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You must include main ideas and details in each category
Civilization/Nation/Group___________India _________________
Time Period____________________________________________
Silk Road was responsible for the spread of Buddhism, clothing, and food.
Traded with other surrounding countries such as Malaysia
Indian merchants were vital to their economy and society
Extensive maritime trade which helped spread India’s ideas.
Husbands/fathers were in charge of the household. Wives were expected to respect
their husbands and stay faithful.
Lowest class was referred to as the “untouchables.”
There was a strict caste system that consisted of five levels: Brahmans, warriors,
skilled merchants, ordinary workers, and lastly the “untouchables.”
Had to marry within specific caste.
Not as strict as it was in China
Power was divided among kings and emperors, who decided on major issues.
Emperors were dependent on large armies
There weren’t many political institutions or values.
Silk Road made it possible to spread their ideas with other countries.
Children had arranged marriages by their parents’ decision.
Merchants were traveling to other countries adopting and spreading Indian beliefs.
 Two main religions were Hinduism and Buddhism
 Influenced the development of scientific inquiry, which helped to receive a major
initiative in higher education.
 Hinduism also encouraged political and economic goals; it was also adaptable to
many different and diverse groups of people.
 Hindus referred to their religion as dharma.
 Hinduism worshiped many different gods; polytheism.
 Gurus – Brahmans who served as teachers for the princes of the imperial court.
 The divine aspects of brahma are within several different gods; Vishnu (the
preserver) and Shiva (the destroyer).
 Stressed the principle of reincarnation, in which souls do not die when bodies do but
pass into other beings, which could either be human or animal.
 Practiced yoga.
 The Bhagavad Gita was a famous and sacred hymn.
 Buddha lived his life fasting and torturing his body to find the truth and spread it to
his disciples.
 Nirvana was the Buddhist state of Enlightment and tranquility.
 Great stress on self control
 Not as successful as Hinduism but did spread to other parts of Asia including, Sri
Lanka, China, Korea, and Japan.
Produced a numbering system, which we still use today.
“Law of love” = Kamasutra
Indian drama also flourished, stressed themes of romantic adventure in which lovers
separated and then reunited after many perils.
Astronomer, Aryabhatta, calculated the length of the solar year and improved
mathematic measurements.
Calculated the circumference of the earth.
Developed a theory of gravity
Made advances in plastic surgery.
Developed concept of negative numbers, square roots, and pi.
Ashoka created many stupas to honor Buddha.
Showed an appreciation for nature.
Medicine for small pox, cowpox serum.
Created a spin wheel.
Mahonenjodars = boats.
Mainly focused on textile industry.