different from both parents. This is an example of _____________________.
18. A situation in which a gene has more than 2 alleles is known as ______________________.
19. Blood type AB is an example of ___________________ (11-3 notes from today).
20. In fruit flies, multiple genes control the trait for eye color. This is an example of __________________.
21. A roan calf is born from a cross between a cow with white hair (WW) and a bull with red hair (RR). This is an
example of ___________________.
22. Human skin color is controlled by more than 4 different genes. This is an example of ________________.
New Genetic Mysteries to Solve: Dominant vs. Recessive
1. In guinea pigs, short hair is dominant and long hair is recessive. A shorthaired male and a shorthaired female produced mostly
shorthaired offspring, but a few were longhaired. Show how you can determine the genotypes of the parents.
2. In a certain species of plant, one purebred variety has hairy leaves and another purebred variety has smooth leaves. A cross of the two
varieties produces offspring that all have smooth leaves. Predict the ratio of phenotypes in the F2 generation.
3. In corn, yellow seed color is dominant and white is recessive. A certain ear of corn had a mixture of yellow
and white seeds. What color seeds could the parents have grown from?
4. In a certain animal, a breed is known that always has a hairy tail; another breed is known that always has a naked tail. How would
you determine which trait is dominant?
5. The Jones family has eight children (oh my!), all of whom are girls. What is the chance that the next child will be a boy? Explain.
6. In humans, normal pigmentation is due to a dominant factor "C," albinism to its recessive allele "c." A normal man marries an albino
woman. Their first child is an albino.
(a) What are the genotypes of these three people?
(b) If they have more children, what would they probably be like?
(c) An albino man marries a normally pigmented woman. They have 2 children, both normally pigmented. What are the genotypes of
the parents and children?
7. In sheep, white coat is dominant. Black is recessive. Occasionally, a black sheep appears in a flock. Black wool is worthless. How
could a farmer eliminate the genes black coat from the flock?
8. Alien Genetics: A is dominant for Slimy Skin, and a is recessive for dry skin. H is dominant for Green skin, and h is recessive for
brown skin. Mommy Alien is homozygous recessive for both traits and Daddy Alien is heterozygous for skin texture and homozygous
dominant for skin color. What is Mom’s genotype?______ Phenotype?__________ Dad’s genotype?_______
What are Mom’s Possible Gametes? _____ _____ _____ _____ What are Dad’s possible gametes?_____ _____ _____ _____
Do the dyhybrid cross below:
What is the genotyoic ratio of the offspring?
Phenotypic ratio of offspring?
What are the chances that the offspring will be green and
What are the chances that the offspring will be brown and