Download INTRODUCING MUHAMMAD What is the translation of “Islam?” [4

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1. What
2. What are those who believe in the message of Muhammad and that he is the
last Messenger of God called? [4] __________________
3—4. What was the year of Muhammad’s birth? [5] ____________________
What was his birthplace? [5] ___________________
5. According to tradition, the ka’aba – the holiest site in Islam – was built under
divine inspiration by what prophet? [6] ________________________
6. True or False: Islamic tradition forbids the portrayal of Muhammad.
7. Who did Muhammad marry? [10] ________________________
8. What did God tell Muhammad to do in 611 A.D. when he retreated to a cave
for prayer and meditation? [11] _________________________________
9—13. Muhammad’s miraj or “Ascension” to heaven took place in which city?
[16] ________________________ Who are the four prophets of other nations
___________________; ____________________; ______________
14—16. In 622 A.D., Muhammad was persuaded to migrate to this city, 200
miles north of Makkah. [18] ___________________ What is the name given by
Muslims to this march?
[18] _______________
What does it mark?
17. What is the name that Muslims give to God? [19] ______________
18. True or False: Muhammad helped to create the first written constitution in the
world. [20] ___________
19. In 631, Muhammad gave this speech to 124,000 Muslims who had gathered
in the Valley of Arafat. [26] _______________________________
20. Literally “statement,” they are the daily sayings of Muhammad from the day
he received the first revelation until his death. [31] _________________
21. Literally method, example, or path, it brings together the deeds and sayings of
Muhammad and serves as the fundamental source of Islamic law.
22. With which color is Islam most closely associated? [35] ________________
23—24. Literally the “reading” or that which should be read, it is regarded by
Muslims as the word of God and this is the Islamic holy book.
________________ Which archangel is said to have revealed the Word of God
to Muhammad in “clear Arabic speech?” [37] _________________
25. What is the year of Muhammad’s death? [37] ______________
26. True or False: The Qur’an tells a clear chronological story of the
development of Islamic civilization. [38] ______________
27. The chapters of the Qur’an, they number 114 in total. [40] ______________
28. One needs to be able to do what to qualify as a hafiz (at any one time there
29. The literal translation of Umm al-Kitab, this Opening chapter of the Qur’an is
repeated at least seventeen times a day when Muslims say their obligatory
five daily prayers. [43] __________________________
30--31. What are the two statements of the Shabaadah, the Muslim formula of
faith? [49] _____________________________; ______________________
32. True or False: More so than most other world religions, Islam sanctions vast
inequalities amongst humans. [51] ________
33. Salat or prayer has to be performed how many times a day in Islam? [53]
34. Muslims fast during which lunar month? [54] _________________
35. What is zakat? [54] _____________________________
36--39. Literally “effort,” it is the name given to the pilgrimage that all Muslims
should attempt to undertake at least once in their lives. [55] ______________
What is the sacred city to which pilgrims travel for this rite?
___________________ What is the name given to the two unsewn sheets of
cloth worn by the pilgrims? [55] _________________ What is the name of the
valley that becomes the site for a congregational prayer during the pilgrimage?
[55] . ______________________
40. Literally “directed struggle,” it involves the constant struggle for justice but
has been misinterpreted in the West as a fanatical commitment to “holy war.”
[60] ______________
41. True or False: Two Muslims cannot declare jihad on each other.
42. Normally translated as “Islamic law,” it is a set of regulations, principles and
values from which legislation and law are drawn. [62] _______________
43--44. A constitutional assembly unanimously elected which man the Prophet
Muhammad’s successor? [68] ________________________ What was his title
or position? [69] _________________
45. Cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, he was murdered in 661.
46. They are known as the “rightly guided,” to distinguish them from the unelected
monarchs who later established dynasties. [71] ____________________
47—49. What 680 A.D. battle marked not only the death of Ali’s son Husain, but
the split of the Muslim community into two groups? [74] __________________
What were the two groups into which it split?
[74] ___________________;
Believing that true authority belongs only to the Prophet and his
household, Shias celebrate these tragic figures, the descendants of Ali. [75]
______________ How many of these figures are there in the Shia tradition?
[75] _____________ The name given to the last, he is said to be in hiding or
“occultation,” and will reappear at some apocalyptic moment in the future. [75]
53. What is the role of an organized clergy within the Sunni tradition?
54--55. The rise of which dynasty in 750 marked the beginning of the “Golden
Age” of Muslim civilization (its caliphs would rule for the next five centuries)? [76]
What was the city from which they ruled.
56. What is the most important language in the Muslim world?
57--58. What was the name given to the new Muslim colleges that began to
develop after C.E. 1000? [85] ____________________ What was the name
given to the professors at these schools? [85] _______________
59. The oldest university in the world, it was established in 970 in Cairo. [86]
60. What physician, scientist, and linguist helped to preserve the works of Plato
and Aristotle, and often is described as the greatest of Muslim philosophers?
[90] ________________________
61. What thinker (he died in 1406) helped to develop the disciplines of history and
sociology? [91] ____________________
62--63. Taking their name from the woolen dress they wore, the mystics of this
tradition were concerned with such virtues as love, awe, patience, fear, and
humility, and practices like remembrance and contemplation of God, hunger and
abstinence. [92] ______________ What poet founded the order known as the
Whirling Dervishes? [94] ____________________
64--65. What were the two most important inventions of the mathematician AlKhwarizmi
66. The greatest of Muslim physicians, he established midwifery, wrote on
hereditary diseases, and gave the first account of smallpox and measles.
[108] ____________________
67. The legendary stories of this Abbasid—era sailor stand as testimony to the
commercial and transportation networks of Medieval Islam.
68. One of the most famed travel writers of all time, this Arab visited China,
Byzantium, Africa, and Russia. [113] _________________________
69. This art of writing is the most important Islamic art form.
70. What
71. What city fell to the Christians in 1492, thus ending eight centuries of Muslim
rule in Spain? [127] _________________
72. What is the name given to the military struggles between Christendom and
Islam that began in 1095? [138] _____________________
73. In what Arab nation did the Muslim Brotherhood emerge in the immediate
post—World War II era? [147] _____________________
74. How many contemporary sovereign states does the Muslim world presently
consist of? [149] _____________
75--82. Name seven new Muslim states that the end of the Cold War gave birth
to. [149] ________________; _______________; _______________________;
_____________________; ______________________; ___________________;
83. What is the name given to the global Muslim community?
84. The Muslims of what nation are the world’s largest religious minority? [150]
85. What is the estimated number of Muslims presently living in Europe? [151]
86. With what organization was Malcolm X most closely associated?
87. Which Middle Eastern nation became in 1979 the site for the first modern
Islamic revolution? [155] ____________________