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Designing Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary School
The job is to prepare one or more lessons on astronomy—grades 3-5.
3rd Grade Physical Science Matter, Property and Change
3.P.2 Understand the structure and properties of matter before and after change
3.E.1.1 Recognize that the earth is part of a system called the solar system that includes the sun (a star), planets, and many
moons and the earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system.
Follow steps, below, that are exactly the steps to use when YOU are teaching.
Work on this assignment by yourself or in small groups if you want to. I recommend planning with
others, but writing it by yourself.
Here is a format you can use to do/write out the assignment.
Send it to me any time you want. I will give you suggestions. You can then improve it.
It is due (email) by the 12th of December at 5:00 PM.
Here are the steps.
1. Read the materials below.
a. Notice and underline or bold face fact statements. “The sun is…”
b. Notice and underline or bold face lists of facts IN the text, or scattered facts that YOU bring
together and can turn into a list that makes a description. “The solar system contains the
following things….”
c. Notice and underline or bold face vocabulary words/concepts to teach. Solar system, sun, planet,
orbit, distance, etc.
Think of how you might teach these. Some require a verbal definition (“A solar system is…..”) plus
examples. Others might be taught with a synonym (“Distance means how far one thing is from
another thing.”) plus examples of distances.
d. Notice and underline or bold face rule relationships. “The farther the distance a planet is from the
sun, the larger is its orbit around the sun.” “The closer a planet is to the sun, the closer it is to the
heat of the sun, and so the higher its temperature.” Then give examples.
e. Notice and underline or bold face routines, such as explanations. That is, knowledge that is USED
or STATED as STEPS. “Here are the four stages by which solar systems are formed. First stage….
Second stage…”
2. Now divide the material into chunks. Each chunk might be a TASK in a lesson, or might be a short
lesson in a SEQUENCE OF LESSONS (a UNIT). Note that the knowledge in chunks might be scattered
through the text; for example, a chunk called “Basic facts about OUR solar system.” Some facts may in
one paragraph of the materials, and other facts in different paragraphs. So, when you make chunks, list
WHERE the information is in the text. “Some facts are in paragraph 6; also see paragraph 12.”
3. Look over everything you might want students to learn (steps 1 and 2), and think of a FINAL
PERFORMANCE and FINAL OBJECTIVES (how students will do the final performance). The final
performance should include: (1) a review (e.g., students define concepts, state rules, explain the stages
by which solar systems develop), and (2) a project that INTEGRATES what they learned.
4. Using the final performance (step 3) as a guide, arrange the chunks in a logical sequence leading to
the final performance. Ask yourself, “What do they need to know before I teach this?” For example,
before you teach a rule---“The size of an object’s orbit around the sun increases as the distance of the
object increases from the sun”--- students have to know what orbit, distance, and sun mean. So, you’d
teach these concepts in an earlier task in the lesson. Note: The way the materials are organized may
NOT be a logical sequence. So, don’t arrange chunks the same way information is presented in the
5. Now write a description of the chunks, in order. For each chunk:
a. Label the chunk. For instance, “Parts of solar systems.”
b. State the performance (what students will do), and the objectives (how they will do it). For
(1) “Students define each part of solar systems, giving complete definitions,”
(2) “Given pictures of solar systems, students correctly identify the parts.”
c. List all of the knowledge that you identified to teach. What facts to make a description? What
concepts/vocabulary? What rule relationships (distance/heat)? What routines (a sequence of
statements that make up an explanation)?
6. Now write a script for teaching the knowledge in each chunk. Follow the guide, below.
How to Teach Each Kind of Knowledge
Please read and download
Teaching Facts
Teaching Lists of Facts, Concepts,
or Rules—Descriptions
Teaching Concepts with verbal
definition, synonym, or examples.
Use synonyms and examples when
a verbal definition would contain
words that are too advanced.
Later, teach THOSE words and use
verbal definitions.
Teaching Rules
Teaching Routines
Gain attention.
“Boys and girls. Eyes
on me. Show me
Gain attention. “Boys and girls.
Eyes on me. Show me ready.”…
Gain attention. “Boys and girls.
Eyes on me. Show me ready.”…
Gain attention. “Boys and girls.
Eyes on me. Show me ready.”…
Gain attention. “Boys and
girls. Eyes on me. Show
me ready.”…
“Yes, I love the way…”
“Now you’re ready to learn!”
“Yes, I love the way…”
“Now you’re ready to learn!”
“Yes, I love the way…” “Now you’re
ready to learn!”
Frame the instruction.
1. Tell what you’ll be working on.
“Now we’ll…”
Frame the instruction.
1. Tell what you’ll be working on.
“Now we’ll…”
Frame the
1. Tell what you’ll be
working on.
“Now we’ll…”
2. Tell what they’ll do when you
are done (objective). “When
we’re done, you will…”
2. Tell what they’ll do when you
are done (objective). “When we’re
done, you will…”
Frame the instruction.
1. Tell what you’ll be working on.
“Now we’ll…”
2. Tell what they’ll do when you are
done (objective). “When we’re
done, you will…”
2. Tell what they’ll
do when you are
done (objective).
“When we’re done,
you will…”
Model. “Here are five (show
fingers) facts about…. Get ready.
“First fact (one finger)….. What is
our first fact…. Yes….
Second fact (two fingers)…. What
is our second fact…”
Model. Three ways:
a. Verbal definition.
(1) “New word/concept---comet.
What’s our new word/concept?....
Spell comet. … What’s our new
Model. Two ways: Deductive (rule
examples) and Inductive
(examples  rule)
a. Deductive.
You tell the rule about how things
are connected, and then give
examples of it. (deductive)
Frame the instruction.
1. Tell what you’ll be
working on. “Now we’ll
explain how solar systems
form. ”
2. Tell what they’ll do
when you are done
(objective). “When we’re
done, you will explain how
solar systems form by
saying all the stages in
(2) Tell the definition.
“A comet is an icy small solar
system body (genus) that
sometimes has a thin, fuzzy,
temporary atmosphere and
sometimes also a tail, and orbits
(1) Model. “Here’s a rule. The
farther a solar system object is from
the sun, the larger is its orbit.”
“Boys and girls. Here are
the stages by which solar
systems form. [Students
“Yes, I love the
way…” “Now you’re
ready to learn!”
Model. Say the fact.
Lead. [If you think
they need it.]
Test, “Let’s do ALL our facts
about.. First fact (finger). [Hint?
Partial answer?] [Repeat with all.]
“Yes, I love the way…”
“Now you’re ready to
Test. Students say
the fact.
Later, review again, until
students need no hints or
punctuation (no “First” and no
holding up fingers).
the solar system from a few years
to hundreds of thousands of years
(difference from other solar system
Please read and download
(3) Now say/show examples, and
point out the features from the
“This is a comet. Notice the….”
(4) Show nonexamples and point
out absence of features. Then do a
few more examples for contrast.
“This is NOT a comet. Notice it does
NOT have…”
(5) Test all examples and
nonexamples (delayed acquisition
test). “Is this a comet… How do
you know?” [Student use
Later, work on generalization
b. Synonym.
(1) “New word. Orbit. What’s our
new word?... Spell orbit… What’s
our new word?”…
(2) Tell the new word and its
synonym. “Listen, an orbit is a path
shaped like a circle that one thing
makes around another thing.
Again, an orbit is…..”
(3) Test.
“What’s another way to say a path
shaped like a circle that one thing
makes around another thing.”…
orbit…Yes, orbit IS a path shaped
like a circle that one thing makes
around another thing.”
(2) Test. “What’s our rule?” correct
errors and verify.
(3) Examples. “Look here (point).
Mercury is the closest planet to the
sun. It’s orbit is the smallest.” [with
older kids use numbers, in miles.]
Earth is farther from the sun than
Mercury (point and/or tell distance)
and Earth’s orbit is larger than the
orbit of Mercury.”
[More examples.]
(4) Test. “Jupiter is farther from the
sun than Earth. Which planet has a
larger orbit?.... How do you know?
[students use the rule.] Correct
errors and verify.
Later, work on generalization; e.g.,
the orbits of moons around planets.
b. Inductive.
(1) Give examples.
“Boys and girls. Here are facts.
from sun
Merc 37 m miles
Ven 65 m miles
Earth 93 m miles
Mars 140 m miles
Jupi 484 miles
Satur 884m m
Uran 1786 m miles
Nept 2790 m miles
58 m miles
108 m miles
150 m miles
228 m miles
778 m miles
1427 m miles
2870 m miles
4497 m miles
might read from text.]
“Stage one….” [ name it
and say a few things that
Test. “What is the first
stage…. Tell what
happens.” Correct errors
and verify.
Model. “Stage two…. “[
name it and say a few
things that happen.]
Test. “What is stage
two…. Tell what happens.”
Correct errors and verify.
Model. “Stage three….”
[ name it and say a few
things that happen.]
Test. “What is stage
three…. Tell what
happens.” Correct errors
and verify.
Model. “Stage four…”
[ name it and say a few
things that happen.]
Test. “What is stage
four…. Tell what happens.”
Correct errors and verify.
“Now let’s do all the stages
(4) Examples of new word and
“Listen, the car is making a path
shaped like a circle around the
house. I’ll say that sentence with
our new word. The car is making
an orbit around the house. ”
Pluto 3627 m miles 4914 m miles
Show solar system and give facts for
each planet. Tell the rule each time.
“Earth is farther from the sun than
Venus, and the orbit of the Earth is
greater than the orbit of Venus.”
that explain how solar
systems form… “ [Prompt
students to read from
their notes or from text.”
“Stage one…” Correct
errors and verify.
More examples.
(5) Test. “Your turn to use our new
word. Listen, the moon was
making a path shaped like a circle
around the sun. Say that with our
new word.” The moon was making
an orbit around the sun.
(6) Give examples of USING the
new word. “Here’s an orbit.
[point.] The earth (one thing) is
making a path (this circular line)
around another thing—the
sun…Here’s the earth’s moon (one
thing) making a path (circular line)
around another thing---the earth.”
(7) Give nonexamples. “This is an
asteroid (one thing). It is going
straight down to another thing—
the earth. It is NOT making a
circular path around the earth. So,
it does not have an orbit.”
(8) Test all. Use the examples and
nonexamples. “Is this object
making an orbit?....How do you
know?” Students use the idea of
circular path.
Later, work on generalization
Have students summarize the facts
by saying the rule.
(2) Test. Now give new examples—
for instance,
“Moon A is 2 million miles from
Jupiter, and its orbit is 5 million
miles. Moon B is 4 million miles
from Jupiter. Whose orbit is larger?
Moon 1 and Moon 2… How do you
know?” [students use the rule.]
More examples.
Do all the stages.
Now all together.
“Now YOU say the stages
all together.” Correct
errors and verify.
c. Examples and nonexamples
(1) “New word/concept---eliptical.
What’s our new word/concept?....
Spell eliptical. … What’s our new
(2) Examples.
“This is elliptical.”
“This is elliptical.”
“This is elliptical.”
“This is NOT elliptical.”
“This is not elliptical.”
“This IS elliptical.”
(3) Test. Show all examples and
nonexamples, and ask, “Is this
elliptical?” Correct errors or verify.
Later, work on generalization.
Here are more resources for writing procedures, but I don’t think you’ll need them.
**** However, you MUST look at this document Seven point lesson plan
We have generally been following the seven point lesson plan.
Brief procedures for teaching the six kinds of knowledge
Teaching Facts
Teaching List. Phases of Mitosis
Sample format for teaching vocabulary with synonyms
Sample format for teaching vocabulary with examples
Teaching Sensory Concept. On
Sample format for teaching vocabulary with verbal definition
Teaching Rule-relationship. Temperature/pressure
Teaching Routine. Sounding Out Words
7. Finally, make a set of guided notes for each chunk of the lesson or lessons
Guided Notes on Astronomy
Topic/chunk ____________________
You will learn and do….
Outline: What we will work on. List important concepts and rules.
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
What Is The Solar System?
The Solar System is made up of all the planets that orbit our Sun. In addition to planets, the Solar
System also consists of moons, comets, asteroids, minor planets, and dust and gas.
Everything in the Solar System orbits or revolves around the Sun. The Sun contains around 98%
of all the material in the Solar System. The larger an object is, the more gravity it has. Because
the Sun is so large, its powerful gravity attracts all the other objects in the Solar System towards
it. At the same time, these objects, which are moving very rapidly, try to fly away from the Sun,
outward into the emptiness of outer space. The result of the planets trying to fly away, at the
same time that the Sun is trying to pull them inward is that they become trapped half-way in
between. Balanced between flying towards the Sun, and escaping into space, they spend eternity
orbiting around their parent star.
How Did The Solar System form?
This is an important question, and one that is difficult for scientists to understand. After all, the
creation of our Solar System took place billions of years before there were any people around to
witness it. Our own evolution is tied closely to the evolution of the Solar System. Thus, without
understanding from where the Solar System came from, it is difficult to comprehend how
mankind came to be.
Scientists believe that the Solar System evolved from a giant cloud of dust and gas. They believe
that this dust and gas began to collapse under the weight of its own gravity. As it did so, the
matter contained within this could begin moving in a giant circle, much like the water in a drain
moves around the center of the drain in a circle.
At the center of this spinning cloud, a small star began to form. This star grew larger and larger
as it collected more and more of the dust and gas that collapsed into it.
Further away from the center of this mass where the star was forming, there were smaller clumps
of dust and gas that were also collapsing. The star in the center eventually ignited forming our
Sun, while the smaller clumps became the planets, minor planets, moons, comets, and asteroids.
A Great Storm
Once ignited, the Sun's powerful solar winds began to blow. These winds, which are made up of
atomic particles being blown outward from the Sun, slowly pushed the remaining gas and dust
out of the Solar System.
With no more gas or dust, the planets, minor planets, moons, comets, and asteroids stopped
growing. You may have noticed that the four inner planets are much smaller than the four outer
planets. Why is that?
Because the inner planets are much closer to the Sun, they are located where the solar winds are
stronger. As a result, the dust and gas from the inner Solar System was blown away much more
quickly than it was from the outer Solar System. This gave the planets of the inner Solar System
less time to grow.
Another important difference is that the outer planets are largely made of gas and water, while
the inner planets are made up almost entirely of rock and dust. This is also a result of the solar
winds. As the outer planets grew larger, their gravity had time to accumulate massive amounts of
gas, water, as well as dust.
The Solar System Has Over 100 objects
It is true that there are only eight planets. However, the Solar System is made up of over 100
worlds that are every bit as fascinating. Some of these minor planets, and moons are actually
larger than the planet Mercury!
Others, such as Io, have active volcanoes. Europa has a liquid water ocean, while Titan has lakes,
rivers, and oceans of liquid Methane. You can read more about these amazing worlds by clicking
The Asteroid Belt, The Kuiper Belt, And The Oort Cloud
You have probably heard about the Asteroid Belt. This band of asteroids sits between the orbits
of the planets Jupiter and Mars. It is made up of thousands of objects too small to be considered
planets. Some of them no larger than a grain of dust, while others, like Eros can be more than
100 miles across. A few, like Ida, even have their own moons.
Further out, beyond the orbit of the minor planet Pluto, sits another belt known as the Kuiper
Belt. Like the Asteroid Belt, the Kuiper Belt is also made up of thousands, possibly even
millions of objects too small to be considered planets. A few of these objects, like Pluto, are
large enough that their gravity has pulled them into a sphere shape.
These objects are made out of mostly frozen gas with small amounts of dust. They are often
called dirty snowballs. However, you probably know them by their other name... comets.
Every once in a while one of these comets will be thrown off of its orbit in the Kuiper Belt and
hurled towards the inner Solar System where it slowly melts in a fantastic show of tail and light.
Beyond the Kuiper Belt sits a vast area known as the Oort Cloud. Here within this jumbled
disorganized cloud live millions of additional comets. These comets do not orbit the Sun in a
ring or belt. Instead, each one buzzes around in a completely random direction, and at extremely
high velocities.
Beyond The Oort Cloud
The Sun's solar winds continue pushing outward until they finally begin to mix into the
interstellar medium, becoming lost with the winds from other stars. This creates a sort of bubble
called the Heliosphere. Scientists define the boundaries of the Solar System as being the border
of the Heliosphere, or at the place where the solar winds from the Sun mix with the winds from
other stars.
The Heliosphere extends out from the Sun to a distance of about 15 billion miles, which is more
than 160 times further from the Sun than is the
The Sun's Name Means:
The Romans called the sun Sol, which in English means sun. In ancient Greece, the sun was called Helios.
Light from the Sun can reach the Earth in only 8 minutes! This is called the speed of light. The Sun is
nearly 93 million miles (approx 145 million km) from Earth.
Our Sun is not unique in the universe. It is a common middle-sized yellow star which scientists
have named Sol, after the ancient Roman name. This is why our system of planets is called the
Solar System. There are trillions of other stars in the universe just like it. Many of these stars
have their own systems of planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.
The Sun was born in a vast cloud of gas and dust around 5 billion years ago. Indeed, these vast
nebulae are the birth places of all stars. Over a period of many millions of years, this gas and
dust began to fall into a common center under the force of its own gravity.
At the center, an ever growing body of mass was forming. As the matter fell inward, it generated
a tremendous amount of heat and pressure. As it grew, the baby Sun became hotter and hotter.
Eventually, when it reached a temperature of around 1 million degrees, its core ignited, causing it
to begin nuclear fusion.
When this happened, the Sun began producing its own light, heat, and energy.
What is Thermonuclear Fusion?
Thermonuclear fusion is the process in which a star produce its light, heat, and energy. This
happens at the core of the star. The core is superheated to millions of degrees. This heat travels
towards the surface and radiates out into the universe. Through this thermonuclear process, stars
"burn" a fuel known as hydrogen. The result is that they create another type of fuel known as
helium. However, stars do not burn in the same way that a fire does, because stars are not on fire.
Heat rises, while cooler gas falls. Have you ever noticed that your basement is always much
cooler than upstairs. The same laws of physics apply within stars. Because heat rises while
cooler gases fall, the gas within a star is constantly rising and falling. This creates massive
streams of circular motion within the star. This is called convection.
As the gases near the core of the Sun are heated, they begin to rise towards the surface. As they
do so, they cool somewhat. Eventually they become cool enough that they begin to sink back
down towards the core. It can take an atom millions of years to complete one complete cycle
around a convection stream. As a result of this process, the temperature on the surface of the Sun
is around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is much cooler than its superheated core.
Sun Spots
We don't often think of the Sun as having cooler areas on its surface. The Sun is far too hot for
an astronaut to ever visit, but there are areas which are slightly cooler than others. These areas
are known as sun spots. Sun spots are still very hot. However, because they are slightly cooler
than the rest of the surface of the Sun, they appear slightly darker in color. The gravitational
forces in Sun spots are also stronger than the other hotter areas. Of course, you cannot look
directly at the Sun to see these spots because you would damage your eyes. Astronomers have to
use special telescopes with filters and other instruments to be able to see the cooler spots on the
surface of the Sun.
Sun spots come and go on a regular basis. At times, there are very few, if any sun spots. At other
times there are far more. They generally increase in intensity and then decrease over a period of
11 years. This 11 year cycle is known as the Saros Cycle. To learn more, click here.
Solar Flares
During periods of high solar activity, the Sun commonly releases massive amounts of gas and
plasma into its atmosphere. These ejections are known as solar flares. Some solar flares can be
truly massive, and contain impressive power. On occasion, these more powerful flares can even
cause satellites orbiting the Earth to malfunction. They can also interact with Earth's magnetic
field to create impressive and beautiful light shows known as the Northern and Southern lights.
In the northern hemisphere, these lights are commonly known as the Aurora Borealis.
Solar Winds
As the Sun burns hydrogen at its core, it releases vast amounts of atomic particles, or pieces of
atoms, into outer space. These atomic particles along with the Sun's radiation create a sort of
wind, known as the solar wind.
This wind blows particles outward in all directions from the Sun. Even as you read this, there are
atomic particles which are traveling from the Sun towards you. Often, particles pass right
through your body without you ever realizing it.
Eventually this wind reaches out beyond the Solar System and begins to mix with the winds from
other stars. The bubble around the Sun where the solar winds are still strong enough to blow
outward is known as the heliosphere (note the Greek name Helios). The area of space where the
winds are too weak to continue pushing outward and instead begin to mix with the winds of
other stars is known as the interstellar medium.
The Sun's Family
The Sun is by far the largest object in the Solar System. 98% of all matter within the Solar
System is found within the Sun. This means that all the planets, moons, asteroids, minor planets,
comets, gas, and dust would all combine to make up only 2% of all the matter in the Solar
System. The Sun is so large that the Earth could easily fit inside the Sun a million times.
Because the Sun is so large compared to everything else, it is easily able to hold on to the rest of
the matter, causing everything else to orbit around it.
Mercury means:
In astronomy mythology, Mercury was the Roman version of the Greek god Hermes. He was the
messenger for the other gods, and for this reason Mercury is often depicted in pictures with
winged sandals. In addition to delivering messages, he was also the protector of travelers and
How much would you weigh on Mercury?
If you moved to Mercury you would not weigh as much as you do on Earth. Not because you
would lose weight on the spaceship, but because Mercury is smaller, and so has less gravity. If
you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, you would weigh only about 27 pounds (12 kg) on
The Planet
The planet Mercury is the closest of the planets to the Sun. Because this planet lies so close to
the Sun, and as a result somewhat near to Earth, it is visible to observers on Earth in the late
evening or early morning sky. Because of this, Mercury has become a part of the mythology and
legend of almost every culture throughout the history of the Earth.
This planet is often called a morning star. This is because Mercury shines brightly in the early
morning just before the sun rises. It has also been called an evening star for the same reason.
Mercury is often visible for a brief period of time just after the Sun sets.
Mercury is Heavy
Because of its proximity to the Sun, Mercury's evolution took a slightly different course than that
of the other planets. As the Sun formed, it pushed much of the lighter gas and dust out of the
inner Solar System, leaving behind only heavier elements. As a result, Mercury is made out of a
large percentage of heavier elements, mainly iron. It is essentially a large metal ball of iron with
a very thin silicate crust. Mercury's core makes up about 75% of the planet. Its thin mantle, or
crust, is only about 300 to 400 miles thick (500 to 600 km). Next to Earth, Mercury is the second
most dense planet in our Solar System.
Mercury Has Wrinkles
As Mercury's iron core cooled it contracted, or shrunk. This caused its rocky crust to become
wrinkled. Scientists call these wrinkles Lobate Scarps. This scarps can be hundreds of miles long
and even up to a mile high. Mercury's core has not cooled completely, however. Researcher
recently found evidence that Mercury has a molten core.
Mercury is Scarred
The surface of the planet Mercury is covered with craters. These craters have been created by
eons of accidental encounters with asteroids and comets. All celestial bodies within the Solar
System are subject to these bombardments. However, many of the planets have the ability to heal
themselves through natural geological processes.
Because Mercury's crust is so thick and hard, no volcanic activity can make its way through to
the surface of the planet. Since this surface volcanic activity cannot happen, Mercury will forever
retain its scars.
Mercury Has No Atmosphere
The planet Mercury is too small and has too little gravity to hold onto an atmosphere. Any gases
released from the planet quickly escape into space. Also, Mercury is so close to the Sun that any
atmosphere is quickly blown away by the Sun's solar winds. That means that there is almost no
air on Mercury.
Temperature Extremes
Mercury is just a little bit larger than Earth's moon. The surface of Mercury that faces the Sun
can reach about 800 degrees Fahrenheit. On the other hand, the temperature on the nighttime side
can plummet to almost -300 degrees Fahrenheit. This is because Mercury has little to no
atmosphere to help regulate temperature.
Time on Mercury
Because of its close location to the Sun, the planet Mercury has become tidally locked to the
Sun, or nearly so. The tidal forces of the Sun have over eons of time slowed down the rotation of
Mercury to match its revolution around the Sun. The result is that Mercury rotates very slowly.
One day on Mercury is about 58-1/2 Earth days long. But while Mercury's days are very long, its
revolution around the Sun is rather fast. Mercury can complete one orbit around the Sun in only
88 Earth days. That's just about 3 months here on Earth. This is why Mercury's name is so
appropriate. In mythology, Mercury was a speedy messenger, just like the planet's speedy
revolution around the Sun.
Mercury has no moons.
Mercury's orbit is not a perfect circle like most of the other planets. It's actually egg-shaped. At
times, Mercury's orbit brings it closer to the Sun than other times, while all the other planets that
have circular orbits are always the same distance from the Sun.
Venus means:
In astronomy mythology, Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. In Greek, her name was
How much would you weigh on Venus?
Because Venus and the Earth are almost the exact same size, you would weigh almost exactly
the same on either planet. If you weighed 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, you would weigh 63
pounds (29 kg ) on Venus.
The Planet
The planet Venus has long been one of the most misunderstood of all the inner planets. Like the
Earth, Venus has an atmosphere. However, Venus' atmosphere is far thicker than that of the
Earth, making it difficult for modern science to penetrate. Interestingly, scientists have recently
been able to peek through the thick clouds and get a few glimpses of the surface. There are
numerous volcanoes and many mountains that appear misshapen.
There is much we still do not know about how this planet looks and what it is like. However,
using special instruments and probes scientists have in recent years unlocked many of the secrets
long hidden by this mysterious world. In the 1970s, the Soviet Union actually was able to land
more than one probe on the surface of Venus. These scientific probes only lasted a few hours
before they were destroyed by the intense heat of the planet. These probes were able to take
several pictures and send them back to earth for scientists to study.
The Earth Has a Sister
Venus is in many ways Earth's sister planet. It is almost identical in size, chemistry, gravity and
density as the Earth. In other words, Venus is made up of almost the exact same types of
materials as the Earth and in about the same amounts. Venus has volcanoes, mountains and sand,
just like Earth.
However, if they are twins, then Venus is the evil twin; she is the Earth gone wrong, very wrong.
Venus is a deadly world where the surface temperature is hot enough to cook a meal in mere
minutes. There is nowhere to hide from this ever present furnace. And with the atmosphere
containing mostly carbon dioxide, it makes Venus a highly toxic place. No living thing would
ever be able to survive on Venus.
Global Warming
In the early days of Venus' 4 billion year long life, it would have appeared very similar to the
Earth. The two would have been almost identical. However, over a period of a few million years,
forces on Venus caused it to take a very different course than the Earth.
Venus lies much closer to the Sun than does our planet. That single fact has caused an
unstoppable chain of events that doomed Venus to its fiery existence. Owing to its closer
proximity to the Sun, Venus' temperature should have been only slightly warmer than that of the
Earth. But as the planet warmed, the water evaporated. This increase in water vapor in the
atmosphere began a cycle of global warming that could not be stopped. Water vapor is a very
effective greenhouse gas. (Greenhouse gas soaks up hot air and prevents it from escaping into
space). The increase in water vapor caused the temperature to rise further, which caused more
water to evaporate, causing the temperature to climb still further.
Today it is likely that all of Venus' water has evaporated into the atmosphere. This atmosphere
effectively traps the Sun's energy causing the surface to burn much hotter than it naturally would.
The temperatures on Venus can reach almost 900 degrees Fahrenheit (approx 482 degrees
Venus is Dry
The Earth has a protective layer known as the Ozone Layer. This important shield protects the
Earth from the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. Venus does not have an ozone layer. As a result, the
ultraviolet radiation from the Sun finds its way directly into Venus' atmosphere. Over many
billions of years this radiation has slowly broken down water molecules into hydrogen and
oxygen. As a result, there is today very little water left on Venus.
Venus has many, many volcanoes. We don't know for sure, but it is possible that Venus has more
volcanoes than any of the other planets in our Solar System. But unlike the volcanoes on Earth
that can sometimes erupt in an explosive manner, the volcanoes on Venus are believed to erupt
in a less violent way. In fact, it is believed that they don't erupt at all. Instead, it is thought that
the lava just slowly flows out onto the surface.
Venus has a few mountainous areas along with extensive flat areas. There are craters and
evidence that the surface long ago moved, much like the surface of the Earth moves today. But
unlike the Earth's surface, there is no evidence that Venus has a tectonic plate system.
From West to East
If you somehow found a way to survive the scorching heat found on the surface of Venus, you
would quickly notice something strange about the days. Aside from the fact that Venus rotates
very slowly so that a day on Venus lasts more than 100 Earth days, Venus also rotates in the
opposite direction as almost all the other planets.
Instead of the Sun rising in the east and setting in the west, the Sun on Venus would appear to
rise in the west and set in the east.
Venus has no moons.
Earth means:
In astronomy mythology, her Greek name was Gaea. Earth was the mother of the mountains,
valleys, streams and all other land formations. She was married to Uranus.
How Big is the Earth?
The Earth is the biggest of all the terrestrial planets. A terrestrial planet is a dense planet found in
the inner Solar System. The diameter of Earth is 7,926 miles. The circumference measured
around the equator is 24,901 miles. There are currently almost 7 billion people living on the
Earth. About 30% of the Earth's surface is covered with land, while about 70% is covered by
The Planet
Our planet is an oasis of life in an otherwise desolate universe. The Earth's temperature,
weather, atmosphere and many other factors are just right to keep us alive.
To learn more about Earth, please visit our Earth Sciences website.
The Earth has one moon. Its name is Luna. To learn about Luna Click Here.
How Big is the Earth?
The Earth is the biggest of all the terrestrial planets. A terrestrial planet is a dense planet found in the
inner Solar System. The diameter of Earth is 7,926 miles. The circumference measured around the
equator is 24,901 miles. There are currently almost 7 billion people living on the Earth. About 30% of the
Earth's surface is covered with land, while about 70% is covered by oceans.
The Earth has one moon. Its name is Luna. To learn about Luna
Luna is a beautiful world that lies some 384,400 kilometers (almost 239,000
miles) from Earth. It is littered with mountains, valleys, old volcano sites,
and many bowl-like holes called craters. Luna is a neat world to explore
because you can see it without a telescope or binoculars. I know you have
seen it. In fact, you may even see it tonight, that is because Luna is our
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The Earth's Moon
Luna is a beautiful world that lies some 384,400 kilometers (almost 239,000
miles) from Earth. It is littered with mountains, valleys, old volcano sites,
and many bowl-like holes called craters. Luna is a neat world to explore
because you can see it without a telescope or binoculars. I know you have
seen it. In fact, you may even see it tonight, that is because Luna is our
For thousands of years, this fascinating place has been written about in
stories and poems, sung about in songs, and been included in folklore and
legends. But, did you know that our moon has some very important
functions? The moon regulates the ocean tides on Earth. It also keeps the
Earth's tilt on its axis regular. This is why we have seasons here on Earth.
When the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, then the Northern
Hemisphere is in its warmer seasons, like summer, and the Southern
Hemisphere is in its colder seasons. When the South Pole is tilted towards
the sun, then the Southern Hemisphere has its warmer seasons and the
Northern Hemisphere is colder. The tilting of the Earth on its axis is also
known as Earth's wobble on its axis.
As you observe the moon from your back yard, you will probably notice right
away that some areas are darker than others. This is because long ago there
were many comets and asteroids, many more than today, which frequently
hit the worlds of our Solar System. Every once in a while, a very large object
would crash into the Moon hard enough to break through its surface rock
causing lava to ooze out. When you see a dark area, you are looking at an
ancient bed of lava rock from one of these impacts. If a large object struck
the Moon today, it would not cause a volcano, however. This is because the
core of the Moon has almost completely cooled down, meaning there is no
longer any lava in the core to ooze from its rock surface. The lighter areas
on the surface of the moon are where objects have crashed into the surface
more recently. But recently in astronomy terms can mean a million years
ago. In photographs of the Moon, you can see large scars called craters.
Craters are caused by collisions between the Moon and other objects, such
as asteroids or comets.
The moon has been explored many times in the last half century. You
probably know that astronauts landed on the Moon in 1969. But did you
know that this was not the first successful contact humans made with the
moon? And did you know that astronauts landed on the moon more than
once? It's true!
