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Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________
Class: ______
Directions: For all SR questions explain why your answer is correct and why
the other choices are incorrect.
1. Look at the water molecule. Describe how the structure of water influences its:
 Polarity: The slightly positive and negative ends of water. The side with the hydrogens is
positive and the sides with the oxygen is negative
Density: Less dense as a solid than as a liquid, hence ice floats in water
Solvent properties: Water is a universal solvent meaning that it can
dissolve many solutes (sugar/salt)
2. As water becomes colder, it sinks, yet ice floats. Describe what happens to the density of
water as the water temperature decreases from 20C to 4C and then from 4C to 0C.
 Explain why the density of water is affected by temperature.
As the temperature decreases to freezing the water that forms ice will be less dense than
the liquid water.
 Explain how living things in ponds benefit from this property.
Living things in a pond, such as fish, will be protected and given a thermal barrier that
will allow them to survive the winter/cold months.
3. Draw and label a pH scale.
4. Describe the effect of pH on:
 enzyme regulation: If there are drastic changes in pH the enzyme will denature
(unwind/unwrap) and no longer function.
living organisms: Living organisms need the pH in specific locations to be stable and
remain at homeostasis for normal bodily conditions to continue.
5. A bush, 3.5 meters tall, is 1,000 times larger than a eukaryotic cell. What size is the cell in
A. 3.5 x102 m
B. 3.5 x10-3 m
C. 3.5 x10-4 m
D. 3.5 x105 m
Show how you did the conversion or describe it in words.
A eukaryotic cell, animal or plant cell, is smaller than a bush which means the exponent must
be negative. Since it is 1000 times smaller you will count the zeroes and get the number three,
which tells you the answer must be an exponent that is -3
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Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________
Class: ______
6. Describe or draw the structure of carbohydrates. What roles do carbohydrates have in living
Carbohydrates are organic molecules that contain carbon, such as the sugar glucose
C6H12O6. Carbs, such as sugar, give our bodies energy.
7. Which of these best describes the major role of carbohydrates in the human diet?
A. form cell membranes
B. catalyze cellular reactions
C. supply energy for the body
D. provide building blocks for proteins
8. Describe the structure of lipids. What roles do lipids have in living organisms?
The building blocks of lipids are: 3 fatty acids and a glycerol. They store energy for the body
and create the cell membrane for cells.
9. Describe the structure of proteins. What roles do proteins play in living organisms?
10. The building blocks of proteins are: amino acids. They help our body make muscles and help
with cell repair.
11. State the roles of vitamins C, K and D.
Vitamin C: helps our immune system/keeps us healthy
Vitamin K: allows our body to make blood clots
Vitamin D: keeps our bones strong
12. Describe the difference between an organic and inorganic molecule? Give an example of
Organic molecules contain carbon like CO2 and CH12O6
Inorganic molecules do not contain carbon like H2O and O2
13. Describe an enzyme and explain the role of enzymes.
Enzymes increase the rates of chemical reactions
Enzymes are specific to the substrate it bonds with and can be used multiple times
14. Without enzymes, the chemical reactions in your body would
A. not occur at all.
B. occur at much the same rate as they do now.
C. require a different pH.
D. occur too slowly to support life processes.
15. Enzymes only work with specific substrates because each substrate
A. has a specific activation site for enzyme attachment. _
B. can only use a specific ionic bond with the enzyme.
C. destroys its specific enzyme.
D. actively interferes with other substrates around it.
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Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________
16. The table shows data collected for an enzyme.
 Sketch a graph of the data. Based on the data, at what
temperature does the enzyme work best?
The enzyme works best at 40 because it is at 100%
 Write a statement that summarizes the effect of temperature
on the reaction rate of the enzyme.
As the temp. increase the action rate increase until it peaks
at 40. Then after 40 it begins to drastically decrease.
Class: ______
RATE (%)
17. Plants such as the Venus flytrap and the sundew attract and consume insects. These plants
are able to produce substances which break down the insect into compounds that are usable
by the plant. Which of these chemical compounds break down the insect?
A. lipids
B. minerals
C. enzymes
D. nucleic acids
18. Venus flytraps obtain much of their nitrogen from amino acids found in the insects. Which of
these is the source of the amino acids?
A. lipids
B. proteins
C. nucleic acids
D. carbohydrates
19. Explain how temperature affects the rate of diffusion. Sketch a graph to illustrate your
As temperature increases the rate of diffusion will increase from an area of high
concentration to low concentration because the molecules will vibrate and move at a quicker
pace and travel faster through air or water.
20. Draw the structure of the cell membrane and label the parts. Describe the function of the cell
The outside structure of the cell membrane is made of lipids. Objects pass through the
membrane through protein channels.
