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Biology Chapter 10 Notes
Chapter 10 Voc. Word list (includes People):
People: John Dalton and Gregor Mendel
Voc. Words: Meiosis, heredity, traits, gametes, fertilization, zygote, pollination, alleles, Punnett Square,
Dominant factor, Recessive factor, Law of segregation, Law of Independent Assortment, phenotype,
genotype, homozygous, heterozygous, hybrid, gametogenesis, reductional division, equational division,
synapsis, bivalent, tetrad, chiasma, crossing over, Interkinesis, nondisjunction, trisomy, monosomy, and
 Part of the cell theory by John Dalton states that all cells come from preexisting cells.
New cells form by binary fission, mitosis, or meiosis.
 No matter what the process, the new cells receive chromosomes from the original cell.
 They may receive either a full set or half of what was present.
When Meiosis occurs the chromosomes will be transmitted from the parent to the offspring.
 Chromosomes contain the information that determines an individual’s characteristics
 Meiosis is covered under the field of Biology called Genetics which deals with heredity-the
passing on of the characteristics from parents to offspring.
o The Father of Genetics was an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel
Mendel studied several characteristics of garden peas in the mid 1800’s.
 Characteristics that are inherited are called traits.
o Parental generation –P generation
o Offspring of the P generation make up F1 (first filial) generation-In humans that
would be children
o Offspring of the F1 generation make up the F2 generation-In humans that would
be grandchildren
Mendel discovered that that garden peas reproduce sexually, which means that they produce male and
female sex cells, called gametes.
 In this organism the male gamete is in the form of pollen grain, which is produced in the male
reproductive organ.
 The female gamete forms in the female reproductive organ.
 In the process called fertilization, the male gamete unites with the female gamete. The resulting
fertilized cell is called a zygote, that later develops into a seed.
 The transfer of pollen grains from the male reproductive organ to a female reproductive organ is
called pollination.
Mendel‘s experiments led to several conclusions.
1. Each trait is controlled by two factors-also called alleles (alternative from of a gene represented
as letters in Punnett Square)
 Punnett Square is often used to show how traits are inherited.
A.) Dominant factor -Capital letter/s
 Example: YY or Yy
B.) Recessive factor-small cap letters
 Example: yy
2. Factors segregate, or separate, when a gamete forms-Law of segregation
3. Factors for different characteristics are independently distributed to a gamete-Law of
Independent assortment
Punnett Square is used to determine the offspring of two parents.
 The phenotype is the appearance of a trait in an organism
o Example Black coat color of a rabbit
 Genotype is the letters that represent the trait.
o Example Black coat color of a rabbit (phenotype) and genotype is BB
 You have homozygous genotypes and heterozygous types
o In the case which the Rabbit coat color there are three possible genotypes possible: BB
Bb, and bb
o Both BB (Black) and bb (Brown) are homozygous, where both pairs are alike.
o Bb (Black) is heterozygous, where both alleles are different.
o The Punnett Square crossing of these two parents is one trait-coat color, and is called a
Monohybrid Cross
 A hybrid is the offspring of parents that have different forms of a trait.
The alleles contributed by one parent are placed along the top. The alleles contributed by the other
parent are placed along the side.
 Each box represents a combination that is a possible genotype in the offspring.
 In this cross, the probabilities are 25% homozygous black individuals (BB), 50 %
heterozygous black individuals (Bb), and 25% homozygous brown individuals
A cross that involves two traits is called a Dihybrid cross.
In this case Round (R) is dominant to wrinkled (r). Yellow (Y) is dominant to green (y). The genotypes for
both parents are RrYy. The following Punnett Square illustrates the possible combinations of genotypes
in F1 generation.
Notice that four phenotypes are possible among the offspring: (1) round, yellow seeds; (2) round, green
seeds; (3) wrinkled, yellow seeds, and (4) wrinkled, green pea seeds.
 What are the nine genotypes and percentages?
 What are the four phenotypes represented?
