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Real-World Data Mining
Books in the FT Press Analytics Series
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Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Thomas
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Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics with Python and R by Thomas W. Miller
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Business Analytics Principles, Concepts, and Applications with SAS by Marc J. Schniederjans, Dara G. Schniederjans, and Christopher M. Starkey (ISBN: 0133989402)
Profiting from the Data Economy by David A. Schweidel (ISBN: 0133819779)
Business Analytics with Management Science Models and Methods by Arben Asllani
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Digital Exhaust by Dale Neef (ISBN: 0133837963)
Web and Network Data Science by Thomas W. Miller (ISBN: 0133886441)
Applied Business Analytics by Nathaniel Lin (ISBN: 0133481506)
Trends and Research in the Decision Sciences by Decision Sciences Institute and Merrill
Warkentin (ISBN: 0133925374)
Real-World Data Mining
Applied Business Analytics
and Decision Making
Dursun Delen, Ph.D.
Professor of Management Science and Information Systems
Spears and Patterson Endowed Chairs in Business Analytics
Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University
Editor-in-Chief: Amy Neidlinger
Executive Editor: Jeanne Glasser Levine
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Proofreader: Kathy Ruiz
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Manufacturing Buyer: Dan Uhrig
© 2015 by Dursun Delen
Published by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014953043
To my mother;
without her love and compassion,
I wouldn’t be here.
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Chapter 1
Introduction to Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Is There a Difference Between Analytics
and Analysis? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Where Does Data Mining Fit In? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Why the Sudden Popularity of Analytics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Application Areas of Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The Main Challenges of Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
A Longitudinal View of Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
A Simple Taxonomy for Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
The Cutting Edge of Analytics: IBM Watson . . . . . . . . . . . 20
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Chapter 2
Introduction to Data Mining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
What Is Data Mining? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What Data Mining Is Not. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Most Common Data Mining Applications . . . . . . . . . .
What Kinds of Patterns Can Data Mining Discover? . . . . .
Popular Data Mining Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Dark Side of Data Mining: Privacy Concerns . . . . . . .
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3
The Data Mining Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
The Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining
(CRISP-DM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SEMMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SEMMA Versus CRISP-DM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Six Sigma for Data Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Which Methodology Is Best? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 4
Data and Methods in Data Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
The Nature of Data in Data Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Preprocessing of Data for Data Mining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Data Mining Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Decision Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cluster Analysis for Data Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
k-Means Clustering Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Apriori Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Mining Misconceptions and Realities . . . . . . . . . . . .
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 5
Text Analytics and Sentiment Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Natural Language Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Text Mining Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Text Mining Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Text Mining Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sentiment Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 7
Data Mining Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Nearest Neighbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Similarity Measure: The Distance Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Artificial Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Support Vector Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linear Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Logistic Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Time-Series Forecasting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 6
Big Data Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Where Does Big Data Come From? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Vs That Define Big Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fundamental Concepts of Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Business Problems That Big Data
Analytics Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Big Data Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Scientists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Big Data and Stream Analytics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Stream Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Dr. Dursun Delen has written a concise, information-rich book
that effectively provides an excellent learning tool for someone who
wants to understand what analytics, data mining, and “Big Data”
are all about. As business becomes increasingly complex and global,
decision-makers must act more rapidly and accurately, based on
the best available evidence. Modern data mining and analytics are
indispensable for doing this. This reference makes clear the current
best practices, demonstrates to readers—students and practitioners—
how to use data mining and analytics to uncover hidden patterns
and correlations, and explains how to leverage these to improve
The author delivers the right amount of concept, technique, and
cases to help readers truly understand how data mining technologies
work. Coverage includes data mining processes, methods, and
techniques; the role and management of data; tools and metrics; text
and web mining; sentiment analysis; and integration with cuttingedge Big Data approaches, as presented as follows.
In Chapter 1, he commendably traces the roots of analytics from
World War II times to the present, illustrated by Figure 1.2, where
he takes the reader from Decision Support Systems in the 1970s, to
the Enterprise/Executive IS Systems in the 1980s, to the Business
Intelligence (BI) that we all heard about in the 1990s and early 2000s,
and finally to our modern day uses of analytics (2000s) and Big Data
(2010s). That was all in Chapter 1, creating a preamble for what is to
come in the rest of the book: data mining.
Chapter 2 provides a very easy-to-understand description and
an excellent taxonomy for data mining. In this chapter, the author
differentiates data mining from several other related terminologies,
making a strong case for what it really stands for: discovery of
knowledge. Identifying data mining as a problem-solving and
decision-making philosophy that sits in the midst of many disciplines is
quite refreshing; many people think of data mining as a new discipline
of its own. With a number of real-world examples, intuitive graphics,
and down-to-earth discussion, this chapter demystifies data mining
for the masses. In my opinion, this is an excellent way to portray
seemingly complex and highly technical topics like data mining to a
wider audience.
In Chapter 3, Dr. Delen provides a rich collection of different
approaches to standardized data mining processes in a manner that
any reader can understand. KDD (knowledge discovery in databases)
is the first standardized process that the chapter talks about, which was
developed by Usama Fayyad, an early pioneer in the field. Dr. Delen
presents KDD in an engaging discussion enhanced with a diagram
(Figure 3.1), which illustrates the flow of the KKD data mining
process. Additionally, other data mining “schemas” proposed by
various groups and individuals are examined to show the development
of the fundamental thinking in this field. To illustrate the usefulness
of these schemas, Dr. Delen presents a data mining case study at the
end of this chapter: “Mining Cancer Data for New Knowledge.”
Chapter 4 considers the types of data used in data mining,
including the ever-increasing use of text data (that is, unstructured
non-numerical data, which is probably 90% of the data available
to the world today). Data preparation is the most important part
of data mining: Data must be clean and good in order to develop
useful models (“garbage in, garbage out”); thus, up to 90% of the time
involved in data mining can be taken up by the data preparation stage.
Dr. Delen goes into all the ways of looking at data to get it clean and
ready for data analytics, including developing the train and test data
sets, giving one of the most learner-friendly visuals of k-fold crossvalidation in Figure 4.6.
In Chapter 5, Dr. Delen describes the most common data mining
algorithms in a way that the layperson can understand. Among others,
neural networks and SVM (support vector machines) are described
thoroughly, with illustrations that help the reader really understand
these complicated mathematical processes. Dr. Delen makes his own
original illustrations, and they are well worth the price of the book!
Text mining (text analytics) is described thoroughly in Chapter
6, with Dr. Delen starting out with a diagram he originally made for
our 2012 book, Practical Data Mining (on which I am the lead author:
Miner, G.D.; Delen, D.; Elder, J.; Fast, A.; Hill, T.; and Nisbet, B.
Elsevier/Academic Press: 2012). Dr. Delen effectively distills our
large 1,100 page book into one chapter that tells it all—in other words,
is very useful for the new learner. Well done!
In the last chapter, Chapter 7, Dr. Delen goes into the new buzz
word in the analytics field: Big Data analytics. Big Data is heard in
the news almost daily. What does it mean? It means different things
to different people. But I can tell you that, working in the data
mining field for more than 15 years now, I have been dealing with
Big Data all that time. But the ever-decreasing cost of storage space
for data and the availability of cloud storage, plus the availability of
faster and faster computers, mean that even a small laptop can do
both distributed processing and multi-threading in data analysis. This
has made even the small tablet more powerful than the warehouse
of air-conditioned mainframe servers of decades ago. One can even
run a bank of servers and cloud storage from one’s smartphone these
days. So as the data becomes “bigger,” the physical needs to process
it become “smaller.”
But Big Data is misunderstood by most, at least it seems that
way to me. Many think that data mining requires Big Data. But I
have worked with medical residents for 10 years who want to look
at lots of variables in their one-year research project but usually can
only get a fraction of the cases they need for that many variables in
their limited time; thus, traditional statistics are of almost no use to
these paltry data sets by traditional statistics standards; yet by using
machine-learning, modern data mining methods, I have found that
one can usually generate useful hypotheses from these small data sets
and find knowledge that was previously impossible to obtain with only
traditional p-value Fischerian statistics. Traditional statistics were an
anomaly of the twentieth century; prior to 1900, Bayesian statistics
had predominated in data analysis for centuries; with the advent of the
year 2000, the new modern versions of Bayesian statistics—including
the SVM, NN, and other machine-learning modalities—had come
of age, and we are now back into the Bayesian age in this twentyfirst century. Unfortunately, it is taking a while for the “traditionally
statistical training” cadre to understand and catch up…but the cutting
edge is with Bayesian, data mining, and Big Data.
Anyone wanting to learn about data mining and have a technical
understanding of the topic should get this book. By the end of the
read, you will understand the field!
—Gary D. Miner, Ph.D.
