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Chapter 3 Study Guide – The Ancient
Section 1 – The First Israelites
Canaan- A location where the Israelites built their kingdom along the Mediterranean.
Monotheism- The belief in one god.
Abraham-A man who led the Israelites to Canaan. The Israelites believed that they were descended from him.
Jacob- Abraham’s grandson, who was also called Israel [one who struggles with God].
Tribes- separate family groups.
Moses- Found on a riverbank, and believed that God told him to lead the Israelites to freedom. He received the
laws from God.
Mount Sinai- Where Moses received laws from God.
Torah- laws that later became part of the Hebrew Bible.
Covenant- An agreement with God.
Deborah- A woman judge that told Barak to attack the army of the Canaanite King Jabin. With her help, Barak
and 10,000 Israelites destroyed Kind Jabin and his army in about 1125 B.C.
Phoenicians- One group of Canaanites that lived in cities along the Mediterranean Sea, they were skilled sailors
and traders.
Alphabet- A group of letters that stood for sounds.
Why was the religion of Israel unique in the ancient world?
Most people in the ancient world worshipped many gods and goddesses, however the Israelite religion
focused on only one God.
What is the Torah, and how did the Israelites obtain it?
The Torah explained what God considered to be right and wrong. One important part of the Torah is the
Ten Commandments. The Israelites were told to never worship any other gods or images. They later became
part of the Hebrew bible. Moses went to the top of Mount Sinai to obtain them.
What was the importance of the Phoenician alphabet?
The alphabet made writing simpler and helped people keep records.
What problems did the Israelites face when they returned to Canaan?
The Israelites had to fight for their promised land.
What happened to they Egyptians when they pursued the Israelites?
They drowned in the Red Sea.
Describe the Ark of the Covenant.
The Ark of the Covenant was a wooden chest and, according to Jewish beliefs, it held the Ten Commandments.
After the death of Moses, who led the Israelites to Jericho?
Joshua, who was the leader at the time.
In what year did Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt?
1290 B.C.
What made Deborah important to the Israelites?
She told Barak to attack the army of the Canaanite King Jabin as she went along as an advisor.
The Ten Commandments
Do not worship any god except me.
Do not...bow down and worship idols.
Do not misuse my name.
Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.
Honor your father and mother.
Do not murder.
Be faithful in marriage.
Do not steal.
Do not tell lies about others.
Do not want anything that belongs to someone else.
Section 2 – The Kingdom of Israel
Philistines- The strongest people living in Canaan around 1000 B.C.
Saul- The first king of Israel who defeated their enemies, but displeased God.
Prophet- A person who the Israelites thought was instructed by God.
David- The second king of Israel who was instructed by God.
Empire- A group of territories or nation under one ruler.
Tribute- Money or slaves given to a strong ruler.
Jerusalem- Capital of Israel.
Solomon- David’s son who became king after his death.
Proverbs- Wise sayings.
Judah- The kingdom of two of the smaller tribes. It’s capital was Jerusalem and their people were called Jews.
Nebuchadnezzar- The Chaldean king that captured Jerusalem in 597 B.C.
Why was David anointed while Saul was still in charge of the Israelites?
Saul was disobeying God and breaking some of his commandments.
Who were the prophets and why were they important to the Israelites?
They were people who the Israelites thought were instructed by God. They emphasized that everyone
should please God by living a moral life and helping others, and thought that being faithful meant working for a
just society.
What happened to the Israelites after King Solomon died?
When he died, the northern tribes rebelled and fighting broke out. Ten of the twelve tribes set up their
own nation in the North. His kingdom was called Israel and it’s capitol was Samaria. In the south the other two
tribes founded the smaller kingdom of Judah. It’s capitol was Jerusalem and it’s people were called Jews.
Who were the Samaritans?
When the Assyrians conquered Israel, they brought people from elsewhere in their empire to live in
Samaria. The people mixed with the remaining Israelites and they became known as Samaritans.
Why do you think the Assyrians, and later the Chaldeans, moved the Jews away from Israel and Judah after
those areas were conquered?
If the Jews were in their homeland, they might be more likely to rebel, but taken far away from
everywhere they knew, they would be under better control and would be less likely to rebel.
Section 3 – The Growth of Judaism
Babylon- An ancient city in Mesopotamia and is home of the Hanging Gardens, one of the seven ancient
wonders of the world.
Exile-When people are forced to leave their homeland
Sabbath - Jewish weekly day of worship and rest. starts at sundown on friday to sundown on Saturday.
Synagogues- Jewish houses of worship
Diaspora- scattering of Jews outside Israel and Judah.
Judas Maccabeaus- They fled to the hills and formed an army known as the Maccabees.
Hanukkah- Each year Jews recall the cleansing of the temple when they celebrate Hanukkah.
Antiochus- A greek ruler in 168 BC
Herod- A king, known for his additions made to the Jewish temple in Jerusalem
Pharisees- A group of Jews who taught the Torah and how to apply it in real life.
Sadducees- People who also accepted the Torah, but were concerned in how it affected the priests at the temple.
Essenes- Priests who broke away from the temple in Jerusalem.
Messiah- Deliverer sent by God.
Zealots- People who wanted to fight the Romans for their freedom.
Rabbis- Jewish leaders.
Yohanan ben Zaccai- Made sure the study of the Torah was continued after the sacking of Jerusalem. Also
founded a school in Judea.
What was the Diaspora?
The Jews outside of Israel and Judah became know as the Diaspora
What was education like within a jewish family?
Mothers educated their daughters at home. The girls would learn to be good wives, mothers, and
housekeepers. Fathers taught their sons how to manage finances.
How did the Jews practice their religion during the exile in Babylon?
Small groups of Jews met in the Sabbath, there weekly day of worship and rest. the weekly meetings were
held in synagogues, Jewish houses of worship.
Who were Ruth and Naomi?
Ruth was Naomi’s daughter in law who accompanied her to Bethlehem after both their husbands died.
Ruth was very devoted to Naomi and left both her family and friends to accompany Naomi. When in
Bethlehelm Ruth worked for a land owner who she eventually married, and had a child with, Obed. He
eventually became the future king of Israel’s grandfather.
What was Jerusalem?
Jerusalem was the holy city, and the birthplace of Judaism.
What was Israel?
Israel was the holy land, and the home land of Judaism.
The western wall- A place were the Jews came to pray.
Hanukkah- To celebrate religious freedom and rededication of the temple in Jerusalem.
Yom Kippur- To make amends for sins of the past year.
Passover- To celebrate the escape of the Jews from slavery in Egypt and the return to the promised land
Rosh Hoshana- To celebrate the Jewish new year.
Kosher life style- The way Jewish people live, foods that they can and can not eat and the clothing that they