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Science: Directed Reading Study Guide
Chapter 2: Plate Tectonics
Lesson 2:
Plate Boundaries
Types of Boundaries (pages 202-203)
1. A ____________________ is a place where tectonic plates touch and interact
with one another. These are typically areas with intense geologic activity such as
frequent and sometimes violent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain
2. Along boundaries, plates can _______________, __________________, or
____________ _____________ each other. Earthquakes result in all three of these
cases. The ________________ of boundary depends on how the plates
________________ relative to each other.
3. When two plates collide, a ______________________ boundary is formed. What
happens geologically at this type of boundary depends on the type of
_________________ at the leading edge of each tectonic plate.
4. When two tectonic plates carrying ______________________ crust at the
boundary collide, they _______________ and ________________, which pushes
the continental crust ________________. This type of convergent boundary is
called a “collision zone”.
5. When a plate with continental crust collides with a plate with ocean crust, the
denser __________________ crust sinks back into the aesthenosphere. This type
of convergent boundary is called a ______________________
________________. This also occurs where two plates both carrying
____________ crust collide.
6. When two tectonic plates separate, the boundary between them is called a
____________________ boundary. New __________ ________________ forms
at these types of boundaries. ______________ _______________ are the most
common type of this boundary.
7. When two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally, a
_____________________ boundary is formed. The ____________
_______________ fault in California is a good example of this type of boundary.
Here, the _________________ ____________________ and
_________________ plates are sliding past each other.
Section 2:
Features of Plate Boundaries (Tectonic Plate Boundaries supplement)
1. In the area of a “subduction zone” boundary, a deep V-shaped
________________ forms where the plates meet. This is usually forms offshore
of a continent or island.
2. _____________________ are a common occurrence near any type of plate
boundary. This is because rocks stick, bend, and break along the boundary as
plates move past each other.
3. In the area of a “subduction zone” boundary, mountains are a common feature.
Many of these mountains are ______________________ due to the melting of the
subducting oceanic plate.
4. If a convergent boundary forms out at sea, the volcanoes form on the sea floor of
the non-subducted plate (it is usually the older of the oceanic plates that is denser
and subducts). These often build a ____________________
__________________ __________________, a chain of volcanic islands such as
5. In the case of a “collision zone” boundary, huge _______________________
form from the folding and buckling of the crust. Unlike the “subduction zone”
convergent boundary, there are no _________________ or
_____________________ found here, but plenty of violent
6. Along divergent boundaries, a section of the lithosphere typically separates along
parallel faults and drops down into the aesthenosphere, forming a
_________________ _______________________. The cracks (rifts) are filled
with _______________________ from the mantle to form new crust.
7. __________________________ occur along the faults and
_______________________ form where magma reaches the surface.
8. Most divergent boundaries are formed on the sea-floor and their location is
marked by a ________________________ ____________________ that rises
about a kilometer about the surrounding sea floor.
9. _________________________ boundaries lack the large mountains and
volcanoes found near other types of boundaries. Rather, they feature a
______________________ ______________________. These are also known as
__________________________ faults. These appear as a large crack in the crust
at the surface surrounded by very small mountains on its sides.
10. The most famous transform boundary in the world is the _______________
_____________________ fault, which runs through part of California. The
sliding motion along the fault causes frequent and sometimes severe
The Tectonic Plate Boundaries supplement can be found on the “science assignments”
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