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Plant Test
(100 pts)
Please do not write on the test. Use the answer sheet which is provided.
A. Matching
1. _____Monocotyledon
2. _____Apical meristem
3. _____Stamen
4. _____Stomata
5. _____Moss
6. _____Starch
7. _____Pollination
8. _____Vascular
9. _____Fern
10. _____Root hairs
the nutrient found in the cotyledons which nourishes the embryo
that part of any plant which is the growing part
having vessels which transport nutrients and water to plant cells
a plant have one seed leaf
a plant which has vascular tissue but does not reproduce using seeds
the holes on the bottom of leaves which let in CO2 and let out O2
the male part of the flower
structures which enhance the absorption of water and minerals
a plant which has no true tissues
the union of the male and female gametes in a plant
B. True – False
_____ All plants are multicellular, eukaryotic and autotrophic.
_____ A leaf of a fern is called a frond.
_____ Moss are not actually plants.
_____ The main function of the cuticle on a leaf is to absorb CO2.
_____ Germination is the process of fertilization of the ovum and the
6. _____ The pistil is the male structures of a flower.
7. _____ The primary economical plant structures are the plant fibers.
8. _____ Plants grow at the tips of their roots and shoots, and in width,
on their stems.
9. _____ The part of the plant which eventually grows into a flower is
called a bud.
10._____ The stigma is “sticky” in order to help catch the pollen.
C. Multiple Choice
1. A plant structure which contains the embryo, a food supply and a
a. Seed
b. Stem
c. Root
d. Leaf
2. A type of plant which has vascular tissue, reproduces with seeds, but
the seeds are not enclosed in a fruit
a. Angiosperm
b. Bryophyte
c. Gymnosperm
d. Dicotyledon
3. The seeds of the maple tree are dispersed by
a. “Hooks”
b. Wind
c. Fleshy fruit
d. Animals
4. Roots carry out the following functions EXCEPT
a. taking in CO2 from the air
b. absorbing water from the soil
c. absorbing dissolved nutrients
d. anchoring the plant
5. Flowers that are pollinated by either birds or insects usually have
a. Line markings
b. A strong scent
c. Colorful leaves
d. All of the above
6. Tropisms in plants are
a. Growth responses toward or away from a stimulus
b. Ones with multiple flower parts
c. Ones that produce stems, leaves, roots and flowers in one season
d. Ones that have much woody tissue in their stems
7. Plants that produce stems, leaves, roots and flowers every year are
a. Annuals b. Biennials c. Triennials
d. Perennials
8. Reproduction in seed plants, unlike reproduction in ferns
a. involves eggs and sperm
b. involves antheridia and archegonium
c. is dependent on water
d. is independent of water
9. If a young man carves the initials of his loved one on the stem of a
very young tree five feet from the ground surface, and he returns 15
years later to find the initials, he should find them on the trunk of the
tree, about…
a. 15 feet off the ground
b. 20 feet off the ground
c. 5 feet off the ground
d. 45 feet off the ground
10.Which of the following is NOT required by a plant for its survival?
a. Conservation of water
b. intake of oxygen by leaves
c. Intake of carbon dioxide
d. intake of oxygen by the roots
e. Support of the plant shoot
D. Completion
Name the part of the leaf where the following occurs:
1. _____ waterproofing
2. _____ photosynthesis
3. _____carbon dioxide enters the plant
Name the part of the flower where the following occurs:
4. _____produces pollen
5. _____receives the pollen, is sticky
6. _____contains the ovules
7. ______supports the pollen-producing structure
Name the part of the plant where the following occurs:
8. _____protection of the tender root cells.
9. _____transfer of food from the leaves downward.
10._____source of rudimentary leaves
Essay Questions
1. Compare and contrast monocotyledons and dicotyledons. (Chart
form is OK)
2. Draw the diagram which characterizes the evolution of plants.
3. Compare/contrast mosses and ferns. How are each of them adapted
to their respective environments? (sentence form)
4. Plants have an enormous impact on our lives. Choose two properties
or uses of plants and describe.
4. (This question may count for two answers. Just choose either 1, 2, or
3 to omit).
Design an experiment testing the effects of a plant hormone on some
aspect of plant growth. Be sure to include all the proper parts of an
Extra credit:
Make a list of 6 facts which you’ve learned about plants other
than what’s been covered on this test.