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Roman Times
The enemy is gone
Carthage is leveled
AP Press
In 814 Carthage fought
3 wars against us. The
wars were spread out
through the empire from the
sea to Sicily and Spain
then finally in the city of
Carthage. There navy was
their best defense and we
didn’t even have a navy.
How did we win that war?
Then in 218 they took the
fight to us. Ya we beat
them again. Finally we
just flattened the enemy.
Macedonia tried to over
through us but It didn’t
work we won that war to.
The reason we did this was
to expand our borders and
it worked we added to new
countries to our empire
Hey Where Did The
Capital Go?
By: Taylor Markarian
330 C.E. ROME- Emperor
Constantine has moved the
capital from Rome to a
place he calls “New Rome.”
The new capital is in the
eastern empire, where it
can easily be defended.
Some even say that Emperor
Constantine moved the
capital because the western
empire was falling. Emperor
Constantine rebuilt the
Byzantine Empire and made
it the capital. New Rome is
located 850 miles east of
Rome. Hopefully this move
won’t cause too much
trouble for the empire.
By: Cam Duso,
A.D.-471, Juno 13
Last week on the frontiers
of Gaul, the native tribes
attacked the frontiers in
great numbers. The 257
soldiers stationed there
held for approximately 3
hours before falling to the
swarms of barbarians. The
people took a poll and they
say that the government was
becoming very unstable. Our
researchers say that
because we took their land,
they decided to get back at
us. There also were many
problems with transferring
power to be
Bow Down to Germanic
By Vivian Fang
The Western Roman
Empire has fallen just
yesterday in 4 September in
C.E. 476 after being
invaded and taken over by
Germanic tribes! The Roman
Empire split into two
halves in C.E. 284, so that
the Western part of the
Roman Empire contained the
city of Rome. The Western
Roman Empire collapsed for
a number of reasons. The
reasons include a rise of
poverty in its people, the
Roman Times
citizens’ very minimal
loyalty to Rome, multiple
threats of invasion from
non-citizens, weakening
Roman military, and an
increase in crime. The
Western Roman Empire also
had a preposterous,
ineffective way of
transferring power from one
emperor to the next.
However, though the Roman
Empire, which many onceproud citizens declared
would never fall, fell, you
can count on its culture to
live on and influence
people for generations to
We are Moving?
By: Lilly Fox
We are moving to
Byzantium. Which is 850
miles east in Turkey. How
this happened was
Constantine, known as our
sole Emperor decided for us
to move to a safer place.
When we are moving is 334
B.C. Why this is happening
is because Constantine
decided to move because he
thinks it is much more
safe, so we can get good
military, and not get
attacked by intruders.
Emperor, many civil wars
had broken out to gain
power. Also the cost of
having such a large army
brought poverty. With
poverty soldiers weren’t
getting the money they lost
loyalty to Rome.
Julius Caesar, Man of
the People
By:Sarah Ghannoum
Julius Caesar started to
rule in 66 B.C. Caesar
couldn’t win the power,
without loyal army. On
January 10, Caesar led his
troops to Italy. The common
people started to revolt
against him. On March 14,
three day ago Caesar died.
Caesar got killed at the
senate buy the
conspirators. Caesar had
chosen Octavian, his nephew
as his heir. We don’t think
there will be as much
power, as Julius Caesar’s,
our man of the people dies.
Caesar’s Death July 12 March 14
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Constantinople is Tops
in Trade
By:Sam Belinsky
Constantinople is tops
in trade. It is located in
Asia. It is at the cross
roads of Europe and Asia.
The time period is 330 C.E
It is surrounded on three
sides by water. Its harbors
Roman Times
are filled with boats from
around the world. Roads
linking east and west meet
there. Camel, and mule
trains carry goods to all
corners of the globe. It is
the trading capital of the
Roman Empire.
Rome Going Goth?
By: Matthew Todd
A few years ago,
Emperor Valens let the
Goths into the Roman
Empire, because the Huns
attacked the Goths’
villages. It is now August
10, 378 BCE, and the Goths
just attacked Adrianople
yesterday. The Goths
destroyed most of the Roman
army, and unfortunately,
our beloved emperor,
Valens. Why would the Goths
do such a thing? Maybe you
should ask the army
officials who have
mistreated the Goths over
the years. It’s too late,
because those officials are
dead too. After Valens
death, the Goths were
declared the only
independent barbarian tribe
in all of the empire. With
Valens dead, part of the
army destroyed, and
independent barbarians, is
Rome really going Goth?
