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Relationship of Polymorphisms of the Oestrogen Receptor Alpha Gene with
Risk of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer in Chinese Men
Short title: Gene Polymorphisms and Prostate Cancer
The present paper focuses on elaborating the molecular mechanism of the
occurrence and development of the disease, from the molecular epidemiology point.
During the period from January 2012 to December 2014, we collect 224 prostate
cancer cases, 224 BPH patients and 222 healthy men from the Han people in
Zhejiang province, China, and analyse the polymorphism of rs2234693(PvuII)and
rs9340799(XbaI)on intron 1 of oestrogen receptor alpha (ESRα). Logistic regression
is applied to analyse the relationship of genic polymorphism with prostate cancer and
BPH, and SHEsis software is applied to linkage disequilibrium and haplotyping.
The risk of recurrence of prostate cancer on BPH patients with PvuII site C allele is
higher. There is palpable linkage disequilibrium between PvuII and XbaI. Composite
genotype TTAG not only induces BPH, but also increases the onset risk of prostate
cancer. However, when BPH has already existed, the composite genotype has no
obvious relation with the onset risk of prostate cancer (P>0.05). Furthermore, men
with TG are liable to suffer prostate cancer, but men with haplotype TA and enlarged
prostate have a low risk to suffer prostate cancer.
There is obvious relationship between ESRα gene polymorphism of Chinese men
and susceptibility of prostate cancer and BPH, and the ethnic and regional difference
as well.
Prostate cancer, is a very common kind of malignant tumour in male urinary system,
whose incidence differs obviously between ethnic groups and regions around the
world. The statistical data from American Association for Cancer Research shows
that in 2012, the new number of the prostate cancer patients was 241,740, and
28,170 patients died. Among all kinds of male susceptible tumours, the prostate
cancer incidence ranks the second (which follows after skin tumour), and the disease
incidence in African Americans (241/100,000) was far above that in Caucasians
(149/100,000) [1]. In Asia, the disease incidence of prostate cancer was relatively low,
e.g. the disease incidence was 21/100,000 in Shanghai, China in 2005.However, this
number was increasing gradually per year [2]. Though the research of aetiology of
prostate cancer is popular now, the research of many issues still stays on a superficial
stage. Considering the comparability of the occurrence of prostate cancer and BPH in
the field of morbid physiology, BPH may be the alarm signal of prostate cancer at an
early period [3-5]. However, BPH and prostate cancer are two absolutely separate
diseases, and research from epidemiology does not show the obvious relationship
between BPH and prostate cancer either [6-7]. It illustrates that, it is not an
indiscriminate rule that prostate cancer is developed from BPH. Thus, the deep
analysis of epidemiologic feature will contribute to illustrate the pathogenesis of
prostate cancer and BPH.
In recent years, researchers have reported that, oestrogen and its receptor play
important roles in the aetiology of prostate cancer and BPH [8-9]. Physiology research
indicates that, 30% oestrogen in the male comes directly from sertoli cells of testes,
and 70% oestrogen is converted from androgen produced by adrenal gland and
testes under the effect of aromatase. Later scholars found that, age brings a gradual
diminution of testes which causes a decrease of testosterone in blood plasma, but the
oestrogen stay the same level with the growth of age, which increases the ratio of
oestrogen to androgen, so oestrogen is the main pathogenic factor of BPH and
prostate cancer [10-11]. Oestrogen regulates and controls the growth and
multiplication of prostatic cells by combining with specific intranuclear receptor,
oestrogen receptor (ESR) in the organism [12]. Oestrogen receptor is one of the
members in superfamily of nuclear factor whose ligand has been activated, and is
categorized into two types at present, ESR-α and ESR-β; the former locates in the
gap of epithelial cells and substrate on prostate basal, and the latter locates between
epithelial gap of prostate gland [13]. Immunohistochemical shows that, though ESRα
does not express in normal epithelial cells of prostate gland, it strongly expresses in
prostate BPH cells, prostate cancer tissues (CTs) or LNCaP or JCA-1 cell line [14-16],
and this difference hints that, ESRα may have essential relations with the occurrence
of BPH and prostate cancer [17-18]. Thus, nosogenic molecular mechanism of BPH
or prostate cancer may be known to a certain extent by the research of oestrogen
acceptor gene.
