* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Indian Newspaper: British Imperial Activity Directions: Students are to write an editorial to an underground Indian newspaper, detailing their grievances against the British imperial activity in India and calling for self-government. Make sure to follow the guidelines bellow. Make sure to include/discuss/describe the following in your editorial. o o o o Format o o o o How economic imperialism lead to India’s becoming a British Colony How did imperialism contribute to unit and the growth of nationalism in India How did the Sepoy Mutiny change the political climate of India What impact did Colonialism have on India Did they benefit or was it harmful or both Make sure to explain your answer Economic impact? Impact on government? One page minimum Typed 12 pt font Times New Roman Single Spaced Column Format All our newspaper articles must be in column format Two Columns only! Include a Title for your article Reference o o o Use chapter 12 section 4 page 357 reading notes Information from lecture notes Any other source you would like. Due Date:___________________________________________________ S. Mostafa Modern World History: Unit 4 Page 1