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Chapter 9 Review Questions ~ Answers
Sec. 1 (Page 258) ~ 1 – 4 a & b
1. a. Who could claim Roman citizenship?
In the early republic, only male residents of the city of Rome
could claim citizenship; later, people beyond Rome gained
b. Why do you think Roman men were required to register their
families, slaves, and wealth at census time?
To keep a record of the population and to avoid losing their
land or becoming a slave.
2. a. Describe how rich and poor Romans lived.
The rich had luxuries like elegant homes in Rome and villas in
the country as well as banquets. The poor had very little and
lived in poorly built housing and many needed government
b. Why did the Roman government feed and entertain its people?
In order to keep them under control – to prevent riots.
3. a. What was family life like for the ancient Romans?
The Romans lived in large extended families headed by the
b. Why do you think Romans valued peaceful family life, but also
enjoyed watching violent combat in Roman arenas?
While they wanted peace at home, they were entertained by
gladiator’s violence.
4. a. What kinds of jobs did slaves perform in ancient Rome?
Slaves performed as gladiators, or helped raise a family’s
children, worked on farms, in mines, or on ships.
b. How would abolishing slavery have affected Roman lifestyles?
Wealthy people might have been less rich without slaves, and
ordinary Romans might have been better off not having to
complete with slaves for work.
Sec. 2 (Page 265) ~ 1 a & b, 2 a & b 3 a
1. a. What ideas did Jesus teach?
Jesus taught that people should love God and their neighbors.
b. Why do you think the Roman governor had Jesus put to
The governor thought that Jesus was becoming to powerful
and they thought he was teaching that God was more
powerful than the emperor of Rome. Feared that someday he
would have his followers rise up against Rome.
2. a. To what new groups did Paul want to spread the teachings of
Greeks and Romans.
b. Why might Christians have borrowed ways of worship from
the Jewish religion?
Many of the early followers of Jesus were Jews.
3. a. Why did Roman officials consider Christians enemies of the
Christians refused to worship the Roman gods and did not
show the Roman emperor the respect that was required.
Sec. 3 (Page 276) ~ 1 b, 2 a, 3 a & b, 4 a & b
1. b. Was Commodus a good choice for emperor?
No; Commodus was not qualified. He was weak and
corrupt. He contributed to the decline by undermining
the power of the senate by not getting its approval, by
bribing the army to support him, and by supporting the
bloodshed in the games.
2. a. What factors contributed to the Roman Empire’s decline?
Weak, corrupt rulers, a mercenary army, the size of the
empire, and economic problems.
b. How did each cause you listed affect the Empire’s
Weak, corrupt rulers weakened the empire’s government.
The mercenary army was motivated by pay instead of
loyalty to Rome. The large size of the empire made it
difficult to control. The empire suffered from high
taxes, severe unemployment, and inflation.
3. a. What did Constantine do to show that he accepted
He stopped the persecution and allowed Christians to
practice their religion openly. He was the leading force
behind the construction of important religious places of
b. Why did Constantine take steps to strengthen the
Christian church.
He believed that the Christian God was working through
4. a. What events led to the fall of Rome?
Invasions by the Germanic tribes.
b. Why was the Roman army unable to resist the invading
By the time invading armies overran the empire, the
Roman army was very weak.