At present, association of polymorphisms in the oestrogen receptor alpha (ESRα)
gene with risk of prostate cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has not
appeared in reports among Chinese people. In the paper, we apply PCR-RFLP
technology to analyse the mononucleotide polymorphism of rs2234693(PvuII)and
rs9340799(XbaI)on intron 1 of oestrogen receptor alpha (ESRα). We have found that,
ESRα genes of Chinese people, unit point gene or allelic genes, composite gene with
two sites or haplotype gene, have certain relationship with the occurrence and
development of prostate cancer or BPH. Therefore, our research can explain the
reasons why there exist ethnic and regional differences of the occurrence of prostate
cancer or BPH, and provide the evidence of the occurrence of the disease from the
angle of molecular epidemiology.
Research subject
During the period from January 2012 to December 2014, we have collected
peripheral blood samples from 244 sporadic cases of prostate cancer, 260 sporadic
BPH patients and 222 healthy men in Zhejiang province, China. The age distribution
of prostate cancer group ranges from 47 to 90, and the average age is 71.77; the age
distribution of BPH group ranges from 52 to 89, and the average age is 71.28. The
above cases of prostate and BPH have been examined and demonstrated by
histopathology (Table 1). According to TNM staging criteria stipulated by American
Joint Committee on Cancer Staging (AJCC), clinical stages of prostate cancer may be
divided into non-metastatic or circumscribed prostate cancer and metastatic or
highly-invasive prostate cancer. Pathological grades of prostate cancer is adopted
Gleason score [19], whose range from 2 to 6 mean mediated or high differentiated
adenocarcinoma and range from 7-10 mean low differentiated adenocarcinoma. The
age distribution of the healthy men group ranges from 48 to 83, and the average age
is 66.61. The criterion is the prostate specific antigen (PSA) value(<4.0ug/ul)of low
serum, and prostate is normal by B-mode ultrasound examination with no related
clinical manifestation of prostate cancer or BPH.
Table 1. Clinic and demographic characteristics of study participants at time of joining the cohort.
Prostate cancer
< 60
22 (9.0%)
22 (8.5%)
28 (12.6%)
66 (27.1%)
84 (32.3%)
108 (48.6%)
112 (45.9%)
118 (45.4%)
76 (34.2%)
≥ 80
44 (18.0%)
36 (13.8%)
10 (4.5%)
160 (65.6%)
154 (59.2%)
144 (64.9%)
84 (34.3%)
106 (40.8%)
78 (35.1%)
No alcohol
120 (49.2%)
124 (47.7%)
113 (50.9%)
124 (50.8%)
136 (52.3%)
109 (49.1%)
Ages at diagnosis (year) a
Prostate cancer vs. controls
OR (95%CI)
P value
BPH vs. controls
OR (95%CI)
P value
Smoking status b
0.969 (0.662~1.420)
1.271 (0.877~1.840)
1.071 (0.745~1.541)
1.137 (0.795~1.627)
Alcohol intake b
Gleason score
86 (35.2%)
158 (64.8%)
TNM classification
146 (59.8%)
98 (40.2%)
Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD), P values are calculated using unpaired t-test; b Based on chi-square test.
All the research subjects have been told the related information of the research in
advance, and consents made by themselves are achieved thereafter. The research
has been approved and authorized by Moral and Ethical Committee of Affiliated
Taizhou Hospital in Wenzhou Medical College, Luqiao Division, Taizhou City.
