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Digestive System Study Guide
Name ____________________
Date ____________Per ______
1. The function of the digestive system is to
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________
c. _________________________________________
2. Mastication is also known as ______________
3. Enzymes in the saliva called ______________ begin the digestion of starch.
4. The _____________________ tract is also known as the alimentary canal.
5. Food moves through the digestive system in a series of waves of muscular contractions called ______________.
6. The two types of digestion are ___________________ and __________________ digestion, which begins in the
7. The________________ is a tube that carries the food between the pharynx and the stomach.
8. Food mixed with gastric juices in the stomach is called ________________.
9. The muscular ring located at the top of the stomach that prevents the food from leaking back into the
esophagus is called the _______________________________.
10. Protein begins digestion in the ________________.
11. _____________ are large wrinkle like folds in the stomach lining, present when the stomach is empty, that allow
for expansion when the stomach is filling.
Small Intestine
12. The primary functions of the small intestines is to
a. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
d. ____________________________
13. Write the name of the molecule (monomer) that each macromolecule is broken down into during digestion:
a. Proteins - ____________________________
c. Lipids (fats) - _________________________
b. Carbohydrates (starch) -_______________________ (sugars)
14. The function of the pancreas is to:
a. __________________________________________
b. __________________________________________
c. __________________________________________
15. ______________, a green substance that emulsifies fat in the small intestine, is produced in the liver and stored
in the ___________________.
16. There are three sections of the small intestines _______________, _____________, and __________.
17. Digestive enzymes and bile are secreted into the first part of the small intestine called the _________________.
18. _______________________ is the transport of digested food from the digestive system into the bloodstream.
Large Intestine
19. The vestigial organ, located in the cecum, was once used to digest cellulose but no longer has a function in
humans is called the ____________________.
20. What is the main function of the large intestines?
a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________
c. ___________________________________
21. Vitamin ______ and ______ are made by bacteria in the large intestines.
22. The large intestines _____________ water and does NOT digest or absorb food.
23. The large intestine is made up of the_______________, ______________ colon, ________________ colon,
______________ colon, and the _______________ colon.
24. The large opening at the end of the large intestines is called the _____________.
25. The elimination of indigestible food from the GI tract is called ____________.
26. Circle the parts found in the large intestines:
27. Identify which organs are part of the gastrointestinal tract with a GI and which are accessory organs with an A
a. Stomach
d. large intestine
g. pancreas
j. esophagus
b. Liver
e. mouth
h. appendix
c. Gall bladder
f. pharynx
i. small intestine
Place each of the organs in the correct order in which they pass through the alimentary canal
1. __________________
4. _____________________
2. __________________
5. _____________________
3. __________________
6. _____________________
28. Identify the organ(s) and enzyme(s) in which digestion of these macromolecules occur
Protein: (organs) _____________, ________________ (enzymes) _________________, _________________
(organs) _____________, ________________ (enzyme) _________________
(organ) ____________________
Nucleic acids:
(organ) ___________________
(enzyme) ______________
(enzyme) nuclease
29. Which of the 3 organs where food is digested does most digestion occur?
30. Identify & label each organ of the digestive system: