* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
1 Section 3—Investments Title of Lesson/Subject: Reading the Stock Market Table Prepared by: Contact Information E-mail address: Phone: Time Allotment: Two—50 Minute Periods Grade Level: 9th Grade Life Skills Class ND Standards Competencies: Key Economic Concepts: Brief Description: Learner Objectives: The student will: Be able to read a Stock Market Table in the Financial Section in a daily newspaper. Be able to interpret the information on Stock Prices in the Financial Section in a daily newspaper. Be able to compare a stock for two days to see how the Stock Market Table works. Introduction: Materials Needed: Day 1 Day 2 How to Read the Stock Table—Stock Market Game. Page 65 made into transparency Copy page 68—Copy for each student on Reading a Stock Page Today’s Newspapers—Several different papers, if possible, with the Financial Page that has the Stock quotes in them so students can compare different layouts Overhead Projector Copy of Page 69 of Stock Market Game for each student Set of today’s newspapers to use with the class with the Financial Page Page 65 Transparency Audio/Visual Equipment Needed: Lesson Outline: Day 1 Ask students how many have seen a page with little print and a lot of numbers in the newspaper that they do not understand. Ask if anyone knows what that page in the newspaper might be and what one would use it for. 2 Day 2 Resources: If no answers, then go on to explain what the Financial Page is and continue with P 65 on How to Read the Stock Table. Explain that some papers do not print all of the information that we are going over here. Some use a shortened version with just the minimum information needed to know how a stock did that day before. Hand out P68-Reading a Stock Page and go over in class with the answers. Have students look at the Stock Market page in the newspaper and pick out one stock and write down all of the information that is in the paper on that stock. Ask them what one stock would cost. That is the close price of the day. Then tell them that most brokers (people who buy and sell shares of stocks) require you to buy stocks in increments of 100 shares. Have them figure out what it would cost to buy 100 shares. Share some answers in class. Review information from the day before. Ask if anyone has question over the information that was presented the day before. Hand out today’s stock market page and have the student’s see how their chosen stock did. Discuss the information in class. Some will find that their stock went up. Some will find that it stayed the same, and some will find that they lost money. Explain that this will happen. The market depends on what is happening in the world, in the USA and also what is occurring in the business sector. Remind them that investing in the stock market has a certain amount of risk. You can make money with your money, but you can also loose money. Remind them also that many people buy stocks and keep them for awhile because each time you buy and sell it cost you money that is used to make the business transaction. Hand out Page 69/70-The Scavenger Hunt-Stock Market Game. Do not do #8 on page 70. Go over answers in class. Learning from the Stock Market, 1997, National Council on Economic Education, Pages 62-70 Activities: Application/Assignment: Evaluation Plan: Use the assessment on Page 64 of the Stock Market Game to see if they can interpret the information that was being taught the past two class periods.