Whole Blood Genome Extraction Kit Method (Fastagen Biotech, Shanghai, China) is
adopted to extract DNA from peripheral blood (PB), which will then be restored in the
4 oC condition. Specific primers are designed in accordance with the references, and
the primers are listed as follows: PvuII: Forward: 5’-CTG CCA CCC TAT CTG TAT
reaction system of PCR includes, 5 μl 10×Ex Taq Buffer, 4 μl 25 mM MgCl2,
containing 4.0 μl 2.5 mM dNTP miscible liquid and 0.5 μl 10 mM primers, 80-200 ng
DNA template, 0.2 μl 5 U/μl Ex Taq DNA polymerases (Fetemens), which shall be
added with water to 50 μl. The condition of PCR: 94 oC predegeneration for 5 minutes,
94 oC for 30 seconds; The annealing temperature of respective primers for 45
seconds, 72 oC for 60 seconds,and 72 oC for 5 minutes; the PCR outcome shall be
identified by 2.0% agarose gel electrophoresis appraisal. After 4 hours from 10 μl
PCR outcome has been digested by restriction enzymes, 2.0% agarose gel
electrophoresis appraisal will be done. Sequencing verification of genotype results
shall be done by randomization. In order to guarantee the quality, another laboratory
technician selects part samples (100) by random to do the genotyping and
sequencing verification again. The variation of T and C bases occurs in PvuII, while
the variation of A and G bases occurs in XbaI. In the research, we only use wild
homozygous genes as the reference genotypes (PvuII TT and XbaI AA) to do the
Statistical analysis
SPSS13.0 software is adopted to do the statistical analysis, and Hardy-Weinberg
balance check is used to evaluate the reliability of the collected information. Logistic
regression is adopted to analyse the frequency of gene and allelic genes, and then
the OR value and 95% CI of calibrated age is achieved. χ2 test and Fisher’s exact
probability is adopted to analyse the distribution situation of composite genotype in
case-control study. SHEsis software shall be used to analyse the Linkage
disequilibrium effect and haplotyping between each site [20-21]. P<0.05 shall be used
to be the criterion to determine the statistical differences.
Each genotype frequency of ESRα in the collected case group and control group,
accords with Hardy-Weinberg balance (There is no significant difference between
observed number and expected value, P>0.05). The genotyping result shows that,
the distribution frequency of the three TT, CT and CC genes of PvuII sites on ESRα
genes for prostate cancer patients are 38.5% (94/244), 41.8% (102/244) and 19.7%
(48/244), respectively, and the proportion of that for BPH patients is 46.2% (120/260),
43.1% (112/260) and 10.8% (28/260), respectively (Table 2). In both prostate cancer
or BPH patients, there is no statistical differences of distribution frequency between
PvuII genes after the age has been Calibrated and healthy control group (41.4%,
43.2% and15.3%, respectively) (P>0.05). However, it is also found that, the gene
distribution of PvuII sites have the significant regional and ethnical differences.
Combined with reference report about other healthy Chinese men [22], the
distribution frequency of TT genes is from 41.4% to 42.1%, much higher than that of
men in Caucasia (30.5%) and Japan (25.4%) [23-24]. The distribution frequency of
genes AA, AG and GG on XbaI sites has no statistical differences between prostate
cancer (60.7%, 34.4% and 4.9%) or BPH (69.9%, 29.2% and 3.8%) patients and
healthy control group (64.0%,31.5% and 4.5%) (P>0.05). The distribution frequency
of AA genes of men in China (57.1~64.0%) is similar as that of men in Caucasia
(51.1%) [22,25].
Table 2. Distribution of ESR-α genotypes and alleles between BPH, prostate cancer and controls.