In 1959, the Soviet Union launched a probe, called Luna 1, into space that
was supposed to crash into the surface of the Moon to study the soil and
radiation in space. This probe unfortunately malfunctioned and it missed
hitting the Moon. Instead, it flew past the Moon and into space. Contact with
this probe was lost as it flew away into space. Later that same year, the
Soviet Union was successful in landing a probe on the Moon, Luna 2. This
probe had sensors on board that allowed scientists back on Earth to study
interplanetary space and sodium gas. Luna 2 made history because it was
the first man-made object to make contact with another object in space.
Following this, more probes and satellites were sent to the Moon by the U.S.
and Soviet Union. Some impacted the surface like Luna 2, some landed
softly on the Moon, and others simply orbited the Moon and mapped out
possible landing sites for future missions.
Then, on July 20, 1969, American astronauts landed on the surface of the
Moon in a spacecraft named the Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong was the first
human being to step onto the surface of the Moon. This mission was
followed by 5 more successful missions to land on the Moon. In total, 12
astronauts walked on the surface of the Moon from 1969 to 1972. The
astronauts collected 382 kg (842 pounds) of rock samples from the moon
during these missions. They conducted many scientific experiments also,
including solar wind experiments, soil, magnetic field experiments, and
many others. They were also able to travel around on the surface of the
Moon in a rover vehicle that kind of looked like a dune buggy.
Many scientists consider the Earth and Luna, or Moon, to be a double planet
system. This is because they are so close in size.
Mars means:
Mars was the Roman god of war and agriculture. It may not seem like these two things go together, but
they do. Mars protected those who fought for their communities, and stayed home to raise crops for
food. In Greek, Mars was known as Ares.
How much would you weigh on Mars?
If you weighed 70 pounds (32 kg) on the Earth, you would weigh about 27 pounds (12 kg) on
The Planet
Mars excites scientists because its mild temperament is more like the Earth's than any of the
other planets. Evidence suggests that Mars once had rivers, streams, lakes, and even an ocean. As
Mars' atmosphere slowly depleted into outer space, the surface water began to permanently
evaporate. Today the only water on Mars in either frozen in the polar caps or underground.
You may sometimes hear Mars referred to as the "Red Planet." This is because the surface of
Mars is red. If you stood on the surface of Mars, you would see red dirt and rocks everywhere.
At first, the only way modern explorers could study Mars was with satellites that would fly close
to the surface of Mars and take pictures as it did so. The satellites would then send these pictures
back to Earth.
As scientific technology became more advanced, scientists were able to put spacecraft into orbit
around the Red Planet. These types of missions allowed scientists and researchers to obtain even
more information about Mars.
Then, as technology advanced even more, scientists and researchers were able to actually land
spacecraft on the surface of Mars. To learn more about these amazing explorations
Mars has two moons, their names are Deimos and Phobos
Deimos and Phobos
These two odd shaped
worlds are the moons of
the planet Mars. They are
extremely small, only 12.6
km (7.8 miles) and 22.2
km (13.7 miles),
respectively. That is
smaller than most towns.
Their small size causes
their gravity to be very
weak. Because of this
weak gravity they do not
have enough force to pull
themselves into a round
shape. It is thought that
these two worlds probably
started as asteroids
between Mars and Jupiter.
However, the powerful
gravity of Jupiter probably
flung them out near Mars
where they were captured
eternally by the small red
Phobos (to the right) is a
doomed world. Those who
live in about 50 million
years will never get to see
it. Every hundred years it
moves almost two meters
closer to the surface of
Mars. Eventually it will
either crash into the
planet or be ripped apart,
forming a ring like the
rings around the outer
Mars has higher mountains, and deeper canyons than any
other planet. The largest canyon on Mars would stretch from
New York City to Los Angeles on the Earth. That makes the
Grand Canyon look tiny. It also has the Solar System's
biggest volcano, Olympus Mons, which is nearly 3 times
larger than Mount Everest.
Jupiter means:
Jupiter, known as Zeus in Greek mythology, over threw his father Saturn to become king of the gods. He
then split the universe with his brothers Neptune and Pluto.
How much would you weigh on Jupiter?
If you traveled to Jupiter on vacation, you would be very heavy. If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg)
on Earth, on Jupiter you would weigh 185 pounds (84 kg). This is because Jupiter is such a large
planet and so has more gravity.
The Planet
Jupiter is by far the largest planet in our Solar System. The Earth could fit inside Jupiter more
than 1000 times.
Jupiter is a very stormy planet. There are storms found throughout the atmosphere, and most of
the storms seem to never end. The many different cloud formations and storms in the atmosphere
also make Jupiter a very colorful planet.
Jupiter's great red spot, visible in the picture above to the right, is where a giant storm has been
raging for at least 300 years. This red spot is also called "The Eye of Jupiter" because of its
shape. This storm's super hurricane winds blow across an area larger than the Earth.
Jupiter is considered a gas giant because it does not have a solid surface. Under its atmosphere is
a large liquid ocean of hydrogen and water. What lies in between that ocean and the atmosphere?
Actually, there is no in between. The atmosphere slowly gets thicker and thicker until it becomes
part of the ocean. In other words, Jupiter's ocean has no surface on which you could float a boat.
The sky becomes the ocean.
Did you know Jupiter has rings? They are faint and are only able to be viewed when Jupiter
passes in front of the Sun. This is because the light from the Sun lights them up for us to see here
on Earth. There are three rings in all. They are named Gossamer, Main and Halo.
Jupiter has 50 official moons and 12 provisional (unofficial) moons. The four largest and most
well-known were discovered by Galileo in the year 1610. Their names are Io, Europa, Ganymede
and Callisto. Some of the other moons are Adrastea, Ananke, Carme, Elara, Himalia, Leda,
Lysithea, Metis, Pasiphae, Sinope, and Thebe.
Inner Moons
These four worlds are the closest known moons to the
surface of the planet Jupiter. For this reason they are called
the Inner Moons.
This moon was discovered by
Stephen Synnott in 1979. In
ancient mythology, Metis was
a Titaness who was the first
wife of Jupiter. Metis is the
closest moon to the surface of
Jupiter and can be found with
in the planet's main ring.
This moon is probably an
asteroid that got caught by
Jupiter's immense gravity.
Adrastea was discovered in
1979 by David Jewitt. In
mythology, Adrastea was the
god who passed out rewards
and punishments, she was
also the daughter of Jupiter.
This moon is the second
closest moon to the surface of
Adrastea is probably an
asteroid that got caught by
Jupiter's immense gravity.
