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CS30 Lecture 1
How high can you count on your fingers?
I can count to 1023.
This is because the representation you learn as a child is very inefficient.
Ten show the two different ways of saying the number 2.
Then show the number 505. How much is the right-most 5 worth?
How much is the left-most 5 worth?
Why are they worth different amounts?
Because they are in different positions.
So – the key is that even if you see the same number, if you give the different digits
different values, you have different numbers.
For decimal numbers, we have 10 choices of what to put in each digit. That makes the
first digit the 1’s, the next the 10’s, then the 100’s, etc. What is the equation that
specifies the value of the nth bit from the right? 10^n.
Okay, for our fingers (and for binary), we have two position – up or down. So that means
that each position must be worth twice as much as the one to the right of it. The value of
the nth bit from the right is? 2^n.
Computers use binary because of the physical storage. When computers started out, they
used vacuum tubes that were on or off. Now, values are stored on hard drives
magnetically to have a positive or negative charge, DRAM stores values in a capacitor
that is either charged up or drained, and chips store values that flow electricity to 5V or
ground. All of these physical devices store only two choices of values in each space. If
we had some physical structure that could be easily read that stored more values in the
same amount of space, then we could have a computer that operates on other bases. But
this is why everything is in binary.
Okay, so let’s look at some 5 digit numbers. Draw on the board the values 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
Let’s try translating a few numbers from binary to decimal.
Now harder ones:
Now look at this sequence
What is the relationship between the values you calculated?
What do you notice about the pattern in the bits?
What about these numbers in decimal? Each one divides by 10.
The above sequence divided by 2. So, just as taking off a 0 on the right makes a decimal
number divide by 10, taking off a zero on the right of a binary number divides it by 2.
What happens when you add a 0 to the right side of a binary number? Multiply by 2.
Okay, what is this number?
I don’t even want to try to calculate that. It’s annoying, though, because there are often
numbers this long in binary. In fact, this is the number of bits that a traditional integer
has on a 32-bit machine – 32 bits.
What we would like are some representations that are easier to deal with but are also very
easy to translate between them and binary. Decimal is not a good choice.
Octal – base 8
Hexadecimal – base 16
The reason these translate easily is because their bases are powers of 2.
Octal – 8 = 2^3
Hexadecimal – 16 – 2^4
This means that for each octal digital, three binary digits are required to translate. For
hexadecimal, you divide the binary number into sets of 4 digits and translate them.
The above number:
Let’s try some short translations:
Okay, if I have a number
What is that number times 2?
What is the original number divided by 2?
Was the original number even or odd?
odd because the lowest digit was a 1
So what happens to division when we divide an odd number?
It rounds down.
Let’s see if we can apply this to our knowledge of high level languages.
What happens when we divide an odd integer by 2?
Let’s imagine we can store only positive integers in a number. A short integer is 16 bits
long. What is the largest unsigned value that can be stored in 16 bits?
In languages that allow you to operate on unsigned integers, this is the limit.
Now that we have seen how to represent numbers, let’s see how to perform arithmetic.
Try adding a decimal number first:
Then try a binary number
Show how the carries work
Now try multiplication
Base 10:
Almost the same! Note that for binary, each time you add, you add only one of two
things – 0 or the second number. This makes the implementation quite simple, actually.
Now, how do we perform subtraction?
We negate the second number and perform addition
(why make new logic if we can do negation easily)
Okay, then how do we negate the number?
We haven’t shown how to represent negative numbers yet.
The first representation is very human-friendly but does not lead to a good
implementation for addition. Remember – when we add -1 + 5, we want the result to be
4 hopefully using the same addition operation as we already invented for positive
Sign-magnitude representation – reserve the top-most bit to be the sign.
0 means positive, 1 means negative.
Let’s try representing -1 + 4
-1: 10000001
4: 00000100
If we add those two we get:
That is -5. Hmm. That’s not what we wanted. So even though it’s easy for us to read the
binary number in sign-magnitude, it is not conducive to simple hardware implementation.
One’s Complement
The negative number is the same as positive number, but you flip all of the bits
7: 00000111
-7: 11111000
-1: 11111110
4: 00000100
Add those two and get:
Well, that’s closer to what we want, but not exact.
It’s off by one.
Thus, they invented:
Two’s Complement – the most widely used representation
Two negate any number (whether it is positive or negative to start out), flip all of the bits
and add 1.
7: 00000111
-7: 11111001
-1: 11111111
4: 00000100
Add them up:
Hey, that’s 3! Yippee!!!!!
The subtraction logic then becomes very simple – flip all the bits of the second number,
put in an adder, and add 1. Because of a clever adder design, the adding 1 can be done at
the same time, with virtually no additional cost, as the main addition.