Prostate cancer vs. controls
BPH vs. controls
TT (wt)
94 (0.385)
120 (0.462)
92 (0.414)
1.00 (ref)
CT (ht)
102 (0.418)
112 (0.431)
96 (0.432)
1.533 (0.883~2.661)
0.661 (0.367~1.191)
CC (mut)
48 (0.197)
28 (0.108)
34 (0.153)
1.188 (0.777~1.816)
0.968 (0.647~1.448)
290 (0.594)
352 (0.677)
280 (0.631)
1.00 (ref)
198 (0.406)
168 (0.323)
164 (0.369)
1.263 (0.955~1.670)
148 (0.607)
174 (0.699)
142 (0.640)
1.00 (ref)
AG (ht)
84 (0.344)
76 (0.292)
70 (0.315)
0.735 (0.469~2.929)
1.024 (0.396~2.647)
GG (mut)
12 (0.049)
10 (0.038)
10 (0.045)
1.188 (0.788~1.793)
0.858 (0.569~1.293)
380 (0.779)
424 (0.815)
354 (0.797)
1.00 (ref)
108 (0.221)
96 (0.185)
90 (0.203)
1.142 (0.821~1.589)
OR* (95%CI)
P value
OR* (95%CI)
P value
1.00 (ref)
1.00 (ref)
0.850 (0.644~1.123)
1.00 (ref)
1.00 (ref)
0.917 (0.657~1.282)
Adjusted for age; wt, homozygote wild type; ht, heterozygote mutated; mut, homozygote mutated.
After having a deep research on the relationship of respective ESRα gene frequency
between pathological grading and clinical stages, we have found that, compared with
TT wild homozygous gene on PvuII sites, CC and CT mutated genes with C allelic
genes are seldom distributed in low differentiated adenocarcinoma group, and the OR
value of calibrated age are at 0.388 (0.204~0.740) and 0.211 (0.098~0.454),
respectively (Table 3). Compared with T allelic genes, C allelic genes are also seldom
distributed in low differentiated cancer (OR=0.419, 95%CI: 0.285~0.616, P<0.001).
Additionally, we also have found that, by the comparison between mutated genes CC
and TT on PvuII sites, prostate cancer cells of the former seldom transfer to other
place (OR=0.499, 95%CI: 0.278~0.894, P=0.020). However, we have not found in the
research that, there is relationship between the polymorphism of XbaI sites and
pathological grading and clinical stages (P>0.05).
Table 3. Age-adjusted ORs and P value in different kinds of prostate cancer patients.
Pathological grade
Clinic stage
Poorly (%)
Well-mod (%)
OR (95%CI)
74 (46.8)
20 (23.3)
1.00 (ref)
62 (39.2)
40 (46.5)
0.211 (0.098~0.454)
22 (13.9)
26 (30.2)
0.388 (0.204~0.740)
210 (66.5)
80 (46.5)
1.00 (ref)
106 (33.5)
92 (53.5)
0.419 (0.285~0.616)
98 (62.0)
50 (58.1)
1.00 (ref)
50 (31.6)
34 (39.5)
2.391 (0.500~11.422)
10 (6.3)
2 (2.3)
0.719 (0.411~1.259)
246 (77.8)
134 (77.9)
1.00 (ref)
70 (22.2)
38 (22.1)
0.967 (0.616~1.519)
P value
Aggressive (%)
Localized (%)
OR (95%CI)
46 (46.9)
48 (32.9)
1.00 (ref)
34 (34.7)
68 (46.6)
0.605 (0.296~1.238)
18 (18.4)
30 (20.5)
0.499 (0.278~0.894)
126 (64.3)
164 (56.2)
1.00 (ref)
70 (35.7)
128 (43.8)
0.706 (0.485~1.027)
62 (63.3)
86 (58.9)
1.00 (ref)
30 (30.6)
54 (37.0)
1.325 (0.406~4.327)
6 (6.1)
6 (4.1)
0.752 (0.431~1.312)
154 (78.6)
226 (77.4)
1.00 (ref)
42 (21.4)
72 (22.6)
0.912 (0.588~1.416)
P value
Considering the distinct linkage disequilibrium between PvuII and XbaI on ESRα of
the control group (D’=0.958, r2=0.398), we carried on the analysis on composite and
haplotype genes (Table 4). The result shows that, compared with healthy men (0.9%),
the distribution frequency of TTAG composite genes is not only distinctly higher in
prostate cancer patients (5.7%, OR=6.696, 95%CI: 1.504~29.801, P=0.004), but also
higher in BPH patients (5.4%, OR=6.260, 95%CI: 1.407~27.852, P=0.006), which
hints that TTAG composite genes cause higher risk for the disease incidence of
prostate cancer or BPH. The frequency of TG haplotype gene in prostate cancer
group is 4.7% compared with 0.5% for healthy control group, indicates their
significant difference (OR=9.168, 95%CI: 2.393~35.119, P<0.001). The frequency of
TA haplotype gene in prostate cancer group is 54.7%, much lower than that in healthy
control group (60.3%, OR=0.711, 95%CI: 0.547~0.924, P=0.011). However, the
frequency of CA haplotype gene in prostate cancer group is 23.1%, higher than that in
healthy control group (OR=9.168, 95%CI: 2.393~35.119, P<0.001). Besides, we also
find that, frequency of CG haplotype gene in prostate cancer group is 54.7%, much
lower than that in the healthy control group (63.1%, OR=0.708, 95%CI: 0.551~0.912,
Table 4. Multi-genotypes and haplotype frequencies for ESR-α polymorphisms between prostate cancer cases, BPH and controls.
