* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Tectonics Boundaries Student Sheet 1 Divergent 1. Name: What type of force is causing the movement at the boundary investigated between Africa and South America (i.e. the Mid Atlantic Ridge)? _______________________________________________________________ 2. What is the distance moved in the 30 million years of time that is examined? _______________________________________________________________ 3. What type of boundary is the one investigated? _______________________________________________________________ 4. What is the average distance that the plates move in a year at this boundary? ____________________ 5. As the plates move, what happens to the gap between them? _______________________________________________________________ 6. Where does the molten rock from between the plates end up? _______________________________________________________________ 7. Describe the height distribution of the oceanic crust in relation to the plate boundary. _______________________________________________________________ 8. What happens to the density of the molten rock that is pushing up between the plates as it cools? _______________________________________________________________ 9. Describe the key events that are occurring as the plates move apart. _______________________________________________________________ 10. Describe the age of the rocks each side of the plate boundary. _______________________________________________________________ 11. On land, divergent plate boundaries produce large cracks in the ground that are volcanic vents. What are these vents called? Tectonics Boundaries Student Sheet 1.doc 1 _________________________ 12. Boundaries of this type are rare on land (i.e. above the ocean floor). Where is the most famous example of this type? (i.e. name the location/country). _________________________ Tectonics Boundaries Student Sheet 1.doc 2