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American Imperialism Quiz
___ 1. The domination of the political, economic,
and cultural life of one area, by an outside
___ 2. The application of the survival of the fittest
concept to human life, specifically that certain
races and nations were superior to others, and
that these people would inevitably rule inferior
people to better the world.
A. Insurrection
B. Yellow Journalism
C. Guerilla Warfare
D. Social Darwinism
E. Imperialism
___ 3. The sensationalized newspaper stories, specifically
those about Spanish brutality in Cuba in the late
___ 4. A synonym for rebellion.
___ 5. When insurgents use hit and run tactics, ambushes,
surprise raids, and booby traps to defeat a stronger
opponent. An example would be the Filipino rebels
against the U.S. from 1898-1913.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------___ 6. The update to the Monroe Doctrine, which stated
that the U.S. would serve as the police power of
the Western Hemisphere, keeping any European
power out of Latin America, and allowing the U.S.
to politically dominate the region.
___ 7. The idea that the U.S. should frequently use force
to advance it’s goals in the world, and to take on
a leadership role in the world.
___ 8. The idea that the U.S. should invest heavily invest
in business and banks in Latin America to influence
the region, instead of using force all the time.
___ 9. The idea that U.S. foreign policy should promote
human rights justice, and that our interventions in
the world should always be to promote these things.
___ 10. The.addition to the Cuban constitution that gave
the U.S. the right to intervene to “preserve order” in
Cuba, and lease naval bases to the U.S.
A. Big Stick Diplomacy
B. Dollar Diplomacy
C. Moral Diplomacy
D. Roosevelt Corollary
E. Platt Amendment
___ 11. The idea that all of China should be open to
free trade for every country, not broken into
sphere’s of influence for only the European
A. Panama Canal
B. Boxer Rebellion
C. Open Door Policy
D. Great White Fleet
E. Annexation
___ 12. The revolt against foreign influence in China
that was led by young angry members of the
Righteous and Harmonious Fists. This violent
movment was put down by an international force
of Westerners.
___ 13. The huge construction project that connected the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through Central America.
___ 14. The group of new impressive warships sent around
The world by Theodore Roosevelt to demonstrate
America’s increased military power.
___ 15. The addition of land to a country, state, or city.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------___ 16. The president who supported “Big Stick”
diplomacy, gained control of the Panama
Canal, and was a hero of the Spanish American
___ 17. The president who wanted to “trade “Dollars
for bullets” in U.S. foreign relations, using
heavy investment to spread U.S. influence.
___ 18. The president who believed the U.S. should
always support human rights and justice in
the world. While this is what he preached, he
did not actually practice this message, since
he used U.S. Troops throughout the world to
protect U.S. interests.
___ 19. The president who ordered an investigation of
the take over of Hawaii by American forces,
and who refused to annex those islands due to
the “flagrant wrong” done to Hawaii.
___ 20. The naval officer who argued that a strong navy
and an overseas empire where critical in the
development of a strong nation.
A. Grover Cleveland
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. William H. Taft
D. Woodrow Wilson
E. Alfred T. Mahan
21. There were many different factors that led to Western Imperialism in the 19th and
early 20th centuries.
Choose 2 of these factors and explain how each helped to cause this New
22. There was a connection between industrial expansion and New Imperialism in the late
19th and 20th centuries.
Did imperialism increase or decrease as a result of industrialization?
Explain why this change occurred.
Read the following statement from former Marine Corps General Smedley D. Butler
and answer the questions provided.
“I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make
Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenue
in. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown
Brothers….I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar
interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras “right” for American Fruit
companies in 1903. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few
23. Based on this quote, which of the following best describes the use of the U.S.
military in foreign affairs?
A. The United States was trying to protect and defend the freedoms of the people in
these places, and used the military to help do it.
B. The United States wanted to promote democracy in these places, and used the
military to overthrow corrupt regimes and promote fair leaders.
C. The United State used the military to force its policies on these places, to ensure
leaders were in place that we could control, and to benefit big business and banks.
D. The United States rarely used its military to accomplish its goals abroad,
preferring to rely on missionaries to spread American morals.
24. Which of the following statements best matches General Butler’s opinion
regarding the influence of big business on U.S. foreign policy?
A. The U.S. government was not heavily influenced by big business, and did not use
the military to promote business interests abroad.
B. The U.S. government was heavily influenced by big business, and used the
military frequently to promote and protect U.S. business interests abroad.
C. The U.S. government was heavily influenced by big business, but did not use the
military to protect and promote these interests.
D. The U.S. government opposes imperialism, but big business uses mercenaries to
accomplish imperialistic goals.
25. Why does General Butler say he could have given Al Capone, America’s most
famous organized criminal, a few hints? What comparison is he making?