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World History
Standards Assessment--IMPERIALISM
1. Why did some business leaders in Europe and
America want their country to acquire overseas
7. Economically, what enabled Japan to become a
colonial power after 1894?
A. Agricultural advances increased the
population and forced Japan to expand
B. Japanese trade wars against the United States
removed regional competition for colonies
C. Industrialization during the Meiji period
beginning in 1867
D. The American idea of an Open Door Policy
in China made Japanese expansion possible
for world peace
for missionary outposts
for decreases in revenue
for raw materials and markets
2. By 1900, what were viewed as a sign of a
country’s relative power?
Olympic medals
3. European powers justified imperialism by saying
E. that it improved the lives and cultures of
colonized people
F. that it was their natural right
G. that it was justified by various international
H. that it saved colonists from poverty
4. Which of the following helped cause European
countries to become interested in controlling
African natural resources?
human sacrifice and malaria
the discovery of diamonds in South Africa
the missionary impulse
the vast water resources of the Sahara desert
5. By 1914, what were the only African countries to
resist European takeover and remain independent?
Ethiopia and Liberia
South Africa and Kenya
The Sudan and The Congo
Egypt and Libya
6. The two journalists who explored Africa and
created interest in Africa’s resources were
A. Lewis and Clark
B. Gladstone and Disraeli
C. Stanley and Livingstone
D. Bessemer and Watts
Version C
8. Nicknamed the “Liberator,” the American
Revolution and the ideas of the Enlightenment
inspired him to lead South American colonists in a
revolt against Spain during the early 1800s.
James Jones
Miguel de Cervantes
Simón Bolivar
Napoleon Bonaparte
9. Which of the following countries was not acquired
as part of American Imperialism after the SpanishAmerican War?
A. Philippines
B. Cuba
C. Guam
D. Alaska
11. It was said that the “sun never set” on this
country’s vast global empire at the height of its
power during the New or Second Age of
Imperialism (roughly 1850-1914).
Great Britain
12. By the late 1800s, what vitally strategic
shipping route to their colonies in Asia did the
British refer to as, “the Lifeline of the Empire?”
the Cape of Good Hope
the Drake Passage
the Suez Canal
the Panama Canal
World History
Standards Assessment--IMPERIALISM
13. By 1932, Japan’s empire included all of the
following except
A. Korea
B. India
C. Taiwan
D. Manchuria
14. In 1900, anti-foreign sentiment in China led to
what uprising?
A. the Taiping Rebellion
B. the Boxer Rebellion
C. the Sino-Japanese War
D. the Opium War
15. Which of the following is an early example of
Indian resistance to British imperialism?
A. the Taiping Rebellion
B. the Boxer Rebellion
C. the Sepoy Mutiny / Rebellion
D. the Opium War
16. Past and present conflict between India and
Pakistan is partly a religious conflict between what
two groups?
A. Christians and Muslims
B. Jews and Hindus
C. Jews and Christians
D. Hindus and Muslims
17. What type of protest did Mohandas Gandhi use
to free India from British imperial domination?
riots and terrorism
nonviolent noncooperation
legal briefs
mail bombs
18. What man led a revolutionary program called
“The Three Principles of the People”?
A. Mao Zedong
B. Emperor Hirohito
C. Sun Yat-sen
D. Chiang Kai-shek
Version C
19. Who became the first president of the Chinese
Republic in 1912?
A. Mao Zedong
B. Sun Yat-sen
C. Henry Pu Yi
D. Chiang Kai-shek
20. The collapse of the last Chinese Empire (Qing
dynasty) in 1912 was caused by the imperial
government’s failure to
control foreign influence
educate the masses
enter into trade agreements with other nations
repel communist guerillas from Russia and
21. When India gained its independence from Britain,
what new nation was also created?
A. Bangladesh
B. Nepal
C. Pakistan
D. Afghanistan
22. Who led a slave rebellion in Haiti?
A. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Toussaint L’Ouverture
C. Claude Monet
D. Simon Bolivar
23. The first nation in Latin America to gain its
independence was
A. Colombia
B. Cuba
C. Brazil
D. Haiti
24. When Latin American nations gained political
independence, they continued to struggle for
A. Economic Independence
B. Religious Tolerance
C. Colonial Power
D. Social Order
World History
Standards Assessment--IMPERIALISM
25. Gandhi was known as the Mahatma, which means
A. Great Soul
B. Peacemaker
C. Good One
D. teacher
Version C
32. What term was used to denote territory in
which another country had exclusive trade rights?
A. spheres of influence
B. colonies
C. trading circles
D. protectorates
26. Who was the last emperor of China?
A. Sun Yat-sen
B. Henry Pu Yi
C. Hirohito
D. Hong Xiuquan
27. Who led the Tai Ping Rebellion?
A. Henry Pu Yi
B. Hong Xiuquan
C. Sun Yat-sen
D. Mao Zedong
28. The Tai Ping Rebellion called for all of the
following social reforms except:
A. common ownership of property
B. end the practice of foot-binding
C. ban alcohol and tobacco
D. allow polygamous marriages
29. What war erupted in response to Britain changing
the balance of trade in China, bringing in a good
(instead of silver) in exchange for tea?
A. Sepoy Mutiny
B. Sino-Japanese War
C. Opium War
D. Russo-Japanese War
30. King Mongkut was the exception to the rule of
Imperialism in Asia, and kept control of his nation of:
A. Indochina (Vietnam)
B. Siam (Thailand)
C. Formosa (Taiwan)
D. Persia (Iran)
31. Which of the following was not a direct result of
A. Sepoy Mutiny
B. French Revolution
C. Boxer Rebellion
D. Boer Wars
33. How many Chinese died during the Tai Ping
A. 25,000
B. 200,000
C. 2,000,000
D. 20,000,000
34. Who built the Panama Canal?
A. Panama
B. Spain
C. United States
D. Great Britain
35. What was the only European nation to be
defeated in Africa during Imperialism?
A. Belgium
B. Italy
C. France
D. Portugal
36. Who was the caudillo who led Mexico after its
A. Miguel Cervantes
B. Benito Juarez
C. Simon Bolivar
D. Felipe Calderon
37. Where did Muhammad Ali lead an
independence movement?
A. Egypt
B. Libya
C. South Africa
D. India
38. To whom did power transfer to after the Sepoy
A. British East India Company
B. British Government under Queen Victoria
C. the Indian National Congress
D. Mohandas Gandhi
World History
Standards Assessment--IMPERIALISM
39. Using map A below, which country claimed the
most colonies in Africa?
A. Netherlands
B. France
C. Great Britain
D. Belgium
40. Using map A below, what European nation
colonized the Congo?
A. Belgium
B. The Netherlands
C. Great Britain
D. France
41. From approximately what year is Map A below a
representation of?
A. 1885
B. 1914
C. 1850
D. 1990
42. Using map B below, which of the following was a
French colony?
A. Taiwan
B. Indochina
C. Philippines
D. India
43. Using map B below, which country remained
independent during the Age of New Imperialism?
A. Hong Kong
B. Indochina
C. Siam
D. Philippines
44. What event is being demonstrated in Political
Cartoon A below?
A. The Treaty of Portsmouth
B. The Berlin Conference
C. The Congress of Vienna
D. The Open Door Policy
45. What idea is being demonstrated in Political
Cartoon B below?
A. The Open Door Policy
B. The Berlin Conference
C. The Congress of Vienna
D. The Isolationism Treaty
Version C
World History
Map A
Standards Assessment--IMPERIALISM
Map B
Political Cartoon A
Political Cartoon B
Version C