Author of two PROSE Award–winning analytics books
Senior Analyst, Healthcare Applications Specialist
Dell, Information Management Group, Dell Software
Without a doubt, we are living in the age of data mining and Big
Data analytics. Because of their popularity (and perhaps a little bit of
hype), everybody is talking about data mining and Big Data analytics,
often in different scope and contexts, using diverse terminology. The
main goal of this book is to explain the language of analytics and data
mining in a comprehensive yet not-too-technical way. If I have, at
least partially, succeeded in achieving this goal, it is because of the
direct and indirect contributions of a number of people.
I want to thank my colleagues and my students for providing me
with the broader perspective toward analytics that I needed to write
this book in a holistic manner. As is the case for most academics, I also
have my own opinions and biases toward “what is what” in data mining
and in analytics, and thanks to my academic friends, I think I managed
to rise above them to make this book inclusive and comprehensive.
We academics tend to be focused on rigor and theory, sometimes
in the process moving away from relevance and reality. Thanks to
my clients and corporate partners who continuously provide me with
the realities of the real world that I need to stay balanced between
rigor and relevance. Writing a book titled Real-World Data Mining
requires such connection to reality, without compromising technical
accuracy, and I have to thank to my corporate friends for helping me
achieve that in this book.
I want to thank to my publisher, Ms. Jeanne Levine, and Pearson
for presenting me with the opportunity to write this book and for
being patient and resourceful for me throughout the journey of
actually writing it.
About the Author
Dr. Dursun Delen is an internationally known expert in
business analytics and data mining. He is often invited to national and
international conferences to deliver keynote presentations on topics
related to data/text mining, business intelligence, decision support
systems, business analytics, and knowledge management. Prior to
his appointment as professor at Oklahoma State University in 2001,
Dr. Delen worked for industry for more than 10 years, developing
and delivering business analytics solutions to companies. Most
recently he worked for a privately owned research and consulting
company, Knowledge Based Systems, Inc., in College Station, Texas,
as a research scientist. During his five years there, he led a number
of projects related to decision support, information systems, and
advanced analytics that were funded by federal agencies, including the
DoD, NASA, NIST, and the DOE. Today, in addition to his academic
endeavors, Dr. Delen provides consulting services to businesses in
assessing their information systems needs and developing state-ofthe-art business analytics capabilities.
Dr. Delen holds William S. Spears and Neal Patterson Endowed
Chairs in Business Analytics, and he is Director of Research for the
Center for Health Systems Innovation and Professor of Management
Science and Information Systems in the Spears School of Business
at Oklahoma State University. His research has appeared in
major journals, including Decision Sciences, Decision Support
Systems, Communications of the ACM, Computers and Operations
Research, Computers in Industry, Journal of Production Operations
Management, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, and Expert Systems
with Applications, among others. He has recently published six books:
Advanced Data Mining Techniques (Springer, 2008), Decision Support
and Business Intelligence Systems (Prentice Hall, 2010), Business
Intelligence: A Managerial Approach (Prentice Hall, 2010), Practical
Text Mining and Statistical Analysis for Non-structured Text Data
Applications (Elsevier, 2012), Business Intelligence: A Managerial
Perspective on Analytics, 3rd edition (Prentice Hall, 2013), and
Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support,
10th edition (Prentice Hall, 2014). He served as the general co-chair
for the fourth International Conference on Network Computing and
Advanced Information Management, and he regularly chairs tracks
and mini-tracks at various information systems conferences. He also
serves as associate editor-in-chief, senior editor, associate editor, and
editorial board member on a dozen academic and technical journals.
Introduction to Analytics
Business analytics is a relatively new term that is gaining popularity in the business world like nothing else in recent history. In
general terms, analytics is the art and science of discovering insight—
by using sophisticated mathematical models along with a variety of
data and expert knowledge—to support solid, timely decision making. In a sense, analytics is all about decision making and problem
solving. These days, analytics can be defined as simply as “the discovery of meaningful patterns in data.” In this era of abundant data,
analytics tends to be used on large quantities and varieties of data.
Although analytics tends to be data focused, many applications of analytics involve very little or no data; instead, those analytics projects
use mathematical models that rely on process description and expert
knowledge (e.g., optimization and simulation models).
Business analytics is the application of the tools, techniques,
and principles of analytics to complex business problems. Firms
commonly apply analytics to business data to describe, predict, and
improve business performance. Firms have used analytics in many
ways, including the following:
• To improve their relationships with their customers (encompassing all phases of customer relationship management—
acquisition, retention, and enrichment), employees, and other
• To identify fraudulent transactions and odd behaviors—and, in
doing so, saving money
• To enhance product and service features and their pricing, which
would lead to better customer satisfaction and profitability
• To optimize marketing and advertising campaigns so they can
reach more customers with the right kind of message and promotions with the least amount of expense
• To minimize operational costs by optimally managing inventories and allocating resources wherever and whenever they are
needed by using optimization and simulation modeling
• To empower employees with the information and insight they
need to make faster and better decisions while they are working
with customers or customer-related issues
The term analytics, perhaps because of its rapidly increasing
popularity as a buzzword, is being used to replace several previously
popular terms, such as intelligence, mining, and discovery. For example, the term business intelligence has now become business analytics;
customer intelligence has become customer analytics, Web mining has
become Web analytics, knowledge discovery has become data analytics, etc. Modern-day analytics can require extensive computation
because of the volume, variety, and velocity of data (which we call
Big Data). Therefore, the tools, techniques, and algorithms used for
analytics projects leverage the most current, state-of-the-art methods
developed in a variety of fields, including management science, computer science, statistics, data science, and mathematics. Figure 1.1
shows a word cloud that includes concepts related to analytics and
Big Data.
Figure 1.1 Analytics and Big Data Word Cloud
Is There a Difference Between Analytics
and Analysis?
Even though the two terms analytics and analysis are often used
interchangeably, they are not the same.
Basically, analysis refers to the process of separating a whole
problem into its parts so that the parts can be critically examined at
the granular level. It is often used when the investigation of a complete system is not feasible or practical, and the system needs to be
simplified by being decomposed into more basic components. Once
the improvements at the granular level are realized and the examination of the parts is complete, the whole system (either a conceptual
or physical system) can then be put together using a process called
Analytics, on the other hand, is a variety of methods, technologies, and associated tools for creating new knowledge/insight to solve
complex problems and make better and faster decisions. In essence,
analytics is a multifaceted and multidisciplinary approach to addressing complex situations. Analytics take advantage of data and mathematical models to make sense of the complicated world we are living
in. Even though analytics includes the act of analysis at different
stages of the discovery process, it is not just analysis but also includes
synthesis and other complementing tasks and processes.
Where Does Data Mining Fit In?
Data mining is the process of discovering new knowledge in the
forms of patterns and relationships in large data sets. The goal of analytics is to convert data/facts into actionable insight, and data mining
is the key enabler of that goal. Data mining has been around much
longer than analytics, at least in the context of analytics today. As
analytics became an overarching term for all decision support and
problem-solving techniques and technologies, data mining found
itself a rather large space within that arc, ranging from descriptive
exploration of identifying relationships and affinities among variables
(e.g., market-basket analysis) to developing models to estimate future
values of interesting variables. As we will see later in this chapter,
within the taxonomy of analytics, data mining plays a key role at every
level, from the most simple to the most sophisticated.
Why the Sudden Popularity of Analytics?
Analytics is a buzzword of business circles today. No matter what
business journal or magazine you look at, it is very likely that you
will see articles about analytics and how analytics is changing the
way managerial decisions are being made. It has become a new label
for evidence-based management (i.e., evidence/data-driven decision making). But why has analytics become so popular? And why
now? The reasons (or forces) behind this popularity can be grouped
into three categories: need, availability and affordability, and culture
As we all know, business is anything but “as usual” today. Competition has been characterized progressively as local, then regional,
then national, but it is now global. Large to medium to small, every
business is under the pressure of global competition. The tariff and
transportation cost barriers that sheltered companies in their respective geographic locations are no longer as protective as they once
were. In addition to (and perhaps because of) the global competition,
customers have become more demanding. They want the highest
quality of products and/or services with the lowest prices in the shortest possible time. Success or mere survival depends on businesses
being agile and their managers making the best possible decisions in a
timely manner to respond to market-driven forces (i.e., rapidly identifying and addressing problems and taking advantage of the opportunities). Therefore, the need for fact-based, better, and faster decisions
is more critical now than ever before. In the midst of these unforgiving market conditions, analytics is promising to provide managers the
insights they need to make better and faster decisions, which help
improve their competitive posture in the marketplace. Analytics today
is widely perceived as saving business managers from the complexities
of global business practices.
Availability and Affordability
Thanks to recent technological advances and the affordability
of software and hardware, organizations are collecting tremendous
amounts of data. Automated data collections systems—based on a
variety of sensors and RFID—have significantly increased the quantity and quality of organizational data. Coupled with the content-rich
data collected from Internet-based technologies such as social media,
businesses now tend to have more data than they can handle. As the
saying goes, “They are drowning in data but starving for knowledge.”
