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(x, y)
Go along the
corridor and
up or down
the stairs!
If two shapes are congruent,
they are identical in
both shape and size.
Which shapes
are congruent?
1.Three sides are the same
The three sides of the first triangle are equal to the
three sides of the second triangle
(the SSS rule: Side Side Side).
2. Two sides and one angle are the same
Two sides of the first triangle are equal to two sides of the second triangle,
and the included angle is equal
(the SAS rule: Side Angle Side).
3. Two angles and one side are the same
Two angles in the first triangle are equal to two angles in the second triangle,
and one (similarly located) side is equal
(the AAS rule: Angle Angle Side).
Naughty Elephants Squirt Water
Never Eat Shredded Wheat
Angles in shapes
Angles in a straight line = 180°
Angles in a triangle = 180°
Angles in a circle = 360°
Angles in a quadrilateral = 360°
When reflecting a shape, you must always
remember to use the line of reflection
stated in the question
When describing a reflection, you must always
state the name of the shape (usually a letter)
and the line that is was reflected in!
When drawing a rotation, you must always
use the following 3 instructions,
and when describing a rotation,
you must always state all three pieces of info!
1. Direction of turn (c’w or a’c’w)
2. Angle of rotation (in degrees)
3. Point of rotation (coordinate)