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Name: ____________________________________
Which element is a metalloid?
What can be concluded if an ion of an element is
smaller than an atom of the same element?
1. Al
3. As
2. Ar
4. Au
An atom of an element has a total of 12 electrons.
An ion of the same element has a total of 10
electrons. Which statement describes the charge
and radius of the ion?
1. The ion is negatively charged because it
has fewer electrons than the atom.
2. The ion is negatively charged because it
has more electrons than the atom.
3. The ion is positively charged because it
has fewer electrons than the atom.
4. The ion is positively charged because it
has more electrons than the atom.
-------------1. The ion is positively charged and its radius
is smaller than the radius of the atom.
2. The ion is positively charged and its radius 5.
is larger than the radius of the atom.
Which two characteristics are associated with
3. The ion is negatively charged and its radius metals?
is smaller than the radius of the atom.
4. The ion is negatively charged and its radius
1. low first ionization energy and low
is larger than the radius of the atom.
2. low first ionization energy and high
3. high first ionization energy and low
Which element has the greatest density at STP?
1. barium
3. magnesium
4. high first ionization energy and high
2. beryllium
4. radium
When an atom loses one or more electrons, this atom Which changes occur as a cadmium atom, Cd,
becomes a
becomes a cadmium ion, Cd2+?
1. positive ion with a radius smaller than the
radius of this atom
2. positive ion with a radius larger than the
radius of this atom
3. negative ion with a radius smaller than the
radius of this atom
4. negative ion with a radius larger than the
radius of this atom
1. The Cd atom gains two electrons and
its radius decreases.
2. The Cd atom gains two electrons and
its radius increases.
3. The Cd atom loses two electrons and
its radius decreases.
4. The Cd atom loses two electrons and
its radius increases.
Which element has atoms with the greatest
attraction for electrons in a chemical bond?
Which grouping of circles, when considered in order
from the top to the bottom, best represents the relative 1. beryllium
size of the atoms of Li, Na, K, and Rb, respectively? 2. fluorine
3. lithium
4. oxygen
Which trends are observed as each of the
elements within Group 15 on the Periodic
Table is considered in order from top to
At STP, which element is brittle and not a conductor
of electricity?
1. S
3. Na
2. K
4. Ar
1. Their metallic properties decrease and
their atomic radii decrease.
2. Their metallic properties decrease and
their atomic radii increase.
3. Their metallic properties increase and
their atomic radii decrease.
4. Their metallic properties increase and
their atomic radii increase.
What is the total number of electrons in a S ion? 17.
1. 10
3. 16
Which pair of symbols represents a metalloid and a
2. 14
4. 18
noble gas?
The elements in Period 5 on the Periodic Table
are arranged from left to right in order of
decreasing atomic mass
decreasing atomic number
increasing atomic mass
increasing atomic number
1. Si and Bi
3. Ge and Te
2. As and Ar
4. Ne and Xe
Which change occurs when a barium atom loses
two electrons?
1. It becomes a negative ion and its radius
2. It becomes a negative ion and its radius
3. It becomes a positive ion and its radius
4. It becomes a positive ion and its radius
As a chlorine atom becomes a negative ion, the
gains an electron and its radius increases
gains an electron and its radius decreases
loses an electron and its radius increases
loses an electron and its radius decreases
Which of these elements has the least attraction for
electrons in a chemical bond?
Based on Reference Table S, the atoms of which
of these elements have the strongest attraction for 1. oxygen
electrons in a chemical bond?
2. fluorine
3. nitrogen
4. chlorine
1. N
3. P
2. Na
4. Pt
As the elements of Group 1 on the Periodic Table
are considered in order of increasing atomic radius,
The data table below shows elements Xx, Yy, and the ionization energy of each successive element
Zz from the same group on the Periodic Table.
1. decreases
2. increases
3. remains the same
What is the most likely atomic radius of element
1. 103 pm
3. 166 pm
2. 127 pm
4. 185 pm
Answer Key for Chapter 6
1. 3
8. 1
15. 1
2. 1
9. 3
16. 3
3. 4
10. 2
17. 2
4. 3
11. 4
18. 3
5. 1
12. 4
19. 3
6. 1
13. 4
20. 1
7. 1
14. 1