Amalthea was discovered by
Edward Emerson Barnard in
1892. Amalthea nursed
Jupiter as a young baby using
goat's milk. Amalthea is the
third closest moon to the
surface of Jupiter.
This moon is probably an
asteroid that got caught by
Jupiter's immense gravity.
The moon Thebe was
discovered by Stephen
Synnott in 1979. It was
named after a nymph,
daughter of the river god
Asopus. Thebe is the fourth
known moon from the surface
of Jupiter. It too was
probably and asteroid at one
Galilean moons
In the early 1600's, an Astronomer named Galileo Galilei
looked at the sky for the first time using a telescope. He was
the first scientist to ever use a telescope to study outer
space. When he looked at Jupiter, he discovered four moons.
Today we know that Jupiter actually has at least 62 moons.
Only four of its moons are big enough to be seen through the
small type of telescope that Galileo was using. Today we call
these four large moons the Galilean moons.
Io is a very violent place
where a human would not live
long enough to enjoy the
beautiful colors it contains in
its land formations.
Io lies within a dangerous
part of Jupiter's magnetic
field. The radiation found in
this area is a thousand times
stronger than what is needed
to kill a Human. If you
somehow survived the
radiation you would still be in
trouble because Io is covered
with giant volcanoes which
erupt with extreme frequency.
These volcanoes spurt out
large amounts of sulfuric acid
into the air which falls,
causing the beautiful reds,
yellows and oranges of Io's
Io is the third largest of
Jupiter's moons, and slightly
larger than the Earth's moon.
It was named after a woman
whom Jupiter fell in love
Europa is a cold, smooth, ice
covered world. A long time
ago in space there was a
period of time when it was
very common for asteroids
and comets to hit other
worlds. This is called the
Heavy Bombardment Period.
During this time most worlds,
including Earth, were scarred
with bowl shaped impressions
called craters. Most worlds
remain scarred today.
However, some, like the
Earth, have since recovered
their surfaces with new rock
lava or ice, hiding these scars.
Because Europa is smooth, we
know it too has recovered its
surface since the Heavy
Bombardment Period. This,
along with a few other clues,
has led scientists to believe
that beneath its icy outer shell
lies a liquid water ocean
heated by Europa's hot core.
This makes Europa the most
likely place for life to exist
outside of the Earth.
Europa was named after a
Phoenician princess abducted
to Crete by Zeus.
Read more about Europa
Like Europa, it has recently
been discovered that
Ganymede probably has a
liquid water ocean underneath
its icy exterior. Ganymede is
the largest of Jupiter's
moons. It is larger in
diameter than both the
planets Mercury and Pluto.
Ganymede was named after a
very handsome Trojan boy
who Zeus took away to be the
cup bearer for the gods.
Callisto is the eighth moon
from the surface of Jupiter,
and the second largest. This
moon was named after a
nymph, loved by Zeus but
hated by Hera. Hera changed
her into a bear, Zeus then
placed her in the sky as the
constellation Ursa Major.
Callisto is almost the same
size as the planet Mercury.
Outer Moons
The following are the outer moons. They are the furthest
moons from the surface of the planet Jupiter.
Leda is the ninth moon from
the surface of Jupiter. This
world is also the smallest of
Jupiter's moons. It was
discovered by Charles Kowal
in 1974. The name "Leda"
comes from a queen of Sparta
and the mother, by Zeus in
the form of a swan, of Pollux
and Helen of Troy.
This moon was almost
certainly an asteroid at one
Himalia is the tenth moon
from the surface of Jupiter. It
was discovered by Charles
Perrine in 1904. Himalia was
named after a nymph who
bore three sons of Jupiter.
The eleventh moon from
Jupiter's surface is Lysithea.
In ancient mythology, she
was the daughter of Oceanus.
Lysithea was discovered in
1938 by Seth Nicholson.
Sorry no pictures available
Elara was discovered by
Charles Perinne in 1905, and
is the twelfth moon from
Jupiter's surface. It is named
after the mother by Zeus of
the giant Tityus.
Sorry no pictures available
The thirteenth moon from
Jupiter was discovered in
1951 by Seth Nicholson.
Sorry no pictures available
Ananke is named for the
mother of Adrastea, by
Carme is Jupiter's fourteenth
moon. It was discovered in
1938 by Charles Nicholson.
Carme was the mother, by
Zeus, of Britomartis, a Cretan
Sorry no pictures available
Jupiter's fifteenth moon,
Pasiphae, was discovered by
P. Melotte in 1908. Pasiphae
was the wife of Minos and
mother, by a white bull, of the
Sorry no pictures available
Sinope is Jupiter's sixteenth
moon. It was discovered by
Seth Nicholson in 1914.
Sinope was a woman who was
courted unsuccessfully by
Saturn means:
Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture. He was called Cronus by the Greeks. He is the son of Uranus
and the father of Jupiter. Saturn overthrew his father to become king of the gods, but was then
overthrown himself by his son Jupiter.
How much would you weigh on Saturn?
Because Saturn is bigger than the Earth, you would weigh more on Saturn than you do here. If
you weigh 70 (32 kg) pounds on Earth, you would weigh 74.5 pounds (34 kg) on Saturn.
Probably not as much as you thought, right? Keep reading to find out why.
The Planet
In many ways, Saturn is similar to Jupiter, but it is much smaller. It is the second largest planet in
our Solar System and it is a gas giant like Jupiter. Under the clouds of methane, hydrogen and
helium, the sky gradually turns into liquid until it becomes a giant ocean of liquid chemicals.
Saturn is the least dense planet in our Solar System. It is made up of mostly hydrogen and
helium, which are the two lightest elements in the universe and thus make Saturn the lightest
planet that we know of. This is why you wouldn't weigh as much on Saturn as you think you
would because of its size. And because Saturn is so light, it does not have as much gravity.
Interestingly, it is believed Saturn would actually be able to float in water because the hydrogen
and helium that make up the planet are so lightweight.
Because Saturn is such a lightweight planet and it spins so fast, Saturn is not perfectly round like
most of the other planets. Like Jupiter, Saturn is wider in the middle and more narrow near its
top and bottom.
The Rings
Saturn is most well-known for its rings. However, it is not the only planet with rings. Jupiter,
Uranus and Neptune also have rings. Saturn is a favorite object for many observers. Its beautiful
rings are 169,800 miles wide (approx 273,266 km). But the rings are amazingly thin. If you
turned the rings on their side, they would be able to fit between the goal posts on a football field.