Prostate cancer vs. controls
Cases (freq)
Controls (freq)
OR (95%CI)
BPH vs. controls
P value
Cases (freq)
Controls (freq)
OR (95%CI)
P value
8 (3.3%)
10 (4.5%)
0.719 (0.278~1.855)
6 (2.3%)
10 (4.5%)
0.501 (0.179~1.401)
22 (9.0%)
16 (7.2%)
1.276 (0.652~2.497)
16 (6.2%)
16 (7.2%)
0.844 (0.412~1.730)
18 (7.4%)
8 (3.6%)
2.131 (0.907~5.002)
6 (2.3%)
8 (3.6%)
0.632 (0.216~1.850)
4 (1.6%)
0 (0.0%)
2 (0.8%)
0 (0.0%)
48 (19.7%)
52 (23.4%)
0.801 (0.514~1.247)
46 (17.7%)
52 (23.4%)
0.703 (0.450~1.096)
50 (20.5%)
44 (19.8%)
1.043 (0.663~1.641)
64 (24.6%)
44 (19.8%)
1.321 (0.856~2.039)
0 (0.0%)
0 (0.0%)
2 (0.8%)
0 (0.0%)
14 (5.7%)
2 (0.9%)
6.696 (1.504~29.801)
14 (5.4%)
2 (0.9%)
6.260 (1.407~27.852)
80 (32.8%)
90 (40.5%)
0.715 (0.490~1.045)
104 (40.0%)
90 (40.5%)
0.978 (0.679~1.409)
22.91 (0.047)
2.37 (0.005)
9.168 (2.393-35.119)
112.91 (0.231)
96.13 (0.185)
1.327 (0.978-1.801)
267.09 (0.547)
279.63 (0.630)
0.711 (0.547-0.924)
85.09 (0.174)
71.87 (0.138)
1.317 (0.936-1.853)
85.09 (0.174)
87.63 (0.197)
0.859 (0.617-1.195)
267.09 (0.547)
327.87 (0.631)
0.708 (0.551-0.912)
112.91 (0.231)
74.37 (0.168)
1.496 (1.080-2.073)
22.91 (0.047)
24.13 (0.046)
1.012 (0.564-1.818)
Table 5 presents the relationship between prostate cancer and BPH. Compared with T
allelic genes, BPH patients with C allelic genes on PvuII site have higher risk of the
incidence of a disease of prostate cancer (OR=1.437, 95%CI: 1.110~1.859, P=0.006).
Similarly, compared with TT genes, BPH patients with heterozygous mutation CT
genes on PvuII site have higher risk of the incidence of a disease of prostate cancer
(OR=2.199, 95%CI: 1.283~3.770, P=0.004). Besides, the results show that, the
distribution frequency of composite CCAA genes in prostate cancer group is 7.4%,
higher than that in BPH group (2.3%), which indicates that it has a high risk of
incidence of a disease of prostate cancer, and the OR value is 3.372 (1.316~8.641).
The analysis of SHEsis shows that, BHP patients with TA haplotype genes have a low
risk of incidence of a disease of prostate cancer, which is 0.7 times of that for patients
without the haplotype genes.