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Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________
Class: ______
21. Which of the following is an example of osmosis?
A. the movement of sugar from an area of high concentration to an area of lower
B. the movement of sugar from an area of low concentration to an area of higher
C. the movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower
D. the movement of water molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of higher
22. A student prepared a wet-mount slide of red onion skin
and observed it under high power of a compound light
microscope (view A). After adding a substance to the
slide and waiting one minute, the student observed that
there were changes in the cells (view B).
Identify a substance that could have been added to
the cells in view A to make them resemble the cells
view B. The cell wall of the plant cell stays the same
but the internal vacuole, which holds water, shrinks. The substance was salt. It draws the
water out of the vacuole by osmosis and this is called hypertonic.
Identify the specific substance that diffused to cause the change in appearance from view
A to view B. The substance that moved out of the vacuole is water.
23. Starch turns blue-black in the presence of iodine solution. A selectively permeable dialysis
sac containing a starch solution is placed into a beaker of iodine solution. After a few
minutes the starch solution turned blue-black.
Why did the starch solution turn black? Explain what is taking place in the beaker.
The starch solution turned black because the iodine diffused across the semi-permeable
dialysis sac into the starch solution. This is taking place because the dialysis sac allows the
iodine to pass through (semi-permeable) and a color change is seen.
24. Which characteristic of prokaryotic organisms makes them different from eukaryotes?
A. Prokaryotic cells do not have membrane-bound organelles.
B. Prokaryotes do not have chromosomes.
C. Prokaryotes are made of cells.
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Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________
Class: ______
D. Prokaryotes have DNA.
25. Create a graphic organizer to show how the cell membrane, the organs of the excretory
system, and the circulatory system (blood) all work together in a multicellular organism to
dispose of wastes. Write a text description for the graphic organizer
The excretory system removes waste from the blood (circulatory system) by the kidneys. The
waste, which is now urine, is placed into the bladder where it will be removed when the
bladder is full.
26. Identify the structures used in movement and describe how each organism moves.
A: Psuedopodia (false foot): stretches its body forward and pulls itself forward
B: Flagella: It uses the single back appendages to propel forward
C: Cilia: The tiny hairs around the outside move together to shift its body forward
27. Which of these is not a direct function of the skeletal system?
A. blood circulation
B. muscle attachment
C. support of the body
D. protection of the organs
28. Using the diagram of the elbow, explain how the skeletal and muscular systems work
together to raise and lower the forearm.
Your muscles are attached to the bones in your body and
As you move the Humerus bone your bicep and tricep
Will contract and expand with it.
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Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________
Class: ______
29. Listed below are the many roles of the circulatory system. Describe what materials are
transported by the circulatory system. Explain how the system accomplishes each of its roles.
 Transports substances to and from cells.
Red blood cells transport oxygen to vital organs of the body to allow them to function
 Helps maintain constant internal temperature.
 Helps maintain constant pH and water balance.
 Protects the body.
White blood cells help our body remain healthy by protecting us from diseases and
infections. If white blood cells counts decrease our body is fighting off infection.
30. What is the role of vascular tissue?
A. to promote reproduction
B. to control movement
C. to transport materials
D. to produce energy
31. Look at the diagram of the cell. Which structure performs a function similar to a function of
the human lungs?
Structure 1: Nucleus: Holds DNA
Structure 2: Lysosome: Removes waste
Structure 3: Rough ER: Transports ribosomes to golgi apparatus
Structure 4: Cell Membrane: Allows the movements of materials
in and out of the cell
32. The pituitary gland sends out hormone 1 to a gland. The gland responds by releasing
hormone 2. As the levels of hormone 2 rise, the pituitary gland stops releasing hormone 1.
Sketch a graph of this process. What is the name of this process? The process is feedback
Pituitary gland  hormone 1  gland  hormone 2
Hormone 2 increases and the pituitary gland will stop releasing the first hormone
33. Describe the role of the endocrine system.
The endocrine system secretes hormones into the blood stream to control psychological and
behavioral processes
34. The nervous system and senses detect internal and external changes in an organism’s
environment and respond to those changes. Explain how the nervous system performs its
The nervous system is controlled by the brain. The brain controls the sense of feeling and
responding to external environmental changes and internal body changes. The neurons in the
brain send messages to your body to allow it to react to such changes to maintain homeostasis.
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Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________
Class: ______
35. Describe a stimulus. Give an example of one and a possible response by the organism.
A Stimulus is something external to your body that creates a reaction. Example: The light
becoming bright and your pupils get smaller.
36. The diagram illustrates the movement of materials involved in a process that is vital for the
energy needs of organisms. Where does this process occur?