Supports For Less
By: Anthony P.
What are supports? Supports
are arches just made by our
roman architects. Arches
are big and made with
concrete. We the architects
say that we are planning to
use them to make aqueducts
that are more efficient.
Why did they make them you
might ask? They made them
because they use less
material but at the same
time they are stronger then
most supports. Arches have
a “keystone” at the top of
it to help spread the
weight down the sides of
the arch. We had started to
built on December 10,
207BCE and will keep on
building till September 11,
330 CE.
Roman Peace:
By: Nilam Thaker
The Pax Romana. The Roman
Peace or the, Pax Romana,
had started in 27 BC during
the time of our very own
Emperor Augustus Caesar.
The Pax Romana has gone
through many of our
emperors including the
Julio-Claudian Emperors,
the Army Emperors, and the
Roman Times
Flavin Emperors. It is the
time-period when Rome was
at total peace. Rome had no
wars and life was going
great. Rome has this timeperiod because they need
the peace or the empire
will collapse. The reason
why Rome holds peace for so
long is because the
German’s had one the war
with us so we couldn’t
expand our empire past the
Rhine River. This boundary
caused lack of war in Rome,
which is good. It kept
overall peace and the start
of the Pax Romana. This
peace has kept Rome from
falling and has given us
strength and unity.
Threat stopped Jesus
AP Press
There was a mass gathering
at Golgotha today as manyviewed Jesus’ crucifixion.
A while ago a man named
Judas Iscariot, one of the
twelve apostles was hired
by the chief priests to
betray Jesus. At the Mount
of Olives, Judas brought
Roman soldiers to get
Jesus, so he kissed him on
the cheek to point him out.
Jesus was then captured and
tried by the priests for
leading an uprising. They
couldn’t prove him guilty
but they still condemned
him to death and brought
him before Pilate who
brought him to the people
of Rome. They chose to
crucify him; so Jesus had
to carry his cross while
wearing a crown of thorns
and getting mocked by the
people. He was then
crucified, and people
realized he was the Son of
By:Ben Duso
Today, Nero the Emperor of
Rome, son of Gnaeus
Domitius was accused of
lighting a massive fire.
Today in 64AD his deranged
rule must end. This fire
has affected much of
Central District and parts
of the east and west
regions. The main lead we
have is that he believes he
is a god and demands
sacrifice. The most likely
place he started this fire
is by the butcher where pig
fat and oil would be easily
found and would only need
to be lit over an open
AP Press
Hadrian, a member of the
five good emperors, stopped
expanding the Roman Empire
yesterday December 12,132
BCE He began building
boundaries such as the 73
mile long wall known as “
Hadrians Wall” that
stretches from sea to sea.
Roman Times
He built this wall in order
to create boundaries for
the empire. Also he built
the pantheon ( a building
that shows power ), which
intimidated people. Hadrian
also built roads, bridges,
aqueducts, and temples. He
had a great part in the
success of the Empire.
the Picts get over that!
Although it took forever to
build, I’m grateful there’s
a wall, for now at least.
It’ll probably topple in
the next decade knowing
government funding.
From a Roman farmer in
September III, CXXVI C.E.,
Roman News:
Dictator Assassinated
People Cheer By: Nick
Got Picts? Get Wall!