The rings are split into categories, Ring A, Ring B, Ring C, Ring D, Ring E, Ring F and Ring G,
totaling 7 in all. The rings are not solid but rather are made up of particles of ice, dust and rocks.
The rings are held in place around Saturn by the moons that also orbit this large planet. The
gravity of these moons also cause the gaps that are seen in between the rings.
Saturn has 53 official moons and 9 provisional (unofficial) moons. The most well-known of Saturn's
moons is probably Titan. It is the second largest moon in the Solar System next to Jupiter's Ganymede.
Titan is larger than the planet Mercury. Some of the other moons are Atlas, Calypso, Dione, Enceladus,
Hyperion, Iapetus, Janus, Mimas, Phoebe, and Tethys.
Uranus means:
In astronomy mythology, Uranus was the lord of the skies and husband of Earth. He was also the king of
the gods until he was overthrown by his son Saturn.
How much would you weigh on Uranus?
It would take you many years to fly a rocket to Uranus. When you arrived you would weigh less
because Uranus' gravity is not as strong as the Earth's. If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth,
you would weigh 62 pounds (28 kg) on Uranus.
The Planet
Like Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus is a gas giant. But Uranus is a little different. Unlike all the other
planets and most of the moons in our Solar System, Uranus spins on its side. It is believed that
long ago a very large object smashed into this planet. The crash was so powerful that it
completely changed the direction of Uranus' planetary rotation. However, a more recent theory is
that the extreme tilt of Uranus' axis may have been caused by a large moon that was slowly
pulled away from the planet by another large planet long ago when our Solar System was still
new. It is thought that the gravitational pull of this moon moving away from Uranus may have
caused it to tilt on its side.
Like Saturn, the thick atmosphere of Uranus is made up of methane, hydrogen and helium. But
Uranus is an extremely cold planet. It has been called the "ice giant." It is believed that Uranus is
made up of rock and ice and has a large rocky core. Because of the tremendous planetary
pressure of Uranus, there could possibly be trillions of large diamonds in or on the surface of this
Scientists also believe that on the surface of Uranus there may be a huge ocean. And,
interestingly, it is thought that the temperature of this ocean may be extremely hot, maybe even
as hot as 5000 degrees Fahrenheit (2760 Celsius).
Uranus is almost identical to the planet Neptune.
Uranus also has rings, though they don't stretch out as far as the rings of Saturn. The rings of
Uranus are made up of black dust particles and large rocks.
Uranus has 27 moons. Five of these moons are large and the rest are smaller. The largest moon is
Titania, followed by Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel and Miranda. Some of the smaller moons are
named: Belinda, Bianca, Caliban, Cordelia, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Ophelia, Portia, Puck,
and Rosalind.
Neptune means:
At first, Neptune was only the god of water, but later on this was extended to include the sea when he
became associated with the Greek god Poseidon.
How much would you weigh on Neptune?
If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on the Earth, you would weigh 78.5 pounds (36 kg) on Neptune.
The Planet
For many, centuries people did not know that this planet even existed. It was discovered by
Johann Galle and Heinrich D'Arrest in 1846.
Neptune is the smallest of the four gas giants in our Solar System. Much like Saturn and Uranus,
Neptune's atmosphere contains hydrogen, helium and methane.
Not much was known about Neptune until it was visited by the spacecraft Voyager 2 on August
25, 1989. Voyager 2 took many pictures of the planet, and much of what we know today about
Neptune came from this single visit. These pictures show a brilliant blue planet with a few thin
white clouds laced around its surface.
In Neptune's atmosphere, there is a large white cloud that moves around rather quickly. The
"scooting" of this cloud around the atmosphere has led it to be named "Scooter."
When Voyager 2 visited Neptune, its pictures showed a giant storm much like the storm on
Jupiter. This storm is called the "Great Dark Spot" because it appears as a dark oval shape on the
surface of the planet. We do not know how long this storm has been active or if it is still present.
More recently, the Hubble Space Telescope sent pictures back to Earth and there was no sign of
the Great Dark Spot. These pictures did show two other dark spots that eventually faded away.
Neptune is a very windy place. No other planet in the Solar System has winds that are as strong
as Neptune's. The winds near the Great Dark Spot were believed to have reached nearly 1,200
miles per hour (approx 1931 km per hour). Perhaps this extremely windy atmosphere contributes
to the appearance and disappearance of the great dark spots.
Neptune has six rings which circle the planet. These rings are believed to be fairly new. The
rings are more irregular than the rings of other planets. There are areas of varying thickness
throughout the rings.
Neptune has 13 moons that we know of. Because Neptune is so far away, it is difficult to see any
of these worlds. There are probably many more moons orbiting this blue planet which we have
not yet discovered. Perhaps you will be the astronomer who discovers some of these worlds. The
first moon to be discovered was Triton. Triton was discovered by an amateur astronomer in
England named William Lassell only 17 days after Neptune was discovered in 1846. The names
of the other moons are: Despina, Galatea, Halimede, Laomedeia, Larissa, Naiad, Nereid, Neso,
Proteus, Psamathe, Sao, and Thalassa.
Pluto means:
Pluto was thought to be the god to whom all men must eventually go. Romans believed him to be the
god of the underworld. In Greek mythology, he is known as Hades.
How much would you weigh on Pluto?
Because Pluto is so small you would be very light if you visited. If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg)
on Earth, you would only weigh 4 pounds (2.5 kg) on Pluto.
The Dwarf Planet
Pluto was the only planet to be named by a kid. After the planet was discovered in 1930, an 11year-old girl who lived in Oxford, England, by the name of Venetia Burney, suggested that this
new planet needed to be named after the Roman god of the underworld. Venetia's grandfather
sent this suggestion to the Lowell Observatory and the name was accepted.
Pluto is smaller than 7 of the moons in the Solar System. It is about two-thirds smaller than
Earth's moon. Because it is so small, many scientists don't consider it a planet at all. In 1999, a
group of scientists attempted to re-classify Pluto as a comet. On August 24, 2006, Pluto's status
was officially changed from planet to dwarf planet. For decades, children have been taught in
school that there are nine planets in our Solar System. However, with this change, there are now
only eight planets. Also because of this change, there is a new category of small planets known
as plutoids.
The only spacecraft to get somewhat close to Pluto was the Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble
was able to take pictures of Pluto and its moons for scientists to study. Little is known about
Pluto and its moons because it is so far away.
Pluto has 3 moons. The largest is named Charon. Charon is only slightly smaller than its parent
Pluto. For this reason, Pluto and Charon are often called a double system. The Earth and its
moon, Luna, are sometimes considered double planets. Pluto's two other moons are called Hydra
and Nix.