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World History
Semester FINAL Study Guide
Muslim Civilizations
1. What are the 5 Pillars of Islam? Daily prayer facing Mecca, Charity to the poor, declaration
of faith, fasting during Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca
2. Who is Muhammad? Last and greatest prophet of Islam, founder of Islam
3. What does Islam mean? Submission to Allah
4. What does Muslim mean? On who has submitted, or a follower of Islam
5. What is the Quran? Holy book of Islam
6. What are the different divisions of Islam? Sunni, Shi’a, and Sufi
7. What were the different Muslim Empires? Ummayyad, Safavid, Abassid, Ottoman
8. What is the Muslim term for God? Allah
9. What are two holy cities in Islam? Mecca and Medina
10. What are 3 major achievements of the Muslim Empires? Numeric System, Algebra,
World Religions
1. Describe the beliefs and rituals of Buddhism? Rebirth, 4 noble truths, 8 fold path, no killing
of any creature
2. What is the central idea of Christianity? One Gad and Jesus is the son of God
3. What is the Torah and who follows it? Holy book of the Jewish faith
4. What religion is considered more of a philosophy than a religion? Confucianism/Buddhism
5. What are 3 key differences between Judaism and Christianity? Jesus son of God, New
6. What are 3 similarities between Buddhism and Confucianism? No clergy, no God, more of
a philosophy
7. What is the significant difference between Hinduism & other major religions of the world?
Hinduism is a polytheistic religion (many gods)
Be prepared to locate and explain why different locations, discussed throughout the
semester, were important. Five (5) will be on the multiple choice test and you will be
responsible for three (3) on the written response portion.
1. Renaissance was a rebirth of what cultures? Classical Greece and Rome
2. Where did the Renaissance begin? Italy
3. How did Humanist scholars differ from medieval thinkers? They focused on more worldly
4. How did the invention of the printing press change life? Spread renaissance ideas much
more quickly, educated reader were exposed to new ideas and places
5. How did Italy’s location make it the starting point of the Renaissance? Center of trade with
the Muslim world
6. What Renaissance ideal did Shakespeare’s work explore? Complexity of the individual
7. What are 3 characteristics of an ideal Renaissance man? Excelled in many subjects,
creative, free thinker
1. How did Martin Luther begin the Protestant Reformation? Nailed 95 thesis to church door in
2. What were indulgences? Paying for pardons for your sins
3. Why did Henry VIII break from the Catholic Church? To divorce Catherine and marry Anne
4. What was the purpose of the Council of Trent? Directed the Catholic Church reforms
5. What was the goal of the Jesuits? Protect and spread the Catholic religion
6. What was the result of the Peace of Augsburg? German princes were allowed to choose
between Catholicism and Lutheranism
7. What is predestination? Idea that God has already determined who is meant for salvation
and nothing can change that
8. Where were Luther’s ideas popular? Germany and Scandinavia
9. What did some Calvinists do to escape religious persecution? Sailed to the Americas