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Name:______________________________________ Period:_________________
Basic Skills 6
Objective 1
1. Why do elements in the same family generally have similar properties?
2. Identify each element as a metal, metalloid, or nonmetal.
a) fluorine
b) germanium
c) zinc
d) phosphorous
e) lithium
3. Give two examples of elements for each category.
a) noble gases
b) halogens
c) alkali metals
d) alkaline earth metals
4. The halogen family or halides form salts with which other family in the periodic table?
5. Which of the following elements that have similar physical and chemical properties:
a. K, Mn, Ge, Br
b. Be, Mg, Sr, Ra
c. B, Br, Ba, Bi
d. N, O, F, Ne
Objective 2
1. Rank the following elements by increasing atomic radius: carbon, aluminum, oxygen, potassium.
2. What trend in atomic radius do you see as you go down a group/family on the periodic table? What causes
this trend?
Name:______________________________________ Period:_________________
3. What trend in atomic radius do you see as you go across a period/row on the periodic table? What causes this
4. What trend in reactivity do you see as you go down a group/family on the periodic table? What causes this
5. What trend in reactivity do you see as you go across a period/row on the periodic table? What causes this
6. Circle the element in each pair that has the largest atomic radius.
a) Al
d) Na
b) S
e) O
c) Br
f) Mg
7. Circle the element in each pair that is the most reactive.
a) F
d) Na
b) S
e) O
c) Br
f) Mg
Objective 3
1. Discuss the importance of Mendeleev’s periodic law.
2. What were Moseley’s contributions to the modern periodic table?