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Spring Lab Biology Final Exam Study Guide
Section 1: Meiosis
1. Identify the stages of meiosis below:
What type of cell am I:
Somatic or Gamete?
2. Meiosis creates (circle correct answer) 2 or 4 cells that are diploid or haploid.
3. What process is represented below? When does it occur? What is the end result?
4. The following diagram is called a _____________________________.
5. What is the sex of this individual? How do you know?
6. Chromosomes 1 – 22 are called ______________________ and the 23rd pair are called the __________
7. The mother of this baby was worried her child would have Down’s Syndrome. Does she need to worry?
8. Explain how a geneticist would determine if this child did have Trisomy 21, Down’s Syndrome. How do
Trisomy disorders occur?
Section 2: Mendelian Genetics:
9. Who is Gregor Mendel? Describe his work. What scientific information did his studies with pea plants
give us?
Use T =tall pea plant and t =short pea plant, R = round seeds and r = wrinkled seeds
10. Define and distinguish between dominant and recessive genes. Give an example of each using the
information above.
11. Define and distinguish between genotype and phenotype. (You must know and use the word ‘allele’.)
Give a possible example of each from the information above.
12. Define and distinguish between homozygous and heterozygous. Give a possible example of each from the
information above.
13. What would the phenotypic ratios be in the following scenarios (use punnett squares if necessary):
a) homozygous short plant x homozygous short plant
b) homozygous tall plant x heterozygous
c) heterozygous x heterozygous
14. What is a sex-linked trait? What chromosome(s) are involved in sex-linked traits? How does the 23rd pair
of chromosomes differ in humans between males and females? What gender of human is more likely to
carry a sex-linked trait and why?
15. Hemophilia is a sex linked trait. A woman without hemophilia (whose father had hemophilia) marries a
man without hemophilia. They visit a genetic counselor to determine the likelihood that their children will
inherit the disease.
a. What is the genotype of the man:_______________________
b. What is the genotype of the woman:_____________________
c. Show their cross below:
d. What is the probability that their:
i. Child will inherit hemophilia:
ii. Female child will inherit hemophilia:
iii. Male child will inherit hemophilia:
16. Define and write out an example of incomplete dominance. (Make up possible alleles and traits.)
17. Define and write out an example of co- dominance. (Make up possible alleles and traits.)
18. What is this following diagram called?
a. How many males are in the above diagram?_________ How many affected males?_______
b. Number the generations. How many children does the couple in the first generation have?
c. Explain how the couple in generation 3 could have children that are both affected & not affected.
Use a punnett square to justify your answer:
Section 3: Evolution
19. According to evolutionary biologists/geologists, approximately how old is the Earth?
20. What is the difference between adaptation and acclimation?
21. There are 3 types of polar bears: ones with thick coats,
ones with thin coats and ones with medium
coats. It is fall, soon to be winter. The temperatures are
dropping rapidly and the bears must be kept
warm, or they will freeze to death. Many of the bears have had
~2 cubs each but due to the extreme
temperatures, many mothers only have one cub left.
a. What bear will natural selection select AGAINST?
_________________ FOR? _________________
Darwin's 5 points: Identify the 5 points in the scenario above.
Population has variations. _________________________________________________________________
Some variations are favorable. _____________________________________________________________
More offspring are produced than survive.____________________________________________________
Those that survive have favorable traits. _____________________________________________________
A population will change over time. ________________________________________________________
22. Some traits, such as the human appendix & the hipbones of a whale, are passed on despite the fact they are
no longer used the by organism. What are these structures called?____________________________
23. The relationship between a cheetah and a gazelle is often
used as an example for “evolutionary arms race.” Explain
24. Why is this statement a misconception: “Evolution gives organisms what they need”
Section 5: Classification
25. What is the order that the kingdoms appeared according to evolutionary biologists?
26. What happens to the number of shared
characteristics as you move from Domain to
27. You should know the general characteristics of each kingdom. Use this diagram to help you.
28. What are the rules for Binomial Nomenclature? What is the correct way to write the scientific name for
humans? Write it!
29. Understand and be able to interpret a cladogram.
a. What does the heart at the bottom represent?
b. What are the shared derived characteristics of crabs?
Tiny free-swimming larva
30. Below are the three main types of Archaebacteria, where can they be found:
Environmental Conditions/Location
31. Color & label the following parts of a bacterial cell:
Cell Wall (green)
Plasma (Cell) Membrane (red)
Pili (black)
Flagella (green)
Ribosome (yellow)
DNA (blue)
32. Is this cell prokaryotic or eukaryotic? How do you know?
33. . List two examples of how eubacteria can be helpful/harmful:
34. Protists are divided into what three categories?
_____________________, _______________________, ____________________
35. What type of environment would be the best place to find protists?
36. Dinoflagellates are important plant-like protists.
a. What is their biological importance? (What do they do to benefit the environment?)
37. Diatoms have a glass casing that has proven to be very useful for humans. In what way?
38. Identify the following protists & information:
How it moves:
How it moves:
How it moves:
How it moves:
How it moves:
39. List the 4 main types of fungi and give an example of each.
40. Fungi are classified into these groups based on their _______________________structures.
41. Fungi are considered saprophytes. What does that mean?
42. Color, label the parts of the mushroom below:
Cap (purple)
Gills (red)
Hyphae (green)
43. Put a star next to the letter where the reproductive spores are created.
44. What is the function of the hyphae?
45. List two examples of how fungi can be helpful/harmful:
46. What are lichens? What is their relationship to the environment?
47. What are the differences between a vascular & non-vascular plant?
48. What are the two types of vascular tissue & what do they do?
49. Color & label the parts of a leaf cross section:
Red: cuticle (A)
Orange: epidermis (B)
Yellow: guard cells (C)
Green: palisade layer (D)
Blue: bundle sheath cells (E)
Purple: spongy layer (F)
Pink: xylem (G)
Light blue: phloem (H)
50. Is this the cross section of a monocot or dicot? How do you know?
51. Plants that reproduce with “naked seeds” are called ______________________________. An example
would be a pine tree.
52. Ninety percent of plants on the planet today reproduce using flowers.
They are called _____________________________.
53. Color & label the parts of a flower:
Red: Stigma
Orange: Sytle
Yellow: Ovary
Green: Anther
Blue: Filament
Purple: Petal
Pink: Sepal
54. All animals have essential needs. Complex organisms such as ourselves have developed body system to
help us function more efficiently. What is the function of the following systems:
a. Nervous:
b. Muscular:
c. Digestive:
d. Respiratory:
e. Circulatory:
55. Label the ventral, dorsal, anterior & posterior parts of the horse below:
56. Label the type of symmetry exhibited by each of the following organisms below:
A for asymmetrical
B for bilateral
R for radial