Along with data collection technologies, data processing technologies have also improved significantly. Today’s machines have numerous processors and very large memory capacities, so they are able to
process very large and complex data in a reasonable time frame—
often in real time. The advances in both hardware and software
technology are also reflected in the pricing, continuously reducing
the cost of ownership for such systems. In addition to the ownership
model, along came the software- (or hardware-) as-a-service business
model, which allows businesses (especially small to medium-size businesses with limited financial power) to rent analytics capabilities and
pay only for what they use.
Culture Change
At the organizational level, there has been a shift from oldfashioned intuition-driven decision making to new-age fact-/evidencebased decision making. Most successful organizations have made a
conscious effort to shift to data-/evidence-driven business practices.
Because of the availability of data and supporting IT infrastructure,
such a paradigm shift is taking place faster than many thought it would.
As the new generation of quantitatively savvy managers replaces the
baby boomers, this evidence-based managerial paradigm shift will
The Application Areas of Analytics
Even though the business analytics wave is somewhat new, there
are numerous applications of analytics, covering almost every aspect
of business practice. For instance, in customer relationship management, a wealth of success stories tell of sophisticated models developed
to identify new customers, look for up-sell/cross-sell opportunities,
and find customers’ with a high propensity toward attrition. Using
social media analytics and sentiment analysis, businesses are trying
to stay on top of what people are saying about their products/services
and brands. Fraud detection, risk mitigation, product pricing, marketing campaign optimization, financial planning, employee retention,
talent recruiting, and actuarial estimation are among the many business applications of analytics. It would be very hard to find a business
issue where a number of analytics application could not be found.
From business reporting to data warehousing, from data mining to
optimization analytics, techniques are used widely in almost every
facet of business.
The Main Challenges of Analytics
Even though the advantages of and reasons for analytics are evident, many businesses are still hesitant to jump on the analytics bandwagon. These are the main roadblocks to adoption of analytics:
• Analytics talent. Data scientists, the quantitative geniuses who
can convert data into actionable insight, are scarce in the market; the really good ones are very hard to find. Because analytics
is relatively new, the talent for analytics is still being developed.
Many colleges have started undergraduate and graduate programs to address the analytics talent gap. As the popularity of
analytics increases, so will the need for people who have the
knowledge and skills to convert Big Data into information and
knowledge that managers and other decision makers need to
tackle real-world complexities.
• Culture. As the saying goes, “Old habits die hard.” Changing from a traditional management style (often characterized
by intuition as the basis of making decision) to a contemporary management style (based on data and scientific models for
managerial decisions and collective organizational knowledge)
is not an easy process to undertake for any organization. People do not like to change. Change means losing what you have
learned or mastered in the past and now needing to learn how
to do what you do all over again. It suggests that the knowledge
(which is also characterized as power) you’ve accumulated over
the years will disappear or be partially lost. The culture shift
may be the most difficult part of adopting analytics as the new
management paradigm.
• Return on investment. Another barrier to adoption of analytics is the difficulty in clearly justifying its return on investment
(ROI). Analytics projects are complex and costly endeavors,
and their return is not immediately clear, many executives are
having a hard time investing in analytics, especially on large
scales. Will the value gained from analytics outweigh the investment? If so, when? It is very hard to convert the value of analytics into justifiable numbers. Most of the value gained from
analytics is somewhat intangible and holistic. If done properly,
analytics could transform an organization, putting it on a new
and improved level. A combination of tangible and intangible
factors needs to be brought to bear to numerically rationalize
investment and movement toward analytics and analytically
savvy management practice.
• Data. The media is taking about Big Data in a very positive
way, characterizing it as an invaluable asset for better business
practices. This is mostly true, especially if the business understands and knows what to do with it. For those who have no
clue, Big Data is a big challenge. Big Data is not just big; it is
unstructured, and it is arriving at a speed that prohibits traditional collection and processing means. And it is usually messy
and dirty. For an organization to succeed in analytics, it needs
to have a well-thought-out strategy for handling Big Data so
that it can be converted to actionable insight.
• Technology. Even though technology is capable, available,
and, to some extent, affordable, technology adoption poses
another challenge for traditionally less technical businesses.
Although establishing an analytics infrastructure is affordable,
it still costs a significant amount of money. Without financial
means and/or a clear return on investment, management of
some businesses may not be willing to invest in needed technology. For some businesses, an analytics-as-a-service model
(which includes both software and the infrastructure/hardware
needed to implement analytics) may be less costly and easier to
• Security and privacy. One of the most common criticisms
of data and analytics is the security. We often hear about data
breaches of sensitive information, and indeed, the only completely secured data infrastructure is isolated and disconnected
from all other networks (which goes against the very reason for
having data and analytics). The importance of data security has
made information assurance one of the most popular concentration areas in information systems departments around the
world. At the same time that increasingly sophisticated techniques are being used to protect the information infrastructure,
increasingly sophisticated attacks are becoming common. There
are also concerns about personal privacy. Use of personal data
about customers (existing or prospective), even if it is within
legal boundaries, should be avoided or carefully scrutinized to
protect an organization against bad publicity and public outcry.
Despite the hurdles in the way, analytics adoption is growing,
and analytics is inevitable for today’s enterprises, regardless of size or
industry segment. As the complexity in conducting business increases,
enterprises are trying to find order in the midst of the chaotic behaviors. The ones that succeed will be the ones fully leveraging the capabilities of analytics.
A Longitudinal View of Analytics
Although the buzz about it is relatively recent, analytics isn’t new.
It’s possible to find references to corporate analytics as far back as
the 1940s, during the World War II era, when more effective methods were needed to maximize output with limited resources. Many
optimization and simulation techniques were developed then. Analytical techniques have been used in business for a very long time.
One example is the time and motion studies initiated by Frederick
Winslow Taylor in the late 19th century. Then Henry Ford measured
pacing of assembly lines, which led to mass-production initiatives.
Analytics began to command more attention in the late 1960s, when
computers were used in decision support systems. Since then, analytics has evolved with the development of enterprise resource planning
(ERP) systems, data warehouses, and a wide variety of other hardware and software tools and applications.
The timeline in Figure 1.2 shows the terminology used to
describe analytics since the 1970s. During the early days of analytics,
prior to the 1970s, data was often obtained from the domain experts
using manual processes (i.e., interviews and surveys) to build mathematical or knowledge-based models to solve constraint optimization
problems. The idea was to do the best with limited resources. Such
decision support models were typically called operations research
(OR). The problems that were too complex to solve optimally (using
linear or non-linear mathematical programming techniques) were
tackled using heuristic methods such as simulation models.
An e
Enterprise/Executive IS
Decision Support Systems
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Sy ds
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Ex ash
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R Ss
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St l DB
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En -de
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Su t S
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Business Intelligence
Big Data
Figure 1.2 A Longitudinal View of the Evolution of Analytics
In the 1970s, in addition to the mature OR models that were being
used in many industries and government systems, a new and exciting
line of models had emerged: rule-based expert systems (ESs). These
systems promised to capture experts’ knowledge in a format that computers could process (via a collection of if–then rules) so that they
could be used for consultation much the same way that one would
use domain experts to identify a structured problem and to prescribe
the most probable solution. ESs allowed scarce expertise to be made
available where and when needed, using an “intelligent” decision support system. During the 1970s, businesses also began to create routine reports to inform decision makers (managers) about what had
happened in the previous period (e.g., day, week, month, quarter).
Although it was useful to know what had happened in the past, managers needed more than this: They needed a variety of reports at different levels of granularity to better understand and address changing
needs and challenges of the business.
The 1980s saw a significant change in the way organizations captured business-related data. The old practice had been to have multiple disjointed information systems tailored to capture transactional
data of different organizational units or functions (e.g., accounting,
marketing and sales, finance, manufacturing). In the 1980s, these
systems were integrated as enterprise-level information systems that
we now commonly call ERP systems. The old mostly sequential and
nonstandardized data representation schemas were replaced by relational database management (RDBM) systems. These systems made
it possible to improve the capture and storage of data, as well as the
relationships between organizational data fields while significantly
reducing the replication of information. The need for RDBM and
ERP system emerged when data integrity and consistency became
an issue, significantly hindering the effectiveness of business practices. With ERP, all the data from every corner of the enterprise is
collected and integrated into a consistent schema so that every part
of the organization has access to the single version of the truth when
and where needed. In addition to the emergence of ERP systems—or
perhaps because of these systems—business reporting became an ondemand, as-needed business practice. Decision makers could decide
when they needed to or wanted to create specialized reports to investigate organizational problems and opportunities.
In the 1990s, the need for more versatile reporting led to the
development of executive information systems (decision support systems designed and developed specifically for executives and their
decision-making needs). These systems were designed as graphical
dashboards and scorecards so that they could serve as visually appealing displays while focusing on the most important factors for decision
makers to keep track of—the key performance indicators. In order to
make this highly versatile reporting possible while keeping the transactional integrity of the business information systems intact, it was
necessary to create a middle data tier—known as a data warehouse
(DW)—as a repository to specifically support business reporting and
decision making. In a very short time, most large to medium-size
businesses adopted data warehousing as their platform for enterprisewide decision making. The dashboards and scorecards got their data
from a data warehouse, and by doing so, they were not hindering the
efficiency of the business transaction systems—mostly referred to as
enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
In the 2000s the DW-driven decision support systems began to
be called business intelligence systems. As the amount of longitudinal data accumulated in the DWs increased, so did the capabilities
of hardware and software to keep up with the rapidly changing and
evolving needs of the decision makers. Because of the globalized
competitive marketplace, decision makers needed current information in a very digestible format to address business problems and to
take advantage of market opportunities in a timely manner. Because
the data in a DW is updated periodically, it does not reflect the latest information. In order to elevate this information latency problem,
DW vendors developed a system to update the data more frequently,
which led to the terms real-time data warehousing and, more realistically, right-time data warehousing, which differs from the former by
adopting a data refreshing policy based on the needed freshness of the
data items (i.e., not all data items need to be refreshed in real time).
Data warehouses are very large and feature rich, and it became necessary to “mine” the corporate data to “discover” new and useful knowledge nuggets to improve business processes and practices—hence
the terms data mining and text mining. With the increasing volumes
and varieties of data, the needs for more storage and more processing
power emerged. While large corporations had the means to tackle this
problem, small to medium-size companies needed financially more
manageable business models. This need led to service-oriented architecture and software and infrastructure-as-a-service analytics business models. Smaller companies therefore gained access to analytics
capabilities on an as-needed basis and paid only for what they used, as
opposed to investing in financially prohibitive hardware and software
In the 2010s we are seeing yet another paradigm shift in the way
that data is captured and used. Largely because of the widespread use
of the Internet, new data-generation mediums have emerged. Of all
the new data sources (e.g., RFID tags, digital energy meters, clickstream Web logs, smart home devices, wearable health monitoring
equipment), perhaps the most interesting and challenging is social
networking/social media. This unstructured data is rich in information
content, but analysis of such data sources poses significant challenges
to computational systems, from both software and hardware perspectives. Recently, the term Big Data has been coined to highlight the
challenges that these new data streams have brought upon us. Many
advancements in both hardware (e.g., massively parallel processing
with very large computational memory and highly parallel multiprocessor computing systems) and software/algorithms (e.g., Hadoop
with MapReduce and NoSQL) have been developed to address the
challenges of Big Data.
It’s hard to predict what the next decade will bring and what the
new analytics-related terms will be. The time between new paradigm
shifts in information systems and particularly in analytics has been
shrinking, and this trend will continue for the foreseeable future.
Even though analytics is not new, the explosion in its popularity is
very new. Thanks to the recent explosion in Big Data, ways to collect and store this data, and intuitive software tools, data and datadriven insight are more accessible to business professionals than ever
before. Therefore, in the midst of global competition, there is a huge
opportunity to make better managerial decisions by using data and
analytics to increase revenue while decreasing costs by building better
products, improving customer experience, and catching fraud before
it happens, improving customer engagement through targeting and
customization—all with the power of analytics and data. More and
more companies are now preparing their employees with the knowhow of business analytics to drive effectiveness and efficiency in their
day-to-day decision-making processes.
A Simple Taxonomy for Analytics
Because of the multitude of factors related to both the need to
make better and faster decisions and the availability and affordability of hardware and software technologies, analytics is gaining popularity faster than any other trends we have seen in recent history.
Will this upward exponential trend continue? Many industry experts
think it will, at least for the foreseeable future. Some of the most
respected consulting companies are projecting that analytics will grow
at three times the rate of other business segments in upcoming years;
they have also named analytics as one of the top business trends of
this decade (Robinson et al., 2010). As interest in and adoption of
analytics have grown rapidly, a need to characterize analytics into a
simple taxonomy has emerged. The top consulting companies (e.g.,
Accenture, Gartner, and IDT) and several technologically oriented
academic institutions have embarked on a mission to create a simple
taxonomy for analytics. Such a taxonomy, if developed properly and
adopted universally, could create a contextual description of analytics, thereby facilitating a common understanding of what analytics
is, including what is included in analytics and how analytics-related
terms (e.g., business intelligence, predictive modeling, data mining)
relate to each other. One of the academic institutions involved in this
challenge is INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and Management Science). In order to reach a wide audience, INFORMS
hired Capgemini, a strategic management consulting firm, to carry
out a study and characterize analytics.
The Capgemini study produced a concise definition of analytics: “Analytics facilitates realization of business objectives through
reporting of data to analyze trends, creating predictive models for
forecasting and optimizing business processes for enhanced performance.” As this definition implies, one of the key findings from the
study is that executives see analytics as a core function of businesses
that use it. It spans many departments and functions within organizations, and in mature organizations, it spans the entire business. The
study identified three hierarchical but sometimes overlapping groupings for analytics categories: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive
analytics. These three groups are hierarchical in terms of the level of
analytics maturity of the organization. Most organizations start with
descriptive analytics, then move into predictive analytics, and finally
reach prescriptive analytics, the top level in the analytics hierarchy.
Even though these three groupings of analytics are hierarchical in
complexity and sophistication, moving from a lower level to a higher
level is not clearly separable. That is, a business can be in the descriptive analytics level while at the same time using predictive and even
prescriptive analytics capabilities, in a somewhat piecemeal fashion.
Therefore, moving from one level to the next essentially means that
the maturity at one level is completed and the next level is being
widely exploited. Figure 1.3 shows a graphical depiction of the simple taxonomy developed by INFORMS and widely adopted by most
industry leaders as well as academic institutions.
Business Analytics
Ad Hoc
Time Series
Figure 1.3 A Simple Taxonomy for Analytics
Descriptive analytics is the entry level in analytics taxonomy. It
is often called business reporting because of the fact that most of the
analytics activities at this level deal with creating reports to summarize business activities in order to answer questions such as “What
happened?” and “What is happening?” The spectrum of these reports
includes static snapshots of business transactions delivered to knowledge workers (i.e., decision makers) on a fixed schedule (e.g., daily,
weekly, quarterly); dynamic views of business performance indicators
delivered to managers and executives in a easily digestible form—
often in a dashboard-looking graphical interface—on a continuous
manner; and ad hoc reporting where the decision maker is given the
capability of creating his or her own specific report (using an intuitive drag-and-drop graphical user interface) to address a specific or
unique decision situation.
Descriptive analytics is also called business intelligence (BI), and
predictive and prescriptive analytics are collectively called advanced
analytics. The logic here is that moving from descriptive to predictive
and/or prescriptive analytics is a significant shift in the level of sophistication and therefore warrants the label advanced. BI has been one of
the most popular technology trends for information systems designed
to support managerial decision making since the start of the century.
It was popular (to some extent, it still is in some business circles) until
the arrival of the analytics wave. BI is the entrance to the world of
analytics, setting the stage and paving the way toward more sophisticated decision analysis. Descriptive analytics systems usually work off
a data warehouse, which is a large database specifically designed and
developed to support BI functions and tools.
Predictive analytics comes right after descriptive analytics in
the three-level analytics hierarchy. Organizations that are mature in
descriptive analytics move to this level, where they look beyond what
happened and try to answer the question “What will happen?” In the
following chapters, we will cover the predictive capabilities of these
analytics techniques in depth as part of data mining; here we provide
only a very short description of the main predictive analytics classes.
Prediction essentially is the process of making intelligent/scientific
estimates about the future values of some variables, like customer
demand, interest rates, stock market movements, etc. If what is being
predicted is a categorical variable, the act of prediction is called classification; otherwise, it is called regression. If the predicted variable
is time dependent, the prediction process is often called time-series
Prescriptive analytics is the highest echelon in analytics hierarchy. It is where the best alternative among many courses of action—
that are usually created/identified by predictive and/or descriptive
analytics—is determined using sophisticated mathematical models.
Therefore, in a sense, this type of analytics tries to answer the question “What should I do?” Prescriptive analytics uses optimization-,
simulation-, and heuristics-based decision-modeling techniques.
Even though prescriptive analytics is at the top of the analytics
hierarchy, the methods behind it are not new. Most of the optimization and simulation models that constitute prescriptive analytics were
developed during and right after World War II, when there was a dire
need for a lot with limited resources. Since then, some businesses
have used these models for some very specific problem types, including yield/revenue management, transportation modeling, scheduling,
etc. The new taxonomy of analytics has made them popular again,
opening their use to a wide array of business problems and situations.
Figure 1.4 shows a tabular representation of the three hierarchical
levels of analytics, along with the questions answered and techniques
used at each level. As can be seen data mining is the key enabler of
predictive analytics.
Type of Analytics
Questions Answered
How can the best be realized?
What all is involved in this happening?
Degree of Analytics Sophistication—Intelligence
What is the best that can happen?
What else is most likely to happen?
How else will it happen?
How long will it continue to happen?
Techniques Used
Data/Text Mining
Statistical Analysis
How am I doing?
Why is it happening?
What all is happening?
Who is involved in it?
How often does it happen?
Ad Hoc Reports
Where did it happen?
What happened?
Standard Reports
Figure 1.4 Three Levels of Analytics and Their Enabling Techniques
Business analytics is gaining popularity because it promises to
provide decision makers with information and knowledge that they
need to succeed. Effectiveness of business analytics systems, no matter the level in the analytics hierarchy, depends largely on the quality
and quantity of the data (volume and representational richness); the
accuracy, integrity, and timeliness of the data management system;
and the capabilities and sophistication of the analytical tools and procedures used in the process. Understanding the analytics taxonomy
helps organizations to be smart about selecting and implementing
analytics capabilities to efficiently navigate through the maturity
The Cutting Edge of Analytics:
IBM Watson
IBM Watson is perhaps the smartest computer system built to
date. Since the emergence of computers and subsequently artificial
intelligence in the late 1940s, scientists have compared the performance of these “smart” machines with human minds. Accordingly,
in the mid- to late 1990s, IBM researchers built a smart machine
and used the game of chess (generally credited as the game of smart
humans) to test their ability against the best of human players. On
May 11, 1997, an IBM computer called Deep Blue beat the world
chess grandmaster after a six-game match series: two wins for Deep
Blue, one for the champion, and three draws. The match lasted several days and received massive media coverage around the world. It
was the classic plot line of human versus machine. Beyond the chess
contest, the intention of developing this kind of computer intelligence
was to make computers able to handle the kinds of complex calculations needed to help discover new medical drugs, do the broad financial modeling needed to identify trends and do risk analysis, handle
large database searches, and perform massive calculations needed in
advanced fields of science.
After a couple decades, IBM researchers came up with another
idea that was perhaps more challenging: a machine that could not only
play Jeopardy! but beat the best of the best. Compared to chess, Jeopardy! is much more challenging. While chess is well structured and
has very simple rules, and therefore is very good match for computer
processing, Jeopardy! is neither simple nor structured. Jeopardy! is a
game designed for human intelligence and creativity, and therefore
a computer designed to play it needed to be a cognitive computing
system that can work and think like a human. Making sense of imprecision inherent in human language was the key to success.
In 2010 an IBM research team developed Watson, an extraordinary computer system—a novel combination of advanced hardware
and software—designed to answer questions posed in natural human
language. The team built Watson as part of the DeepQA project and
named it after IBM’s first president, Thomas J. Watson. The team
that built Watson was looking for a major research challenge: one that
could rival the scientific and popular interest of Deep Blue and would
also have clear relevance to IBM’s business interests. The goal was to
advance computational science by exploring new ways for computer
technology to affect science, business, and society at large. Accordingly, IBM Research undertook a challenge to build Watson as a
computer system that could compete at the human champion level in
real time on the American TV quiz show Jeopardy! The team wanted
to create a real-time automatic contestant on the show, capable of
listening, understanding, and responding—not merely a laboratory
Competing Against the Best at Jeopardy!
In 2011, as a test of its abilities, Watson competed on the quiz
show Jeopardy!, in the first-ever human-versus-machine matchup
for the show. In a two-game, combined-point match (broadcast in
three Jeopardy! episodes during February 14–16), Watson beat
Brad Rutter, the biggest all-time money winner on Jeopardy!, and
Ken Jennings, the record holder for the longest championship streak
(75 days). In these episodes, Watson consistently outperformed its
human opponents on the game’s signaling device, but it had trouble
responding to a few categories, notably those having short clues containing only a few words. Watson had access to 200 million pages of
structured and unstructured content, consuming 4 terabytes of disk
storage. During the game, Watson was not connected to the Internet.
Meeting the Jeopardy! challenge required advancing and incorporating a variety of text mining and natural language processing
technologies, including parsing, question classification, question
decomposition, automatic source acquisition and evaluation, entity
and relationship detection, logical form generation, and knowledge
representation and reasoning. Winning at Jeopardy! requires accurately computing confidence in answers. The questions and content
are ambiguous and noisy, and none of the individual algorithms are
perfect. Therefore, each component must produce a confidence in its
output, and individual component confidences must be combined to
compute the overall confidence of the final answer. The final confidence is used to determine whether the computer system should risk
choosing to answer at all. In Jeopardy! parlance, this confidence is
used to determine whether the computer will “ring in” or “buzz in”
for a question. The confidence must be computed during the time the
question is read and before the opportunity to buzz in. This is roughly
between one and six seconds, with an average around three seconds.
How Does Watson Do It?
The system behind Watson, which is called DeepQA, is a massively parallel, text mining–focused, probabilistic evidence-based
computational architecture. For the Jeopardy! challenge, Watson
used more than 100 different techniques for analyzing natural language, identifying sources, finding and generating hypotheses, finding and scoring evidence, and merging and ranking hypotheses. What
is far more important than any particular technique the IBM team
used was how it combined them in DeepQA such that overlapping
approaches could bring their strengths to bear and contribute to
improvements in accuracy, confidence, and speed.
DeepQA is an architecture with an accompanying methodology
that is not specific to the Jeopardy! challenge. These are the overarching principles in DeepQA:
• Massive parallelism. Watson needed to exploit massive parallelism in the consideration of multiple interpretations and
• Many experts. Watson needed to be able to integrate, apply,
and contextually evaluate a wide range of loosely coupled probabilistic question and content analytics.
• Pervasive confidence estimation. No component of Watson
commits to an answer; all components produce features and
associated confidences, scoring different question and content
interpretations. An underlying confidence-processing substrate
learns how to stack and combine the scores.
• Integration of shallow and deep knowledge. Watson
needed to balance the use of strict semantics and shallow
semantics, leveraging many loosely formed ontologies.
Figure 1.5 illustrates the DeepQA architecture at a very high
level. More technical details about the various architectural components and their specific roles and capabilities can be found in Ferrucci
et al. (2010).
Hypothesis and
evidence scoring
Hypothesis and
evidence scoring
4 5
1 2 3
Final merging
and ranking
Answer and
Figure 1.5 A High-Level Depiction of DeepQA Architecture
What Is the Future for Watson?
The Jeopardy! challenge helped IBM address requirements that
led to the design of the DeepQA architecture and the implementation
of Watson. After three years of intense research and development
by a core team of about 20 researchers, as well as a significant R&D
budget, Watson managed to perform at human expert levels in terms
of precision, confidence, and speed at the Jeopardy! quiz show.
After the show, the big question was “So what now?” Was developing Watson all for a quiz show? Absolutely not! Showing the rest
of the world what Watson (and the cognitive system behind it) could
do became an inspiration for the next generation of intelligent information systems. For IBM, it was a demonstration of what is possible
with cutting-edge analytics and computational sciences. The message
is clear: If a smart machine can beat the best of the best in humans at
what they are the best at, think about what it can do for your organizational problems. The first industry that utilized Watson was health
care, followed by security, finance, retail, education, public services,
and research. The following sections provide short descriptions of
what Watson can do (and, in many cases, is doing) for these industries.
Health Care
The challenges that health care is facing today are rather big and
multifaceted. With the aging U.S. population, which may be partially
attributed to better living conditions and advanced medical discoveries fueled by a variety of technological innovations, demand for health
care services is increasing faster than the supply of resources. As we
all know, when there is an imbalance between demand and supply,
the prices go up and the quality suffers. Therefore, we need cognitive
systems like Watson to help decision makers optimize the use of their
resources, both in clinical and managerial settings.
According to health care experts, only 20% of the knowledge physicians use to diagnose and treat patients is evidence based. Considering that the amount of medical information available is doubling every
five years and that much of this data is unstructured, physicians simply
don’t have time to read every journal that can help them keep up-todate with the latest advances. Given the growing demand for services
and the complexity of medical decision making, how can health care
providers address these problems? The answer could be to use Watson, or some other cognitive systems like Watson that has the ability
to help physicians in diagnosing and treating patients by analyzing
large amounts of data—both structured data coming from electronic
medical record databases and unstructured text coming from physician notes and published literature—to provide evidence for faster
and better decision making. First, the physician and the patient can
describe symptoms and other related factors to the system in natural
language. Watson can then identify the key pieces of information and
mine the patient’s data to find relevant facts about family history, current medications, and other existing conditions. It can then combine
that information with current findings from tests, and then it can form
and test hypotheses for potential diagnoses by examining a variety of
data sources—treatment guidelines, electronic medical record data
and doctors’ and nurses’ notes, and peer-reviewed research and clinical studies. Next, Watson can suggest potential diagnostics and treatment options, with a confidence rating for each suggestion.
