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“A Justification of British Colonialism in Africa”
1. In your own words, what is imperialism?
2. Use the picture on p. 772 of your textbook to answer the following:
a. What advantages might colonizers bring?
b. What disadvantages might colonizers bring?
c. What does the photograph suggest about colonization? (Hint: Be sure to pay attention to the
differences between the European colonizers and the Africans.)
3. Use the map on p. 777 to answer the following questions:
a. How does imperialism in African in 1878 compare with that in 1913?
b. What does the map of ethnic boundaries suggest about the number of ethnic groups in Africa in 1913?
c. What sort of problems might result from combining or splitting groups of people without regard for
ethnic or linguistic traditions?
4. Look at the cartoon “The Devilfish in Egyptian Waters,” on page 785. What does the representation of England
suggest about the cartoonist’s view of British imperialism?
Read “A Justification of British Colonialism in Africa,” and answer the following questions.
5. According to the first paragraph, how did both Europe and Africa benefit from European colonialism of Africa.
6. According to Lugard, why were the Africans assured fair prices for their products?
7. According to Lugard, how did the Europeans benefit the Africans? (List at least 5 reasons.)
8. Which European motive behind imperialism in Africa do you think was the most powerful? Explain.
9. How would an African desire for independence reflect African progress?
10. Think about your answers for questions 2 and 3 and what you read. Do you agree or disagree with Lugard’s
justification of colonialism? Explain.
11. Read page 784 and list at least six positive and six negative effects of imperialism from the perspective of the
local people.
12. Taking into consideration everything you’ve read, write a paragraph that explains your view of European