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Environmental Science
Chapters 1-7 Semester Review
Chapters 1-3
1. The ozone layer is located in the ________________________
2. What is the estimated temperature of Earth’s inner core?
3. What is the Earth’s densest atmospheric layer?
4. The transfer of energy across space and the atmosphere. No contact necessary.________________
5. The transfer of heat from warmer to colder when objects are in contact.______________________
6. The transfer of heat by air currents__________________________
7. What causes air to be denser near Earth’s surface.
8. The crust is________ km thick below the oceans and ________ km thick below the continents
9. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s atmosphere would be _____ to support life.
10. This includes all of the water on or near Earth’s surface.____________
11. Where is most of the fresh water on Earth located?
12. _______ water is more dense than fresh water.
13. Surface currents circulate in different directions, depending on the ______________ in which they occur.
14. What part of Earth encompasses all areas where organisms can obtain the energy they need?
15. Currents at the surface of the ocean are driven by______________________
16. Earth’s thin outer layer is known as the ____________________.
17. The removal and transport of surface material by water and wind is known as ___________.
18. The second most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere is ____________________.
19. Electrically charged atoms are called ____________________.
20. The ________________________ is the part of earth where life exists. It extends from 9 km up in the atmosphere
to the bottom of the oceans. A total of ___________ km
21. Aurora borealis is another name for ___________________________
22. The gases that trap energy are called the greenhouse gases. Name three of these gases.
23. This is the top layer of the atmosphere,___________ and it reaches temperature of __ oC
24. The coldest layer of the atmosphere is the _________________ reaching temperatures of -93 C.
25. In the stratosphere the temperature __________ with increases in altitude.
26. The _________________ layer is located in the stratosphere and it protects us from UV radiation.
27. Ozone is made of three ________________ atoms
28. The layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth's surface is the _______
29. ____________________ is caused by gas particles hitting each other and other surfaces
30. This is a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth: ___________________________
31. _____________ gas makes up 78% of the atmosphere and comes from volcanoes, and decay plant and animals
32. ____________________ gas makes up 21%
33. This gas contributes to global warming but makes up less than 1% of the atmosphere
34. Where is the “Ring of Fire” located _______________________________
35. Charleston last big earthquake occurred in what year? ___________________
36. San Francisco had a major earthquake in 1989 because San Francisco is on this fault line
37. The core of the earth is made of what two metals:_____________ and _________________
38. Name three tectonic plates.
39. Most of the geological activity at the surface of Earth takes place at boundaries between _____.
40. A(n) ____________________ is the vibration caused when there is movement along a fault.
41. In large volcanic eruptions, ash and gases can enter the atmosphere and reduce the amount of
____________________ that reaches Earth’s surface.
42. In the upper atmosphere, the form of oxygen that protects Earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays is called
43. The atmosphere contains ______________________________ which trap radiated heat near Earth’s surface.
44. The continuous movement of water into the air, onto land, and then back to water sources is known as
45. The ____________________ of sea water is a measure of the quantity of dissolved salts.
46. Small streams and rivers that flow into larger ones are called ____________________.
47. During ____________________, liquid water is heated by the sun and then rises into the atmosphere as water
48. The process that occurs when water vapor forms water droplets on dust particles is known as _____________.
49. _________________ is the solid part of the earth that consists of rock, soil and sediments.
50. The ______________________ is all of the water on or near the earth's surface. It covers about
_______________________% of the earth's surface.
51. The __________________________makes up 64% of the mass of the earth and is 2,900 km thick
52. The _________________ is earth's thin outer layer and is made mostly of_________ elements
53. The Hawaiian Islands tend to get ____________ as you move away from the ____________
54. What are the three types of plate boundaries?
55. This is a plate boundary where plates come together
56. This is a plate boundary where plates move apart
57. This is a plate boundary where plates move along each other
58. How were the Hawaiian Islands formed?
59. This science studies how living things interact with each other and with their nonliving environment
60. What is chemistry?
61. What is biology?
62. What is geology?
63. What is physics?
64. This is defined as a piece of information gathered using your senses
65. This is the formation of a testable prediction
8. This is the test of a hypothesis
66. What is statistics?
67. In statistics the average is called the __________________
68. This is the relative arrangement of the members of a statistical population
69. A _______________ distribution is data that are grouped symmetrically about the mean
70. This is the chance that something will happen
71. A group of individuals selected to represent a population
72. The practice of growing plants is called
73. The agricultural revolution started over _________ years ago
74. One of the earliest ways that land was cleared for farming was
75. The industrial revolution took place in the _______________
76. _________________ are pollutants that can be broken down by natural processes
77. When was the clean air act passed?
78. What are the three types of plate boundary, diagram each.
79. What are three abiotic factors
Chapter 4
Give an example of an ecosystem?
From where does the energy in most ecosystems come?
An organism’ habitat is the place where it __________
A habitat contains both ____________ and ______________ factors
Why are some organisms are more likely to survive than others?
What can exposing an organism to a small amount of a chemical lead to over time.
This is the process of two species changing genetically in response to long-term interactions with each other.
In order for evolution to occur in a population, individuals with a trait that is “naturally selected for” must______
There are _____ kingdoms, describe each.
These convert nitrogen in the air into a form plants can use.
Most land animals depend on angiosperms for
Soil and temperature are examples of __________ factors in an ecosystem?
How are bacteria and fungi important to the environment?
93. List several biotic factors.
94. Single-celled organisms with cell walls but no nuclei are_________
95. Which two kingdoms contain organisms that can use energy from the sun to make food?
96. Many _________depend on animals to carry pollen
97. What characteristic is usually shared by bacteria, fungi, and plants?
98. What is a gymnosperm?
99. What is a population
100. What is a habitat?
101. This term is used to describe the unequal survival and reproduction that results from the presence or absence of
particular traits
102. What are the 5 basic components to an ecosystem?
103. Most plants are____________
104. If an insect can no longer be killed by a particular insecticide, it has developed a(n) ____________________ to
the chemical.
105. Most bacteria, including the kinds that cause disease and those found in garden soil, belong to the kingdom
106. What are plankton?
107. Pine trees and other conifers are classified as _________________________ because they are woody plants.
108. The living and once living parts of an ecosystem, including all the plants and animals, are
____________________factors in the ecosystem.
109. The nonliving parts of an ecosystem, such as rocks, light, air, and temperature, are ____________________
factors in the ecosystem.
110. Opossums in South Carolina and Opossums in Illinois are members of the same ____________________.
111. All the opossums in a forest in Wisconsin are a(n) ____________________ of opossums.
112. Bacteria are members of the _________________________ or _________________________ kingdoms.
113. Algae are a type of organism in the kingdom of ____________________.
114. Unlike other organisms, ____________________ do not have cell nuclei.
115. Yeasts that make bread rise belong to the ____________________ kingdom.
116. Many-celled organisms that have cell walls and make their own food are known as ____________________.
117. The first land plants were small and had to live in damp places. Their modern descendants are small plants
known as ____________________.
118. Two groups of plants are, respectively, _________________________ that produce seeds that are not in fruit
and _________________________ that produce flowers and bear seeds in fruit.
119. Animals that lack backbones are called _________________________.
120. Animals that have backbones are called ____________________.
121. The __________________ is all of the organisms living in an area along with their physical environment
122. Every ________ has specific characteristics that the organisms that live there need to survive.
123. In 1859 he proposed an answer as to how organisms become so well suited to their environment.
124. This is a change in the genetic characteristics of a population from one generation to the next
125. Darwin thought that ____________selects for certain traits because organisms with these traits are more likely
to survive and reproduce
126. Species are divided into _______________based on particular traits
127. _______________ do not have a nucleus in their cells.
128. Yeast, mushrooms, molds, and mildews are examples of __________________
129. These offer support for plants?
130. This transfers water and nutrients in a plant.
131. What is a species?
132. What is a community?
133. What is an ecosystem?
134. What is natural selection?
Chapter 5
These are energy rich molecules used to carry out daily activities.
136. This is an organism that makes their own food.
137. This means self to feed.
138. Give an example of an autotroph.
139. During photosynthesis ________________ energy is captured
140. What are the three things required for photosynthesis to occur?
141. A consumer is also known as a __________________
142. Consumers ultimately get their energy from the _______________________
143. The end product of photosynthesis is
144. These are hot water vents at the bottom of the ocean.
145. These consume hydrogen sulfide.
146. The photosynthetic equation is
147. These get their energy by eating other organisms
148. These are consumers that only eat producers.
149. In deep-ocean ecosystems, ______________ that escapes from the cracks in the ocean floor is used by bacteria
to make their own __________________
150. These are consumers that eat other consumers.
151. Which kinds of organisms obtain their energy directly from the sun?
152. How much energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next?
153. This means making energy from chemicals
154. These help breakdown dead organisms
155. This is the reverse of photosynthesis
156. Cells absorb ____________ to get energy stored in food.
157. Energy not used by an organism is stored as ______________
158. A food web is a collection of __________________
159. This is a process in which energy from the sun is used to make sugar molecules ________________
160. In a food chain energy is _______________ from organism to organism
161. An energy level is also known as a ______________ level
162. What happens to the number of organism as you move up a food chain?
163. How many tropic levels does a food chain usually have?
164. What type of organisms feed on the top predators?
165. Carbon is an essential component in what compounds?
166. What happens in carbon’s short cycle?
167. When organisms breakdown food they release __________________ as a result of cellular respiration
168. What happens to carbon in the long term cycle?
169. What is a carbon sink and what is it also called?
170. What organism is important in the nitrogen cycle?
171. A process with the cell of an organism that uses glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy is called ____________________
172. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live with the nodules on the roots of plants called __________________
173. Give an example of a legumes
174. What organisms return nitrogen back into the atmosphere?
175. Where does the phosphorous cycle usually occur and why?
176. Fertilizers contain nitrates and ________________.
177. What is an algal bloom?
178. What can happen when an algal bloom dies?
179. What is ecological succession?
180. Describe primary succession.
181. Where does secondary succession occur?
182. When does secondary succession occur?
183. What is a primary species?
184. What is a climax community and type of biome is it typically?
185. What is the end result of aquatic succession?
186. On new islands formed by volcanic activity, you will most likely find ____________________ succession.
187. Organisms that get their own food by breaking down dead organisms are called ___________________
This is an atmospheric gas that increases when fossil fuels are burned off.
This is a type of succession that occurs on abandoned farmland
In the carbon cycle, from where do producers get their carbon?
Oil is an example of a ___________________
This is defined as an undesired change in the air that adversely affects ones health
This is defined as the number and variety of species living in a given area
The earth has experience several mass extinctions where ___ % of the species were eliminated
This is defined as the air, water and land surrounding an organism
An example of a renewable resource
An example of a non-renewable resource
Which gas makes up 78% of our atmosphere?
What gas makes up 21% of our atmosphere?
Give an example of a pioneer species.
Chapter 6
201. What is a biome?
202. Biomes are described by their ___________________
203. What does the climate do for a biome?
204. The amount of ___________ will determine what organisms can live there.
205. The distance north or south of the equator, as measured in degrees, is called
206. Rainforests cover what percent of the earth?
207. Rain forests contain 50% of the ______________ of the earth.
208. Why is there so much diversity in the rain forest?
209. List 3 types of conifer trees
210. Animals may not return to a replanted deciduous forest because of its
211. About what percent of the sunlight makes it through the canopy of a rain forest?
212. The great diversity within a rainforest has led to
213. Where are coniferous forests are generally located ? ________________________
214. The soil in a rainforest is very poor because it is low in ______________________
215. What are the layers of a rain forest?
216. Rainforest has been reduced from __% to__% of the earth’s surface.
217. Typical rainforest trees are?
218. This type of forest is covered in ferns___________________________
219. This type of forest has trees that shed their leaves throughout the year. _________________
220. This type of forest has trees that shed their leaves during the winter time. _____________________
221. This type of forest has the greatest diversity of organisms._________________________
222. Where are deciduous forests found?
223. This type of forest gets between 200-450cm of rain per year. _____________________________
224. Conifer means:
225. The soil in a coniferous forest is poor because:
226. How long is the summer in a tiaga?
227. The incredibly diverse vegetation in ______________________________ is responsible for
the evolution of numerous highly specialized animal species.
228. A(n) ____________________ biome has an annual rainfall of less than 25 cm.
229. Biomes found up to 30 degrees north or south of the equator are often________________.
230. A forest with the greatest species diversity would be located near the _________________.
231. A forest that is located about ____________________ north latitude would have fallen leaves on the forest floor
during the fall.
232. In the tundra, the frozen layer of soil just beneath the surface is called the ________________.
233. Due to extreme temperature conditions and simple, easily disrupted food chains, the ____________________
is very sensitive to human disturbance.
234. The ____________________ layer of a tropical rain forest receives the most sunlight.
235. Plants that have adaptations, such as rhizomes, for surviving harsh winters would most likely be found in a
temperate ____________________ forest.
236. The climate of a biome is determined mostly by average ____________________ and precipitation.
237. What is a chaparral?
238. The biome is found between 30N and 30S of the equator
239. Most of the animals in the tropical rain forest live in the ____________________ layer, where fruits and
flowers are abundant.
240. What is the limiting factor in coniferous forest?
241. Why is desert soil poor in organic material?
242. What is leaching?
243. What is desert pavement?
244. What are the two types of deserts and where are they located in the US?
245. What is a succulent and give two examples?
246. What is desert soil rich in?
247. What percent of the earth’s surface is tundra?
248. How much rain do deserts get?
249. What is the thawed layer in the tundra called?
250. Why are desert animals nocturnal?
251. Sagebrush is found in what type of desert?
252. Cacti are found in what type of desert?
253. Why do deserts have very high temperatures during the day and very low temps at night?
254. What is a runner and how does it protect the plant?
255. These are grasslands that are much like deserts, they recieve 50cm of rainfall
256. This is a tropical to subtropical grassland
257. Which grassland has short bunch grasses
258. Which grassland has tufts?
259. Grasslands occur between forest biomes and the __ biomes
What is a vertical feeding pattern and what purpose does it serve?
261. Deserts are found on the ___________________ sides of mountains
262. Why are most ecosystem represented by a food web instead of a food chain?
263. What does it mean to say a coniferous forest is not very diverse?
264. List two reasons why rainforests have been cleared.
Chapter 7
Freshwater is defined as water containing ______________________ of dissolved minerals
The deepest of all standing water is the ____________
Lakes are often fed by underwater ______________
What is an aquatic ecosystem?
What is salinity?
What are the units for salinity?
These trees dominate southern swamps ______________________________
This is an inland wetland ________________________
This moss dominates an inland wetland ____________________________
What is the average salinity of the open ocean?
What is plankton?
What is nekton?
Bottom dwelling organisms live in the _____________
How are organism grouped in the aquatic biome?
______________ plants can be found along the shoreline of a lake.
___________ are mostly fed by rainfall.
What is the littoral zone?
When was the Florida Everglades made into a national park?
When was water returned to the Florida Everglades?
How much farmland has been returned to the Everglades since 1983?
Freshwater ecosystems can be broken into two classifications ______________, ____________
Give examples of flowing water ecosystems.
This is an increase in the amount of nutrients in an aquatic ecosystem_______________
This is a drowned grassland _____________________
What is phytoplankton?
What is zooplankton?
Give an example of zooplankton.
Give an example of phytoplankton
What are the headwaters?
Headwaters are __________ and have large amounts of ________________________
The headwaters of a stream are usually crystal clear because _______________________
What have been built to assist migratory fish in streams?
Marshes are dominated by ____________ whereas swamps are dominated by __________
As they flow down a mountain to flatter ground, rivers generally become______________
Which organisms produce most of the food in the aquatic biome?
What must marine organisms adapt to?
What is an estuary?
___________________________ have more organisms than sandy shores.
What is a barrier island?
What is a long shore current?
What are the purposes of groins and jetties?
What is the breaker zone?
These are only found in warm tropical waters.___________________
Coral reefs are found on __________________________ shelves.
Coral reefs protect the shoreline from _________________________
Corals reefs skeletons are made of ____________________
The tiny coral organism is called a ______________________
What is the name of the algae that lives within the coral?
What type of relationship does coral have with the algae?
What percent of coral reefs are in danger?
What are the zones of the ocean?
The __________ zone is 90% of the ocean
This is the least productive zone in the ocean.________________________
How deep is the photic zone?
What are the light zones of the ocean?
What region of the ocean has the greatest salinity and why?
What region of the ocean has the lowest salinity and why?
What region of the ocean is the most productive, why is this region so productive?
What are some ways to measure salinity?
Upstream, a river is usually cold and flows ___________
Be able to label and describe the following diagrams
Deep ocean
Ocean circulation
Layers of the earth
Beach diagram
Rip current diagram
Atmosphere diagram
Light zone diagram