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Accelerated Physical Science: Final Exam Review Topics
IPS Labs
6.2 – decomposition of water (electrolysis)
6.3 – synthesis of water
6.4 – synthesis of zinc chloride
Atomic Structure (study guide, quiz, test – with moles and bonding)
protons, neutrons, electrons: relative mass, location, charge
Definition of atomic number
definition of isotopes, finding # of protons and neutrons and electrons
isotope notation and mass number (mass number = #protons + #neutrons) written like this: 13C (this isotope
of C has a mass number of 13 and therefore, 6 protons, 7 neutrons and 6 electrons
periodic table: s and p blocks, alkali metals, halogens, noble gases, groups (vertical) vs. periods (horizontal)
groups are similar because they have the same number of valence electrons
flame test lab, quantization of energy, excited state vs. ground state,
ROYGBIV—energy, frequency, and wavelength of each type of light
wavelength and energy (short waves = high energy)
wavelength and frequency—(short wavelength = high frequency)
Moles (study guide, quiz, test – with atomic structure and bonding)
molar mass and molecular mass (amu)
Avogadro’s number (6.022 X 1023)
convert g to moles, moles to g; molecules to moles, moles to molecules; g to molecules, molecules to g
stoichiometry: mole ratio, limiting reactants, Balancing Equations
Bonding (study guide, quiz, test – with atomic structure and moles)
Chemical bond, ionic bond, covalent bond
electronegativity, polar and nonpolar covalent bonds
valence electrons
Lewis structures, octet rule
Most common ion – predicting charge from periodic table
Electron configuration
Hydrogen “bonding”
“World of Chemistry” videos online at
The Universe (Space take-home test, Expansion of Universe lab,
Updating the Big Bang activity)
Big Bang theory
Doppler effect (Red and Blue Shift)
Life of stars
Formation of the solar system
Fundamental Forces (points for discussion worksheet)
Gravity (know equation), Electricity (know equation), Weak Nuclear Force, Strong Nuclear Force
Know where each operates, relative strengths
Inverse square law
Changes in gravitational/electromagnetic forces when change mass/charge/ distance
Attractive and repulsive forces
Cavendish’s experiment to determine ‘G’
“Mechanical Universe” videos online at
 Ch 2 Linear Motion (quiz, test with chapter 3, Lab P01 – Position
and Velocity)
Speed, velocity, acceleration, average speed vs. instantaneous speed
scalar vs. vector quantities
the three general equations:
d = vt + = ½ at2
vf = vi + at
vf2 = vi2 + 2ad
d = vt horizontal motion, constant velocity
v =at (or v = gt) finds peak time in flight
d = ½ at2 (vertical distance in free fall)
find velocity of an object dropped from a height, the time it takes to fall, and distance it travels in that time
graphs of speed vs. time; distance vs. time; acceleration vs. time
 Ch 3 Projectile Motion (quiz, test with chapter 2)
adding vectors together to get a resultant vector using a2 + b2 = c2, resolving vectors into two horizontal and
vertical components
3/4/5 (37,53,90) and 1/1/√2 (45,45,90) triangles
finding the horizontal and vertical velocities of an object shot at an angle
finding the h and v velocities as an object drops to the ground
a dropped bullet and a horizontally shot bullet spend the same time in the air, determined by v = at (v = gt)
find how far an object can travel horizontally when fired from horizontally or at an angle
find how a far an object can travel vertically when fired straight up or at an angle
 Ch 4 Newton’s First Law-Inertia (quiz, test with chapters 5 and 6)
definition of Newton’s first law and explanation
At earth’s surface, g = 9.8 m/s2
Weight = mass x acceleration due to gravity: w = mg
units in kg m and s
difference between mass and weight
net force – vector sum of all forces acting on an object
equilibrium: net force = 0
Ch 5 Newton’s Second Law—Force and Acceleration (quiz, test
with chapters 4 and 6, Lab P08 – Constant Force)
definition of Newton’s second law and explanation
F = ma, a = Fnet/m
Force directly related to acceleration, acceleration inversely related to mass
no acceleration means no net force and vice versa (it does not mean no force at all, just that the forces
balance; also, it does not mean no velocity, just no CHANGE in velocity)
friction, pressure (force/area)
terminal velocity-achieved when air resistance is equal to downward weight, velocity decreases, then
remains constant when upward force = downward force (net force = zero)
 Ch 6 Newton’s Third Law—Action and Reaction (quiz, test with
chapters 4 and 5)
definition of Newton’s third law and explanation
action reaction pairs— for example apple-orange and horse-cart problems
 Chapter 8-Energy
Potential energy: PE = mgh
Kinetic energy: KE = ½ mv2
law of conservation of energy says that loss in PE = gain in KE
work = force x distance, W=Fd (units of joules-kg m /s2 )
work can change the KE of an object, W = KE (work-energy theorem) and can change the potential
energy, W = PE
energy is the “something” required to do work thus units of J are used for work and energy
power is the rate of doing work, Power = work/time (units are watts or J/s)