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New Centers of Civilization and the Israelites
Indo Europeans
 Probably came out of the _____________ region north of the Black Sea.
 Their language influenced Greek, ___________, Persian, _________, and
____________ languages.
 Some of these people settled in _____________ around 1750 B.C. and helped to
establish the______________Kingdom.
 The Hittites created their empire between 1600-1200 B.C. (BCE)
 *They were the _________ people to learn to _____________ (separate metal from
ore) iron.
 There were eventually _____________ and ______________ by the Sea Peoples.
 The ____________ is the term used for a ______________confederacy of
seafaring raiders who sailed into the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, invaded
Cyprus, and the Levant, and attempted to enter Egyptian territory
 Lived: The Phoenicians established a _________ empire, and ______________,
throughout the Mediterranean.
 Made Living: They _________ several goods including __________ and
 Goods: Their most important product was ______________________, a dye made
from boiling the Murex ____________.
 This purple _________ was very difficult and ______________ to produce. It was
very valuable to the __________.
 The Phoenicians spread their ____________ throughout the Mediterranean
 Their alphabet consisted of_________ letters, it did not have _____________.
 Unlike many early alphabets which were made of pictograms, the Phoenician alphabet
was phonic (_________________).
 These sounds could be assembled to make words.
 The _____________eventually adopted this alphabet, which influenced the
__________ Alphabet which we use today.
Began: Judaism began with _________________
Where From: It is thought that Abraham was from the Sumerian city of _____.
Abraham believed that he had been selected by _____________(God) to be the
___________ of a great nation.
Abraham is seen as the _______________ of Judaism.
______________: Judaism was the first religion to worship only ___________
The Jews viewed Yahweh as being all-knowing (________________), and allpowerful (____________________)
________________: The Jewish name for _____________.
Jews view this name as __________ and will not say the _________ name or write
the name out.
They will use _________________ in writing, or say another name for God when
speaking of God.
Covenant: Jews believe that Abraham made a Covenant, or _________________ with God
that he and his descendants would have no other God.
-Jews ________________ not to ______________ any other God.
-The Jews promised to practice ____________, or Circumcision, as a symbol of the
-In exchange the Jews believe that God promised them _____________, or the Holy land.
 The escape of the _____________ from their captivity in _____________.
_____________ was the leader of the Hebrew Exodus. The story goes that the
Hebrew God had to curse Egypt with 10 plagues in order for the ____________
(Ramses II) to free the Israelites.
10 Plagues
The Nile turned to _________
Fleas and _________
Epidemic disease which exterminated the Egyptian __________.
Storm (Hail)
Death of the __________ born son (______________ Holiday comes from this event)
According to the _______________, the Israelites ______________ God and wandered
the desert for 40 years before reaching the holy land.
Oppression of Jews
 Could not accept ___________ as Gods, so often persecuted or killed because of
 Majority of religions were ______________________
 ____________________- one factor in creating feelings of hostility towards
The Torah is the ____________ _____________ of Judaism, the laws of the Jewish
It is the first five books of the Christian _____________
The Torah is also known as the _______________ Books of Moses or the Pentateuch
Books written to explain and interpret Jewish _________
Jews and History
The Jewish people view history as having a ______________
They believe that everything that ___________ does so because it is part of their God’s
ultimate ____________
Jewish Holidays and Observations
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
According to Jewish law, when Jewish children reach the age of _______________ (12
years for girls, 13 years for boys) they become responsible for their actions. At this point a boy
is said to become __________________ one to whom the commandments apply.
A girl is said to become ______________________
Shabbat is the weekly day of rest in Judaism.
It is observed, from before sundown on _______________ until after ______________
on Saturday.
During this time no work is _____________________ to be done.
Yom Kippur
A Jewish Day of ____________ (Asking for forgiveness). It is ______ hours of prayer and
fasting. Although the fast is required of all healthy adults, fasting is specifically forbidden for
anyone who might be ____________ by it.
Passover commemorates the ___________ and freedom of the Israelites from ancient
Egypt. As described in the Book of Exodus, Passover marks the "_______" of the Children of
Israel who become the Jewish nation, as the Jews' ancestors were freed from being slaves of
Pharaoh and allowed to become followers of God instead.
Jewish Holiday often called the Festival of lights. It celebrates the rededication of the Temple
of Jerusalem.
The Jews had only enough __________ oil to burn for one day, but it lasted 8 days, which
was enough time to make and bless more lamp oil.
The Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem
The most important of all Jewish ___________________
It is the _______________ of the Temple of Solomon after its destruction by the Romans in
70 A.D.