An editorial: Emmy Cairns
Finally! I have waited
years for the emperor
Hadrian to do something
about those insufferable
Picts. They came through
every year and destroyed my
crops. So, naturally, I was
ecstatic when a messenger
arrived in CXXI C.E. saying
Hadrian was going to build
a wall that extended across
the width of the whole
island to keep the Picts
out. Battalions of soldiers
came to work and it only
took five years of hard
labor to build. Twenty feet
high the walls and eight
feet thick; I’d like to see
The former dictator of Rome
Julius Caesar was
assassinated yesterday
March 15, 44 B.C.E. He was
stabbed with the daggers of
a group of Roman senators
after he reduced their
power. Caesar had just been
appointed dictator for
life. Recently he’d been
getting criticism for his
ambitions and plans for
Rome especially by the
senators of Rome. While
some people are deeply
sadden by this act most of
Rome is ecstatic over this
great act. This is
certainly the best day in
Roman Times
From Slaves to
Christianity on the
AP Press
ROME- In a surprise move
this morning, controversial
Emperor Constantine adopted
Christianity and made it
legal. Throwing caution to
the wind, he announced that
he had seen a sign in the
sky from the Christian God
before riding into battle,
and he himself has
converted to this
troublesome religion, after
vowing to convert if the
battle was won. A citizen,
whose name will not be
printed, said in an
interview, “I can’t believe
that an emperor could make
such a drastic mistake. If
this goes through, and the
city is converted, I will
bring my family to our
country home. HMPH!”
Another, a slave, says,
“I’m so glad this change
has been made! I knew
Christianity would rise,
but to have it rise so
quickly is just great!
Praise God! WOOHOO!” As you
can see, there are mixed
reactions among the people
of Rome. In closing,
Constantine may have gone a
bit too far, but at least
there’s one thing we can be
sure of: 312 CE will be a
year to remember!
Has Constantine lost
his marbles? Christian?
By Anonymous
Today, emperor Constantine
shocked and appalled the
entire empire by announcing
that he not only was
legalizing Christianity but
also becoming Christian
himself. Needless to say,
this has angered many good
citizens. How can they
continue to worship the
true gods of Rome when
their leader s of praying
to some silly criminal and
his Dad? Constantine claims
to have seen a “vision” of
“god” and it helped him win
the battle for power
between east and west Rome.
He also claims he saw that
“vision” at around
noontime. Clearly
Constantine is completely
out of his mind as everyone
knows gods only send
messages through stars.
There are no stars at
noontime. They are
underneath the earth where
they should be. This
reporter thinks
Constantine’s days are
numbered, as Jupiter is
sure to strike him down at
any moment. A rep for Mr.
Constantine could not be
reached for comment.
Augustus Caesar wins
more than just a battle
Roman Times
AP Press
Octavian Caesar, the son of
Julius Caesar is only a 19year-old boy. Julius has
just died and Marc Anthony
takes over the eastern side
of Rome and Octavian takes
over the west. Octavian
persuades the senate to
declare war with Marc
Anthony and Cleopatra. In
31 B.C. Octavian defeats
Marc Anthony army and takes
over the east. Marc Anthony
last stand fell in Actium,
Greece. Marc Anthony and
Cleopatra could see no
escape, so they committed
suicide. Octavian did all
this to become emperor of
Rome and he succeeded,
Octavian was named Augustus
Caesar when he became
Our Caesar is Dead!
AP Press
A tragic event has struck
our fair city of Rome on
this day, two days after
the ides of March, with the
death of our glorious
emperor, Marcus Aurelius.
Today as a tribute to a
great, ruler, statesman,
philosopher, and man we
will re-cap on the major
events of his life to build
his legacy. Born eleven
days after the ides of
March in 121 to a respected
and noble family he, along
with Lucius Verus, is
adopted by the emperor to
be Antonius Pius. On the
event of Pius’s death in
161 Marcus takes the throne
with Verus as his coemperor, but Verus dies
soon after in 169.
Aurelius had been raised
with a firm belief in stoic
philosophy making him a
very humane and moral
person. Although he was
obviously against all wars
and conflict, soon after he
took the throne the
frontiers were stormed by
the German tribes to the
north and the Parthian
nomads to the east and
Aurelius knew it was his
duty as emperor to repel
all aggressors and with a
righteous cry and Roman
steel he drove back the
invaders and restored peace
within the empire.
Tragically, the emperor
soon took ill and retreated
back to his palace in Rome
and, today, has died of his
sickness. Although the man
Roman Times
has died we can trust that
his ideals will live on in
his successor and son,
Commodus who is quite the
fan of the gladiatorial
games. This shock to the
empire is bound to cause
great disorder and perhaps
even civil war in the
empire but this scribe is
certain that the gods will
see fit to bless us with
another emperor as
Magnificent and kind as the
one that has just passed to
his reward.