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Ancient Rome: Questions from Notes
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did Rome’s location help it grow to control Italy?
2. How did Rome’s location help it grow to control the Mediterranean?
3. Around 2000 B.C., what group of people settled central Italy and founded Rome?
4. What group of people from Asia Minor captured early Rome?
5. What did the Romans get from the Etruscans?
6. What group of people controlled southern Italy?
7. How were Roman armies able to take control of Italy?
8. What was the basic unit of the Roman Army?
9. How were Italian areas captured by Rome treated?
10. What is a republic?
11. How was the Roman Republic different from the democracy of ancient Athens?
12. Who were the patricians?
13. Who were the plebeians?
14. What was the set of laws made by the Roman Republic?
15. What was the public square of Rome called?
16. What group made the laws for the Roman Republic?
17. What group of people could serve in the senate?
18. How many people served in the senate?
19. What group represented the plebeians?
20. What two people ran the government and the army?
21. What kind of leader was chosen during time of emergency?
22. What was the center of religion, morals, and education?
23. Who were the father and mother of the Roman gods?
24. What three wars did Rome fight to get control of the western Mediterranean?
25. Who did Rome fight in these wars?
26. What Carthaginian general crossed the Alps with elephants and his army and was able to
defeat Roman armies until being called back to defend Carthage?
27. What area did Rome defeat in 197 B.C. to control the eastern Mediterranean?
28. What were the provinces?
29. What were three problems with the way provinces were governed?
30. How did the control of the provinces lead to the poverty for Italian farmers?
31. What two brothers died trying to reform Rome and help the poor people?
32. A civil war broke out between what two Roman generals leading to the fall of the Roman
Republic? Who won?
33. What was the government with three people of equal power called?
34. Who made up the First Triumvirate?
35. In the First Triumvirate, where did each ruler control?
36. Which leader of the First Triumvirate became the dictator of Rome?
37. What was one of the five reforms made by Caesar?
38. How and when did Julius Caesar die?
39. Who was first emperor of Rome? (What was his name and the title he took?)
40. What Roman general did Octavian defeat, and he and his mistress Cleopatra committed
41. What was the Pax Romana?
42. What Roman emperor did away with the Assembly?
43. What Roman emperor allowed people from the provinces in the senate?
44. What Roman emperor built the Coliseum and destroyed Jerusalem?
45. What Roman emperor enlarged the Roman Empire to its largest size?
46. What Roman emperor built a wall across Britain to reinforce the northern border?
47. What Roman emperor took away individual freedom and divided the Roman Empire?
48. Who was the first Christian emperor of Rome?
49. Where did Constantine move his capital?
50. By 400, what two parts did the Roman Empire divide into?
51. What caused emperors to loose the support of the people?
52. Who was the last Roman Emperor?
53. What were some of the Germanic tribes that defeated Rome?
54. What are some reasons for the fall of Rome?