Download The Israelites - Leon County Schools

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Chapter 6: Study Guide
“The Israelites”
Part One: Vocabulary Terms
Directions: Match the vocabulary term with the correct definition.
Dead Sea Scrolls
1. A Jewish house of worship; met on the Sabbath to pray and discuss their religion __synagogue____
2. An agreement with God ________covenant______________
3. Religious Jewish leaders________Rabbis______________
4. Food prepared according to the Jewish dietary laws __________kosher____________
5. The worship of more than one God _________polytheism_____________
6. The wise sayings of Solomon__________proverbs____________
7. The departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt _________exodus_____________
8. Being forced to leave ones homeland__________exile____________
9. These documents were probably written by the Essenes __________Dead Sea Scrolls________
10. A tent-like structure where the Israelite tribes worshipped God _________tabernacle__________
11. Teaching about the Torah and other Jewish laws ________Talmud______________
12. A Seleucid king who required Jews to worship Greek gods and goddesses ________Antiochus______
13. He drove the Philistines out of Israel, moved the capital to Jerusalem _______David___________
14. Name given to Judea by the Romans; it was in reference to the Philistines _____Palestine_________
15. Received laws from God according to Exodus _______Moses__________
16. Terrible events, such as the spread of locusts _________plagues____________
17. What was the name of the group that broke away from the Temple of Jerusalem and followed only the
written law of the Torah _________Essenes_____________
18. It is present day Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan in ancient times this area was _______Canaan_____
19. Descendants of Abraham who left Mesopotamia and settled in Canaan ______Israelites__________
20. The belief in one God _______monotheism_______________
Part Two: Chapter Review
Directions: Use your book, Chapter 6 Outline notes, and vocabulary definitions to answer the following
questions. Please use complete sentences and answer your questions on a separate piece of notebook paper.
21. What religion developed as a result of the faith the Israelites had in their God? Judaism
22. According to the Hebrew Bible, who led the Israelites out of Egypt? Moses
23. The scrolls of the Torah were kept in a cabinet called? Ark of the Covenant
24. What was the reason the Phoenicians started using an alphabet? For trade
25. According to the Hebrew Bible, who was considered the father and leader of the 12 Tribes of Israel?
26. Who did Samuel anoint as the first king of Israel? Saul
27. In the story of David and Goliath, who was Goliath? A Philistine warrior
28. Who is believed to have written many of the Psalms? David
29. The Hebrew Bible states that Daniel’s faith in God helped to protect him from? The loins
30. Ezra was a scribe who guided the writing of what document? The Torah
31. According to your textbook, who was considered a model for Jewish girls to imitate? Ruth
32. What leader introduced the Greek language and culture to Judah? Alexander the Great
33. What people defeated the Chaldeans and also conquered Babylon? Persians
34. Who was the Persian king who defeated the Chaldeans and allowed the exiled Jews to return to Judah?
35. The Second Temple in Jerusalem was rebuilt during the reign of what leader? Herod
36. This group fought the Romans for their freedom and drove them out of Jerusalem in AD 66 for a short
period of time? Zealots
37. Describe the important of the Dead Sea Scrolls? (2 examples)
Let historians know that Judaism was not always an established religion
Described the beliefs, holy days, and practices of the Jewish culture