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Super Fantastic Left-Side Questions
11.4 – British Imperialism in India
 British Expand Control over India
 Why did the governor of Bombay think the sepoys might turn against
the British?
 On which continents were Indian goods being traded?
 How did economic imperialism lead to India’s becoming a British
 Why did Britain consider India its “jewel in the crown”?
 Sepoy Mutiny
 What British action caused the sepoys’ refusal of the cartridges to
escalate? What does this action reveal about British attitudes towards
 Why didn’t Indians unite against the British in the Sepoy Mutiny?
 How did the Sepoy Mutiny lead to increased British racism?
 What form did British rule take under the Raj?
 Nationalism Surfaces in India
 How might child marriages and rigid caste separation have prevented
India form becoming independent?
 In what way were Indian nationalism and westernization compatible
 How did imperialism contribute to unity and to the growth of
nationalism in India?