Watson also has the potential to transform health care by intelligently synthesizing fragmented research findings published in a
variety of outlets. It can dramatically change the way medical students learn. It can help healthcare managers to be proactive about
the upcoming demand patterns, optimally allocate resources, and
improve processing of payments. Early examples of leading health
care providers that use Watson-like cognitive systems include MD
Anderson, Cleveland Clinic, and Memorial Sloan Kettering.
As the Internet expands into every facet of our lives—ecommerce,
ebusiness, smart grids for energy, smart homes for remote control
of residential gadgets and appliances—to make things easier to manage, it also opens up the potential for ill-intended people to intrude
in our lives. We need smart systems like Watson that are capable of
constantly monitoring for abnormal behavior and, when it is identified, preventing people from accessing our lives and harming us. This
could be at the corporate or even national security system level; it
could also be at the personal level. Such a smart system could learn
who we are and become a digital guardian that could make inferences
about activities related to our life and alert us whenever abnormal
things happen.
The financial services industry faces complex challenges. Regulatory measures, as well as social and governmental pressures for
financial institutions to be more inclusive, have increased. And the
customers the industry serves are more empowered, demanding,
and sophisticated than ever before. With so much financial information generated each day, it is difficult to properly harness the right
information to act on. Perhaps the solution is to create smarter client
engagement by better understanding risk profiles and the operating
environment. Major financial institutions are already working with
Watson to infuse intelligence into their business processes. Watson is
tackling data-intensive challenges across the financial services sector,
including banking, financial planning, and investing.
Retail industry is rapidly changing with the changing needs and
wants of customers. Customers, empowered by mobile devices and
social networks that give them easier access to more information
faster than ever before, have high expectations for products and services. While retailers are using analytics to keep up with those expectations, their bigger challenge is efficiently and effectively analyzing
the growing mountain of real-time insights that could give them the
competitive advantage. Watson’s cognitive computing capabilities
related to analyzing massive amounts of unstructured data can help
retailers reinvent their decision-making processes around pricing,
purchasing, distribution, and staffing. Because of Watson’s ability to
understand and answer questions in natural language, it is an effective
and scalable solution for analyzing and responding to social sentiment
based on data obtained from social interactions, blogs, and customer
With the rapidly changing characteristics of students—more visually oriented/stimulated, constantly connected to social media and
social networks, increasingly shorter attention spans—what should
the future of education and the classroom look like? The next generation of educational system should be tailored to fit the needs of
the new generation, with customized learning plans, personalized
textbooks (digital ones with integrated multimedia—audio, video,
animated graphs/charts, etc.), dynamically adjusted curriculum, and
perhaps smart digital tutors and 24/7 personal advisors. Watson seems
to have what it takes to make all this happen. With its natural language processing capability, students can converse with it just as they
do with their teachers, advisors, and friends. This smart assistant can
answer students’ questions, satisfy their curiosity, and help them keep
up with the endeavors of the educational journey.
For local, regional, and national governments, the exponential
rise of Big Data presents an enormous dilemma. Today’s citizens are
more informed and empowered than ever before, and that means
they have high expectations for the value of the public sector serving them. And government organizations can now gather enormous
volumes of unstructured, unverified data that could serve their
citizens—but only if that data can be analyzed efficiently and effectively. IBM Watson’s cognitive computing may help make sense of
this data deluge, speeding governments’ decision-making processes
and helping public employees focus on innovation and discovery.
Every year, hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on research
and development, most of it documented in patents and publications,
creating enormous amount of unstructured data. To contribute to the
extant knowledgebase, one needs to sift through these data sources
to find the outer boundaries of research in a particular field. This
is very difficult, if not impossible work, if it is done with traditional
means, but Watson can act as a research assistant to help collect and
synthesize information to keep people updated on recent findings and
insights. For instance, New York Genome Center is using the IBM
Watson cognitive computing system to analyze the genomic data of
patients diagnosed with a highly aggressive and malignant brain cancer and to more rapidly deliver personalized, life-saving treatment to
patients with this disease (Royyuru, 2014).
Bi, R. (2014). When Watson Meets Machine Learning. www.kdnuggets.
com/2014/07/watson-meets-machine-learning.html (accessed June
DeepQA. (2011). DeepQA Project: FAQ, IBM Corporation. www.research. (accessed April 2014).
Feldman, S., J. Hanover, C. Burghard, & D. Schubmehl. (2012). Unlocking
the Power of Unstructured Data.
jstart/downloads/unlockingUnstructuredData.pdf (accessed May 2014).
Ferrucci, D., et al. (2010). “Building Watson: An Overview of the DeepQA
Project,” AI Magazine, 31(3).
IBM. (2014). Implement Watson.
ibmwatson/implement-watson.html (accessed July 2014).
Liberatore, M., & W. Luo. (2011). “INFORMS and the Analytics
Movement: The View of the Membership,” Interfaces, 41(6): 578–589.
Robinson, A., J. Levis, & G. Bennett. (2010, October). “Informs to
Officially Join Analytics Movement,” ORMS Today.
Royyuru, A. (2014). “IBM’s Watson Takes on Brain Cancer: Analyzing
Genomes to Accelerate and Help Clinicians Personalize Treatments.”
Thomas J. Watson Research Center,
genomics.shtml (accessed September 2014).
This page intentionally left blank
1-of-N pseudo variables, 97
of classification models, 107-112
of time-series forecasting methods,
assessing, 176-177
Acxiom, 58
advanced analytics, 17
affinity analysis. See association rule
affordability of analytics, 5-6
aggregating data, 74
AIC (Akaike information criterion), 118
algorithms, 104, 141
Apriori algorithm, 127-128
for association rule mining, 127
back-propagation, 155-157
for decision tree creation, 116
genetic algorithms, 114
k-means clustering algorithm, 122-123
k-nearest neighbor algorithm,
113, 142-143
cross-validation, 145-147
Minkowski distance, finding,
parameter selection, 145
similarity measure, 144-147
learning algorithms, 156-157
logistic regression, 173-175
variables, 97
advanced analytics, 17
versus analysis, 3-4
Big Data, 14
business analytics, 1-2
business applications, 6-7
cancer survivability studies, 87-90
data mining, 4
descriptive analytics, 17
hierarchy of, 16
history of, 10-14
data warehouses, 12-13
ERP, 10
ERP systems, 12
executive information systems, 12
rule-based ESs, 11
IBM Watson, 20-28
DeepQA, 22-23
future of, 23-28
Jeopardy! challenge, 21-23
in-database analytics, 242
in-memory analytics, 242
predictive analytics, 18, 105
privacy issues, 58-59
prescriptive analytics, 18
reasons for popularity
affordability, 5-6
availability, 5-6
culture change, 6
need, 5
roadblocks to adoption, 7-9
culture, 7-8
data, 8
privacy, 9
return on investment, 8
security, 9
talent, 7
technology, 9
stream analytics, 257-259
taxonomy for, 15-19
terminology, 2
text analytics, 183-184
ANNs (artificial neural networks), 147-158.
