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SOL Essential Vocabulary: Colonization through Reconstruction
General Vocabulary Terms
subsistence farming
_____10. Manifest Destiny
_____11. secession
_____12. Spoils System
Middle Passage
_____13. protective tariff
franchise or suffrage
_____14. popular sovereignty
due process of law
_____15. nullify
person who differs in opinion from the majority
to leave the union (withdraw from the country)
term for the journey taken by enslaved Africans to the New World
when the people decide (as was the case with slavery in Kansas and Nebraska)
process in which a group of people leave their native country and form, in a new land, a
settlement connected to the parent nation
belief that it was destined for America to expand from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans (and
used to support territorial expansion)
when a government retains power over its own nation
right to vote
to legally end or get rid of
when farmers grow what is needed for their own livelihood with little left over for sale
when campaign supporters are rewarded with public office
using factories to produced goods
government principle which says that no citizen may be denied their rights
tax on imported goods meant to persuade Americans to buy American-made products
SOL Essential Vocabulary: Colonization through Reconstruction 1
Cotton Kingdom
New World
_____10. Alamo
New England
_____11. Fort Sumter
Middle Atlantic
_____12. Antietam
Lexington and Concord
_____13. Gettysburg
_____14. Appomattox
Louisiana Territory
_____15. Richmond and Atlanta
A. location of the skirmishes between British troops and the Minutemen (began the
Revolutionary War)
B. included the Massachusetts colony
C. acquired by treaty from Spain
D. site of the turning point in the Civil War
E. first permanent English settlement in North America
F. America
G. the South (that prospered from slave-based agriculture)
H. site of a famous battle in the Texas Revolution (in which a band of Texans fought to the
last man but lost to a vastly superior force)
I. acquired from France in 1803
J. lay in ruins at the end of the Civil War
K. site of the opening confrontation of the Civil War
L. bloody battle that prompted the writing of the Emancipation Proclamation
M. site of the British surrender in the Revolutionary War
N. site of Lee’s surrender to Grant in the Civil War
O. included the colonies of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware
SOL Essential Vocabulary: Colonization through Reconstruction 2
Mayflower Compact
United States Bill of Rights
“Common Sense”
_____10. Jay Treaty
Declaration of Independence
_____11. Monroe Doctrine
Treaty of Alliance
_____12. The Liberator
Articles of Confederation
_____13. “Declaration of Sentiments”
United States Constitution
_____14. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Virginia Declaration of Rights
_____15. Emancipation Proclamation
Virginia Statute for Religious
_____16. Gettysburg Address
A. was read and acclaimed by many American colonists during the mid-1700s and
contributed to a growing sentiment for independence from England
B. composed to resemble the Declaration of Independence, it was a document about
women’s rights
C. incorporated ideas from the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Virginia Statute for
Religious Freedom
D. issued after the Battle of Antietam, freed slaves in “rebelling” states and made the
destruction of slavery a Northern war aim in the Civil War (also allowed for the
enlistment of African American soldiers in the Union Army)
E. secured French assistance in the Revolutionary War (which allowed the Americans to
F. Virginia document that reiterated the notion that basic human rights should not be
violated by governments
G. when signed, helped avert war with Britain, but was unsupported by DemocraticRepublicans (and contributed to the formation of that party)
H. novel exposing the horrors of slavery that helped cause the Civil War
I. written by Thomas Jefferson, it reflected the ideas of Locke and Paine
J. supreme law of the United States; framework for U.S. government
K. 1823 statement that said the American continents should not be considered for future
colonization by any European powers and any attempt would be seen as a threat to U.S.