Table 5. Distribution of ESR-α genotypes, alleles and haplotypes between BPH and prostate
Prostate cancer (freq)
BPH (freq)
OR* (95%CI)
94 (38.5%)
120 (0.462%)
1.00 (ref)
102 (41.8%)
112 (0.431%)
2.199 (1.283~3.770)
48 (19.7%)
28 (0.108%)
1.172 (0.800~1.716)
290 (59.4%)
352 (0.677%)
1.00 (ref)
198 (40.6%)
168 (0.323%)
1.437 (1.110~1.859)
148 (60.7%)
174 (0.699%)
1.00 (ref)
84 (34.4%)
76 (0.292%)
1.473 (0.614~3.533)
12 (4.9%)
10 (0.038%)
1.303 (0.891~1.906)
380 (0.848%)
424 (0.815%)
1.00 (ref)
108 (241%)
96 (0.185%)
1.266 (0.932~1.727)
8 (3.3%)
6 (2.3%)
1.435 (0.491~4.197)
22 (9.0%)
16 (6.2%)
1.511 (0.774~2.951)
18 (7.4%)
6 (2.3%)
3.372 (1.316~8.641)
4 (1.6%)
2 (0.8%)
2.150 (0.390~11.845)
48 (19.7%)
46 (17.7%)
1.139 (0.728~1.784)
50 (20.5%)
64 (24.6%)
0.789 (0.519~1.201)
0 (0.0%)
2 (0.8%)
14 (5.7%)
14 (5.4%)
1.070 (0.499~2.292)
80 (32.8%)
104 (40.0%)
0.732 (0.508~1.054)
22.91 (0.047)
24.13 (0.046)
1.012 (0.564c1.818)
267.09 (0.547)
327.87 (0.631)
0.708 (0.551~0.912)
85.09 (0.174)
71.87 (0.138)
1.317 (0.936~1.853)
112.91 (0.231)
96.13 (0.185)
1.327 (0.978~1.801)
P value
Adjusted for age.
Oestrogen receptor plays an important role to accommodate the diseases relevant
with hormone. Therefore, in order to study the polymorphism of oestrogen receptor,
we could discuss the mechanism of the occurrence and development of disease
relevant with hormone from the angle of genetics. At present, though many kinds of
cancer, like endometrial carcinoma and mammary cancer among Chinese people,
have been reported to have relationship with the polymorphism of PvuII and XbaI
genes on oestrogen receptor (ESRα), there have not been any relevant reports about
prostate cancer yet [26-27]. The research analyse the relationship between gene
polymorphism of ESRα and prostate cancer and BPH from men of Han nationality in
East China, and the results show that, there is no distinct relationship between PvuII
and XbaI sites and risk of incidence of a disease of prostate cancer or BPH. At
present, relevant references have not indicated the relationship between the
polymorphism of PvuII site and the susceptibility of BPH, although the experimental
result about the relationship with the susceptibility of prostate cancer is in accord with
the result on men in Japan and USA [28, 29]. The search result of men in Iran shows
that, the individual C allelic genes (CT or CC) on PvuII sites have high risk of
incidence of a disease of prostate cancer. Compared with TT wild homozygous genes,
mutant CT or CC may add the risk of incidence of a disease of prostate cancer at the
proportion of 3.12 and 4.73 times [30]. Our research shows that, as for healthy men
with C allelic genes on PvuII sites, there is no risk for them to suffer prostate cancer or
BHP. However, once they suffer BHP, the proportion of risk for them to suffer prostate
cancer will increase 1.4 times. Thus, it hints that, C allelic genes on PvuII sites may
be the predisposing factor of prostate cancer. However, the research result is
absolutely the opposite from that of Japanese academician-Suzuki. The result
presents that, compared with the healthy men with CC genes on PvuII sites, the
proportion of risk to suffer prostate cancer for healthy men with TT genes on PvuII
sites will increase 3.44 times. At the meanwhile, they also point out that, compared
with CC genes, TT genes will increase the risk of incidence of a disease of prostate
cancer [24], which is in accord with our research result. Even if men in China with C
allelic genes or CT or CC genes suffer prostate cancer, the degree of differentiation of
cancer cells will be preferable, and the cancer cells seldom transfer to other place,
which indicates that, the prognosis with C allelic genes may be preferable. As to XbaI
sites, our research results show that, it has no distinct relationship with the
susceptibility of prostate cancer, which is similar to the research result of men in
Japan [24, 28], but not in accord with that of men in Europe and USA. By the research
on black people and white people in USA, Hernandez has found that, the proportions
of risk for American black people with AG genes and G allelic genes (AG + GG) to
catch prostate cancer are 2.25 and 2.14 times respectively [29]. However, the latest
research result from Iran shows that, the proportion of risk for men with AG genes is
4.36 times higher than men with AA genes [30]. Research results on PvuII and XbaI
from different zones and ethnic groups are quite different from each other, which may
be caused by different genetic backgrounds, diet habits, modes of life and even
insolation levels [31].