See also neural networks
back-propagation algorithm, 155-157
and biological neural networks, 149-152
feed-forward neural networks, 154
MLP architecture, 154-155
network structure, 153-154
neurons, 152
processing elements, 153
sensitivity analysis, 157-158
versus SVMs, 164-165
appliances, 242
application examples
Big Data for political campaigns, 261-263
data mining for complex medical
procedures, 177-180
data mining for Hollywood
managers, 60-65
methodology, 62
results, 63
sample data, 60-61
predicting NCAA bowl game
results, 130-139
evaluation, 136-137
methodology, 131-132
results, 137-139
sample data, 132-136
text mining of research literature,
text-based deception detection, 225-227
Apriori algorithm, 127-128
area under the ROC curve, 112
association rule mining, 123-127
applications, 124-125
Apriori algorithm, 127-128
associations, 45, 49
assumptions in linear regression, 171-173
attributes, 114
automated data collection, 5-6
availability of analytics, 5-6
back-propagation algorithm, 155-157
bag-of-words, 189-190
banking, data mining applications, 40
Bayesian classifiers, 114
benefits of Hadoop, 250-251
BI (business intelligence), 17
BIC (Bayesian information criterion), 118
Big Data, 14, 231, 238-243
challenges to Big Data analytics
implementation, 242-243
characteristics of
value proposition, 238
variability, 237-238
variety, 236
velocity, 236-237
veracity, 237
volume, 234-236
critical success factors, 240-241
data scientists, 254-257
educational requirements, 256
skill requirements, 257
high-performance computing, 242
in politics, 261-263
problems addressed by, 244
sources of, 232-233
stream analytics, 257-259
technologies, 244-254
Hadoop, 247-253
MapReduce, 245-247
NoSQL, 254
terminology, 2
binary frequencies, 205
biological neural networks, 148-152
BioText, 199
bootstrapping, 111
branches, 114
brokerages, data mining applications, 41
decision trees, 115-116
algorithms, 116
splitting indices, 116
linear regression models, 167-171
SVM models, 161-164
data preprocessing, 162-163
model deployment, 164
model development, 163
business analytics, 1-2, 19
business applications for analytics, 6-7
business intelligence, 2
OLAP, 38
cancer survivability, analytic studies
in, 87-90
Capgemini, 15-16
case-based reasoning, 113
categorical data, 94-95
challenges of analytics adoption, 7-9
Big Data analytics adoption, 242-243
culture, 7-8
data, 8
privacy, 9
return on investment, 8
security, 9
talent, 7
technology, 9
characteristics of Big Data
value proposition, 238
variability, 237-238
variety, 236
velocity, 236-237
veracity, 237
volume, 234-236
classification, 47-49, 105-114. See also
cluster analysis
Bayesian classifiers, 114
case-based reasoning, 113
decision trees, 49, 113-116
attributes, 114
branches, 114
building, 115-116
nodes, 114
genetic algorithms, 114
models, 107
accuracy, 107
estimating accuracy of, 107-112
interpretability, 107
robustness, 107
scalability, 107
speed, 107
nearest-neighbor algorithm, 113
neural networks, 48, 113
N-P polarity classification, 222-223
rough sets, 114
statistical analysis, 113
SVMs, 113
ClearForest, 214
cluster analysis, 50, 117-122
applications, 117-118
determining number of clusters, 118
distance measures, 119
examples of, 117
external assessment methods, 121-122
hierarchical clustering methods, 120
internal assessment methods, 121
k-means clustering algorithm, 122-123
partitive clustering methods, 120
clustering, 46, 50
coefficients (logistic regression), 175
commercial text mining software, 213-214
analytics and analysis, 3-4
ANNs and SVMs, 164-165
commercial and free data mining
tools, 52
correlation and regression, 166-167
data mining and statistics, 39
data mining methodologies, 86-89
concepts, 187
confidence, 126-127
confusion matrices, 108
contingency tables, 108
corpora, 187
correlation versus regression, 166-167
CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard
Process for Data Mining), 69-77
business understanding, 70-71
comparing with SEMMA, 82
data preparation, 73-74
data understanding, 71-73
deployment, 77
model building, 74-75
testing and evaluation, 76
critical success factors for
Big Data, 240-241
CRM (customer relationship
management), 40
cross-validation methodologies, 132
k-nearest neighbor algorithm, 145-147
cubes, 38
Cutting, Doug, 248
data, 32, 35
categorical data, 94-95
discrete data, 95
interval data, 96
nominal data, 95
numeric data, 95
ordinal data, 95
ratio data, 96
structured data, 94
traditional data, 232
unstructured data, 94
Data and Text Analytics Toolkit, 214
data mining, 4, 31-39
algorithms, 141
ANNs, 147-158
nearest-neighbor algorithm,
banking, 40
brokerages, 41
CRM, 40
entertainment industry, 43
finance, 40
government, 42
health care industry, 43
insurance, 41
law enforcement, 44
manufacturing, 41
marketing, 40
retailing and logistics, 41
sports, 44-45
association rule mining, 49, 123-127
algorithms, 127
cancer survivability, analytic
studies in, 87-90
classification, 47-49, 105-114
Bayesian classifiers, 114
case-based reasoning, 113
decision trees, 49, 113-116
genetic algorithms, 114
models, 107
nearest-neighbor algorithm, 113
neural networks, 113
rough sets, 114
statistical analysis, 113
SVMs, 113
cluster analysis, 50, 117-122
applications, 117-118
determining number of clusters, 118
distance measures, 119
examples of, 117
external assessment methods,
hierarchical clustering
methods, 120
internal assessment methods, 121
k-means clustering algorithm,
partitive clustering methods, 120
data, 35, 93-97
unstructured data, 94
data preprocessing
data consolidation phase, 99
data reduction phase, 100-102
data scrubbing phase, 99
data transformation phase, 100
data stream mining, 260-261
defining, 36
GIGO rule, 97-98
for Hollywood managers, 60-64
data, 60-61
methodology, 62
knowledge, 32-33
link analysis, 49
methodologies, comparing, 86-89
misconceptions of, 129-130
neural networks, 48
OLAP, 38
patterns, identifying, 45-51
associations, 45
clusters, 46
predictions, 45, 47
predictive analytics, 105
privacy issues, 57-65
selling customer data, 58
reasons for popularity, 33-34
rule induction, 49
sequence mining, 49
standardized processes, 67
CRISP-DM, 69-77
KDD process, 67-68
SEMMA, 78-81
Six Sigma, 83-86
and statistics, 39
structured data, 94
text mining, 185-189
applications, 186, 195-199
bag-of-words, 189-190
initiatives, 199
NLP, 189-194
tools, 52
Microsoft SQL Server, 53-54
RapidMiner, 52
top 10 tools, 55
vendors, 51
Weka, 52
visualization, 51
data preprocessing, 73-74
data consolidation phase, 99
data reduction phase, 100-102
data scrubbing phase, 99
data transformation phase, 100
SVM model building, 162-163
in text mining process, 202-204
data scientists, 254-257
educational requirements, 256
experimental physicists, 256
skill requirements, 257
data scrubbing, 99
data stream mining, 260-261
data warehouses, 12-13, 68
HBase, 254
in-database analytics, 242
OLAP, 38
Davenport, Thomas, 32, 255
deception detection, 197
text-based deception detection,
application example, 225-227
decision trees, 49, 113-116
attributes, 114
branches, 114
building, 115-116
algorithms, 116
splitting indices, 116
nodes, 114
Deep Blue, 20
DeepQA, 22-23
defining data mining, 36
de-identified customer records, 57
descriptive analytics, 17
detecting objectivity, 222
developing SVM models, 163
dimensional reduction, 101
discrete data, 95
distance measures, 119
DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,
Improve, and Control) methodology,
EB (exabyte), 235
educational requirements for data
scientists, 256
entertainment industry, data mining
applications, 43
ERP (enterprise resource planning), 10, 12
ESs (expert systems), rule-based, 11
estimating accuracy of classification
models, 107-112
k-fold cross-validation, 110-111
simple split methodology, 109-110
Euclidian distance, 119
evolution of analytics, 10-14
Big Data, 14
data warehouses, 12-13
ERP, 10
ERP systems, 12
executive information systems, 12
rule-based ESs, 11
application examples
Big Data for political campaigns,
data mining for complex medical
procedures, 177-180
data mining for Hollywood
managers, 60-65
predicting NCAA bowl game
results, 130-139
text mining of research literature,
of cluster analysis, 117
executive information systems, 12
experimental physicists, 256
explanatory variable, relationship to
response variable, 169
explicit sentiment, 217
external assessment methods, 121-122
extracting knowledge, 206-209
feed-forward neural networks, 154
data mining applications, 40
sentiment analysis applications, 219-220
Ford, Henry, 10
free software tools
for data mining, 52
for text mining, 214-215
future of Watson, 23-28
in education, 27
in finance, 26
in government, 27-28
in health care, 24-25
in research, 28
security systems, 25-26
GATE, 215
GeB (gegobyte), 235
genetic algorithms, 114
GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) rule, 97-98
Gini index, 116
data mining applications, 42
sentiment analysis applications, 220
grid computing, 242
Hadoop, 247-253
benefits of, 250-251
misconceptions, 251-253
technical components, 249-250
HBase, 254
HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File
System), 248
health care industry, data mining
applications, 43
hierarchical clustering methods, 120
hierarchy of analytics, 16
descriptive analytics, 17
predictive analytics, 18
prescriptive analytics, 18
high-performance computing, 242
history of analytics, 10-14
Big Data, 14
data warehouses, 12-13
ERP, 10
ERP systems, 12
executive information systems, 12
rule-based ESs, 11
Hollywood, data mining in motion picture
industry, 60-64