peace and safety
L. created the first government of the U.S. with a weak national government
M. first governing document of Plymouth Colony
N. speech by Abraham Lincoln in which he described the Civil War as a struggle to preserve
the nation and that he believed America was “one nation,” not a collection of sovereign
O. anti-slavery newspaper published by William Lloyd Garrison
P. written by Thomas Jefferson, it outlawed the practice of government support for one
favored church (the established church) in Virginia
SOL Essential Vocabulary: Colonization through Reconstruction 3
Loyalists (Tories)
Virginia Company of London
indentured servants
_____10. Radical Republicans
A. Established the Jamestown colony as a joint stock company
B. advocated a strong central government, especially to promote economic development and public
improvements—also a political party that supported the Bank of the United States and was led by
Adams and Hamilton
C. supported American independence from Britain
D. fought to abolish slavery
E. English nobility who received large land grants in eastern Virginia from the King of England
F. led by Jefferson and Madison, a political party that believed in a small national government and an
agricultural economy
G. workers who agreed to work for a period of time in exchange for passage to the New World
H. remained loyal to Britain based on cultural and economic ties
I. believed in a punitive (to punish) Reconstruction approach, not allowing former Confederate states
back into the Union immediately (but rather keeping them under military occupation) and
aggressively guaranteeing voting and other civil rights to African Americans
J. Group seeking freedom from religious persecution that settled in New England
SOL Essential Vocabulary: Colonization through Reconstruction 4
John Locke
_____14. Eli Whitney
Thomas Paine
_____15. Andrew Jackson
Patrick Henry
_____16. Republicans
George Washington
_____17. Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser
Benjamin Franklin
_____18. William Lloyd Garrison
James Madison
_____19. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
George Mason
_____20. Harriet Beecher Stowe
John Marshall
_____21. Abraham Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson
_____22. Jefferson Davis
_____10. John Adams
_____23. Ulysses S. Grant
_____11. Alexander Hamilton
_____24. Frederick Douglass
_____12. Lewis and Clark
_____25. Robert E. Lee
_____13. Sacajawea
_____26. Andrew Johnson
A. wrote “Common Sense”
B. author of the Virginia Plan, much of the Bill of Rights and copious notes of the Constitutional
Convention (earning him the nickname “Father of the Constitution”)
C. negotiated a treaty with France creating an alliance during the Revolutionary War
D. his precedent-setting decisions established the Supreme Court as an independent and equal branch of the
national government
E. explored the new Louisiana Territory that lay west of the Mississippi River
F. believed the union needed to be held together (by force if necessary)
G. led the Federalists political party with Alexander Hamilton
H. challenged economic elites and used the Spoils System, he presided over “the age of the common man”
I. former enslaved African American who became a prominent abolitionist and who urged Lincoln to
recruit former enslaved African Americans to fight in the Union army and after the Civil War supported
full equality for African Americans, advocated the passage of the 14th and 15th Amendments,
encouraged federal government actions to protect the rights of freedmen in the South and served as
ambassador to Haiti and in the civil service
J. published The Liberator
K. was impeached (but not removed from office) after clashing with Radical Republicans over
Reconstruction issues
L. Virginian patriot who said “Give me liberty, or give me death!” and was a leading Anti-Federalist
M. Confederate general of the Army of Northern Virginia who urged Southerners to accept defeat and unite
as Americans again and served as President of Washington College after the war—he emphasized the
importance of education to the nation’s future
N. most influential of the Enlightenment philosophers whose ideas about natural rights were used by
continued on page 6
SOL Essential Vocabulary: Colonization through Reconstruction 5
O. led separate slave revolts which led to harsh laws in the South against fugitive slaves (as white Southern
fears of slave rebellions increased)
P. became involved in women’s suffrage before the Civil War and continued with the movement after the
Q. Union military commander who won victories over the South after several Union commanders had
failed---later becomes President of U.S. who advocated rights for freedmen and opposed retribution
directed to the defeated South
R. U.S. Senator who became President of the Confederate States of America
S. established a national bank while serving as Secretary of the Treasury
T. organized the first opposition political party, bought Louisiana from France
U. Anti-federalist who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights
V. formed in response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act (as a party opposed to the spread of slavery)
W. Wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin
X. his invention of the cotton gin led to the spread of slavery-based agriculture
Y. American Indian woman who served as a guide and translator for the Lewis and Clark expedition
Z. led the American Army in the American Revolution, served as President of the Constitutional
Convention, and set many precedents as the first president of the United States
_____1. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of
“Give me liberty, or give me death!”