However, it is still not clear how PvuII and XbaI sites have the influence on the
occurrence and development of prostate cancer or BPH. PvuII and XbaI sites are the
two most common polymorphism sites, and all the variation occur on intron 1 which
contains promoter, enhancer and other important regulatory sequences, so it may
have influence on the expression and function of ESRα [12]. Herrrington et al. believe
that, T genes on PvuII sites have changed to T genes, and then other sites, B-myb
will be formed to be combined with myb transcription factor on the gene order, which
will increase the transcription ability of downstream report gene [32]. Therefore, C
allelic genes may strengthen the transcriptional activity of ESRα genes to a large
extent. It is not clear whether XbaI sties will have separate effect on oestrogen
receptor, however, the distance between Xbal site and PvuII site is only 50 bp, which
exists strong linkage disequilibrium and may have negative effect on the function of
PvuII, or regulates and controls target genes by the formation of composite genes
with PvuII or haplotype genes.
Thus, we have an analysis on synergistic action or inhibitory action expressed by the
above two sites in the form of composite or haplotype genes. The result shows that,
haplotype TG or CA genes will increase the risk of incidence of a disease of prostate
cancer for healthy men, but haplotype TA genes will decrease not only the risk of
incidence of a disease of prostate cancer for healthy men, but also the risk of
incidence of disease of prostate cancer for BPH patients. Additionally, the result also
indicates that, haplotype CG genes will decrease the risk of incidence of a disease of
BPH. By analysing on the composite genes, we have found that, TTAG genes
increase not only the risk of incidence of a disease of BPH, but also the risk of
incidence of a disease of prostate cancer. However, when BPH has already occurred,
the composite genes have no distinct relationship with the risk of incidence of a
disease of prostate cancer. CCAA composite genes may increase the risk of
incidence of a disease of prostate cancer for BPH patients.
The control groups of the research are healthy men, and the evaluation standards are:
they have normal PSA, no clinical manifestation of BPH or prostate cancer, and
prostate is normal without hypertrophy by B-mode ultrasound examination. However,
according to the research on men in Japan from Suzuki and Fukatsu [24,29], all the
control groups are mix with BPH patients and healthy men, so the control study on
such cases is certain to cause declinational judgment of results, especially cannot
illustrate the relationship between BPH and prostate cancer. Therefore, the research
can not only illustrate the occurrence and development mechanism of prostate cancer
which provides a method to screen out the high risk group of prostate cancer from the
angle of molecular epidemiology, but also provide the information on the relationship
between BPH and prostate cancer to some extent, which will brings assistance to an
early detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer and BPH. However, the research
has some weak points, such as lack of large amount of samples, shortage of gene
sites, and horizontal analysis on different ethnical people and zones. We wish to
further investigate on molecular mechanism and carry out a meta-analysis on a
number of references in the future, according to the characteristics of diverse people
and multifarious genetic background, which will contribute to make clear the influence
of gene polymorphism of oestrogen receptor on the occurrence and development of
prostate cancer and BPH.
In summary, there is obvious relationship between ESRα gene polymorphism of
Chinese men and susceptibility of prostate cancer and BPH, and the ethnic and
regional difference as well.
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