Download CHAPTER 10 Post-Colonial and Global English Studies

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Post-Colonial and Global
English Studies
Key word
From wikipedia:
 Imperialism
 “the creation and maintenance of an unequal
economic, cultural and territorial relationship,
usually between states and often in the form of an
empire, based on domination and subordination.”
 Colonialism
 Colonialism is the building and maintaining of
colonies in one territory by people from another
 Globalization
 Globalization describes an ongoing process by
which regional economies, societies, and cultures
have become integrated through a globe-spanning
network of communication and execution. The term
is sometimes used to refer specifically to economic
globalization: the integration of national economies
into the international economy through trade,
foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration,
and the spread of technology.
Age of Discovery
A Devastating Cultural Exchange
 Indigenous population disappeared
 Cultures destroyed
 Free people became slaves
 Resources scrambled
The results…
 Cultural homogenization
 Linking and mixing
 Post-colonial literary scholars study both sides of the
imperial equation.
 Jane Eyre
 Other post-colonial scholars examine the cultural
fronts where imperial and subaltern cultures meet in
such places as India.
 Edward Said
 How imperialism worked in the realm of intellectual
and cultural discourse
Edward Said
 Early life
 Education
 Orientalism
Important concept
 Diaspora
 Hybridity
 Ambiguity
 Mimicry
 Mestizaje
 creolization
Heart of Darkness
A post-colonial approach
Find the Prisoner in Heart of Darkness
 References:
 Ryan, Michael. Literary Theory.
 Pecora, P. Vincent. Self & Form In Modern
Ruppel, Richard. Imperial Desire.
Murfin, Ross, ed. Heart of darkness: A Case Study In
Contemporary Criticism.
Parry, Bentia. Conrad And Imperialism.
Achebe, Chinua. "An Image of Africa: Racism in
Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'"
 剖析黑暗之心的權力架構
 過往評論:帝國主義或種族論?
 筆者意見:跳脫不出的框架,察覺,批判,但仍身陷其
 去殖民化,有改變的可能?
Joseph Conrad