A. chloroplasts
B. ribosomes
C. mitochondria
D. vacuoles
37. Which of these statements is illustrated by the diagram?
A. The mitochondrion uses the sun’s energy directly.
B. The end products of photosynthesis do not provide energy
for cellular respiration.
C. The main source of energy for photosynthesis is
D. Carbohydrates are converted into ATP by the
38. Make a chart that shows the materials, products, and cellular
organelles and conditions involved in photosynthesis.
Material needed: Sun/CO2/H2O
Products (output): C6H12O6 (Carb/organic molecule)/O2
Organelle: Chloroplast
Conditions: Area with Sunlight
39. Compare chemosynthesis and photosynthesis.
Chemo: Uses inorganic molecules to produce energy needed in areas without sunlight
Photo: Uses organic molecules to produce energy needed in areas with sunlight
40. Describe how carbon cycles through the environment.
 Explain how carbon dioxide is exchanged between plants and their environment: CO2 is
taken in by plants from humans and factories that give off carbon and these plants
produce O2 that is needed by animals/humans
 Describe how plants use carbon from the atmosphere to create more complex molecules:
Plants use the carbon to produce complex molecules such as O2 and C6H12O6 by
 Describe how animals that eat plants change these carbon compounds and return carbon
to the atmosphere: Animals will eat plants and take in the carbon, which is in the form of
Carbohydrates, and return the carbon to the environment when they defecate or
decompose after death
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Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________
41. Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Anaerobic does not require oxygen
Aerobic requires oxygen
Anaerobic Respiration
Cellular organelles
Class: ______
Aerobic Respiration
Oxygen and glucose
CO2 and H2O
42. A student performs an investigation to determine the heart rate of a rabbit. The teacher tells
her the heart rate should be about 100 beats per minute. How could this information affect
the investigation?
A. It could introduce bias.
B. It could remove experimental error.
C. It could increase the accuracy of the data.
D. It could reduce the number of measurements needed.
43. A study on a poultry farm was conducted to
determine the percentage of vitamin supplement
necessary to add to the feed of turkeys in order to
maximize their growth. According to this data, what
percentage of vitamin supplement should be added to
the turkeys’ diet?
A. 6%
B. 8%
C. 10%
D. 14%
44. Describe the trend illustrated by the Turkey Growth Graph.
The trend shows that the weight will peak at 10% and begin to decrease until 12% when another
increase occurs. Then at 14% it peaks one more time at which point it slowly begins to decrease.
45. In the lab setup pictured, a student is trying to
determine the effect of pollutants on the growth of
three groups of seeds. The results will not be valid
because the experiment has no
A. conclusion.
B. hypothesis.
C. control.
D. variable.
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Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________
Class: ______
46. Scientists are developing a microscopic submarine to deliver medicine to sites within the
body. A biomotor that uses bacteria would move the submarine. The scientists are
experimenting with several species of bacteria to find which one works best in the biomotor.
Which of these is the dependent variable in the scientists' experiment?
A. the species of bacteria
B. the movement of the submarine
C. the size of the submarine
D. the sites within the body
The drugs usually used to treat high blood pressure do not affect blood vessels in the lungs.
Bosentan is a new drug being studied as a treatment for high blood pressure in the lungs. In an
experiment, patients treated with bosentan showed an improvement in the distance they could
walk without fatigue within 12 weeks. Design an experiment to test the effectiveness of
bosentan in treating high blood pressure in the lungs. In your answer be sure to:
 state the hypothesis: If the drug Bosentan is taken then the patients will be able to walk a
longer distance without begin fatigued
 describe the control group: The control group would be those patients who do not take
the drug Bosentan
 list the constants: The amount of time the drug is take, the patients who do or do not take
the drug, the distance walked by both groups
 describe the type of data that should be collected to determine if the hypothesis is
supported: The data collected should be how far each group, with and without the drug,
walk after the 12 week period
A company claims their fertilizer increases the growth of tomato plants by 25 %. The student
decides to perform an experiment to test this claim. She performs the following procedure.
1. Choose three similar-sized tomato plants.
2. Plant each tomato plant in a small pot.
3. Place all three small pots into one container and place
on a window sill.
4. Add fertilizer mixed with water to Plants 1 and 2.
5. Add only water to Plant 3.
6. Record the heights of the three plants after four weeks.
The results are shown in the table.
47. Analyze the student's experiment to determine if it supports the claims made in the fertilizer
company's advertisement. In your response, be sure to include
 a description of data needed to support the company's claim: height of plants after 4wks
 an explanation of the results of the student's experiment: The plants did not grow 25%
better with the fertilizer because Plant 3 grew the same amount as Plant 2
 an evaluation of the student's experiment: The experiment was well thought out but…
 a description of any changes you would make to the experiment; explain your answer
… changes could have been: more measurements, another plant without fertilizer
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