homeland security, data mining
applications, 44
homonyms, 188
Human Genome Project, 198
human-generated data, 232
hyperplanes, 160
IBM Watson, 20-28
DeepQA, 22-23
future of, 23-28
in education, 27
in finance, 26
in government, 27-28
in health care, 24-25
in research, 28
security systems, 25-26
Jeopardy! challenge, 21-23
patterns in data sets, 45-51
associations, 45
clusters, 46
predictions, 45
polarity, 224-225
targets of expressed sentiment, 223-224
in-database analytics, 242
indices, representing, 204-205
information, 32
information gain, 116
INFORMS (Institute for Operations
Research and Management
Science), 15-16
initiatives in text mining, 199
in-memory analytics, 242
insurance industry, data mining
applications, 41
internal assessment methods, 121
interpretability of classification
models, 107
interval data, 96
inverse document frequencies, 205
jackknifing, 112
Jackman, Simon, 263
Jennings, Ken, 21
Jeopardy! challenge, 21-23
job tracker nodes, 250
KDD (knowledge discovery in databases)
process, 67-68, 54
k-fold cross-validation, 109-111
k-means clustering algorithm, 122-123
k-nearest neighbor algorithm, 142-147
knowledge, 32-33
extracting, 206-209
KXEN Text Coder, 214
law enforcement, data mining
applications, 44
learning algorithms, 156-157
leave-one-out methodology, 111
lift, 126-127
linear regression, 165-173
assumptions, 171-173
model building, 167-171
numeric assessment of model,
OLS method, 168
LingPipe, 215
link analysis, 49
location-prediction systems, 198
log frequencies, 205
logistic regression, 173-175
coefficients, 175
logistic function, 174
models, 174
logistics, data mining applications, 41
machine-learning techniques, 141
nearest-neighbor algorithm, 142-143
SVMs, 159-165
versus ANNs, 164-165
hyperplanes, 160
machine-generated data, 232
Manhattan distance, 119
manufacturing, data mining
applications, 41
MapReduce, 245-247
market-basket analysis, 123-127
applications, 124-125
data mining applications, 40
text mining applications, 195
data mining applications, 43
text mining applications, 197-199
Megaputer Text Analyst, 214
Microsoft Enterprise Consortium, 53-54
Microsoft SQL Server, 53-54
Minkowski distance, finding, 144-145
misconceptions about data
mining, 129-130
MLP (multilayered perceptron)
architecture, 154-155
models, 45
classification models, 107
accuracy, 107
estimating accuracy of, 107-112
interpretability, 107
robustness, 107
scalability, 107
speed, 107
linear regression models, building,
logistic regression models, 174
SVM models, building, 161-164
data preprocessing, 162-163
model deployment, 164
model development, 163
morphology, 188
motion picture industry, data mining
in, 60-64
data, 60-61
methodology, 62
Movie Forecast Guru, 64
multicollinearity, 172
multiple regression, 167
name nodes, 249
National Centre for Text Mining, 199
nearest-neighbor algorithm, 113, 142-143
cross-validation, 145-147
Minkowski distance, finding, 144-145
parameter selection, 145
similarity measure, 144-147
NER (named entity recognition), 198
network structure of ANNs, 153-154
neural networks, 48, 113, 147-158
back-propagation algorithm,
MLP architecture, 154-155
network structure, 153-154
processing elements, 153
sensitivity analysis, 157-158
versus SVMs, 164-165
biological neural networks, 148
feed-forward neural networks, 154
neurons, 152
neurons, 152
NLP (natural language processing),
189-194. See also text mining
applications, 193-194
challenges associated with, 191-192
WordNet, 192-193
nodes, 114
nominal data, 73, 95
normalization methods, 205
NoSQL, 254
N-P polarity classification, 222-223
numeric data, 95
OASIS (Overall Analysis System for
Intelligence Support), 196
objectivity, detecting, 222
OLAP (online analytical processing), 38
OLS (ordinary least squares) method, 168
Open Calais, 215
OR (operations research), 10
ordinal data, 73, 95
OTMI (Open Text Mining Interface), 199
partitive clustering methods, 120
part-of-speech tagging, 188
Patil, D. J., 255
patterns, identifying, 45-51
associations, 45
clusters, 46
predictions, 45
phases of data preprocessing, 102-103
data consolidation phase, 99
data reduction phase, 100-102
data scrubbing phase, 99
data transformation phase, 100
polarity, identifying, 224-225
Big Data, 261-263
sentiment analysis applications, 220
polysemes, 188
popularity of analytics, reasons for
affordability, 5-6
availability, 5-6
culture change, 6
need, 5
predicting NCAA bowl game results,
evaluation, 136-137
methodology, 131-132
results, 137-139
sample data, 132-136
prediction, 45, 47
predictive analytics, 18, 105
in motion picture industry, 60-64
data, 60-61
methodology, 62
privacy issues, 58-59
time-series forecasting, 175-180
accuracy of methods, assessing,
averaging methods, 176
prescriptive analytics, 18
privacy, 57-65
and predictive analytics, 58-59
as roadblock to analytics adoption, 9
problems addressed by Big Data, 244
processing elements of ANNs, 153
qualitative data, 73
quantitative data, 73
Quinlan, Ross, 116
RapidMiner, 52, 214
ratio data, 96
regression analysis, 165-167
versus correlation, 166-167
linear regression
assumptions, 171-173
OLS method, 168
logistic regression, 173-175
coefficients, 175
logistic function, 174
models, 174
multiple regression, 167
simple regression, 167
representing indices, 204-205
response variable, relationship to
explanatory variable, 169
retail, data mining applications, 41
RMSE (root mean square error), 169
roadblocks to analytics adoption, 7-9
culture, 7-8
data, 8
privacy, 9
return on investment, 8
security, 9
talent, 7
technology, 9
robustness of classification models, 107
rough sets, 114
rule induction, 49
rule-based ESs, 11
Rutter, Brad, 21
SAS Text Miner, 214
scalability of classification models, 107
scatter plots, 167
secondary nodes, 250
securities trading, data mining
applications, 41
as roadblock to analytics adoption, 9
text mining applications, 196-197
selling customer data, privacy issues, 58
SEMMA (sample, explore, modify, model,
assess), 78-82
sensitivity analysis in ANNs, 157-158
sentiment analysis, 215-227
finance, 219-220
government intelligence, 220
politics, 220
VOC, 218
VOE, 219
VOM, 218-219
explicit sentiment, 217
identifying polarity, 224-225
implicit sentiment, 217
multistep process
collection and aggregation, 224
N-P polarity classification, 222-223
sentiment detection, 222
target identification, 223-224
polarity, 217
sequence mining, 49
Silver, Nate, 263
similarity measure, 144-147
simple regression, 167
simple split methodology, 109-110
singular-value decomposition, 189
Six Sigma, 83-86
skills required for data scientists, 257
slave nodes, 250
sources of Big Data, 232-233
speed of classification models, 107
splitting indices, 116
sports, data mining applications, 44-45
SPSS Modeler, 214
Spy-EM, 215
standardized data mining processes, 67
CRISP-DM, 69-77
business understanding, 70-71
comparing with SEMMA, 82
data preparation, 73-74
data understanding, 71-73
deployment, 77
model building, 74-75
testing and evaluation, 76
KDD process, 67-68
SEMMA, 78-81
Six Sigma, 83-86
Statistica Text Mining engine, 214
statistical analysis, 113
linear regression, 165-173
statistics, 39
stemming, 187
stop words, 187
stratified k-fold cross validation, 137
stream analytics, 257-259
structured data, 94
support, 126-127
survivability of cancer, analytic studies
in, 87-90
SVMs (support vector machines), 113,
versus ANNs, 164-165
hyperplanes, 160
model building, 161-164
data preprocessing, 162-163
model deployment, 164
model development, 163
synonyms, 188
synthesis, 3
Target, use of predictive analytics, 58-59
target of expressed sentiment, identifying,
taxonomy for analytics, 15-19
descriptive analytics, 17
predictive analytics, 18
prescriptive analytics, 18
Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 10
TDM (term-document matrix),
establishing, 202-204
reducing dimensionality, 206
representing indices, 204-205
technical components in Hadoop, 249-250
term dictionaries, 188
terms, 187
test sets, 110
text analytics, 183-184
text mining, 185-189
applications, 186
marketing, 195
medicine, 197-199
security, 196-197
bag-of-words, 189-190
initiatives, 199
NLP, 189-194
applications, 193-194
challenges associated with, 191-192
WordNet, 192-193
representing indices, 204-205
three-task process
data preprocessing, 202-204
establishing the corpus, 202
extracting knowledge, 206-209
commercial software tools, 213-214
free text mining tools, 214-215
text-based deception detection, 225-227
three-task text mining process
data preprocessing, 202-204
establishing the corpus, 202
extracting knowledge, 206-209
time-series forecasting, 51, 175-180
accuracy of methods, assessing, 176-177
averaging methods, 176
tokenizing, 188
top 10 data mining tools, 55
Torch Concepts, 58
traditional data, 232
training sets, 110
travel industry, data mining
applications, 42
trend analysis, 208-209
tuples, 259
unstructured data, 14, 94
text mining, 185-189
VantagePoint, 214
variables, 97
1-of-N pseudo variables, 97
relationship between response and
explanatory variables, 169
scatter plots, 167
vendors of data mining tools, 51
visual analytics, 51
visualization, 51
Vivisimo/Clusty, 215
VOC (voice of the customer), 218
VOE (voice of the employee), 219
VOM (voice of the market), 218-219
Watson, 20-28
DeepQA, 22-23
future of, 23-28
in education, 27
in finance, 26
in government, 27-28
in health care, 24-25
in research, 28
security systems, 25-26
Jeopardy! challenge, 21-23
Websites,, 54
Weka, 52
word counting, 191
word frequency, 188
WordNet, 192-193
WordStat analysis module, 214
ZB (zettabyte), 235