RRYY 1/16 6.25%
Round , Yellow seed
RRYy 2/16 12.50% Round ,Yellow seed
RRyy 1/16 6.25%
Round ,green seed
RrYY 2/16 12.50% Round ,Yellow seed
RrYy 4/16 25%
Round, Yellow seed
Rryy 2/16 12.50% Round , green seed
1/16 6.25%
Wrinkled ,Yellow seed
2/16 12.5%
Wrinkled ,Yellow seed
1/16 6.25%
Wrinkled, green seed
10.2 Meiosis
Sexual reproduction involves the manufacture of gametes –gametogenesis
The union of a male and female gamete is called –fertilization
 Fertilization produces a zygote
o Male gamete- sperm
o Female gamete-egg or ovum
o The zygote then develops by mitosis into a multicellular organism
 The pattern of reproduction, involving the production and subsequent fusion of
haploid sex cells, is called sexual reproduction
 Occurs only in specialized cells (germ line) of reproductive organs (gonads)
o Male-testes
o Female-ovaries
 Gametes contain the haploid # (n) of chromosomes, but originate from diploid (2n) cells of the
germ line.
o The 2 chromosomes of each pair in a diploid cell are called homologous chromosomes
Each of a pair of homologous chromosomes has genes for the same traits, such
as plant height.
 The genes are arranged in the same order, but because there are different
alleles for the same gene, the homologous pair are not always identical to each
The number of chromosomes must be reduced by half to maintain the chromosome number
characteristic of the species through meiosis.
Meiosis involves a single DNA replication and 2 divisions of cytoplasm. (Both consist of 4 major phases:
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase)
 1st Meiotic division (Meiosis I) is a reductional division that produces 2 haploid cells from
a single diploid cell.
2nd Meiotic division (Meiosis II) is an equational division. In this case, sister chromatids
of haploid cells are separated.
Meiosis I
 DNA replicates during Interphase
 Prophase I
o Each pair of homologous chromosomes comes to lie side by side in a pairing process
called synapsis. Each pair of synapsed chromosomes is called a bivalent (2
o Each chromosome consists of 2 identical sister chromatids called tetrad (4 chromatids)
o During synapsis non-sister chromatids (one from each paired chromosomes) of tetrad
may break and reunite at one or more corresponding sites in a process called crossing
over. The point of exchange is called chiasma (chiasmata, plural) where either 2 or 4
chromatids cross over.
o Divided in 5 stages
 Leptonema (thin-thread stage) –long, thin chromosomes start to condense and
threadlike structures appear from the nuclear chromatin material
 Zygonema (joined-thread stage)-synapsis begins
 Pachynema (thick-thread stage), synapsis appears so tight that it becomes
difficult to see in a bivalent
 Diplonema (double-thread stage) –see individual chromatids and chiasmata
 Diakinesis –the chromosomes reach maximum condensation, nucleoli and
nuclear membrane disappear, and spindle apparatus begins to form.
 Metaphase I-bivalents are on the equatorial plane
 Anaphase I-centromeres do not divide, but continue to hold sister chromatids together.
o If cross-overs occur sister chromatids may not be identical-genetic recombination
 It is the major source of variation among organism
Variation is important to a species because it is the raw material that forms the
basis for evolution
o Move to opposite poles
o Chromosomes divide to haploid (n) state
Telophase I-Cytokinesis occurs(divides mother cell into 2 haploid daughter cells
End of Meiosis I
Interkinesis –chromosomes uncoil and return to Interphase like condition, but chromosomes again
condense and nuclear membrane will disappear
 No DNA replication
Meiosis II
 Prophase II-spindle apparatus reforms
 Metaphase II-individual chromosomes line up at the equatorial plane
 Anaphase II-centromeres of each chromosome divides allowing the sister chromatids to be
pulled apart in an equational division (mitosis-like) by spindle fibers.
 Telophase II-Cytokinesis divides each cell into 2 progeny cells
o So a diploid mother cell becomes 4 haploid progeny cells
Problems can occur because homologous chromosomes fail to separate properly during meiosisnondisjunction
 During Meiosis I, one chromosome from each homologous pair moves to each pole of
the cell. In this case, both chromosomes of a homologous pair move to the same pole
of the cell.
 In one type of nondisjunction, two kinds of gametes result cause an extra chromosome
to form on one, and missing a chromosome on the other.
o Condition: Trisomy
 The resulting zygote has 47 chromosomes instead of 46 –Down
o Condition: Monosomy
 If the case of missing one most zygotes die.
 But if the zygote survives and develops it can have Turner syndrome
 In humans, females only have one X chromosome instead of
o Condition: Polyploidy-With more than usual sets of chromosomes
 Rare in animals and almost always causes death of the zygote