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Name ____________________________
World History 2
Date ________________Period ________
World History 2 Unit 1 (Unit 1 includes Chapters 11-14)
Chapter 11 (Pages 336-367)
Chapter 11 is about the Age of Imperialism. Imperialism is the idea that a country needs to get
larger but it also needs to be self-sufficient…remember mercantilism? The idea that a country
needed to be self-sufficient… mercantilism was the driving force behind imperialism…by making CST 3
colonies all over the world, a country could work towards self-sufficiency by “importing” goods
HI 2, 5
from their colonies… supporting themselves…Things that happened in the past influences the
SS 10.4.1-4
present. You really need to be aware of this as an individual living on this planet.
Vocabulary: (the number next to the word is the page number)
336-7 Look at the map
countries controlled
& timeline. Which
parts of Africa?
The Philippines?
Why do you think
colonize? _________________________________________________________
countries wanted to
339 imperialism
341 racism
341 Social Darwinism
342 Berlin Conference
342 Shaka
342 Boer
344 Boer War
347 paternalism
347 assimilation
349 Menelik II
352 geopolitics
353 Crimean War
354 Suez Canal
357 sepoy
357 “jewel in the crown”
359 Sepoy Mutiny
360 Raj
362 Pacific Rim
364 King Mongkut
364 Emilio Anguinaldo
365 annexation
365 Queen Liliuokalani
Name ____________________________
World History 2
Date ________________Period ________
World History 2 (Unit 1 includes Chapters 11-14)
Chapter 12 (Pages 368-403)
Chapter 12 is about some of the effects of imperialism. You’ve learned that imperialism is an effort by a
State Standards:
country to take over other countries to obtain wealth & power. As many countries sought to increase their
CST 1- 4
power & wealth by taking over other countries using force, the effects of these hostile takeovers were
HI 1, 5
usually negative for the poor countries…. Fierce nationalism, civil unrest, & revolution were often the
Rep 4
result…Things that happened in the past influences the present. You really need to be aware of this as an
SS 10.4.1, 10.4.2,
individual living on this planet.
Vocabulary: (the number next to the word is the page number)
368 What foreign powers
the late __________________________________________________________________________
were involved in China in
1800’s CE?
368 Why do you think Japan ________________________________________________________________________________
wanted a strong navy?
372 Opium War
372 extraterritorial rights
373 Taiping Rebellion
373 sphere of influence
374 Open Door Policy
374 Boxer Rebellion
376 Treaty of Kanagawa
377 Meiji era
378 Russo-Japanese War
379 annexation
381 answer Q1
382 caudillo
384 Monroe Doctrine
384 Jose Marti
384 Spanish-American War
386 answer Q1
386 answer Q2
387 Panama Canal
387 Roosevelt Corollary
368 Antonio Lopez de Santa ________________________________________________________________________________
369 Benito Juarez
390 La Reforma
391 Porfirio Diaz
392 Francisco Madero
392 “Pancho” Villa
392 Emiliano Zapata
393 answer Q6
393 answer Q8
Name ____________________________
World History 2
Date ________________Period ________
World History 2 (Unit 1 includes Chapters 11-14) Chapter 13 (404-429)
Chapter 13 is about World War I…aka “The Great War”….You need to realize that many of the State Standards:
European powers (kings & queens) were all related…mainly by marriage….then you throw in
CST 2-3
imperialism…. different countries allied (made friends with) each other…then one gets mad at
HI 1, 4
another & all those allies start fighting because they said they’d “back up” their friends…Things SS 10.5.1-5,
that happened in the past influences the present. You really need to be aware of this as an
10.6.1-3, 10.8.2
individual living on this planet.
Vocabulary: (the number next to the word is the page number)
404 Look at the map.
Central Powers: ___________________________________________________________
Name the “Central
Powers,” the “Allied
Allied Powers: ____________________________________________________________
Powers” & those
countries that wanted to
Neutral countries: __________________________________________________________
remain neutral.
404 Which alliance
controlled the most land?
406 look at the
1. _______________________________________________________________________
“Examining the Issues”
box. Answer the
2. _______________________________________________________________________
408 militarism
408 Triple Alliance
408 Kaiser Wilhelm II
409 Triple Entente
411 Central Powers
411 Allies
412 Western Front
412 Schlieffen Plan
413 trench warfare
414 Eastern Front
Based on what you’ve
a country could YES NO Explain___________________________________________
read so far, do you think win a “two front war?”
418 unrestricted
submarine warfare
419 total war
420 rationing
420 propaganda
the origin ________________________________________________________________________
420 go find propaganda
posters. Pick one. Print it the purpose ______________________________________________________________________
the intended audience ______________________________________________________________
(& attach it) & tell me
method of distribution
421 armistice
422 Look at the graph.
1. _______________________________________________________________________
Answer Q’s 1 & 2.
424 Woodrow Wilson
424 Georges Clemenceau
424 Fourteen Points
424 self determination
424 Treaty of Versailles
425 League of Nations
427 answer Q7
427 answer Q8
Name ____________________________
World History 2
Date ________________Period ________
World History 2 (Unit 1 includes Chapters 11-14)
Chapter 14 (430-459)
Chapter 14 is about revolution & nationalism after the Great War (aka World War I)
State Standards:
….the gap between rich & poor plus attempts at modernization plus new technologies CST 1, 3
plus industrialization lead to social unrest… people became aware of the economic
Rep 3-4
injustices in their own countries & the world & wanted a “piece of the pie” for
SS 10.3.6, 10.4.4,
themselves…leading to revolution in some cases & nationalism in others….Things
10.5.3, 10.6.1, 10.6.3,
that happened in the past influences the present. You really need to be aware of this as 10.7.1-3, 10.8.1, 10.8.4,
an individual living on this planet.
Vocabulary: (the number next to the word is the page number)
430 Look at the
revolutions & when? _________________________________________________
timeline. Which
countries had
434 proletariat
434 Bolsheviks
434 Lenin
435 Rasputin
436 provisional
436 soviet
439 Communist Party
439 Joseph Stalin
440 totalitarianism
442 Great Purge
443 command economy
443 Five-Year Plan
444 collective farm
447 answer Q1
448 Kuomintang
448 Sun Yixian
449 May Fourth
449 Mao Zedong
450 Jiang Jieshi
450-2 Long March
453 Rowlatt Acts
454 Amritsar Massacre
454 Mohandas K. Gandhi
454 civil disobedience
455 Salt March
456 Mustafa Kemel
457 answer Q1
458 Look at the table.
Based on what you
know so far, who do
you like the
Best? ____________________________Why? _______________________________
Least? ___________________________Why? _______________________________