_____3. “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”
_____4. “Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation,
conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
_____5. “with malice towards none, with charity for all…to bind up the nation’s wounds…”
from Gettysburg Address- refers to what Lincoln described as the nation’s foundation
from Declaration of Independence- laying out basic rights of all people
from Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address-explains Lincoln’s plans for Reconstruction
from Patrick Henry- expressed his Patriot sentiments just before the Revolutionary War
from Gettysburg Address- refers to the principle established in the Declaration 87 years earlier
SOL Essential Vocabulary: Colonization through Reconstruction 6
Great Awakening
_____11. Texas Revolution
_____12. Mexican War
French and Indian War
_____13. Jacksonian Era
Boston Massacre
_____14. Nullification Crisis
Boston Tea Party
_____15. Seneca Falls Convention
Revolutionary War
_____16. Civil War
Election of 1800
_____17. Reconstruction
Louisiana Purchase
_____18. assassination of Lincoln
War of 1812
_____19. Jim Crow Era
_____10. Trail of Tears
A. conflict resulting in the French being driven out of Canada and their territories west of the Appalachian
B. long period in which African Americans in the South were denied the full rights of American citizenship
C. took place when British troops fired on anti-British demonstrators
D. marked the first time presidential power was peacefully transferred from one political party to another
E. religious revival movement of the mid-1700s in both Europe and the colonies
F. conflict in which the colonists fought for their independence from Britain
G. conflict in which Texas won its independence from Mexico
H. staged to support an embargo of British tea
I. fought between Union and Confederate troops over states rights and slavery
J. when several American Indian tribes were relocated from the Atlantic Coast to Oklahoma
K. led to the acquisition of an enormous territory (including California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and parts of
Colorado and New Mexico)
L. time period (which ended with the Compromise of 1877) that focused on rebuilding political, cultural
and economic institutions
M. conflict with Britain that resulted in an American victory and claim to the Oregon Territory and
increased migration of American settlers into Florida which began over British interference with
American shipping and western expansionism
N. when South Carolina threatened to secede unless it could nullify acts of Congress—President Jackson
threatened to send in troops to prevent South Carolina from refusing to pay tariffs
O. enabled Radical Republicans to influence the process of Reconstruction in a more punitive manner
P. also known as “the age of the common man” it’s a time when popular participation in state and national
politics increased (from increased voter participation, a changing style of campaigning, the rise of
interest group politics and sectional issues and a heightened emphasis on equality in the political process
for adult white males)
Q. 1803 land deal which doubled the size of the United States overnight
R. meeting of women’s suffrage movement in which the “Declaration of Sentiments” was written
S. time in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries that saw the development of new ideas about the rights
of people and their relationship to their rulers
SOL Essential Vocabulary: Colonization through Reconstruction 7
covenant community
_____12. legislative, executive and judicial
town meetings
_____13. 3/5th Compromise
Virginia House of Burgesses
_____14. Missouri Compromise
social contract
_____15. Compromise of 1850
Proclamation of 1763
_____16. Kansas-Nebraska Act
Stamp Act
_____17. Tariff of 1832
First Continental Congress
_____18. fugitive slave acts
Constitutional Convention
_____19. 13th Amendment
_____20. 14th Amendment
_____10. House of Representatives
_____21. 15th Amendment
_____11. Virginia Plan
_____22. Compromise of 1877
A. guaranteed voting rights regardless of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”
B. repealed the Missouri Compromise line and said popular sovereignty would be used to determine whether or not
slavery was permitted in the territories
C. religious group bound together by an agreement
D. determined that for every 5 slaves, 3 would count towards a state’s population (which determined representation
in the House of Representatives)
E. abolished slavery permanently in the U.S.
F. part of Congress in which each state gets 2 members
G. British law establishing a tax on legal documents
H. prompted South Carolinians to argue that sovereign states could nullify acts of Congress
I. drew an east-west line through the Louisiana Purchase, with slavery prohibited above the line and allowed below,
except that Missouri (north of the line) was allowed slavery
J. the first time most of the colonies had acted together (all but Georgia attended)
K. determined the result of the presidential election with the election of the Republican candidate (Hayes) in
exchange for the end of the military occupation of the South
L. idea that the people agree to follow government’s rules in exchange for protection of their rights
M. prohibited states from denying equal rights under the law to any American
N. prohibited settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains
O. pitted southern slave owners against northerners who opposed returning escaped slaves to bondage
P. part of Congress whose representation is determined by population
Q. first elected assembly in the New World
R. Constitutional Convention idea that proposed a federal government with 3 separate branches that became the
foundation of the new government of the U.S.
S. California entered the union as a free state, while the new Southwestern territories acquired from Mexico would
decide on their own
T. meeting at which our lasting government was designed
U. branches of government with power to check and balance each other
V. form of direct democracy practiced in the Puritan colonies
SOL Essential Vocabulary: Colonization through Reconstruction 8
Court Cases
Marbury v. Madison
Gibbons v. Ogden
McCulloch v. Maryland
Dred Scott v. Sanford
A. established the doctrine of implied powers
B. established that slaves were not citizens and therefore not protected by the U.S. Constitution (later the
14th amendment replaces this precedent)
C. established the doctrine of judicial review
D. established a broadly national view of economic affairs
Jamestown was settled
election of Lincoln followed by the secession of several Southern states
end of the Civil War
Jefferson won the presidential election
Reconstruction ended
Lincoln called for troops, Civil War fighting began
Missouri Compromise
Louisiana Purchase
War with Britain
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